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Plantago, large type probably

large plantain, Planiago

major, small type hare's
foot plantain, P. lagopus, as

in XXV 80; see also XXI 40 314 905001

101, 144, XXII 2, 41, 144,
XXIV 176, XXV 70, 74, 80,
122, 124, 125, 143, 164, 165,
174, XXVI 21, 24-27, 32, 33,
38, 41, 44, 74, 78, 88, 90, 92,
101, 109, 110, 113, 115, 118-
122, 126, 129-131, 136, 137,
141, 153, 158, XXX 76; =
Pomponius Mela, 2,2,21: „La unii traci folosirea vinului este necunoscută; dar [la
ospețe] se aruncă în focurile în jurul cărora se șade semințe al căror miros
provoacă comesenilor o veselie asemănătoare cu beția”.

aron, cuckoo-pint, Arum italicum

I. 6. 7. root fleshy ; 1. 6. 8. has a
stout root and also fibrous
roots : roots not tapering ;
1. 6. 10. cultivation ; 1. 16. 1 0.(?)
flower made of flesh; 7. 2. 1.
propagation ; 7. 9. 4. root described
; 7. 12. 2. root and leaves
edible : use in surgery : special
treatment to promote growth
of root : one kind inedible (see
SpaKovTLov); 7. 13. 1. leaves described
; 7. 13. 2. no stem or flower
drakontion, edderwort, Dracunculus
7. 12. 2. an inedible and poisonous
kind of aron ; 9. 20. 3. medicinal
use: described.

Arum (or aron), (1) cuckoo-pint,

Arurn italicum, (2) edderwort,
Arum dracunculus, VIII 129,
XXIV 142-148; in XIX 96
probably tho Indian lotus,
Nelumbo nucifera .

Anagallis, pimpernel, Anagallis

arvensis, incl. subsp. phoenicea
and caerulea, XXV 144, 166,
XXVI 35, 55, 80, 90, 102,
118, 119, 144
Pseudo-Apuleius FHDR 1, pp. 384-385=#409-410
-nr. 14 herba dracontea dacii adila cuvântul nu figurează
-nr. 67 herba brionia 4,182-183
-nr. 78 herba gramen 4,29,30,31

Chelidonia, great celandine,

Chelidonium majus, VIII 97,
XXV 89, 90, 101, 142, 170,
XXVI 24, 141, 152. The
small type in XXV 89 is
probably Ranunculus ficaria.
Centaurium, centaury, ( 1 ) maius,
Centaurea salonitana or C.
centaurium, XIX 186, XX 52,
XXV 66, 100, 142, XXVI 27,
33, 41, 54, 110, 123, 137, 140,
153; (2) minus, Gentiana
centaurium, XXV 68, 142,
164, XXVI 54, 104, 126, 140,
153, 185???, XXVII 47. See nu am găsit 26,185: cartea 26 are 164 de
also XIX 186, XX 52, XXV paragrafe
33, XXVI 32, XXVII 143.


Dipsacos, teasel, Dipsacus Fullo-

num, XXVII 71.
Labrum Veneris, the teasel, Dipsacus
fullonum, or the wild
teasel, D. silvestris, XXX 24.
Labrum Venerium, XXV 171,
is an unknown river-plant.

f)pvyyioi>, eryngo, Eryngium campestre
6. 1. 3. has spines on the leaves :
a wild under-shrub.

Erynge or eryngium, eryngo,
Eringium campestre, XXI
91, 94, XXII 18-24. Sea pp.227, 231, 307-311
holly, E. maritimum, is
apparently described in XXII
Calamintha Ps-Apuleius p.391=#392

Theophrast elenion Calamintha incana, 2.1.3-vol. 1,p.106; vol.2 6.1.1,p.2; 6.6.2-3,

p.36; 6.7.2-4, pp. 44-46
Heleniura, generic torm for a
numaber of similar plants ; in
XIV 108, elecampane, Inula
helenium; in XXI 59, 159,
probably Thymus incana, but
perhaps Teucrium marum;
applied also to calamint,
Calamintha incana ; identity
uncertain in XV 30, XXVIII 117
Menta, usually water mint,
Mentha aquatica, sometimes
sueh similar species as Satureia
calamintha, XIX 100, 159,
176, 177, XX 44, 80, 147-151,
191, XXI 38, XXII 126,
XXIII 144, XXIV 130,
XXVI 121.
Mentastrum, usually horse mint,
Mentha silvestris, XIV 105,
XIX 123, 159, XX 124, 144-
146, XXV 63.
Nepeta, Satureia calamintha,
especially var. nepeta, XIV
105, XIX 123, 160, XX 158 .

vy.ov (1) (flvVos), Cretan thyme,

Thymbra capitata
1. 12. 2. taste of sap; 3. 1. 3. reproduces
itself without seed;
6. 2. 3. two forms, black and
white : seed inconspicuous ;
6. 2. 4. requires sea-breezes


Thyraum, ( 1 ) garden thyme,

Thymus vulgaris ; (2) Cretan
thvme, Thymbra capitata, XI
34", 38, 39, 242, XIV 111, XIX
92, 186, XXI 56-57, 70. 147,
154-157, XXIII 20, XXIV
81, XXVI 42, 55, XXVII 41.
DFR p. Satureja S hortensis S kitaibellii da

p. 167 Thymus T alpestris da 62 T balcanus = T praecox da 56

T comosus da 59 autohtonă

T dacicus Borb T glabescens da 43 T pannonicus=marschallianus da 42

T pulcherrimus da 58 T pulegioides da 61 T vulgaris nu 19

T zygoides / zygloides da 39

T spp

Suplimentar FLEUR 3 T longicaula nr 55 T bihorensis nr 60

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