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subject: How town planning aspects can help an architect during the designing of a

home plan?
town planning aspects can help an architect when designing a house plan by local
town planning regulations. These general town planning rules relate in particular to:

• the location and access to buildings (taking into account safety, sanitation,
noise measurements and roads and various networks);
• the conditions of location and the volume of the buildings;
• the rules relating to the appearance of constructions (in particular to preserve
natural, agricultural or urban sites and landscapes).
• the adaptation, change of destination, repair or extension of existing
• the constructions and installations necessary for farming, for collective
facilities, for the creation of reception areas or for the passage of travellers,
for the implementation of nature reserves and for the realization of
operations of national interest;
• constructions and installations incompatible with the neighborhood of
inhabited areas and the measured extension of existing constructions and
• constructions or installations on the reasoned deliberation of the municipality,
aimed at avoiding a reduction in the population of the municipality as long as
they do not in particular affect the safeguarding of landscapes and natural
spaces as well as health and public safety.
subject: How an Architect contribute to the development of a city?
The contribution of the architect in the planning of a city consists in designing and
planning the urban domain at all scales, from the architecture of a building to that of
an entire city. Therefore, the architect, in the development of a city, ensure to:
- meet the challenges and objectives set out
- respect the inhabitants of each place
- check the compliance of a project with legislation such as the local urban plan
- meet everyone's expectations (place of relaxation, work, life, etc.)
- find the personality of the place
- take into account urban planning and all the elements
- ensure the quality of the project and the team that will carry it out
- check the proper integration and harmonization of the project with the existing
urban environment
- find out about the urban planning standards in force
- participate in the creation of territorial planning and sustainable development
- participate in the creation of territorial planning and sustainable development

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