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Class 7 16th December,2020


1.) Complete the chart. Dopolni tabelo.

Present Simple Present Continuous Past Simple

+she likes skiing. +→ +She liked skiing.
- She doesn't like skiing. -→ -She didn’t like skiing.
?does she like skiing? ?→ ? Did she like skiing?

+you travel by train. +You are travelling by train. +You travelled by train.
-you don’t travel by train -You aren’t travelling by train. -You didn’t travel by train.
?do you travel by train? ? Are you travelling by train? ? Did you travel by train?

+I clean my room. +I am cleaning my room. +I cleaned my room.

-I don’t clean my room. -I am not cleaning my room. -I didn’t clean my room.
?do I clean my room? ? Am I cleaning my room? ? Did I clean my room?

+ They wait for the bus. +They are waiting for the bus. +They waited for the bus.
-they don’t wait for the bus. -They aren’t waiting for the -They didn’t wait for the bus.
?do thay wait for the bus? bus. ?Did they wait for the bus?
? Are they waiting for the bus?
+Carl and Tom watch the +Carl and Tom are watching +Carl and Tom watched the
movie. the movie. movie.
-Carl and Tom don’t watch -Carl and Tom aren’t watching -Carl and Tom didn’t watch
the movie. the movie. the movie.
? Do Carl and Tom watch the ? Are Carl and Tom watching ? Did Carl and Tom watch the
movie? the movie? movie?
+we use the projector. +We are using the projector. +We used the projector.
-we don’t use the projector. -We aren’t using the -We didn’t use the projector.
?do we use the projector? projector. ? Did we use the projector?
?We aren’t using the
+ They walk through the park. +They are walking through +They walked through the
-They don’t walk through the the park. park.
park. -They aren’t walking… -They didn’t walk…
? Do they walk through the ? Are they walking…? ?Did they walk…?

2.) Naredi vprašanja tako, da bo odgovor odebeljena beseda v stavku.

a) Polly is making breakfast.

b) Tim is 14 years old.
c) Tom and Sue live in Panama City.
d) They played tennis.
e) Sally has got Math on Tuesdays.
f) Jed wanted to go to Canada.
g) My teacher is watching me.
h) My mother is cooking lunch.
i) My father is watching Who Wants to Be A Millionaire.
Class 7 16th December,2020

j) Anna is having an ice cream.

k) I usually have toast for breakfast.
l) They arrived at 9pm.

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