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Data & Process Distribution (Central vs Distributed

incl. Parallel Processing)

In software architecture, data and process distribution refers to the way in which data and
computational tasks are organized and executed within a system. It involves making decisions about
how to store and process data, and how to distribute the processing across different components or
nodes in a system. Two key approaches to data and process distribution are centralization and
distribution, each with its own variations such as parallel processing.

Centralized Data & Process Distribution:

In a centralized architecture, data and processes are concentrated in a single location or node. This
means that all data is stored and managed in a central repository or database, and all computational
tasks are executed on a single processing unit or server. This approach simplifies system
management and ensures data consistency since there is a single source of truth. However, it can
also become a performance bottleneck and limit scalability, as a single server may not be able to
handle large volumes of data or process tasks efficiently.

Distributed Data & Process Distribution:

Distributed architecture involves spreading data and computational tasks across multiple nodes or
servers. This can be done for reasons such as scalability, fault tolerance, or performance
improvement. In a distributed system, data is partitioned and stored across multiple databases or
nodes, and tasks are distributed among different processing units. This allows for parallel execution
of tasks, enabling higher performance and the ability to handle larger workloads. Distributed
systems can be designed with various levels of distribution, from small clusters to large-scale
networks of interconnected nodes.

a. Parallel Processing:

Parallel processing is a technique used in distributed systems to execute multiple computational

tasks simultaneously. Instead of a sequential execution model, where tasks are processed one after
the other, parallel processing allows for concurrent execution. This is achieved by dividing a task into
sub-tasks that can be executed independently on different processing units. By harnessing the
power of multiple processors or servers, parallel processing can significantly improve performance
and reduce processing time for complex tasks.

Distributed architectures, including parallel processing, offer several advantages such as improved
scalability, fault tolerance, and performance. However, they also introduce challenges related to
data consistency, coordination, and communication between distributed components. Careful
design and implementation considerations are necessary to ensure data integrity, efficient resource
utilization, and effective coordination among distributed components.

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