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In today’s market, the inmense variety of products makes it difficult for the brands to
stand out. Due to this reason, numerous techniques have been created in order to
increase sales and improve the company’s image. One of these techinques is packaging,
which will be the object of study of this document.

What is packaging?
Packaging is the process of designing and producing the container for a product. Its
main function is to protect the item during transportation, distribution, storage and
consumption. However, in a market as competitive as the current one, packaging is not
only a support for the product, but also for the brand.

Firstly, it is important to differentiate between “packing” and “packaging”. The first

term refers to a part in the process of packaging responsible for preserving and covering
up the item. It protects the product from any damage and prepare it for storage,
transportation, handling and delivery. While, “packaging” is the whole process of
creating that container, including also all branding aspects.
For most experts in communication, packaging is considered a marketing tool. Some
professional marketers use the term ‘silent salesman’ to refer to it as it convinces
customers to make a product choice among a wide range of other similar ones.

According to a study carried out by the market research institute Gfk in Germany, 70%
of purchase decisions are made inside the establishment. A good part of them, 40%, are
spontaneous and had not been planned. This shows the importance of a good packaging
to draw consumers’ attention and determine their buy. Not only that, it must
communicate the brand identity and position it. This is when packaging and marketing
come together.

To understand better this relationship between marketing and packaging, it is necessary

to explain what exactly means marketing. It is the process of attracting an audience, not
only by selling them your products, but also by creating lasting relationships and
positioning the brand in the public consicousness. It involves market research,
advertising, selling, distributing and customer acquisition and retention. It is the key to
an organization’s success, regardless of the size. There are many types of marketing
such as internet marketing, traditional advertising, influencer marketing, etc.

Therefore, packaging is a communicative element and for this reason, it must meet
some requirements. First, the item must be perceived by the consumer and once this has
happened, it must be distinguishable in a context saturated with products. It is essential
that the consumer easily associate the container with the content. Besides, the positive
qualities and values that the brand sells need to be communicated, for example, quality,
safety or luxury. Another requirement is to inform the consumer clearly and completely
with all the mandatory and promotional information. Finally, it is fundamentantal that
the packaging attracts consumer’s attention and encourage their purchase.

History of packaging
First packings appeared more than 10,000 years ago to contain all the goods necessary
for survival, as water or food. In 1885, William Lever was the pioneer of this new form
of marketing by packaging its soap, giving personality to his product and differentiating
it from its competitors. Between 1920 and 1950, more than half of the products started
to be contain in order to protect them. During the 1960s and 1970s, packing began to
inform and sell. From 1980, products started to be identified with a brand. But
packaging really developed after the Second World War, when the autoservice emerged
and the figure of the seller disappeared. Therefore, since then, packaging has become
the new seller of a product that struggles to stand out in a market full of competitors.

Packaging elements
Within the communicative elements of a packaging there are two categories: visual
elements and verbal elements. The first one has to do with all the components that
capture consumer’s attention and helps them make a decision in little time. However,
the second one includes all the detailed information about the product and therefore, it
takes longer for the consumer to make a choice.

Visual elemens
The most important visual elements are graphics, materials, size and shape.

Graphics comprises of image layout, color combination, typography and photography.
The way all these components are organized may create a unique packaging that stands
out on the shelf. If used properly, it will become an identifier for the brand utility and
quality of the product.

The colors used are responsible for attracting shopper’s attention and having an
emotional effect on them. Package colors should communicate the features and
intangible attributes of the brand. Some designers say consumers posses color
vocabulary so they expect certain type of colors for particular products. Color
perceptions vary across cultures, so it is important to take into account the colors that
match with the the product category in each place. In many cases, brands have some
color ownership that represents them and makes it difficult for other brands to have the
same look.

Typography is the delivery system for the literal message on the package. The font
should support the message you are trying to communicate as it portrays the brand
identity and personality. It needs to be attractive, exciting, distintive, easy and
understandable to read.

Another important element are images. Many consumers use packaging pictures to
check the quality of a product, mainly if it is unfamiliar for them. From that image,
consumers form and opinion about how a product looks, tastes or smell. But also, a
picture can transfer to consumers’ memory. A well-produced product image is easy to
be remembered and recalled with no effort.

The package material must also be taken into account as it plays a crucial role in
consumer’s purchase decision. Some materials are associated with certain essential
values of the product.
When deciding what material to choose there are some critical factors to take into
account, apart from the desing and branding of a package, such as how the product is
going to be sold, where it will be distributed, the transportation, budget, and
sustainability issues.
Some common materials used today are plastic, paper, paperboard or glass. However,
packaging is responsible for much of the waste we generate. For this reason and due to
the increase in social awareness about reducing the environmental impact, new
materials have appeared, like compostable, corrugated or cellulose packaging.

Size and shape

The last visual elements are size and shape. Both can contribute significantly to
consumer’s behaviour towards the product.

Shape can be the most unique identifier for your product packaging. The shape should
be distint, unique and instantly recognizable.

Size depends on the packaged product. Many brands constantly try to increase the size
of their packaging while the net weight of the product inside stays the same or reduce.
This is done in order to take up a lot of space in the self. Besides, when consumers don’t
have much information about a product, usually, they tend to resort to weight in order to
determine its quality, it gives the consumer a sense of value when they buy it.

Informational elements
An essential packaging function is to communicate all the product information, which
can help consumers when making their final decision. Contrary to visual elements,
buyers have to spend more time reading and understanding all the information, and after
that, they decide whether to buy it or not. Its function is not only to inform, but also to
educate and promote the product. Nonetheless, it is key to have a balance amount of text
and words in the packages.

Labels are informational elements about the product which also attract consumer’s
attention. They contain all the product description and characteristics. Nowadays,
shoppers are paying more attention to labels due to the tendency to healthy and nutrition

Taking everything into account, there is no doubt that packaging plays a crucial role in
customer’s choices and therefore, in sales. Due to this reason, it is essential for every
company, no matter the size, to have a good packaging for their products that draws
consumer’s attention through all the elements mentioned above, such as images,
typography, colors, etc.

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