Monitoring Report Week 5

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Second Semester A.Y. 2022 - 2023

Dates/Schedule Activities

Preparing my Lesson Plan
27, 2023
Talk with Sir. Pardillo, Doing the
March 28,
Monitoring Report
Date: Giving Test on Grade 8 about electricity,
Week 3 March 29, Discussed the Types of Chemicals for
2023 Cleaning and Sanitizing
Date:March Discussed on students about the Types
30, 2023 of Chemicals for Cleaning and
Problems Met, Attending the program
March 31,
about Teach for the Philippines

March 27 was our Week 5 of our internship journey. I arrived at 7:00 AM in the morning
at Domingo Lacson National High School. I only walked on the road because it was early, while
I was walking miss Elaine was sees me so she said that I will join in her car. After that she gave
me the key of the classroom and then we clean the room we put some floor wax and arranged
all the tables and chairs because the civil service exam held on our room. After that we proceed
to her advisory class. Every Monday was their HGP or homeroom guidance so they did not
conduct a class, they only discussed their problems on their other subjects and etc. After that
we have no class because every Monday we have a vacant class from 8:30 AM -2:00 PM. So I
decided to do my task, to do my lesson plan and other paper works that I didn't finish. On the
afternoon my critic teacher checked my lesson plan and then she gave me idea and
recommendations to improve it. After that we go to Grade 7 our last period class, we gave them
opportunity to copy their module so that they have a background of our topic.

March 28, was our Day 2 of Week 5 on our internship journey. I came to school at 7:20
AM and we go to Grade 8 the advisory class of my critic teacher. She discussed about the
different electrical symbols. After that she give a test to the students after their class. I asked my
critic teacher if it is okay that I will go to CHMSU because Sir Pardillo told us that he need to talk
to us about our grades to his subject because he didn't already give us grades while other has.
So we go to CHMSU at 9 AM together with my classmates and talk to Sir Pardillo. After that on
the afternoon I go to the library to make my monitoring report so that my critic teacher could sign
it because she said to me that she is not available on Thursday.

March 29, Wednesday was the 3rd day of Week 5 on our internship journey. I arrived at
Domingo Lacson National High School at 7:10 in the morning after that my critic teacher
assigned me to give the test to her advisory class on grade 8. After I gave the test I told them
that they will write their attendance so that I can gave it to my critic teacher. I allowed them to
answer the test for 30 minutes because the time was shortened and their schedule was only 30
minutes per class, because they have a program on the afternoon. After that my critic teacher
told me that I will guard the Grade 9 students because she has an important thing to do, So I
followed her instructions to guard the students and get their attendance. After that I conduct a
class to grade 7 about The Types of Chemicals for Cleaning and Sanitizing.

March 30, Thursday was the 4th day of Week 5 on our internship journey, I arrived at
Domingo Lacson National High School at 7:10 in the morning because today my critic teacher
was absent because she has an important things to do. So she assigned to handle her class

OCTOBER 20, 2020
she gave me a task to give to her students. On first period class I gave a test to grade 8 her
advisory class, I told them that they will continue answering their test. After that on 2nd period
was the Grade 9, my critic teacher assigned me that I will need to write down their recipe and
their plan on what they will cook next week. On the 3rd and 4th period of classes are the grade
9 again and the same task that I gave to them. After that was our lunch break. On the afternoon
1st period of class was our lunch break. On the afternoon 1st period of class was our vacant
and I take a nap and rest a little bit. After that on 2:00 PM was the last period of class on the
afternoon, so I discuss them the topic about the Types of Chemicals for Cleaning and
Sanitizing. I allowed them to copy so that they can review the topic. After that I go to the Grade
8 the advisory class of my critic teacher, I checked them if they clean the classroom and close
the electric fans and the lights. After that I also lock the other room and check all the lights and
fan if it is closed.

March 31 Friday, was the 5th day of the week 5 of our internship journey. I arrived at
CHMSU at 8:30 in the morning because there is a program or guest about the Teach for the
Philippines. The 3 speakers was discussed about the application of the teach for the philippines.
They also share their experiences about teaching children. After that on the afternoon was our
Problem's Met. Doc Medie and my classmates discussed about their problems on their school,
their critic teacher and their students. Doc Medie also gives us advice on what we need to do to
solve those problems. After that Doc Medie, signed our DTR and checked our monitoring report.


OCTOBER 20, 2020
(present daily evidences)

March 27, 2023 – March 31, 2023

OCTOBER 20, 2020
OCTOBER 20, 2020

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