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First Assignment – 2 pages

 Review the datasets provided.

 Construct a research question based on one of those datasets.
 Use one independent variable and one dependent variable to conduct your simple logistic
regression analysis.
 Remember that your dependent variable must be dichotomous/binary.
 Think about how you might use the odds ratio in your analysis to simplify the
interpretation of your results.

The Assignment

 Use SPSS to answer the research question you constructed. Write an analysis in APA
format, including title page, references, and an appendix, that includes your data output
and addresses each of the tasks listed above. The content should be 2–3 pages, including
a discussion of whether the predictive relationship is statistically significant and the odds
ratio and what it means. Your SPSS output should be included as an appendix.
 Early in your Assignment, when you relate which dataset you analyzed, please include
the mean of the following variables. If you are using the Afrobarometer Dataset, report
the mean of Q1 (Age). If you are using the General Social Survey Dataset, report the
mean of Age. If you are using the HS Long Survey Dataset, report the mean of X1SES.
See page 1032 in your Warner textbook for an excellent APA-compliant write-up of a
binary logistic regression analysis.

SPSS download instructions are attached: Here is the code.

Version 28 is now the required version of SPSS if you have a Walden-issued laptop.
It is supported on the following Operating Systems:

 Windows 10
 Windows 8
 Windows 7
 OS Big Sur 10.17
 OS Catalina 10.15
 OS Mojave 10.14
 OS High Sierra 10.13
 OS Sierra 10.12

Copy the following code into the "Enter Codes" screen in the SPSS installation wizard


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