Ari Santoso Manalu

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1.1 Research Background

Red onion is one of the leading vegetable commodities

It has been cultivated intensively by farmers for a long time. commodity vegetables

belongs to the group of non-substituted spices which function as

food seasoning and traditional medicine. Demand for shallots

continues to increase in line with the increase in population (Data Center and

Agricultural Information System Ministry of Agriculture, 2015). Shallot (Allium

ascalonicum L.) is one of the staples, but needs

Shallots cannot be avoided by household consumers as

a complement to everyday cooking spices (Fimansyah and Sumarni, 2013). Onion

red (Allium ascalonicum L.) one of the vegetable commodities that has become

national seed besides red chili and potatoes. Shallots are

a strategic commodity because it is needed by the majority of Indonesian people

in everyday life, thereby affecting the macroeconomic and level

inflation (Handayani 2014).

The shallot plant is a short-lived annual plant

which is about 2-3 months, tubers, fibrous roots with the system

shallow roots and scattered branches, at a depth of between 15-20 cm in

in the soil, basically red onion can be used as an ornamental plant

as well as a source of household needs. Therefore shallots can

cultivated in pots/ polybags. Cultivation of red onion plants in

pots/ polybags can also take advantage of yards that tend not to

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so broad. One of the limiting factors for plant growth

cultivated in pots/ polybags is the limited planting medium so

fluctuations in water content and temperature are quite high (Paksi, 2019). Meanwhile onions

red is a plant that has shallow and weak roots, and is old

short. Therefore deep cultivation must use a growing medium


Planting media is one of the environmental factors that play a very important role

important in the process of plant growth (Hayati, et al., 2012). Growing media

must have the appropriate physical, chemical and biological properties

plant needs. The growth of a plant is also greatly influenced by

availability of water and nutrients. A mixture of several ingredients for the planting medium

must produce a suitable structure because each type of media has

different effects on plants. The planting medium that will be used must:

depending on the type of plant to be planted. In general, deep

determine the right planting medium, the planting media must be able to maintain

moisture area around the roots, provide enough air, and can withstand

nutrient availability (Dalimoenthe, 2013)

Organic planting media besides manure include husks

burn. Baked husks are a planting medium that can be used for

planting shallots because of their loose structure, well-drained, and

well aerated. Loose growing media with good drainage and aeration

makes it easier for roots to absorb nutrients. Chaff charcoal is porous, light,

not dirty and enough to hold water. Husk charcoal can also be used

as a type of fertilizer and planting medium in nurseries. This is because of the rice husk

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has the ability to absorb and store water as a reserve

food (Rahayu, et al., 2012). Husk charcoal is porous, light, not dirty,

However, it has the ability to absorb low water and low porosity

Good. This property is advantageous when used as a planting medium because

support the improvement of soil structure (Septiani, 2012).

The planting medium from organic materials that can be used is husk charcoal

rice and chicken manure. Manure is one of the fertilizers

good organic for plants The addition of organic matter such as fertilizer

cage into the soil can improve soil aggregation so as to be able

increasing the number of soil pores and expanding the reach of roots so that

nutrient absorption becomes easier (Marlina, et al., 2015).

Provision of biological fertilizers can increase the availability of nutrients in

in growing medium. One of the biological fertilizers that can be given to plants

is liquid organic fertilizer EM4 (Effective Microorganism 4). Use of EM4

can increase the production of shallots and maintain balance

nutrients in the soil. EM4 (Effective Microorganism 4) is also good for the environment

because it does not cause environmental pollution as well as provide

soil microorganisms.

1.2 Research Objectives

This study aims to study the effect of media composition

plant a mixture of soil, rice husk charcoal and chicken manure as well

effect of EM4 (Effective Microorganism 4) concentration on growth

red onion and to get the best treatment.

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1.3 Research Hypothesis

1. There is an effect of the composition of the growing media on growth and production

red onion (Allium ascalonicum L.).

2. There is an effect of the concentration of EM4 (Effective Microorganism 4) on

growth and production of red onion (Allium ascalonicum L.).

3. There is an interaction effect of the composition of the planting medium and the concentration of EM4

on the growth and production of shallot (Allium ascalonicum


1.4 Purpose of Research

1. As a thesis preparation material to fulfill the requirements in

took the undergraduate exam at the Faculty of Agriculture, University of HKBP

Nommensen Medan.

2. As useful information for the cultivation of shallots (Allium

ascalonicum L.) for all those who need it for agriculture

in the future.

3. To obtain a combination of planting media and manure doses

chickens with EM4 biological fertilizer (Effective Microorganism 4)

optimum for the growth and production of onion plants

red (Allium ascalonicum L.).

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2.1 Shallot Plants (Allium ascalonicum L.)

2.1.1 Botany and Morphology

Onion plants are classified as follows, Kingdom:

Plantae; Division: Spermatophyta, Class; Monocotyledoneae, Order: Liliales; Family:

Liliaceae; Genus: Allium; Species: Allium ascalonicum L. Onion

including short-lived and clump-shaped annual plant species. Tall

Plants range from 15-50 cm, pseudo-upright stems, short fibrous roots

growing around the soil surface, and shallow roots (Ningsih,


Shallots are annual plants in the form of grass,

short-stemmed and fibrous roots, can reach 15-20 cm high

form clumps. The roots are in the form of fibrous roots that are not long. Form

the leaves of the shallot plant are like pipes, which are small round elongated between 50-

70 cm, perforated, tapered ends, light green to green

old and the location of the leaves attached to the stem which is relatively short in size. Base

the leaves can change functions such as tubers (Hapsoh and Yaya

Hasana, 2011).

Red onion is an annual plant with a tuber shape

layered, the base of the leaves unite to form a pseudo stem that is in the ground

and roots change shape and function to tubers. When split

longitudinally the shallot bulb consists of leaf scales, the buds of which

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produces the growing point of the plant, the corm which is the diameter of the stem, and

adventitious roots as fibrous roots that are below (Suwandi, 2014).

Onion plants have fibrous roots with a shallow root system

and scattered branches, at a depth of between 15-20 cm in the soil. Amount

Onion plant roots can reach 20-200 roots. Diameter 5

varies between 5-2 mm. Branch roots grow and form between 3-5 roots

(Dewi, 2012).

Onion plants have true stems or can also be called "discus"

disc-shaped, thin and short, as a place to attach roots

and the eye of the bud (growing point), above the disc there is an arranged pseudostem

from leaf sheaths and pseudo stems that are in the ground change

shape and function of tubers. Chives are small and cylindrical in shape

elongated between 50-70 cm, number of leaves 14-50 like a pipe (small round

elongated), perforated, tapered ends, dark green color, and location

the leaves are attached to relatively short stalks (Hidayat, et al., 2014).

2.1.2 Growth Requirements

Red onion plants are suitable for cultivation in the lowlands

and highlands (0-1,000 m asl), but will grow optimally at

altitude 0-450 masl. Onion farming can be done on land

rice fields or dry land. But it should be done on dry land or moor.

Soil pH needed by shallot plants to grow optimally

is 5.6 to 6.5. Onion plants need light intensity

the maximum, it takes 70%, and is not protected by the plants that are on

surrounding. The optimal air temperature needed is 25–32°C. Onion plant

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Red requires a crumbly, medium to loamy, well-aerated soil

and contain enough organic matter. The type of soil that is suitable is the land

alluvial or its combination with humus or latosol glei soil (Sugiartini, et al.,

2016). According to Abadi, et al., (2014), the best temperature for cultivation

shallots is between 25-32 °C. If the onion plants are planted on

temperature of 22°C, it will be difficult for the plants to form bulbs or even unable to form tubers.

2.2 The Effect of Planting Media Composition on the Growth of Shallot


Growing media has a function to support plants, provide

nutrients and provide a place for plant roots to grow and

develop. Through the growing medium the plants get most of it

nutrition. For cultivating plants in pots or polybags, planting media

made as a substitute for land. Therefore, it must be able to replace the function

soil for plants.

A good planting medium must have physical, chemical and biological properties

according to the needs of the plant. In general, a good growing medium

must have the following conditions:

Able to provide growing space for plant roots, as well as

able to support plants. That is, the planting medium must be loose

so that plant roots can grow well and perfectly, but still

solid enough to hold the roots and support the stems so they don't collapse.

If the media is too loose, root growth will be free

the plant will be uprooted too easily. On the other hand, if it is too dense,

root will difficulty For grow.

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It has good porosity, meaning it can store water at the same time

Has drainage (ability to drain water) and aeration

(ability to carry oxygen) is good. The planting medium must be able to

retain soil moisture but must be able to dispose

Too much water. Porous planting media has an empty cavity between

the material. But on the other hand these cavities must be able to absorb

water (hygroscopic) to store as a reserve and maintain


Provide sufficient nutrients both macro and micro. Element

Nutrients are very important for plant growth. These nutrients can

provided by fertilizers or the activity of microorganisms present in

growing media.

Does not contain disease germs, planting media must be clean from pests

and illness. Pests and diseases contained in the planting medium

can attack plants and cause plant death.

(Andayani, 2019).

Chaff charcoal is rice husk that has been burned by burning

not perfect. How to make it can be done by roasting or

burning (Supriati and Herliana, 2011). The husk charcoal contains 0.32% N, P

15%, K 31%, Ca 0.95%, Fe 180 ppm, Mn ppm and Zn 14.1 ppm (Fahmi, 2016).

Rice husk charcoal is light, not dirty, porous and has the ability to

absorb water and good porosity. The properties of rice husk charcoal

able to provide benefits if used as a planting medium because

support the improvement of soil structure (Septiani, 2012). Husk charcoal media

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is a planting medium that is practically used because it is not necessary

sterilized. This is because the pathogenic microbes have died during the process

burning. The addition of husk charcoal as a mixture of planting media or when

cultivating agricultural land also has a major contribution to plants (Kartika 2016).

In addition to this, husk charcoal also has a high water holding capacity,

crumbly textured, air cycle and high CEC, and can absorb light

sun effectively (Soemeinaboedhy and Tejowulan, 2007).

Manure as a raw material for humus is needed for

improve soil conditions, so that the soil structure becomes better, easier

treated , creating conditions of good aeration and oxygen content in the soil

be increasing. Add manure to the soil as well

increase the absorption capacity of the soil for water, so that nutrients in the soil

will be dissolved and more easily absorbed by plant roots. On the other hand fertilizer

The cage contains many microorganisms that can help

forming humus in the soil and synthesizing certain compounds

which is beneficial for plants.

Chicken manure contains nutrients of C-organic 12.23%,

N-total 1.77%, P2O5 27.45 (mg/100 g) and K2O 3.21 (mg/100 g) (Tufaila, et al., 2014).

According to Pangaribuan, et al., (2012), chicken manure contains

nutrients N, P and K which are more than livestock manure

others because solid manure in poultry is mixed with manure

the liquid. The average amount of chicken manure that is usually given in

Indonesia ranges from 20-30 tonnes/ha. The use of chicken manure works for

improve soil physical properties such as soil structure is more friable and raises

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soil absorption of water. Manure also serves to improve

soil chemical properties such as increasing the nutrient content in the soil and

increase soil pH and can improve soil biological properties such as

increase microorganisms in the soil.

Adding organic matter (chicken manure) to the soil can

increase the content of organic matter and nutrients, this is because the more

the more doses of manure given, the N contained in

more and more manure is accepted by the soil. Rosliani's research results,

et al., (2014) media of husk charcoal, compost (cow dung) and soil (1:1:1)

is the most ideal media composition for producing onion bulbs

red, namely with a fresh tuber weight of 3-4 g per tuber.

2.3 Utilization of Effective Microorganism 4 (EM4) Biofertilizer in

Cultivation of Onion Plants.

The composition of Effective Microorganisms (EM4) is listed in Table 1,

while the nutrient content is listed in Table 2 (PT Songgolangit

Persada, 2011):

Table 1. Composition of Effective Microorganisms4 (EM4)

Type of Bacteria Number (cells/ml)
Total plate Count 2.8 x10 Phosphate
Solubilizing Bacteria 3.4 x 10 5
Lactobacillus 3.0 x 10 5
Yeast 3
1.95 x 10
E. Coli Salmonella 0000

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Table 2. Nutrient Content of Effective Microorganisms (EM4)

Content of C-Organic Amount
Nutrients 1.88 % w/w
Nitrogen 0.68 % w/w
136.78 ppm
P2O5 K2O 8403.70 ppm
Aluminum, Al < 0.01 ppm
Calcium, Ca 3062.29 ppm
Copper, Cu 1.14 ppm
Iron, Fe 129.38 ppm
Magnesium, Mg 401.58 ppm
Manganese, Mn 4.00 ppm
Sodium, Na 145.68 ppm
Nickel, Ni < 0.05 ppm
Zinc, Zn 1.39 ppm
Boron, B < 0.0002 ppm
Chloride, Cl 2429.54 ppm
pH 3.73

Effective Microorganism 4 or better known as EM4 is a liquid

which contains a mixture of several beneficial and useful living microorganisms

for the decomposition process and the supply of soil nutrients. Effective solution

Microorganism was first discovered by Prof. Dr. Teruo Higa from the University

Rykyus Japan. solution containing microorganisms fermentation around 80

genus. Most of the microorganisms contained in EM4 are bacteria

photosynthetic (Rhodopseudomonas sp.), lactic acid bacteria (Lactobacillus sp.), yeast and

Actinomycetes sp. (Indriani, 2011).

Effective Microorganism (EM4) is a mixed culture of

beneficial microorganisms for plant growth

used as an inoculant to increase diversity and population

microorganisms (Rahman, et al., 2014).

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The content of the main microorganisms in EM-4, namely (Muhamad and Rizal,


1. Photosynthetic Bacteria (Rhodopseudomonas sp.) These bacteria are independent and

self-sufficient, forming useful compounds (among others, amino acids,

nucleic acids, bioactive substances and sugars that all function

accelerating growth) from the secretion of plant roots, organic matter

and harmful gases with sunlight and geothermal as

energy sources. The results of this metabolism can be directly absorbed by plants and

serves as a substrate for other microorganisms so that the number

keep growing

2. Lactic acid bacteria ( Lactobacillus sp.) Can cause infertility

( sterilizer) harmful microorganisms, therefore these bacteria

can suppress growth; increase the speed of overhaul

organic matter; destroy organic materials such as lignin and cellulose

and ferment it without causing toxic compounds

arising from the decomposition of organic matter These bacteria can suppress

growth of fusarium, i.e. harmful microorganisms which

cause disease in land/plants that are continuously cultivated.

3. Yeast (Saccharomyces sp) Through a fermentation process, yeast

produce beneficial compounds for plant growth from acids

amino acids and sugars secreted by photosynthetic bacteria or materials

organic matter and plant roots. Yeast also produces bioactive substances

such as 19 hormones and enzymes to increase the number of active cells and

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root development. Yeast Secretion is a good substrate for acidic bacteria

lactate and Actinomycetes.

4. Actinomycetes produce antimicrobial substances from amino acids

produced by photosynthetic bacteria. These anti-microbial substances suppress

growth of fungi and bacteria. Actinomycetes coexist

with photosynthetic bacteria together to improve environmental quality

soil by increasing the antimicrobial activity of the soil.

5. Fermented Mushrooms (Aspergillus and Penicillium) Fermented Mushrooms

rapidly decomposes materials to produce alcohols, esters and substances

anti-microbial. The growth of this fungus helps remove odors and

preventing the invasion of harmful insects and caterpillars by means of

eliminating food supply. Each species of microorganism

Each has its own function but the most important is bacteria

photosynthetic which is the most important executor of EM activities. this bacteria

besides supporting the activities of other microorganisms, it also

use substances produced by other microorganisms.

The use of EM4 will be more efficient if it is added first

organic matter in the form of organic fertilizer into the soil. EM4 will

accelerate the fermentation of organic matter so that the nutrients contained

absorbed and available to plants. In Rahmah's research, et al., (2013)

stated that giving EM4 significantly increased the wet weight of tubers per plot and

tuber dry weight per plot, where the highest yield was obtained in the EM4 treatment

with a concentration of 7 cc/l water. Interaction of chicken manure and EM4 treatment

also significantly increased tuber wet weight per plot, tuber dry weight per plot

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and the number of cloves per sample. Fresh weight of tubers per plot and dry weight of tubers

the highest per plot obtained in the combination of fertilizer treatment

chicken coop dose of 120 g/plant with EM4 concentration of 7 cc/l water.

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3.1 Place and Time of Research

This research was conducted at the Experimental Garden of the Faculty of Agriculture

HKBP Nommensen University Medan in Simalingkar B Village, District

Lucky Field. The research area is located at an altitude of about 33 meters

above sea level (masl) with soil acidity (pH) of 5.5-6.5 and type

Ultisol soil, loamy sand soil texture (Lumbanraja and Harahap, 2015).

This research was conducted from August to October 2020.

3.2 Materials and Research Tools

The materials used in this study were shallot seeds

Samosir variety (plant description in Appendix Table 23), soil (top soil)

ultisol, chicken manure, EM4, Urea, SP-36, KCl, Dithane M-45 and

Curacron 500EC.

The tools used in the study were: polybags measuring 35 x 40,

buckets, hoes, machetes/knives, handsprayer, wooden stakes, fanfare, banners, tools

stationery, cardboard, calculators, measuring tapes, and analytical balances.

3.3 Research Methods

3.3.1 Experimental design

This study uses a completely randomized design factorial

consists of two treatment factors,

, of
the first factor is the composition of the media (A) consisting

M0 =soil (control).

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M1 = soil + husk charcoal (1:1) + chicken manure 10 tonnes/ha (equivalent

with 25g/ poly bag).

M2 = soil + husk charcoal (1:1) + chicken manure 20 ton/ha (equivalent

with 50g /poly bag).

M3 = soil + husk charcoal (1:1) + chicken manure 30 tonnes/ha (equivalent

with 75g /poly bag).

Factor 2 is the concentration of EM4 (B) consisting of,

E0 = 0 ml/l (control).

E1 = 3.3 ml/liter. (Concentration Recommendations of PT Songgolangit Persada, 2011)

E2 = 6.6 ml/liter.

The recommended concentration for applying EM4 biofertilizer to plants

vegetables is 10 ml/liter (based on what is stated on the fertilizer bottle packaging

life EM4).

The recommended dose for chicken manure is 20 tons/ha

(Djafaruddin, 2015). The dosage per polybag is:

soil weight per ÿ ÿÿÿ soil

= x recommended dose
weight / ha

= 5 kg/ ÿ ÿÿ ÿ
x 20,000 kg/ha
2000000 kg/ha

= 50g /poly bag

The basic dose of urea is 100 kg/ha, SP-36 is 125 kg/ha and KCl is 125 kg/ha (Latarang

and Syakur, 2006). The calculation for the need per polybag is :

Bo bo tt an ah per poly yb ag
Urea fertilizer = x dose

recommended soil weight / ha

5 kg / ÿÿÿÿ
= x 100 kg/ha
2,000,000 kg/ha

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=0.00025 kg

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= 0.25 g/ poly bag

Bo bo t tan ah per polybag ag

SP-36 Fertilizer = x dose

recommended soil weight / ha

= 5 kg / polybag
2,000,000 kg/ha

=0.0003125 kg

=-0.3125g /poly bag

Bo bo t tan ah per polybag ag

Fertilizer KCL = x dose

recommended soil weight / ha

= 5 kg / ÿÿÿÿ
x 125 kg/ha
2,000,000 kg/ha

=0.0003125 kg

= 0.3125 g/ poly bag

Thus, there are 12 treatment combinations, namely:

M0E0 M0E1 M1E0 M3E0 M0E1 M1E1 M2E1 M3E1 M0E2M1E2 M2E2 M3E2

With 3 repetitions, 36 experimental units were obtained. Which

used is a poly bag measuring 35cm x 40 cm. With every combination it consists

from 5 units of polybags , the total number of polybags is 180 units. Distance between

replicate is 70 cm, rarely 50 cm between plots.

3.3.2 Data Analysis Method

Data analysis method used for Randomized Block Design

The factorial is an additive linear method:

Yijk = µ + ÿi + ÿj + (ÿÿ)ij + Kk+ +ÿÿijk


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Yijk = Results of observations on the factors of the composition of the

planting medium level i and EM4 concentration level j in the k group

µ = Middle value

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ÿi = Influence of planting media composition factor level i

ÿj = The influence of the concentration factor of the EM4 biological fertilizer level j

(ÿÿ)ij = Effect of interaction factors on the composition of the planting medium level i and
EM4 biofertilizer factor level j

Kk = The effect of the kth group

ÿÿijk = The effect of error on the composition of the planting medium level I
factor, the jth biological fertilizer concentration factor in the kth group

To determine the effect of the treatment being tried as well

interaction, the experimental data were analyzed using fingerprints

variety. The treatment that had a significant effect was followed by a different test

mean using Duncan's distance test, correlation and regression tests (Malau,


3.4 Research Implementation

3.4.1 Making Husk Charcoal

Husk charcoal is made from rice husk which is a waste product

rice shell.

The tools used include

Cylindrical barrel with a capacity of 20 liters made of zinc plate, where

perforated top and bottom. On the walls of the cylindrical barrel is made

The holes are 0.5 cm in diameter and the distance between the holes is 3 cm

using nails.

Gembor, plastic pail and shovel

The materials used are rice husk and water.

How to make husk charcoal;

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Cylindrical barrels are placed on flat ground, then on the sides

piled rice husks. Cylindrical barrels are given fire by burning paper

and is fed from the top of the hollow cylindrical barrel. fire that

put in a cylinder barrel will burn the rice husks contained in it

cylinder barrel sides. If the rice husk has changed its color from yellow

If it turns brown then watering is done on the rice husk. The goal is that

rice husks do not turn to ashes. The rice husk charcoal is then cooled and

can be used (Surdianto and Sutrisna, 2015).

3.4.2 Making Planting Media

Topsoil is used as a plant medium

air-dried for 2 weeks.

Planting Media Mo

Mo planting medium is made from soil that has been air-dried, then

put in a poly bag until it is filled with 90% volume.

Growing Media M1

The M1 planting medium was made from soil and husk charcoal in a volume ratio

1:1, then add 25 g of chicken manure. Comparison

volume of planting media using a container or bucket by means of 1 bucket of soil,

rice husk charcoal 1 bucket volume of 50 liters and chicken manure 25 g mixed

then put in until filled with 90% volume.

Growing Media M2 and M3

M2 and M3 planting media, made from the same material as M1. The difference

is the dose of manure used. At M2, the dose of manure

used 50 g/ polybag while M3 used 75 g/ polybag.

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3.4.3 EM4 Application

The EM4 application was carried out 3 (three) times, namely in one week

before planting, one week after planting (1 MST) and three weeks after

plant. Application of EM4 treatment was carried out by dissolving it first

EM4 into the water (3.3 ml/liter of water) and put into the gembor, then

applied by watering evenly over the soil surface in

trial poly bag .

3.4.4 Seed Preparation

The shallot seeds used are of the Samosir Onion variety.

Shallot seeds were obtained from shallot farmers in the village

Please. Tubers are cut 1/3 part and smeared with fungicide on the ends

to prevent pests and diseases and seeds left 2 (two) days before moving

plant. The purpose of cutting tubers is to stop the mass

dormancy in the tubers thereby accelerating the germination process.

3.4.5 Basic Fertilizer Application

Basic fertilizer is given by spreading fertilizer on the surface

growing media in polybags. Basic fertilizer is given 1 (one) time for SP

36 (125 kg/ha) and KCl (125 kg/ha) and 2 times for urea fertilizer (100 kg/ha)

(Latarang and Syakur, 2006). Fertilization I given 1 (one) day before planting

and the second fertilizer, specifically for urea, was given at the age of 21 days after planting


3.4.6 Planting

Before planting, the seeds are first doused with water and sprayed

with fungicide Dithane M-45 to prevent disease. Planting is done

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by making a planting hole in the planting medium using

hammer made of wood. Tubers are inserted as much as 2/3 parts into

in the planting hole and closed again, so that 1/3 part appears on

ground level. The seeds planted are 1 (one) seed/ polybag.

Planting the seeds is done in the afternoon so that the onion bulbs are planted

not dry immediately.

3.4.7 Maintenance

Routine maintenance activities carried out are: watering,

replanting, weeding and pest and disease control.

Watering is done in the morning and evening depending on weather conditions. If

If it rains then watering is not done. Embroidery is done for

replace plants that do not grow or die, and embroidery is done

no later than 2 MST. Weeding is done to clean the planting medium

from weeds, done by removing weeds from the planting medium with

using hands. Prevention of pests and diseases is done by means

mechanical i.e. picking pests from plants and removing the plant parts

diseased (damaged) by pests and diseases. Pest control is done by

spraying Curacron 500EC pesticide with a concentration of 1.2 ml/l of water at the time

Plants attacked by pests carried out in the afternoon. For prevention

disease was carried out by spraying Dithane M-45 80WP fungicide with

dose of 2 g/l since 2 weeks after planting every 7 days.

3.4.8 Harvesting

Plants were harvested at the age of 65 days after the plants showed

60% neck signs of plant stems are soft, plants fall and leaves

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yellow. Harvesting is done by removing the leaves of the plant

onions (Wibowo, 2001).

3.5 Research Parameters

3.5.1 Plant Height

Plant height was measured starting from the base of the leaf base

directly related to the tubers that are on the ground surface

with the highest leaves using a ruler. Plant height is measured from

from the age of 2 MST, 4 MST to 6 MST.

3.5.2 Number of Leaves

Calculation of the number of leaves is done by counting the number

shallot plant leaves that appear starting at the age of 2 WAP , 4 MST and

6 P.S.

3.5.3 Number of tillers

This is done by counting the total number of offspring that appear

each clump when the plants are 2 MST, 4 MST and 6 MST.

3.5.4 Number of Tubers

Tubers that have been harvested were counted per plant. Number of tubers

calculated at the time of harvest.

3.5.5 Weight of Fresh Roots

This observation was carried out after the plants were harvested. Tubers cleaned of

adhering dirt, then the leaves are cut about 1 cm above the neck

tubers then tubers were weighed using a scale.


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