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Why family is considered the most important agent of

Family is considered the most important agent of
socialization because since when we were an infant we are
completely “dependent”. It's not considered family without our
parents who is the primary reason why we are here. The family
includes the following members: Parents, Children, and other
family members like our Grandparents. Our parents are the
persons who are responsible for us. As we grow older we are
learning a lot from them. They will teach us everything we need to
know like for example the proper manner, they will teach us how
to read & write. Of course, they will send us to school to learn
furthermore. Parents will provide everything to us (such as
financial, security, love, stability, and many more). They will also
teach us how to interact and behave with someone or with the
rest of the family. One of the big roles of the parents here is to
provide a proper system of values, attitudes, norms, and beliefs.
In this generation having a family is a little bit difficult especially
when you're young and you started to make your own family
because of this pandemic a lot of people is unemployed/jobless
we don’t know how to provide the need of our family members.
That’s why I believe family is the most important agent of
socialization because family gives you unconditional love, care,
and support. No matter what happens your family will be there for
you. Family is love!

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