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Use Computer (Inteligence)

Sub-types: Use Computer is considered a Lore Skill for purposes that target Lore Skills.
Emphases: Cyber-security, Hacking, Data Analysis, Programming.
Description: The day-to-day use of computers and the web is something mundane that no
levels in Use Computer are required. This skill is only required when the character is meaning
serious business. There is four main ways of using it:
The Data Analysis is the more simple form of this skill, used to find information hidden
in the web, to detect manipulation on a file or general investigation work on computers.
The Programming emphasis is to do just that: code your own programs or to
manipulate programs built by others. To write a program, you must first determine what you
want it to do and set a TN for it, with the help of the GM. Most programs will vary from TN 5
for the most simple to TN 50 for the most complicated builds to do, but some might be more
or less complicated, depending on multiple factors. The time necessary to write a program is (1
hour)*(program TN / 5)² hours, divided by the number of participants on the project, if more
than one person is working on it. Add another eight hours of work for each Raise called on the
test. A failure in this test does not mean a start-over. You must spend an additional hour per
point of failure in the original roll before trying again.
The Hacking emphasis is considered a Low Skill and causes Honor loss. It is used to
access networks and computers with no authorization and to, generally speaking, cause
trouble on the web. To hack a system which you have a connection to, first you must
determine the Complexity of the target system’s defense and the Access TN to break in. It can
vary from Complexity 1/Access TN 5 (for a home network with no protection) to Complexity
10/ Access TN 50 (for the Scorpion Clan’s Intelligence network), the base Access TN is always 5
per Complexity level, bar some exceptions. For each success, the Complexity (but not the
Access TN) drops a level. A character can call Raises to drop more levels of the system’s
Complexity with each roll. If the Complexity ever reaches zero, the hacker have access and can
do whatever he wants in the system.
There are complications, though. If the hacker’s roll ever deviates from the Access TN
by 5 or more (either as a success or a failure), he immediately alerts the system’s security to
the invasion, which may take measures to stop him. The hacker might make raises to make the
detection more difficult, increasing the room of deviation he can take on the roll by 5 per two
Cyber-security is the “light-side” of the Hacking emphasis, its antithesis, and is
considered a High Skill. With this, you can try to stop a hacker on his tracks if you detect his
invasion. You may roll your Use Computer (Cyber-security) skill and use the result in place of
the Access TN the hacker needs to meet. You can also call raises on your roll to restore the
Complexity of the system’s defenses, one level per raise. If you ever get the Complexity back at
full value, the hacker must abandon his attempt for the time being.
Mastery Abilities:
 Rank 3: The defense Complexity of a system is lowered/raised by one for you when
you use the Hacking/Cyber-security Emphases, respectively. A second attempt to use
the Programming and Data Analysis Emphases may be made without an increase in the
original TN.
 Rank 5: Using the Hacking/Cyber-security Emphases are Simple Actions for you. You
take 25% less time to use the Programming and Data Analysis Emphases.
 Rank 7: You get a bonus of +5 to the total of any Contested Roll made using the Use
Computer Skill.
 Rank 10: You get a Free Raise for all Use Computer skill rolls.


Drive (Agility)
Mastery Abilities:
 Rank 2:The damage of all unarmed attacks is increased by +1k0.
 Rank 4:Use of Brawling confers a Free Raise toward initiating a grapple.
 Rank 6: You can make attacks as Simple Action when using the Brawling skill.
 Rank 8:The damage of all unarmed attacks is increased by +0k1 (+1k1 total).
 Rank 10: You get a Free Raise for all Brawling skill rolls.


Pilot (Agility)
Mastery Abilities:
 Rank 2:The damage of all unarmed attacks is increased by +1k0.
 Rank 4:Use of Brawling confers a Free Raise toward initiating a grapple.
 Rank 6: You can make attacks as Simple Action when using the Brawling skill.
 Rank 8:The damage of all unarmed attacks is increased by +0k1 (+1k1 total).
 Rank 10: You get a Free Raise for all Brawling skill rolls.

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