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Cyberware is the fusion of man and machine, the combination of biology and technology that
helps people break through the boundaries of what used to be impossible. Cyberware may
take the form of eye or ear implants that provide better sensory reception while also offering
recording capabilities; wires built into someone’s muscle and nervous system that allow them
to act with inhuman speed; armor built into skin; and more.

People with cyberware know a simple truth — what they have generally makes them better,
stronger, and faster than other people, and other people don’t like that. Security types are
especially suspicious since the purpose and capabilities of cyberware aren’t always apparent.
All of which means there are all sorts of laws and restrictions concerning the installation and
use of cyberware augmentations. Most airlines, for example, require travelers to deactivate
their cyberware before they board a plane, and to leave it off for the duration of the flight.
Characters who install cyberware should be aware of the regulations controlling its use and be
prepared to comply with them — or plan to break the rules in ways that draw as little
unwanted attention as possible. Something not always possible, especially in the case of
military-grade augmentations.

There is also a price to be paid - besides the monetary one. Replace too much of a person's
body with artificial material and one's Soul may start to reject it like an infection. For that
reason, more spiritual people - like Monks and Shugenja - almost never adopt extensive
implants, if any at all.


As previously established, there are all kinds of laws and restrictions regarding the use of
cyber-implants. All cosmetic, medical or lifestyle oriented implants are “[i]Unrestricted[/i]” and
thus have the same legal status of a cell phone, music player or computer. On the other hand,
any kind of basic enhancement cyber-implant have a legal status of “[i]Licensed[/i]”, meaning
that it only need a license in the same level of a handgun to be used. This kind of cyberware
have very little vigilance over it, at most requiring its deactivation when boarding passenger
crafts, government buildings or other restricted areas.

The first level of physical attribute cyber-augmentation and advantages specifically tied to
combat – like Hands of Stone and Large – have a legal status of “[i]Restricted[/i]”, meaning that
only law enforcement and agents tied to it, like Yoriki, are allowed to possess it. In restricted or
sensitive areas, the presence of such cyberware is almost always not allowed, requiring
physical removal or system locks by the local security.

The last level of legal cyber-implants is the “[i]Military[/i]”. The users of equipment of this level
have extreme vigilance over them, most of them being tracked at all times by the military
forces of his hierarchy. Such individuals are required to keep these cyberware deactivated and
system-locked at all times while in public areas or while not in mission, are restricted from
using civilian passenger transportation and, in extreme cases like full cybernetic body, are even
considered military hardware themselves, losing all civilian rights. The list of military
cybernetic implants includes every “[i]Restricted[/i]”cyberware of second level or higher, as
well as many specific items.

There is, of course, “[i]Illegal[/i]” cyberware. Usually, these are military-grade implants that got
diverted or whose use became a War Crime, a violation of Human Rights or something like
that. Users of such devices are considered armed and dangerous at all times and all law
enforcement have the order to keep civilians safe and leave the confrontation for the military.
Those criminals are usually confronted by high-specialized anti-cyber-crime teams and killed
on sight.


When a character starts replacing parts of his body with artificial material, his soul becomes
more and more distant, up to a point when it does not recognizes the body as alive anymore
and simply go away. This has dire effects for Shugenja and Monk characters, but everyone
suffers some consequences.

All characters have a new track in his Character Sheet called “[i]Cybernetic Threshold[/i]” (or
“[i]CT[/i]”), composed of five segments, each composed of a number of squares equal to their
Void Ring. For each cybernetic enhancement, one or more squares are marked on the track in
order. Every time a character reaches a threshold, he suffers one of the following

[u]1st Threshold:[/u] Every time a character recovers a Void Point in any way, he recovers one
Void Point less. This effect can reduce the number of Void Point recovered to zero. This means
that a character needs two nights of sleep (or one night of sleep and meditation/tea ceremony
with raises) to fill his Void Point Pool to the maximum.
[u]2nd Threshold:[/u] Minus 1 Void Point in his or hers Void Point Pool, permanently. This does
not actually lower the character’s Void Ring in any way, but it is considered one less for the
purpose of how many Void Points he can have at any one time. A character with access to
spells and kiho suffers -1k0 in all rolls to cast or activate them. Spell caster characters also have
one less Void Spell Slot.
[u]3rd Threshold:[/u] Every time a character spends a Void Point for enhancement, he adds only
half the bonus he should get. If he spends the Void Point to be considered trained in a skill, his
dice can reroll a result of 10 but he does not add the skill to the roll. If the character spends the
Void Point to add +1k1 to the roll, he adds only +1k0 instead. The character also can’t spend
Void Point to exchange places on the Initiative with another character.
[u]4th Threshold:[/u] Minus 2 Void Point in his or hers Void Point Pool, permanently. This does
not actually lower the character’s Void Ring in any way, but it is considered two less for the
purpose of how many Void Points he can have at any one time. A character with access to
spells and kiho suffers -1k1 in all rolls to cast or activate them. Spell caster characters also have
one less spell slot of every element. A character with a Togashi tattoos have to spend a Void
Point to activate any of them. If the tattoo already required Void Points to be used, the
requirements double. These effects don’t stack with the second threshold, but supersede
[u]5th Threshold:[/u] The character gets the Momoku Disadvantage without getting points for
it. If the character had access to spells, kiho, techniques that involves spiritual manipulation of
some sort (like an Asako Henshin) as well as any [Spiritual] Advantage or Disadvantage, he
loses them permanently. For all spiritual purposes, the character is considered a dead body.

[b][i]* Observe that any benefit acquired from Taint or Shadow Ranks are not lost under any


Cybernetic augmentations are represented by a special way a character can spend his XP when
raising his Attributes or buying Advantages. When doing that, the player may choose to declare
his new Attribute level or Advantage a result of cyberware implant. The benefit of doing so is a
discount in the price of such XP investment. The cost of raising or upgrading an Attribute with
cyberware is [b]next Rank x 3[/b] instead of the usual next Rank x 4. For obvious reasons, Void
and Willpower cannot be raised with cyberware.

Almost all [Physical] and [Mental] tagged Advantages can be bought as cyberware by 1 point
less. A character that already gets a discount for an Advantage, like bushi with Strength of the
Earth, Crab samurai with Crab Hands or Scorpion with Dangerous Beauty, [b][u]DO
NOT[/u][/b] apply this discount as well. Another benefit of cyber-advantages is that they can
be bought again, accumulating all bonuses or getting new ones. Obviously, this option has its
own set of consequences. Also, a cybernetic advantage and the equivalent normal advantage
never stack.

All advantages bought as a cybernetic enhancement gain the [Material] keyword, overwriting
the original one, as well as a keyword stating its legal status. The advantages are read as thus:

[b][u]Name of the Advantage/Name of the Cyberware (cost)[/u][/b]

A short description of what it does and its mechanics. If the advantage has no differentiation
from the non-cybernetic version, it will have only a flavor description.
[b]Keywords:[/b] ex.: Material, Unrestricted.
[b]CT:[/b] ex.: +1 (This shows how many points in Cybernetic Threshold must be marked for
the installation of this implant, or how intrusive is the cyber-augmentation. If there is upgrades
from the base advantage, the CT values are [i]added[/i] to figure how many points of the
Cybernetic Threshold are taken.)
[b]Special Rules:[/b] Any special information regarding the cybernetic version of the

[b][u]Absolute Direction / Built-in Compass (0 point)[/u][/b]

It can show north projected in the user’s eye, simply give him a “sense” towards north or any
kind of variation of that.
[b]Keywords:[/b] Material, Unrestricted.
[b]CT:[/b] +1
[b]Special Rules:[/b] None.

[b][u]Absolute Direction lvl 2 / Built-in Compass lvl 2 (1 point)[/u][/b]

By connecting with unrestricted map databases through the internet, the area around the
character is projected in his field of vision.
[b]Keywords:[/b] Material, Unrestricted.
[b]CT:[/b] +0
[b]Special Rules:[/b] None.

[b][u]Absolute Direction lvl 3 / Built-in Compass lvl 3 (3 point)[/u][/b]

The character now has a direct connection to private or law enforcement surveillance
satellites, giving him a live feed of any uncovered area in his vicinity.
[b]Keywords:[/b] Material, Licensed.
[b]CT:[/b] +1
[b]Special Rules:[/b] None.

[b][u]Crab Hands / Weapons Training Memory Chip (2/4/6 points)[/u][/b]

This memory implant gives the character the practical information of basically any existing
weapon he might need to use. The first level gives the character a phantom rank in all weapon
skills. The second level gives him a free emphasis in each weapon skill, decided in the time of
purchase. The third level gives him an additional phantom rank and additional emphasis in
each weapon skill.
[b]Keywords:[/b] Material, Restricted (lvl 1), Military (lvl 2 and 3).
[b]CT:[/b] +1/+0/+0
[b]Special Rules:[/b] None.

[b][u]Crafty / Crime Training Memory Chip (2/4/6 points)[/u][/b]

Extremely illegal – not to mention dishonorable – this memory implant have all training a
criminal, spy or ninja ever wanted. Created by the Scorpion Clan for the Shosuro Infiltrators,
some chips found themselves on the black market and the idea was soon duplicated.
[b]Keywords:[/b] Material, Illegal.
[b]CT:[/b] +1/+0/+0
[b]Special Rules:[/b] Any character buying this chip automatically loses -0.3 Honor Points.

[b][u]Daredevil / Athletic Enhancement (2 points)[/u][/b]

One of the most used lifestyle enhancement, this cyberware changed forever the face of
radical sports. Based on sensorial processors, adrenaline boosters and a slight reflex
enhancement, users of this implant report the sensation of time is slowing down a little for
[b]Keywords:[/b] Material, Unrestricted.
[b]CT:[/b] +1
[b]Special Rules:[/b] If a character had his maximum Void Points reduced (or negated) by his
Cybernetic Threshold, he can still use those Void Points as if they were reserved for this use
only. Those “Virtual Void Points” return with a rate of one per hour of rest.
[b][u]Hands of Stone / Weaponized Limbs (2/4/6 points)[/u][/b]
This turns the character’s limbs into lethal weapons by several ways. Pistons, built-in metal or
blades, kinetic enhancers… It is only limited by your sick imagination. With the first level, a
character can cause lethal damage with your bare hands even if you do not have any points in
Jiujutsu and Reduction is not doubled against your unarmed strikes (this is how Hands of Stone
works in my group. It also cost 3 points less). With each upgrade, your unarmed damage is
raised by +1k0, to a maximum of +2k0.
[b]Keywords:[/b] Material, Restricted (lvl 1), Military (lvl 2 and 3).
[b]CT:[/b] +1/+0/+1
[b]Special Rules:[/b] This implant is clearly visible and is considered extremely dangerous. A
character using this cyberware’s second or third level have the Disturbing Countenance
disadvantage without getting points for it whenever dealing with non-military personnel. He
can spend one point per level of this implant to make it less visible and threatening, removing
the disadvantage but not the visibility of the cyberware.

[b][u]Large / WAA Implant (3/6/9 points)[/u][/b]

The “Walking Artillery Augmentation”, this is one of the most impressive and extensive
implants a person can do, resulting in the creation of a living tank. The subject’s skeleton is
entirely reinforced with a rigid bracing structure, connected by servomotors. The musculature
is also interlaced with reinforcing fibers, giving it a higher upper-level of tolerance to weight.
This structure is controlled by a very precise processor, helping the user in the manipulation of
the greater masses he is now able to carry.

With the first level, the character adds +1k0 to the damage of any Large mellee weapon he
uses and reduce the penalty of using Large weapons with one hand or without the proper
bracing from -3k0 to -1k0 in the Attack Roll (this is how the Large advantage works in my
games). The second and third level both allows the character to consider all weapons one and
two Size Categories smaller, respectively, without losing the bonus to damage.
[b]Keywords:[/b] Material, Military.
[b]CT:[/b] +1/+1/+1
[b]Special Rules:[/b] This implant is clearly visible and is considered extremely dangerous. A
character using this cyberware’s second or third level have the Disturbing Countenance
disadvantage without getting points for it whenever dealing with non-military personnel. He
can spend one point per level of this implant to make it less visible and threatening, removing
the disadvantage but not the visibility of the cyberware.

[b][u]Precise Memory / Memory Recorder (2/4/6 points)[/u][/b]

This implant is nothing more than a recording device connected to the character senses,
transferring the recorded data to a physical or virtual drive of the characters choice. The most
basic models are limited to only sight or hearing and are only playable on exterior devices like
computers or cell phones. The intermediary model allows both previous senses to be recorded
simultaneously and can be played in the user’s own head, overriding his normal sense while
playing. The third level allows the entire human sense spectrum to be recorded and played,
making the whole experience feel exactly as real as the first time. Not surprisingly, more than
one branch of the entertainment industry took advantage of this, selling manufactured
memories that are [i]exactly[/i] like the real life experience... This implant was popular only
until the creation of the brain cyberization process, which offered exactly this and much more.
[b]Keywords:[/b] Material, Unrestricted.
[b]CT:[/b] +1/+0/+0
[b]Special Rules:[/b] A character with a cyberized brain has all the functionalities of the third
level Memory Recorder for free.

[b][u]Quick / ??? (? points)[/u][/b]

[b]Keywords:[/b] Material, ???.
[b]CT:[/b] +?
[b]Special Rules:[/b] ???.

[b][u]Quick Healer / ??? (? points)[/u][/b]

[b]Keywords:[/b] Material, ???.
[b]CT:[/b] +?
[b]Special Rules:[/b] ???.

[b][u]Sage / ??? (? points)[/u][/b]

[b]Keywords:[/b] Material, ???.
[b]CT:[/b] +?
[b]Special Rules:[/b] ???.

[b][u]Silent / ??? (? points)[/u][/b]

[b]Keywords:[/b] Material, ???.
[b]CT:[/b] +?
[b]Special Rules:[/b] ???.

[b][u]Soul of Artistry / ??? (? points)[/u][/b]

[b]Keywords:[/b] Material, ???.
[b]CT:[/b] +?
[b]Special Rules:[/b] ???.

[b][u]Strength of the Earth / ??? (? points)[/u][/b]

[b]Keywords:[/b] Material, ???.
[b]CT:[/b] +?
[b]Special Rules:[/b] ???.

[b][u]Voice / ??? (? points)[/u][/b]

[b]Keywords:[/b] Material, ???.
[b]CT:[/b] +?
[b]Special Rules:[/b] ???.

[b][u]Wary / ??? (? points)[/u][/b]

[b]Keywords:[/b] Material, ???.
[b]CT:[/b] +?
[b]Special Rules:[/b] ???.

[b][u]??? / ??? (? points)[/u][/b]

[b]Keywords:[/b] Material, ???.
[b]CT:[/b] +?
[b]Special Rules:[/b] ???.

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