Global Success Vocab Unit 1

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New Vocabularies Examples
treatment (n.) + for 1. 2K7-ers are receiving treatment for shock in front
/ˈtriːtmənt/ of their next schoolyear.
à ___________________________

treat (v.) + for 2. He was treated for depression with medication
/triːt/ + with prescribed by his doctor.
à ___________________________

strength (n.) + to V 1. She didn't have the strength to walk any further.
/streŋkθ/ à ___________________________

strengthen (v.) 2. Having the same enemy strengthens our

/ˈstreŋkθn/ friendship.
à ___________________________

strong (a.)
/strɒŋ/ 3. He's strong enough to lift a car!
à ___________________________

strongly (adv.)
/ˈstrɒŋli/ 4. He was strongly opposed to the idea.
à ___________________________

muscle (n.) 1. She tried to relax her tense muscles.

3 /ˈmʌsl/ à ___________________________
à pull/ tear/ strain a muscle

suffer (v.) + from 1. Increasing numbers of children are suffering from
/ˈsʌfə(r)/ mental health problems.
à ___________________________

suffering (n.) 2. This war has caused widespread human suffering.

4 /ˈsʌfərɪŋ/ à ___________________________

sufferer (n.) 3. She received many letters of support from fellow

/ˈsʌfərə(r)/ sufferers.
à ___________________________

examine (v.) 1. The doctor examined her carefully but could find
/ɪɡˈzæmɪn/ nothing wrong.
à ___________________________

examiner (n.) 2. The papers are sent to external examiners.

/ɪɡˈzæmɪnər/ à ___________________________

examinee (n.) 3. All examinees need to be on time.

/ɪɡˌzæmɪˈniː/ à ___________________________

examination (n.) 4. Next year, you are going to take a very important
/ɪɡˌzæmɪˈneɪʃn/ examination to enter university.
à ___________________________


expect (v.) sth from/ of sb 1. Change often happens when you least expect it.
/ɪkˈspekt/ à ___________________________

1 expectation (n.) + of/ about 2. There are the government's expectations about
/ˌekspekˈteɪʃn/ the economy.
à ___________________________

à expectation of life
à in expectation of

expectant (a.) 3. Children with expectant faces are waiting for the
/ɪkˈspektənt/ fireworks to begin
à ___________________________

expectancy (n.) 4. Life expectancy for both men and women has
/ɪkˈspektənsi/ improved greatly in the past 20 years.
à life expectancy/ span à ___________________________

expectantly (adv.) 5. She looked at him expectantly.

/ɪkˈspektəntli/ à ___________________________

expected (a.) 6. The item I received from an online shop was

/ɪkˈspektɪd/ entirely unexpected.
à ___________________________

>< unexpected (a.)


unexpectedly (adv.) 7. The plane was unexpectedly delayed.

/ˌʌnɪkˈspektɪdli/ à ___________________________

health (n.) 1. Exhaust fumes are bad for your health.

/helθ/ à ___________________________

healthy (a.) 2. The farm provides a healthy work environment.

/ˈhelθi/ à ___________________________
>< unhealthy

healthful (a.) 3. Eating a healthful diet can reduce the risk of
/ˈhelθfl/ developing many chronic diseases.
à ___________________________

attention (n.) 1. Please pay close attention to what I am saying.

/əˈtenʃn/ à___________________________

à pay attention to
à attract/ draw/ catch attention

attentive (a.) 2. He listened, quiet and attentive.

/əˈtentɪv/ à___________________________

>< inattentive

attentively (adv.) 3. The children listened attentively to the story.

/əˈtentɪvli/ à___________________________

>< inattentively

nutrient (n.) 1. Plants draw minerals and other nutrients from

/ˈnjuːtriənt/ the soil.

nutrition (n.) 2. Nutrition information is now provided on the

/njuˈtrɪʃn/ back of most food products.

nutritious (a.) = nourishing 3. My mother always prepares tasty and nutritious

4 /njuˈtrɪʃəs/ meals for our family.

nutritional (a.) 4. The nutritional value of milk is well-known and it

/njuˈtrɪʃənl/ is often recommended as an important part of a
balanced diet.

nutritionally (adv.) 5. This restaurant has a nutritionally balanced menu
/njuˈtrɪʃənəli/ à___________________________

nutritionist (n.) 6. The nutritionist recommended a balanced diet

/njuˈtrɪʃənɪst/ consisting of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean
proteins, and healthy fats.

diet (n.) 1. I decided to go on a diet before my holiday.

/ˈdaɪət/ à___________________________

à be on a diet

diet (v.) 2. She's always dieting but she never seems to lose
/ˈdaɪət/ any weight.
5 à___________________________

dietary (a.) 3. I take dietary supplements every day to ensure

/ˈdaɪətəri/ that I am getting all the necessary vitamins and
minerals for my health.

dieter (n.) 5. The dieter carefully monitored their calorie intake

/ˈdaɪətə(r)/ and made sure to exercise regularly to reach their
weight loss goal.

suit (v.) 1. That outfit doesn’t suit you. You should wear it
/suːt/ more often.

suited (a.) + for 2. He is not really suited for a teaching career.
/ˈsuːtɪd/ à___________________________

suitable (a.) + for 3. This programme is not suitable for children.

/ˈsuːtəbl/ à___________________________

suitability (n.) + for 4. There is no doubt about her suitability for the job.
/ˌsuːtəˈbɪləti/ à___________________________

suitably (adv.) 5. I am 100% suitably dressed for a Halloween party.

/ˈsuːtəbli/ à___________________________

electronic (a.) 1. Airline passengers no longer have to turn off all

/ɪˌlekˈtrɒnɪk/ electronic devices while on the plane.

2. There was an electrical fault in the engine causing

electrical (a.) the explosion.
/ɪˈlektrɪkl/ à___________________________
à electrical equipment/appliances
3. He has a car with electrically operated windows.
electrically (adv.) à___________________________

electric (a.) 4. The electric car is becoming more and more
/ɪˈlektrɪk/ popular as people become more environmentally

electricity (n.) 5. The wind farm will generate enough electricity for
/ɪˌlekˈtrɪsəti/ some 30 000 homes.

repeat (v.) 1. She kept repeating his name softly over and over
/rɪˈpiːt/ again.

repetitive (a.) 2. My job requires repetitive tasks that can become

/rɪˈpetətɪv/ tedious after a while.

repetitively (adv.) 3. He listened with kind patience as I talked

/rɪˈpetətɪvli/ endlessly and repetitively about my ex.
8 à___________________________

repetition (n.) 4. One way to remember your lesson is learning by

/ˌrepəˈtɪʃn/ repetition.


bacteria (pl.n.) 1. Neither chilling nor freezing kills all bacteria.
/bækˈtɪəriə/ à___________________________

à bacterium (sing.n.)

bacterial (a.)

>< antibacterial (a.) 2. Bacterial infections can be treated with antibiotics
/ˌæntibækˈtɪriəl/ prescribed by a doctor.

infect (v.) 1. It is not possible to infect another person through

/ɪnˈfekt/ kissing.

infection (n.) 2. The drugs slow down the progression of HIV

/ɪnˈfekʃn/ infection.
infectious (a.) 3. Flu is highly infectious.
/ɪnˈfekʃəs/ à___________________________

infected (a.) 4. The wound from the dog bite had become
/ɪnˈfektɪd/ infected.

vaccine (n.) 1. There is no vaccine against HIV infection.

/ˈvæksiːn/ à___________________________

vaccinate (v.) 2. I was vaccinated against Covid-19.

/ˈvæksɪneɪt/ à___________________________

vaccination (n.) 3. Everyone are recommended to get a COVID-19
/ˌvæksɪˈneɪʃn/ vaccination.

Part 1 Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.
1. A. dinner B. virus C. mind D. diet
2. A. illness B. fitness C. recipe D. disease
3. A. examine B. vitamin C. mineral D. exercise
4. A. germ B. gain C. goods D. gas
5. A. butter B. sugar C. suffer D. supper

Part 2 Choose the word whose syllable is stressed differently from the others.
1. A. nutrient B. energy C. organism D. infection
2. A. bacteria B. vegetables C. recipe D. scientist
3. A. nutrient B. energy C. organism D. infection
4. A. properly B. effectively C. regularly D. physically
5. A. expectation B. expectancy C. repetition D. relaxation

Part 3 Supply the correct form of the words given.

1. It may take a few weeks for you to build up your _____________________ again. (STRONG)
2. Since I started eating more healthily I've got so much more _____________________. (ENERGETIC)
3. Doing exercise _____________________ is a good way to keep your body fit and your mind happy.
4. Viruses can cause a range of _____________________, from the common cold or the flu to more
serious diseases. (ILL)
5. Life _____________________ has generally increased over the past few decades, and some people
enjoy a longer life than others. (EXPECT)
6. If you want to keep fit, you should pay attention to ingredients and _____________________ such as,
vitamins and minerals. (NUTRITIOUS)
7. After the 14-day isolation period, Covid-19 survivors are no longer _____________________.
8. My grandfather goes to sleep early, exercises every day, and eats _____________________.

9. I’ve learned that taking regular exercise and eating a _____________________ diet are the key to a
long and healthy life. (BALANCE)
10. You have to have a physical _____________________ in order to get life insurance. (EXAMINE)
11. She suffered from a serious headache, but after medical _____________________, she feels much
better now. (TREAT)
12. If you can’t fall asleep, do something _____________________ or listen to some soft music to relax
before bedtime. (REPEAT)
13. Can you tell the difference between _____________________ mushrooms and edible ones?
14. Some bacteria can cause infectious diseases such as tuberculosis or food _____________________.
15. _____________________ are often used to prevent the spread of diseases caused by viruses.

Part 4 Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in
each of the following questions.
1. This kind of fruit helps to boost the immune system.
A. decrease B. reduce C. increase D. maintain
2. Life expectancy for both men and women has improved greatly in the past twenty years.
A. Living standard B. Longevity C. Life skills D. Lifeline
3. Here are some principles for people to stick to if they want to stay healthy.
A. rules B. principals C. laws D. duties
4. We should consume healthy food and exercise regularly.
A. store B. purchase C. buy D. eat
5. There are several ways to exercise and stay healthy.
A. apply B. exploit C. keep fit D. operate
6. We should take prescription medicine only when other methods fail.
A. decline B. not succeed C. break D. fall
7. If you take this medicine, you will recover quickly.
A. get well B. get on C. get up D. get in
8. The doctor warned his patient not to take too much sugar.
A. shouted B. threatened C. punished D. cautioned

9. In order to stay healthy, make sure you have a balanced intake of vitamins and minerals.
A. take-off B. take-away C. consumption D. digestion
10. Too much fast food consumption can increase the risk of obesity and heart disease.
A. being underweight B. being overweight
C. malnutrition D. fitness
11. A popular way to relieve stress in today's busy lifestyles is practicing meditation.
A. reduce B. relax C. repeat D. require
12. People can fight infection more easily if they have an adequate diet.
A. injection B. disease C. hygiene D. each other
13. We should drink a lot of water to prevent water loss.
A. boost B. stimulate C. avoid D. trigger
14. In order to avoid sunburn, many people wear protecting clothes when they go out.
A. continue B. encourage C. facilitate D. block
15. Remember to wash your face twice a day with warm water and mild soap to remove dirt.
A. light B. destructive C. strong D. protective
16. Eating a wide variety of fruit and vegetables provides you with vitamins and nutrients.
A. broad B. narrow C. limited D. certain
17. She gave us some tips for keeping our skin healthy and preventing common skin problems.
A. particular B. normal C. infrequent D. accepted
18. Having healthy skin is especially essential to women to maintain their beauty.
A. trivial B. meaningless C. vital D. contributory
19. The increase in life expectancy can be attributed to health lifestyle, better nutrition, and advances in medical
science and technology.
A. activities B. advisers C. delays D. breakthroughs
20. Mass media have helped to raise people's awareness of lifestyle choices.
A. stabilize B. reduce C. lift D. encourage
21. John Keith has been a fitness instructor for more than ten years.
A. practitioner B. trainer C. learner D. intern
22. If you do workout outdoors in the hot and sunny weather, your body can overheat and lose a lot of fluid.
A. liquid B. vitamins C. minerals D. nutrients
23. Losing a lot of fluid can lead to heat stroke.
A. result from B. result in C. originate D. be due to

24. You should also exercise early in the morning when it's not too hot.
A. have a rest B. do housework C. do homework D. work out
25. Make sure you have warmed up your body by stretching or jumping before swimming.
A. exercised B. put on warm clothes C. had a warm bath D. rested

Part 5: Read and choose the best answer to each of the following questions.
Millions of people today are overweight and out of shape. This is due in part (1) _________ their diet,
which is often high in sugars and fats. Another (2) _________ is that too many of us spend our evenings
gluing (3) _________ the television, instead of doing something to keep (4) _________ fit. Today hectic
lifestyles also prevent us (5) _________ spending as much time as we should on staying in shape.
Long hours at school and work don't (6) _________ much time for healthy eating. Convenience food, such
as (7) _________ meals and canned vegetables, saves time but is often (8) _________. Fast food and
takeaways are also (9) _________ for many health problems.
In order to enjoy good health, a regular program of (10) _________ is essential. This can be anything from
gentle forms of yoga (11) _________ body building. Doing a little exercise every day so as not to develop
(12) _________ problems is something that all of us should consider, young and old. If you don't practice
any form of exercise now, it is for you to choose one and start today and get in shape!
1. A. of B. to C. in D. at
2. A. reason B. effect C. result D. consequence
3. A. in B. on C. to D. at
4. A. them B. themselves C. us D. ourselves
5. A. from B. against C. about D. with
6. A. take B. leave C. spend D. waste
7. A. freeze B. freezing C. frozen D. unfrozen
8. A. health care B. healthful C. healthy D. unhealthy
9. A. responsive B. reacted C. responsible D. irresponsible
10. A. exercises B. exercise C. homework D. housework
11. A. to B. but C. and D. with
12. A. healthy B. unhealthy C. health care D. health

Part 6: Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answers.
Some people say that laughter is the best medicine. Scientists are beginning to agree with this. They
are studying laughter seriously and are finding that it is really good for us.
So what happens when we laugh? We use 15 different muscles in our face, and laughing is good for
every organ in our body. When we laugh, we breathe quickly and exercise the face, shoulders, and chest.
Our blood pressure goes down, and our circulation gets better. Our heartbeat is lower, and our brain
makes a natural painkiller called a beta-endorphin.
Every minute we laugh is the same as 45 minutes of relaxation. Many doctors around the world believe
that laughter helps us get better when we are sick.
Today, there are laughter clubs around the world. They try to improve people’s health with laughter.
The laughter clubs started in India. Now they are in many different countries. There are more than 450
laughter clubs just in India. All kinds of people join a laughter club. They go once a day for 20 minutes and
start to laugh. There are no jokes. People laugh as a kind of exercise, and everyone feels better afterwards.
Some people pay a lot of money to join a laughter club and just laugh.
Of course, there are many kinds of laughter. We may laugh in different ways when we are in different
situations. But we all have a laugh that is special to us.
How and when do you usually laugh? Does the following make you laugh?
Patient: Doctor! Doctor! Every time I drink coffee, I get a sharp pain in my eye.
Doctor: Well, take out the spoon.

Looking for main ideas

Circle the letter of the best answer.
1. Scientists say that laughter is _________.
A. good for us B. serious C. not really good
2. Laughter is good for _________.
A. our whole body B. only the face C. only the chest and shoulders
3. Laughter clubs _________.
A. are only in India B. are places to learn jokes C. help people feel better

Looking for details
One piece of information in each sentence is not correct. Rewrite the sentence with the correct information.
1. We use 50 different muscles in our face when we laugh.
Ò ___________________________________________________________________________________
2. Laughing is good for every organ in our brain.
Ò ___________________________________________________________________________________
3. Every minute we laugh is the same as 45 hours of relaxation.
Ò ___________________________________________________________________________________
4. We may change the way we laugh in different ages.
Ò ___________________________________________________________________________________
5. When we laugh, we breathe seriously.
Ò ___________________________________________________________________________________
6. Our face makes a natural painkiller.
Ò ___________________________________________________________________________________


How to live a long and healthy life

Part 1 Read the article. Solve the crossword with words and phrases from it.
1 (Section A, noun) the things from which something is made.
2 (First paragraph before Section A, noun phrase) the number of years that a person is likely
to live.
3 (Section A, noun) things to keep a living thing alive and help it grow.
4 (Section B, phrasal verb) do physical exercise.

Life expectancy has generally increased over the past few decades, and some people enjoy a
longer and healthier life than others. One possible explanation is that they have healthy lifestyle
habits. So how can you develop these habits?
A. _______________
Start by looking at food labels, paying attention to ingredients and nutrients, such as vitamins
and minerals. Avoid having food with too much salt or sugar, such as fast food. Furthermore, add
more fresh fruits and vegetables to your diet, and remember to eat a big breakfast and a small
B. _______________
If you have not been very active, start exercising slowly, but regularly. To begin with, choose the
type exercise that is suitable for you. Then, start slowly, for example, by doing exercise for only 5 to
10 minutes a day. When your body is ready for more exercise, you can work out longer. Finally,
exercise regularly to always keep your body fit and your mind happy.
C. _______________
A good night’s sleep is very important. Before you go to bed, avoid having coffee or energy
drinks. Exercise can help you have a better sleep, but avoid exercising right before bedtime. Never
use your mobile phone or laptop in bed and turn off all your electronic devices at least 30 minutes
before you go to bed. Their screens give off blue light that can prevent you from sleeping well.
Finally, if you still can’t fall asleep, do something repetitive or listen to some soft music to relax
before trying to sleep again.

Part 2 Read the article again. Match the sections (A – C) with the headings (1 – 5) below.
There are TWO extra headings.
1 Eat better
2 Exercise regularly
3 Go to bed earlier
4 Develop healthy habits
5 Sleep well

Part 3 Read the article again. Complete the diagrams with information from the text. Use no
more than TWO words for each gap.


- Study food Choose Before bed:

labels (2) ______ - Avoid
exercise having
- Avoid too coffee or
much salt (4) _______
or sugar
Start slowly
- Turn off
- Add fresh (5) _______
fruits and
vegetables Work out
- Eat a big Unable to
(1) ______ sleep: do
Exercise repetitive or
(3) ________ listen to



Part 1 Choose the correct meanings of the underlined word and phrase.
1. Regular exercise can increase your fitness.
A. being healthy and physically strong B. being intelligent
2. To stay healthy, you should cut down on sugar and fast food.
A. increase B. reduce

Part 2 Listen to a TV chat show about teen health. Circle the topic of the show.
A. Health produces and fitness programmes for young people
B. Food for skincare and brain development
C. Healthy food for young people
D. Food that can replace exercise

Part 3 Listen again. Tick (ü) the food which is recommended in the talk.

Good for skin & brain Good for bones & muscles
o food with a lot of suger o eggs
o white rice o fish
o yoghurt o butter
o lemons o carrots
o green vegetables o potato chips

Part 4 Listen again and complete the sentences. Use ONE word for each answer.
1. Teens should avoid food that contains a lot of ______________.
2. Green vegetables can help teens ______________ better.
3. Food such as eggs and fish can help teens become taller and ______________.
4. Eating a healthy diet can’t replace ______________.


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