Click Right Changes

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Menu Manager Date: 24/08/2011 1) Added Page MenuManager.aspx Date: 25/08/2011 1) Change in \ClickRight\ClientMenuByPass\Data\SqlDataProvider.cs \ClickRight\ClientMenuByPass\Data\DataProvider.cs \ClickRight\ClientMenuByPass\ClientMenuByPassController.

cs 2) Added Procedure abspIsXMLFileExistsForMenu (Procedure to check XML file exists for menu) 3) Added Procedure abspGetExistingMenu (Procedure to get menu details) 4) Added XSLT file TransformXSLT.xsl Date: 31st Aug Financial System 1) Added Folder Financial in CRApps folder

2) Added home page Financial/FinancialHomePage.aspx? menu=40&nwin=1 Date: 06/09/2011

Task : Changes to hide Menu items and toggle button 1) Change in File ( D:\Projects\ClickRight\clientwebnew\includes\clientfunctions.asp) Added code to check Menu id = 31 2) Change in File (D:\Projects\ClickRight\clientwebnew\StyleSheet.asp) added code to check menuid =31 3) D:\Projects\ClickRight\clientwebnew\includes\btntoolbar.asp (Added code to hide menu toolbar) Project List using RadGrid Date:12/09/2011 Changes: 1) \ClickRight\TABS\Data\DataProvider.cs 2) \ClickRight\TABS\BillingSearchController.cs 3) \ClickRight\TABS\Data\SqlDataProvider.cs Database change: Created Procedures 1) abspGetClientProjectListUsingPaging 2) abspGetClientProjectListCount
Date: 13/09/2011 Task Create utility to remove inactive entries from index Changes: Database changes 1) Added Column RemoveIndexDate in table tblDTSearchIndex Script (alter table tblDTSearchIndex add RemoveIndexDate datetime) 2) Procedure Created abspSetRemoveIndexCompleted to update index date in table tblDTSearchIndex 3) Procedure Created abspGlobalSearchInactiveContact to fetch contact records from db those needs to remove from index 4) Procedure modified abspGetDTSearchSettings to fetch RemoveIndexDate field 5) Procedure Created abspGlobalSearchInactiveAssets to fetch Asset records from db those needs to remove from index 6)

select * from tblClientMenuDetails where menuid = 40 and companycode = 0 select * from tblclientmenu where id = 40 select * from tblXmlMenu where menuid = 40 and companycode = 0

Required ref http://localhost/clientwebnew/CRApps/CTS/CTSMaintainance/CtsMenuEdit.aspx?Menu=40 http://localhost/clientwebnew/MenuManager.aspx?Menu=31 Menu=31&AppID=20495&winappid=20495 http://localhost/clientwebnew/CRApps/Financial/FinancialHomePage.aspx? menu=31&nwin=1

http://localhost/clientwebnew/MenuManager.aspx?Menu=40 http://localhost/clientwebnew/clientlogin2.aspx? QA: User: siyer / s1mple D2DBED; 98DAF4 75006 78B9CE 98A8CA Steps 1) Create XML from Database using existing values 2) using that XML create TreeView 3) Save XML into DB 5) Operation on TreeView ment_using_XML_DOM_in_ASPNet_147.aspx er.htm

Functions Modified 1) Page_Load 2) rtvItems_NodeClick 3) FindNodeInfo 4) BindTree 5) rtvItems_NodeCollapse 6) rtvItems_NodeExpand 7) SetNodeInfo 8) startNodeInEditMode 9) rtvItems_ContextMenuItemClick 10) DelNode 11) drpMenu_SelectedIndexChanged

In financial ASP pages, hide header, menu, right toggle button. Hide CTS from the dropdown in Menu manager. (K) Create a UI panel containing common search criteria like Location, Region, and Division. Panel will collapse on selection of criterias and will list the project panels based on filters. Viewing the code of CTS Homepage. Removing unwanted code from Financial Home page.

Options to remove Menu and Toggle button from ASP Pages 1) In File (D:\Projects\ClickRight\clientwebnew\StyleSheet.asp) Added code to check for menu id =31 2) In file (D:\Projects\ClickRight\clientwebnew\includes\clientfunctions.asp ) hard coded regarding loading of menu id of 31 3) For aspx pages, add Menuid in URl and by checking menuid = 31 hide option otherwise pass formonly = yes to url (D:\Projects\ClickRight\clientwebnew\CRApps\Master\ClickRightMast er.master.cs)

Financial Menu Page Menu Manager.cs
31, 75006, 0, 5, "", "", -1, 0

1) select list of records from db those are inactive 2) find these records in Index and select Doc Name 3) while searching in Index add doc name in file 4) pass file to Indesx Job

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