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 Clever = smart, intelligent ≠ silly, unwise, fool
 Friendly = kind ≠ unfriendly
 Hard-working ≠ lazy, unmotivated
 Patient = calm ≠ impatient, anxious
 Polite = kind, respectful ≠ rude, impolite
 Quiet = peaceful ≠ talkative, loud
 Reliable = loyal ≠ unfair
 Serious = committed ≠ superficial
 Tidy = organized ≠ messy


 Big-headed: modest and down-to-earth ()

 Good natured/easygoing: bad-tempered ()
 Immature: mature ()
 Narrow-minded: broad-minded ()
 Outgoing: shy and reserved ()
 Self-confident: insecure ()
 Tactless: tactful and sensitive ()
 Talentless: gifted and talented ()


 Ambitious / Pushy
 Self-confident / arrogant
 Bossy / assertive
 Frank / brusque
 Stubborn / determined


as… as = “tan … como”

the faster you walk = “cuanto más rápido camines”

 Long: longer / the longest

 Big: bigger / the biggest
 Tidy: tidier / the tidiest
 Ambitious: more ambitious / the most ambitious
 Good: better / the best

Noun suffixes
 Ability
 Actor
 Artist
 Difference
 Direction
 Enjoyment
 Illness
 Performance
 Politician
 Writer

Make Nouns with these words

 Act: actor, actress, action

 Appear: appearance
 Confident: confidence
 Create: creator, creation
 Different: difference
 Educate: education, educator
 Electric: electricity, electrician
 Employ: employer, employment, employee
 Happy: happiness
 Improve: improvement, improver
 Invent: invention, inventor
 Investigate: investigation, investigator
 Mad: madness
 Music: musicality, musician
 Relevant: relevance
 Science: scientist


 A / an: to talk about a singular countable person or thing for the first time, or to say that the person or thing
is one of number of people or things.
 The:
o To talk about a specific person or thing or a person or thing mentioned before.
o To talk about someone or something that is unique.
o With superlative adjectives, adverbs, first and last.
 [-]: to talk about things in general in the plural.


 We use enough to say if something is or is not sufficient. It comes after an adjective or adverb.
 We use too to say if something is or is not excessive. It comes before an adjective or adverb.
 We use such to intensify a noun (with or without an adjective). If the noun is singular we use a/an before
the noun.
 We use so to intensify an adjective or adverb.
 We use to + infinitive after enough and too.
 We use that after such and so.

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