Money Makes The World Go Round - Discussion

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Unfortunately some errors sneaked in when the lyrics were printed.

Replace the incorrect words with words from the box.

alone – pastor – recover – lover – window –

underweight – coal – door – rich – maid – shoes

Money makes the world go around Money money money money

...the world go around Money money money money
...the world go around. Money money money...
Money makes the world go around
It makes the world go 'round. When you haven't any cake in the stove
And you freeze in the winter
A mark, a yen, a buck or a pound And you curse to the wind at your fate.
...a buck or a pound When you haven't any socks on your feet,
...a buck or a pound. Your coat's thin as paper,
Is all that makes the world go around And you look 30 pounds overweight
That clinking, clanking sound... When you go to get a word of advice
Can make the world go 'round From the fat little teacher,
He will tell you to love evermore.
Money money money money But when hunger comes to rap,
Money money money money rat-a-tat rat-a-tat at the door
Money money money... *knock knock* (at the window)
Who's there? (hunger) oh, hunger!!
If you happen to be poor See how love flies out the room...
And you feel like a night's entertainment
You can pay for a gay escapade. For, money makes the world go around
If you happen to be rich and stressed ...the world go around
And you need a companion ...the world go around.
You can ring (ting-a-ling) for the doctor. Money makes the world go 'round
If you happen to be rich The clinking, clanking sound of...
And you find you are left by your neighbour, Money money money money
And you moan and you groan quite a lot Money money money money...
You can take it on the chin, Get a little, get a little
Call a cab and begin to relax Money money money money...
On your 14-karat yacht! WHAT!? Mark, a yen, a buck or a pound,
That clinking, clanking, clunking sound,
Money makes the world go around Is all that makes the world go 'round,
...the world go around It makes the world go 'round!
...the world go around.
Money makes the world go around
Of that we both are sure...
*rasberry sound* on being poor!

take it on the chin – mit Fassung tragen


A) Your monthly budget: It is important to learn how to manage money. Use this grid to figure out
how much money you need each month.

Item Cost

snacks at school
snacks outside school
going out with friends
tickets for the cinema, concerts, sports events, etc.
tram, bus and train tickets; taxi rides
CDs, DVDs, books, etc.
mobile phone bills
school excursions
sports equipment
special hobbies

other (clothes, gifts, etc.

Have you set up a budget together with your parents?

Can you think of ways to earn some extra money if you don’t get enough pocket money to cover your

B) Write an e-mail:
Write an email to a teenager in another country describing your monthly budget, how much pocket
money your get and how else you might be able to earn money. Ask the person about his or her budget,
how much money he or she gets and so on.

C) Discussion points

Form groups of three. Choose three or five of the discussion points below and talk about them with the
other people in your group. Express your opinion about the points you have chosen and give reasons for
it. Take notes during the discussion so that you can use them afterwards to write a short essay about
the opinions of your group.

- Is it better to get your pocket money in cash or to have your parents pay it into your account?
- Should pocket money be connected with doing small jobs at home?
- Who should pay for mobile phone bills, parents or children?
- Should teens have to use their pocket money to pay for a snack at school?
- Who should pay for the cinema, going out with friends, CDs, DVDs or computer games?
- Who should pay for your clothes?
- When should young people start saving money for the future?
- Do you save money? If so, how do you save it (piggy bank, savings account) and what are you saving
it for?

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