Preguntas Revista Mozart

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Responde estas preguntas. Todas las respuestas están en la revista, en el orden que
aparecen en la misma.

1. Years of birth and death

2. Age of death
3. Name of the song he “stole” from the Vatican
4. How did he steal it
5. Name of his father
6. Name of his cousin
7. Name of the syndrome he suffers
8. Family name of Aloysia and Constanze
9. Name of the first boss of Mozart
10. City where Mozart grew up as a child
11. Year when Mozart moved to Viena
12. First opera that Mozart wrote in Viena
13. Queen to whom Mozart declared himself when he was 8 years old
14. Title of a canon with 6 voices that Mozart composed for his friend Martina
15. Year when Mozart got married
16. Name of the husband of Mozart’s sister
17. How many years younger than his sister
18. How many years older than Beethoven
19. 2 operas that Mozart composed in 1787
20. Why did Mozart have money problems
21. Title of the opera that he wrote in 1791
22. Name of a character from this opera
23. Title of the funeral mass that Mozart was composing when he died
24. Name of an Italian composer who was a competitor of Mozart in Viena
25. Creación: imagina y diseña una publicación sobre Mozart en Instagram, Twitter o
TikTok. ¿Cómo sería?

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