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Mankind's Stewardship-role Realized

Return to Eden. With Humanity its Stewards. Its True Role.

Universal “Connectedness” is not only a 'spiritual' experience. Changes to local-consciousness

can open up perception from one level of perception to a different level of genuine observation.
Such that, on the Highest Level, local-consciousness learns that One Supreme Consciousness
thinks of it all. And, that Supreme Consciousness is accessible by every living thing: insects,
plants, mammals, mankind. And, that every 'part' is connected to every other 'part' – because of
every living thing being both 'in' It and literally of It.
ALL of CREATION can be understood to be a WORK OF ART – every aspect being meaningful
within a Larger Whole – a grand canvas, or story, or movie-strip, or tapestry, or symphony. Think
of atoms, or pixels, or inter-woven threads, or musical notes. And, while Diversity is infinite –
no-limit – every variant vibration, like the colors of a rainbow, are spectral elemental 'parts' of
One Light.
No matter (ha, ha, ha) how 'distinctive' such 'features' are, to the observer, they are simply
aspects of a wholeness; “discrete” does not equate with “separate.”
One. Big. Family.

Pattern makes the Adventure of living comprehensible by our humlan consciousness. And,
since the 'variationality' of all 'texture' is sensory-reliant, it is, in actuality, consciousness-reliant.
We learned that 'while it looks like a leaf, and feels like a leaf,' it is actually a mental “ideation”
'playing across' the Screen of Mind, so that the 'sense' of 'being separate' vanishes.
Thus understood, “Differentnesses” are merely descriptive features which the 'local' conscious
mind perceives – making music, music! – the enjoyment of it all being the value of Pattern – as,
Life comes from Pattern, and not from chaos/cacophony.
Think of it as A 'Sound-track' of Livingness.

Return to Eden. With Humanity its Stewards. Its True Role.

~ Madre Grande

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