Fundamental Activity 4 - Leonel Rivera García - BC

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Fundamental activity #4: Book activities

Nombre: Leonel Rivera García

Matricula: 2041016

Grupo: 032

Hora: V1-V2


Activity 1 “What do you know about United Kingdom?”
I. Fill in the spaces in the brain storming with the
information that you and your partner
“The United
Kingdom of Great The UK is located on
Britain and north-west Europe, Northern
Ireland” between the North we are
referring Sea and the Atlantic to the union
of Ocean.
some countries.
It is the 22nd
The sports largest

the united population in the soccer, rugby, golf, boxing, and

kingdom world. land covers an The main cricket were all

invented in the
area of 243,610
United Kingdom
square km.

Queen Elizabeth Big Benin London

II became the actually doesn’t refer longest
reigning to the clock. Big monarch in the
Benis the bell that is United Kingdom
located in the clock in 2015. tower.
II. Write a short report in English about the ideas that
you put in the brain storming.
Follow a sequence to inform someone about the UK.
In this report we saw that the union of England can be made
up of different regions as well as different countries and it can
also be reached from northern Europe as well as from the
oceanic Atlantic and it is also the 22nd country with the most
population in the world and it has with 243,613 square km.
The sports that are played the most in the United Kingdom are
mainly soccer and then rugby, cricket and finally polo. Queen
Elizabeth reigned until 2015 of her long career, Big Bennis is
the bell of the clock. And you could also say that I travel a lot
and they did it in England and also that its history of England
is very extensive because it can give you different things and
places until we can see a very beautiful landscape

Activity 2 “Summarizing information about the Celts.” I.

Write on the line if the sentences are TRUE or FALSE

1. The Celts existed in Britain around 1,000 years

before Christ. F 2. The world “Celts” means
“Farmers”. T 3. Bronze age is directly related to the
Celts. T 4. The Celts were excellent warriors. T 5. The
Celts practiced human sacrifices. F

II. Complete the next table with information related

to the concepts given about the Celts.
Follow the example.
The Celts came originally from central Europe
Origin of the Celts and settled in Britain, France and Spain.
Julius Caesar, the great roman emperor
Celts in battle expressed himself about the Celts with this
phrase: "Most of the inland inhabitants of
Britain do not sow corn, but live on milk and
flesh, and are clad with skins. All the Britons
indeed, dye themselves with woad, which
occasions a bluish color, and thereby have a
more terrible appearance in fight. They wear
their hair long and have every part of their body
shaved except their head and upper lip”. Roman
and Greek writers described Celts as fierce and
warlike people. They were originally ruled by
kings, but by the time Julius Caesar came to
Britain, around 55 BCE, they had broken up into
many tribes, each with a different leader. Both
men and women could hold positions of power.
They wear their hair long and have every part of
Physical Description their body shaved except their head and upper
In the Celtic culture, the Druids were an
Druids important part in their society; they were
members of the learned class among the
ancient Celts. They seem to have frequented
oak forests and acted as priests, teachers, and
judges. Julius Caesar accounted that the Druids
took charge of public and private sacrifices.
They judged all public and private fights or
problems and decreed penalties. If anyone
disobeyed their decree, the person was barred
from sacrifice, which was considered the gravest
of punishments. The Druids also offered human
sacrifices for those who were gravely sick or in
danger of death in battle. Huge wickerwork
images were filled with living men and then
burned; although the Druids preferred to
sacrifice criminals, they would choose innocent
victims if necessary.
The Celts were farmers and introduced the iron
Agriculture plough to Britain. The ploughs that were used
earlier, were not very sophisticated, basically a
stick with a pointed end harnessed behind two
oxen. They were suitable only for ploughing the
light upland soils. The heavier iron ploughs
developed by the Celts constituted an
agricultural revolution all by themselves, for
they made it possible for the first time to
harvest on the rich valley and lowland soils.
One of the most distinctive Celtic designs, from
Celtic Symbols the Christian period, is the Celtic cross which is
still used for graves and memorials. It has a
circle added to the four bars of cross and is
often elaborately carved. This cross has been
adapted as a representative symbol by some
people who are from Ireland, country that
belongs to the United Kingdom. Another Celtic
symbol was the Nara Not, the term Dara comes
from the word “doire”, which is Celtic for “oak
tree“. Oaks were the most blessed of trees to
the Celts, the design of the knot symbol is based
on the root system of the oak tree.
Activity 3 “Writing about the Roman invasion to Britain.”
I. Reread the information about The Roman Britain
and answer the questions.
1. Why did the Romans decide to invade the Celtic
In 55 B.C. Julius Caesar, who was a general of the Roman armies in Gaul, decided that
it would be a good move to invade Britain (Ross, 2018). This was not possible because
the inhabitants of Britain were the Celts and they were excellent warriors. As it was
said before, when Romans invaded Britannia (the way they called it in Latin) the tribes
of Britain had already established a culture. In 43 CE, Claudius became Emperor of
Rome and he decided to revive the dream of expanding the Empire to the British Isles,
to do so, he needed 40,000 soldiers. Britain became part of the Roman Empire and
was systematically conquered for nearly half a century. The province had valuable
natural resources to despoil (steal), but the decision to invade was based upon more
than its material wealth. Prestige through warfare was paramount in Roman society,
and that is just what Claudius sought to achieve when he launched his invasion of the
2. Which were the three-different kind of towns that
the Roman established in
Britain? These were the coloniae, towns pled by Roman settlers, and the
municipia, large cities in which the whole population was given Roman citizenship. The
third kind, the civitas, included the old Celtic tribal capitals, through which the Romans
administered the Celtic population in the countryside.
3. Who was the Roman emperor that conquered
Britain? Julius Caesar

4. Which were the remarkable influences of Romans

in Britain? During the period of their rule, Romans founded Many towns in
Britain and others grew considerably in size. The most important were Colchester
(Camulodunum), Lincoln (Lindum), St Albans (Verulanium) and London (Londinium).
Colchester which was the original capital of the Roman province was destroyed during
Boudicca’s revolt.
5. Why did the Romans leave Britain?
In the fourth century CE, the Roman Empire itself suffered attacks from tribes who
came from central and Eastern Europe. Britain started being attacked from the west
and north by Scottish and Irish tribes and from the east by Germanic tribes such as the
Angles and Saxons. Roman soldiers in Britain needed to go away to defend Rome and
eventually, in 410 CE, the Emperor Honorius made a difficult decision, he declared that
Britain must defend itself. With the Romans gone, the Germanic tribes could take
control of most of England’s territory.

Activity 4 “Writing about the Vikings”

I. Reread the information about The Vikings and
complete the next concepts in the boxes.

The boat was their natural

companion and ally: with it
they could fish, trade, and
communicate with their
neighbors, and without it they
As it was said before, Vikings could not survive.

adopted Christianity from the

regions they conquered. They
met Christianity through their
Those strong, tall and
raids, and when after settling in
bearded people that
lands with a Christian population,
usually look violent
they adopted Christianity.
and aggressive.

The Vikings were excellent

sailors and great warriors, but
they were said to be crueland
violent toward their enemies
From Scandinavian
and inhabitants in the
conquered regions. On the
(Norway, Sweden
other hand, they were
and Denmark)
considered as very skilled in
building ships, craftsmen,
explorers, traders and, as
mentioned before, sailors
Activity 5 “Reviewing information about ancient civilizations
in the United.

I. Complete the chart with information about the

ancient civilizations that existed in the UK. Reread
the information presented before if necessary.
The Celts It is believed A very The Vikings Many One of the
lived in that the interestin were a Vikings most
huts of Romans g fact is group of traded with remarkable
arched brought the that the people Europe, aspect
timber with skills of Romans coming Russia and about the
walls of reading and left about Asia,
from AngloSaxons
wicker and writing to twenty exchanging
Scandinavi was their
roofs of Britain. The large furs, walrus
towns of an social
thatch. The written word ivory, amber
huts were about countries and slaves structure; it
generally important 5,000 (Norway, for silver, consisted of
gathered in for inhabitant Sweden gold and tribal units
loose spreading s, and and luxury goods led by
hamlets. ideas and for almost Denmark) including chieftains
During the establishing one who wine, fine ("kings," or
time when power, even hundred attacked textiles, "lords") who
the Celts though the smaller and pottery and tried to earn
occupied most ones. terrorized glassware. their
Britain, remarkable These Restricted
Northern respect
there was a characteristi towns by a lack of
and from their
huge c of Roman were built natural
with stone Eastern warriors
growth in Britain was resources
as Europe, (thanes).
the number the towns, and land
or well as including some Vikings Kings should
which were
“hillforts”; wood, and Britain and migrated display the
the basis of
these were Roman had Ireland overseas to heroic ideal
small ditch administrati planned from the places such and be
and bank on and streets, 8th century as Britain, known for
combinatio civilization. markets to 11th Iceland, an
ns and century CE. Greenland extraordina
encircling shops. and ry and
Some Newfoundla
defensible courageous
hilltops. buildings nd in search feat or for
Some of had of better success in
them were central land to farm. war, all
small just heating. preceded by
for an some
individual bragging.
family but
larger forts
Activity 6 “You can become a tourist guide!”

I. Describe the next British landmarks by writing a sentence about them made up only SIX


Buckingham Palace.

“House of the United Kingdom’s Queen”

a) Big Ben. "Known as the clock tower"

b) Stonehenge. "A circle of ancient stones"
c) Hadrian’s wall. "Northwest frontier of the roman"
d) Palace of Westminster. "The government is evaluated "
e) London Eye. "An attractive place in England"

II. Define five landmarks that are important in your country and write a sentence about
each one by using only SIX WORDS as you did it in the last activity. Take 15-20
minutes to do this task

1. Guanajuato Best known for the underground streets.

2. Cozumel The island is considered the best.

3. Tulum Famous Mayan ruins facing the sea.

4. Puerto Vallarta It has a very nice boardwalk

5. Monterrey Fundadora park has a good view.

Activity 7 “Foods in your country” I. Fill in the charts with information about typical
food in your country.
Mexican Dish Origin Ingredients Description
Tacos The Olmecs were tortilla, meat, The taco is a very
the first onion, chopped popular culinary
Mesoamerican cilantro and preparation in
culture to produce lemon, as well as Mexico that
nixtamalized corn, a good sauce. consists of a
and thanks to the tortilla, usually
nixtamalization, made of corn,
tortillas emerged which is
and, commonly rolled
consequently, we to contain various
could say that the ingredients and
taco was born. some type of
sauce and
vegetables inside.
Chilaquiles The first record of totopos, green This dish is mainly
chilaquiles in their sauce or red made of a mix that
modern form was sauce, chicken, includes stew
not made until cheese, and made up of corn
1821, in the New cream tortillas, cut into
Art of Cooking and strips or triangles,
Confectionery fried and then
adapted to cooked in chile
Mexican usage. sauce
Pozole The ancient chili, garlic, From the Nahuatl
Nahuas ate a stew lettuce, onion, pozolli, from
with corn grains pork, corn. tlapozonalli, which
called 'tlacatlaolli', means sparkling,
considered the it is a broth made
ancestor of pozole from
corn grains.
Mole This plate was first Tomato, variety of The term mole
made or created chiles, chipotle. refers to various
in the state of types of highly
Puebla. seasoned
Mexican sauces
made primarily
from chili peppers
and spices.
Tamales Tamales are a corn base, stuffed Tamales are one
dish that dates to with various of the most
the pre-Hispanic ingredients, emblematic typical
era of Mexico, it is cooked in a
said that they packet of dishes of Mexican
were a food for big vegetable leaves, gastronomy.
parties. reed, chilaca or

II. Fill in the charts with information about British food.

Bangers and Mash consists of sausages and bangers and mash, a
mashed potato, and is common British dish
often accompanied with consisting of sausages
peas and grav and mashed potatoes.
Sunday Roast roasted meat, roasted Like all traditional British
potatoes and food it's a big hearty
accompaniments such as meal, it can also be a
Yorkshire pudding, alternative to another
stuffing, gravy, and dish called Sunday
condiments such as Brunch.
apple sauce, mint sauce,
or redcurrant sauce.
Shepherd’s Pie mince (lamb or beef), a baked dish of ground or
vegetables (such as; diced meat with a crust of
carrots, tomatoes, and mashed potatoes.
onions), and potatoes
Steak and Kidney Pie diced steak, onion, and traditional British dish
kidney consisting of diced steak,
onion, and kidney—
typically from a lamb or
pig—cooked in a brown
gravy and then wrapped
in a pastry and baked.
cornish pasty potato, onion and swede pasty filling is beef with
potato, onion and swede,
which when cooked
together forms a rich
gravy, all sealed in its
own packe
Activity 8 “Important celebrations in the United Kingdom” I. Complete the chart with
information about the holidays in the United Kingdom.
1.- HOLIDAY: New Year
31 of December New Year's Day is a bank During the New Year in
holiday, which means it is England, rituals like
a non-working day in the people keeping the back
United Kingdom. As with door of their houses open
all bank holidays in the to symbolize for their
United Kingdom, a farewell to the old year
substitute holiday is and expecting a dark
declared if New Year's haired and young man to
Day falls on a Saturday arrive at their place on
or Sunday New Year´s Day as a
symbol for good luck in
the coming year are very
common among British

2.- HOLIDAY: Mothering Sunday

Mothering Sunday is Mother's Day, or An important part of
celebrated the fourth Mothering Sunday, is Mothering Sunday is
Sunday of Lent (in the now a day to honor giving cards and gifts.
Christian religion, the 40 mothers and other Common Mother's Day
days before Easter. mother figures, such as gifts are cakes, flowers,
grandmothers, chocolates, jewelry, and
stepmothers and luxurious clothing

3.- HOLIDAY: Easter Monday

It is a Christian Easter is the oldest and festivals are organized to
observance, and it takes one of the most important give the kids the
place on the day after Christian Festival, the opportunity to live the
Easter Sunday celebration of the death traditions from another
and coming to life of country, so they decorate
Jesus Christ. eggs and hide them, and
when they find them,
they receive a gift.
4.- HOLIDAY: April fool’s day
Ancient cultures, It is one of the most On this day, people make
including those of the awaited days of the year. jokes to someone else
Romans and Hindus, Its main characteristic is they want to, the kind of
used to celebrate New that you can prank jokes that they made
Year's Day on or around everyone, and they usually involve people
April 1 cannot get mad at you. persuading other people
to do something silly.

5.- HOLIDAY: May Day

May 1st In the United Kingdom, Traditional English May
as well as most of Day celebrations include
Europe, May Day is Morris dancing, crowning
known as the end of the a May Queen and
winter and beginning of dancing around a
the summer, and it is Maypole
looked forward to the
productive months.
Activity 9 “Summarizing the kind of government”

I. Re-read the information above and then complete the information about government
system in the United Kingdom.

1. Government
Kind of Government: A Constitutional Monarchy

A Constitutional monarchy is a system in which the monarch acts as a non-party political
head of state under the constitution. But still most monarchs may hold formal authority and
the government legally operates in the monarch's name.
Monarch, Prime Minister, the House of Commons and Lords.
2. Prime Minister
Name: Rishi Sunak

Choose ministers, ambassadors, army chiefs, and other officials with the monarch's
approval. The PM also organizes the legislative program of the parliament and the

How is he/she elected:

The UK holds a general election every 5 years, during which the country is divided into
parliamentary constituencies, with each constituency representing one seat in Parliament and the
party winning the most seats in the House of Commons. say options.
3. Current Monarch

Name: Rey Carlos III


The functions of HM are passing laws and legislations, keeping good relationships
with foreign countries as well as good relationships with Commonwealth nations.
How is he/she elected:
Age: 74 years old

Years reigning: 4 months

4. Parliament:

Location: Westminster Palace, London, UK

Description of the House of Lords: The House of Lords is the upper house of the United
Kingdom and is made up of 788 members who are not elected democratically but rather
by the monarch with the help of the Prime Minister.

Description of the House of Commons: The House of Commons is the lower house of
the United Kingdom. All of its members are elected by the people as representatives of
communities around the country.
Activity 10 “Analysis of the movie The Queen”

I. Watch the assigned movie and answer the following questions:

1) What is the main topic of the movie?

The political events after the death of Princess Diana, the change that Queen Elizabeth
had to do with his Prime Minister Tony Blair to avoid conflicts with the people and
the world

2) Describe the historical context shown in the movie

After the death of Princess Diana, people were upset with the attitude of the royals
family by not acting and thinking about their people, after Queen Elizabeth
he reflected and did the things advised by the prime minister to please everyone

3) Write 3 facts mentioned in the movie

1. The conflicts that existed in the royal family

2. The Death of Princess Diana
3. The change of the Queen Elizabeth
4) How did the movie help you to understand better the historical event presented in it?

The movie starts with a very strong point in the history of the royal family, after that
they explain how things were taken between the Prime Minister and the Queen, while
we see the perspective of the country.

Then we also have the decision that the queen made so that there would be no conflict
between the Monarchy and the British people.

Activity 11
I. Write some ideas that could describe your opinion or experiences about the topics
below. (50 words in each one.

1. Your first day at elementary school.

My first year of elementary school was in 2009. Since I was new to the school after
finishing kindergarten in another institution, I had a guide show me the facilities at this
new school. The other students that had already been studying in said school also helped
me to get to know the place.

2. The quality of your elemental education.

I think that the quality of my elementary education was sufficient. Most of the teachers
were very well prepared and they clearly had good teaching abilities since almost all of
the students got through elementary school effortlessly. We were also given a good
amount of free time in between classes and the teachers treated us nicely for the most

3. The higher education facilities in your country.

In Mexico, higher education can be really good, average, or maybe even bad depending
on where you study. There are private universities where they have a wide budget to use
on their facilities and tools for education. Where most people study though are public
universities because they are more financially viable, although of course they do not have
the very best facilities like the private ones have.

4. The preparation of teachers in your school

In my university the level of preparation can vary a lot depending on the teacher
themselves. It is known that in public universities teachers can be paid poorly, which can
lead to them not being very motivated to do their job. For the most part teachers in my
university know a lot about their subject and they can end up being good teachers, but it
all depends on the level of effort they put into teaching.

5. All children attend to school in Mexico.

There are a lot of schools in Mexico where children can study no matter what their
financial situation is. Unfortunately, the cost of the school is not always what decides if
the child can study there or not. Sometimes, the children must work with their parents or
family to help provide money for the house which leads to them not being able to study,
which is a problem that goes deeper than just schools in Mexico.

6. Higher Education is expensive in Mexico.

While there is the obviously high cost of tuition in private university, it is sometimes
misunderstood that they are the only expensive institutions. Public universities can also
have a very high cost which leads to a lot of people not being able to get higher education.
The cost can vary widely depending on what career the person decides to study, which
shouldn’t be the case since everyone should have the same opportunities.

7. Education System in Mexico needs improvement.

Every piece of the education system in Mexico needs to be improved. A family or person’s
financial situation shouldn’t be the key factor in deciding the level of education they
receive. It is unfair that people that can’t pay for private schools have a much more difficult
life path than people who can. Public schools and universities need to be improved so
that the gap in quality between them can be much closer.
Activity 12 “reviewing information about education in the united kingdom”
I. Write five questions that can be answered with the information given about
gigher education in the united kingdom. Include the answers. You may use the
next structure in your questions

1.- Which is the age where the children have a free school?
Between five and sixteen.

2.- Who is the responsibility of the local and regional education management?
The Local Education Authorities (LEA).

3.- How many key stages is constructed the national curriculum?

Five key stages.

4.- How many years more require a handicapped child?

An extra year.

5.- Which are the subjects that studying in British state and private schools?
English, Math, Science, Design and Technology, Information and Communication
Technology (ICT), History, Geography, Modern Foreign Languages, Art and design,
Music, Citizenship, Physical Education. Careers education and guidance, Sex and
Relationship Education and Religious education
Activity 13 “Universities in English speaking countries”

I. Fill the information about this prestigious universities, and add another University in UK,
and 2 of USA

Location Year of Founder Motto Famous

Foundatio Graduate
n d
Oxford Oxford, UK 1096 Dominios Stephen
harmington Hawking
Cambridge Cambridge UK 1209 Enrique de Hinclum es Albert
Wincheste puesto Einstein
Harvard Cambridge, 1636 General Ventas Fields
Massachusetts Cart Jhon Michel
, USA Harvard
(Uk UK London 1826 Henry Cumot Matthew
University) England Broughan expect prem Hinter
palvac Alexander
(USA Upper 1754 In lumine tuo Barak
University) Manhathan videolominu Obama
N.Y. s Julian
USA Palvatte 1891 Lelad The wind of Hebert
(University California, USA Stanford y Liberty hooker
) Jone Blows Elon Musk
ACTIVITY 14“Research about Academic Exchange Programs in your school”
I. Research about two Exchangue programs (undergraduate level and master degree) that in
your school(FIME) has with different education institutions to study abroad. Include the next
information: requirements, cost, scholarships, facilities, benefits.
Exchangue Academic Program 1: Announcement DAAD
Level: minimal credits 18 credits UANL
University: Berliner Kunstler
Country: Germany
60% of subjects passed at the beginning of the stay in Germany
Have all your subjects at the first opportunity
minimum average of 85
Have Level B2 in German
TOEFL – ITP 550 or iBT 79 iBT
Letter issued by the faculty corroborating that the candidate is in the 15% of the best students of
his career and generation
Have available 500 Euros per month during the stay in Germany
500 Euros per month during the stay in Germany
Economic Support (Scholarship):
Single amount of 460 EUR for the installation
410 EUR per month July – September
361 EUR per month, starting in October
Health insurance
Support plane ticket expenses
Single amount of 460 EUR for the installation
410 EUR per month July – September
361 EUR per month, starting in October
German course in Germany including accommodation
Health insurance
Support plane ticket expenses

Exchangue Academic Program 2

Level: CONAHEC, Licenciatura
University: OXFORD
Country: EUA
Be a current undergraduate or graduate student
Have a good academic performance

Have documentation that validates mastery of the foreign language, as the case may be
Demonstrate that you have economic solvency in order to cover the expenses of your stay abroad.

Costs: Single amount of 460 EUR for the installation

410 EUR per month July – September
361 EUR per month, starting in October
Econmic Support (Scholarship): CONAHEC

Health insurance
Support plane ticket expenses
Single amount of 460 EUR for the installation
410 EUR per month July – September
361 EUR per month, starting in October
II. Write a brief essay about the adventages and disaventages to study abroad (1 page)
Some of the adventages to study in other contry is that you can learn about other languaje and
you can titulate with an internacional tittle to work in other countries that can aval that tittle.
You can also know other persons from other countries.
Some of the adventages to stury in other contry is that you have more options, more
opportunities because you know a lot of people of other countries. The advantages of studying
abroad include learning a new language, boosting your résumé and experiencing new things,
while the disadvantages include crippling homesickness, high costs and cultural barriers.

It’s a cliché, but studying abroad really does broaden your horizons. Being in a foreign country
and seeing how other cultures approach life makes you challenge your assumptions.
Studying abroad will help you become one of those people you have always envied, someone
who can keep a dinner party enthralled with their portfolio of fascinating stories.

If you study abroad in a country where they don’t speak your native language, you will have an
excellent opportunity to learn theirs.
Having a period spent studying abroad on your CV tells employers that you are a well-travelled
person who is open to different cultures and different points of view.
BETTER LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES. Studying abroad makes it easier for you to receive the best
possible teaching in your chosen field of study.


Studying away from home can be tough enough even if you have only moved across the country
or to another state.

It is often the case that tuition fees are higher for international students.
Not only might you miss home, but your parents and the rest of your family may find it hard to
adjust to you being so far from home.

While studying abroad is an excellent opportunity to learn a new language, you may initially have
some problems with language barriers.
Studying abroad inevitably entails longer travelling times, potentially with connecting flights
and/or stop overs. An exhausting and time-consuming journey could turn into something you
Activity 15 “Mexican inventions”

I. Choose from the inventions given the six things that you think were invented by a

Mexican inventions

1. Rocket belt 4. Instant book maker

2. Contraceptive pill 5. Mouse pad _
3. Tv color 6. Translucid concrete

II. After discovering the six Mexican inventions, write the person who invented them.
These are the inventors: Guillermo González Camarena, Juan Manuel Lozano, Victor
Celorio, Armando Fernández, Joel Sosa and Luis Miramontes.

1. Rocket belt Juan Manuel Lozano

2. Contraceptive pill Luis Miramontes

3. Tv color Guillermo González Camarena

4. Instant book maker_ Victor Celorio

5. Mouse pad Armando Fernández

6. Translucid concrete Joel Sosa

Activity 16 “Gadgets that make our life easier”

I. Write as much as you know about them and their benefits for you telephone, electric
motor, internet, electricity, capacitor

The most popular device to communicate
orally is the telephone. It connects people
irrespective of distance. It breaks the tone
and helps us to communicate at any
moment and from any location. The
modern telephone has taken the shape of
the cell phone, which is portable and can
be used almost anywhere in the globe.

An electric motor is a device that converts
electrical energy into mechanical energy.
Electric motors have numerous
applications including in homes,
commercial buildings, and manufacturing
industries. They are extremely efficient
and they consume no fossil fuels. Electric
motors also do not produce exhaust gases,
making them CO2-free.

As an antibiotic, penicillin kills bacteria or
prevents them from growing and
multiplying, it is widely used to treat
bacterial infections. Before the
introduction of antibiotics, there were no
effective treatments for infections caused
by bacteria, such as pneumonia,
tuberculosis, gonorrhea or rheumatic

The Internet is a worldwide system of
computer networks, a network of
networks, in which users at any one
computer can, if they have permission, get
information from any other computer. Is
one of the greatest creations and provides
people with instant access to an endless
supply of knowledge and entertainment.

Electricity is one of the most important
things that science has given to mankind.
It has also become a part of modern life
and one cannot think of a world without it.
Electricity has many uses in our day-to-day
life. It is used for lighting rooms, working
fans and domestic appliances like using
electric stoves, A/C and more. In factories,
large machines are worked with the help
of electricity. Essential items like food,
cloth, paper and many other things.
Capacitors are electrical components that
we use in a variety of electrical circuits,
systems, and pieces of machinery for
several different purposes. Our modern
world of electronics requires a lot of
energy. To meet this demand, energy must
be stored electrically for easy access.
Capacitors are ideal for storing large
electrical energy charges as well as
conditioning the flow of energy as needed.

Activity 17 “Engineering designs for the future”

I. Watch the video about Engineering in the future in the next link: Answer the following questions:

1) Write a summary of the video ( 1 page)

2) Describe the innovation shown in the video. (1 page)

3) How was the engineering applied in the design and implementation of the
construction presented? (1 page)

4) Write a conclusion about the activity (1/2 page)


Hyperloop is a proposed high-speed transportation system for both public and goods

transport. The idea was picked up by Elon Musk to describe a modern project based on

the vactrain concept. Hyperloop systems have three essential elements: tubes, pods,

and terminals. The tube is a large, sealed low-pressure system, usually a long tunnel.

The pod is a coach pressurized at atmospheric pressure that runs substantially free of

air resistance or friction inside this tube using magnetic propulsion, in some cases

augmented by a ducted fan. The terminal handles pod arrivals and departures. The

Hyperloop, in the initial form proposed by Musk, differs from vactrains by relying on

residual air pressure inside the tube to provide lift by aerofoils and propulsion by fans.

The hyperloop system consists of a network of tubes, connecting mobility hubs around the

world, with pods traveling at ultra-high speeds in a vacuum. The low-pressure environment

ensures energy-efficient operation thanks to low aerodynamic drag. Contactless magnetic

levitation and propulsion systems enable a comfortable and silent passenger experience.

Hyperloop combines the key benefits of speed and flexibility, comfort and safety as well as

sustainability. Thanks to the ultra-high speeds of the hyperloop system the door-to-door travel

time on medium-range distances can be considerably reduced compared to current

connections. Moreover, with fully-electric operations the system aims at being climate-neutral.


There are two big differences between Hyperloop and traditional rail. The pods carrying

passengers travel through tubes or tunnels from which most of the air has been removed to

reduce friction. This should allow the pods to travel at up to 750 miles per hour rather than

using wheels like a train or car, the pods are designed to float on air skis, using the same basic

idea as an air hockey table, or use magnetic levitation to reduce friction. Hyperloop could be

cheaper and faster than train or car travel, and cheaper and less polluting than air travel. They

claim that it's also quicker and cheaper to build than traditional high-speed rail. Hyperloop could

therefore be used to take the pressure off gridlocked roads, making travel between cities

easier, and potentially unlocking major economic benefits as a result.

Musk believes the Hyperloop, with giant vacuum-like tubes and an air-bearing suspension

system, could ferry riders from Los Angeles to San Francisco in 35 minutes. That’s a roughly

350-mile trip, meaning the futuristic capsules would be zipping along at almost 700 mph –

faster than most commercial airliners and slightly less than the train believed to be the world’s

fastest – China’s Shangai Maglev Train, has been recorded at a top speed of 311 mph. But its

top operating speed is 268 mph, meaning it would take just under an hour and 20 minutes to

make the same trip.

Design and implementation:

sleek metal pods hurtle through low-pressure, windowless vacuum tubes with the help of

magnetic levitation and electromagnetic propulsion kind of like the pneumatic tubes used in

libraries and bank drive-thrus, but not really; they’re far more powerful and sophisticated. Jet-

like speeds could exceed 500 mph and top out around 670. And the ride, whether elevated or

subterranean, will reportedly be much smoother with no real differences from what a train or

plane trip would be like despite the high speeds it reaches. Rather than serving as cross-

country transportation, hyperloops will most likely connect cities in the same region. There

already are efforts to link Midwest hubs like Pittsburgh, Columbus, Cleveland and Chicago, and

the ability to access those places more quickly could allow people to live and work hundreds of

miles apart without worrying about a long commute.

Hyperloop also presents a potential legislative challenge: Like autonomous vehicles,

the uniqueness of this transport mode means much of the existing regulations and

standards worldwide are not applicable to it and thus a new regulatory framework will

need to be developed. Governments should collaborate with Hyperloop companies at

the early stages of development to address the regulatory gap. Critics of Hyperloop

have argued that the extreme speeds may produce an uncomfortable riding experience

for passengers due to G-forces and jostling. In addition, travelling in a concrete pipe in

a windowless pod may not produce an enjoyable travel experience and may be too

alien for passengers.


Hyperloop is a technology that, for its supporters at least, could have a huge impact. It could

reduce air travel between big cities, boost economies and trade, and reduce the pressure on

housing in cities by allowing commuters to live further away. But none of this is anywhere near

proven yet. There are major technical and business hurdles that Hyperloop technologies will

need to surmount before they can carry passengers in comfort through a pneumatic tube, let

alone change the world.

The next stage for Hyperloop is to move beyond initial testing and feasibility studies, start

longer distance trials of the technology and, even more importantly, testing the service with

passengers. Another challenge will be to find commercial models that work around the world.

Only when all this is done will it become clear whether Hyperloop can really become a success.

Activity 18
Clebrating music in a country
Answer the next questions
1) Have you ever been in a Music Festival, Concert or Musical?
R= | have never been to a music festival or massive concert, only in small
presentations of a musical group
2) What singers or bands did you see in this festival?
None still could not go to a festival
3) What's an important music lastival celebrated in your aty?.
R=• Mother of All Hellow Festival, Tecate Live Out, , Beyond Wenderland, Tecate
Pal' Norte ,Machaca Festival.
4) What do you think is the purpose of organizing a fest?
Is for fun, is like spending time with friends and meet a new people from all over
the wolrd
5) How accessible are festivals of music in your country?
R= Is allowed to all People.
6) Which one do your consider is the best Music Festival in the world?
R= Tomamowland

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