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Height Weight

150 47
155 52
165 58 Correlation Analysis
152 49 Scatter Plot
150 53
155 56 Correlation between Height and Weight
167 66
157 60
145 54 90
155 61 80
158 52
165 65
161 55 60

157 56 50
170 85
153 56
152 57 30
152 60 20
161 65
151 56
161 52 0
130 140 150 160 170 180
164 63
155 65
150 50
152 57
150 68 Regression Analysis
153 70
149 53
152 61 Regression Statistics
165 66 Multiple R 0.62778353
150 57 R Square 39% <- With the simple regression
159 70 Adjusted R Square 0.39171735
150 57 Standard Error 8.15390271
162 56 Observations 255
154 55
150 52 ANOVA
146 48 df SS MS
152 50 Regression 1 10941.5582733 10941.55827
154 53 Residual 253 16820.9907463 66.48612943
160 60 Total 254 27762.5490196
159 53
152 65 Coefficients Standard Error t Stat
157 52 Intercept -46.18 8.17057592747 -5.65193196
160 65 Independent Height 0.65 0.05034437946 12.83
164 57
164 68 1) What does the model means?
155 57 a) Regression equation: Weight = -46.18 + 0.65*Height
147 48 b) Interprete the meanings of coefficient:
160 67 B0 = -46.18, when the height = 0, Weight = -46.18 + 0.65*0 = 46.18 in average.
156 62 B1 = 0.65, means when the Height increase for 1 unit, the Weight will increase for 0.65 m
146 50
154 59 2) How does the model fit?
160 54 Coefficient of Determination = R square 62.78%
155 55
156 60
151 56 3) The significance of the model
152 52 Are the whole model significant or insignificant? (The model are usable, reliable or not)
156 53 p-value of F test = 2.356E-29 < 0.05 -> result is statistically significant
165 57
170 58
182 73 Are the independent variable is significant? (should the variable included or excluded)
173 55 p-value of t-test associated with the Height = 2.356E-29 < 0.05
156 65 <) The Height has a significant relationship to Weight
155 50
164 63
152 56
158 62
177 70
164 52
160 57
164 62
163 67
158 56
155 62
147 52
150 55
160 64
190 90
175 89
157 55
166 67
161 70
169 55
167 68
151 47
155 55
160 54
162 60
165 79
166 67
155 50
156 55
166 60
155 55
156 50
155 49
169 68
180 75
156 63
155 60
179 60
170 65
160 65
155 48
165 60
155 58
190 90
172 60
189 45
170 80
187 67
150 55
158 70
158 43
153 50
161 50
148 45
178 64
157 53
162 52
163 60
155 46
158 50
159 40
163 60
172 60
167 65
167 50
166 48
160 45
163 58
155 59
170 55
153 50
150 40
157 44
160 55
160 50
163 62
165 58
160 55
166 57
161 49
160 46
155 57
165 47
165 56
146 65
150 48
178 70
160 51
150 40
161 52
157 48
157 48
164 50
162 57
154 45
175 59
175 59
169 92
160 50
155 50
177 71
170 65
151 38
177 70
162 53
156 50
155 50
163 50
172 68
155 45
170 55
163 54
160 48
150 40
160 53
168 53
168 53
182 60
177 83
165 58
160 52
165 50
190 78
155 45
167 65
182 75
185 68
155 45
173 90
166 60
170 65
160 55
175 72
169 82
190 82
165 60
158 45
166 70
162 45
157 65
150 54
165 54
160 55
140 45
154 43
175 65
176 60
151 54
179 75
160 47
151 46
185 75
160 55
170 60
154 53
165 60
152 50
156 51
165 60
180 70
180 70
156 53
160 59
176 76
153 51
180 79
170 65
152 51
165 45
170 53
180 70
154 54
155 55
154 54
185 70
149 54
189 80
142 53
152 54
156 49
172 67
151 52
154 43
173 90
166 43
159 57
173 90
183 55
172 65
178 70
178 67
Correlation numerical analysis
Correlation coefficient
ween Height and Weight <- Based on the scatter plot and the correlation coefficient, we ca

160 170 180 190 200


F Significance F
164.569037 2.3560147E-29

P-value Lower 95% Upper 95% Lower 95.0% Upper 95.0%

4.2673E-08 -62.270547278 -30.0885311 -62.27054727753 -30.08853113
2.356E-29 0.5466927169 0.744987629 0.5466927168998 0.7449876287

0.65*0 = 46.18 in average.

t, the Weight will increase for 0.65 more units.

<- About 39.41% the variation in the Weight could be explained by the model.
<- Still 60.59% of the variation has not been explained (need more relevant information included in the model)

Significance level Confidence level

e model are usable, reliable or not) 0.01 99%
tically significant 0.05 95%
0.1 90%

he variable included or excluded)

66.69917 >0
0.627784 >0
correlation coefficient, we can say that there is a strong positive relationship between the Height and Weight
in the model)

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