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An Act to incorporate the Barbados Pharmaceutical Society.
[Commencement: 20th November, 1961]
Short title
This Act may be cited as the Barbados Pharmaceutical Society Act.
Incorporation of the Barbados Pharmaceutical Society
The present and all future members of the Barbados Pharmaceutical Society shall be and
they are hereby declared and adjudged to be one body politic and corporate by the name of
The Barbados Pharmaceutical Society (hereinafter referred to as the Society) and by that
name shall have perpetual succession.
The Society by that name—
shall sue and be sued in all courts and before all magis-strates and others in all manner of
suits, actions and complaints, matters or causes whatsoever; and
shall have a common seal and may alter and vary the same at their pleasure; and
shall be in law and in equity capable of—
acquiring and holding all estate and property real and personal as may at any time be acquired
by or come to the Society in any manner whatsoever; and
of selling and of disposing of the same from time to time for the benefit of the Society; and
for any of the purposes aforesaid borrowing at any time or from time to time as occasion may
require any sum or sums of money necessary for carrying into effect any of the objects
aforesaid or for any purpose which may be beneficial for furthering any of the objects of the
Society; and
giving such security by way of mortgage or otherwise for effectuating any such loan; and
executing and delivering such deeds, instruments or other documents necessary or proper for
effecting all or any of the said objects.
Vesting of real and personal property in the Society
All real and personal property of every kind and description and all choses in action which
shall at the passing of this Act be vested in or standing in the name or names of any person or
persons whomsoever for the use of or in trust for the Society for the purposes aforesaid shall
forthwith and without conveyance, transfer or assignment vest in the Society for the purposes
aforesaid and in all actions, suits or proceedings in any court or before any magistrates or
higher tribunal touching or concerning any such property the same shall be stated to be the
property of the Society without any further description.
Property of the Society alone liable for its debts
The funds as well as the real estate and effects of the Society shall be alone subject and liable
to any charge and demands against the Society and no subscriber to the funds of the Society
shall be liable for or charged with the payment of any debt or demand from or by the Society
beyond the extent of the funds, property and effects of the Society.
Powers of the Society
The Society shall have full power and authority—
to make, ordain, establish and put into execution any bye-laws, ordinances, orders, rules and
for and concerning the nomination, election and suspension, removal and expulsion of
members and officers; and
for and concerning the management, collecting and disposal of funds, moneys of the estate
and property belonging to the Society;
for the use of the common seal; and
for conducting and regulating the business affairs and concerns of the Society; and
relative to any other matter or thing whatsoever which may in anywise concern the good
management of the Society; and
from time to time to change, repeal or vary the same as may seem proper:
Provided always that no such bye-laws, ordinances, orders, rules and regulations be in
anywise repugnant or contrary to Her Majesty’s prerogative royal or to the laws of this Island
and shall not in any manner affect any other person or persons but those who are or may
become members of the Society.
Fines to be recovered in a summary manner
All fines, forfeitures and penalties incurred by virtue of any bye-law, ordinance, order,
rule or regulation so made, ordained and established and all sums of money becoming due to
the Society from any of the members of the Society shall be sued for and recovered in a
summary way before any magistrate on the complaint of the Secretary or Treasurer of the
Society and every magistrate is hereby authorised and required to take cognisance thereof
All fines, forfeitures and penalties when received or the over-plus thereof after deducting
necessary charges shall be paid in to the Treasurer of the Society for the time being for the
use of the Society.
Disputes to be decided as directed by the rules
Every dispute between any member or members of the Society or any person claiming
through or under a member or under the rules of the Society and any other member or
members of the Society shall be decided in the manner directed by the rules of the Society
and the decisions so made shall be binding and conclusive on all the parties, provided the
same be not contrary nor repugnant to the laws of this Island.
Saving rights of the Crown
Nothing in this Act declared or expressed shall affect the rights of the Crown, all bodies
politic and corporate and all others except such as are mentioned in this Act and those
claiming by, from or under them.

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