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Epicranius/Occipitofrontalis a) Frontalis raises eyebrows, wrinkles forehead b) Occipitalis pulls scalp posteriorly c) Galea aponeurotica connects the 2 muscles Muscles of the Face 1. Corrugator supercilii draws eyebrows together, wrinkles forehead, skin vertically (as if frowning) 2. Orbicularis oculi doses eyelids; crows feet (wrinkles of aging) 3. Zygomaticus (major and minor) elevates and abducts upper lid (smiling) 4. Risorius draws corners of lips laterally; tense lips 5. Levator labii superioris opens upper lips; flares nostrils (as in disgust) 6. Depressor labii inferioris draws lower lip downward (as in pout) 7. Depressor anguli oris - draws corner of the mouth downward and laterally (as in tradegy mask grimace) 8. Orbucularis oris - closes lips; purses and protrudes lips (kissing muscle) 9. Mentalis protrudes lower lips; wrinkles chin 10. Buccinator draws corner of the mouth laterally; flattens checks (whistling, blowing, sucking) 11. Platysma helps depress mandible, pulls lower lip back and down; tenses skin on the neck (shaving) II. MASTICATION Muscles of Mastication 1. Masseter elevates mandible, closes jaw 2. Temporalis elevates and retracts mandible, closes jaw 3. Medial pterygoid elevates mandible, involved in excursion (side to side grinding movement of the lower jaw) 4. Lateral pterygoid protrudes mandible; forward sliding and side to side grinding movement of the lower jaw 5. Buccinator helps keep food between grinding surfaces of teeth during chewing Muscles Promoting Tongue Movements (A) Intrinsic Muscles of the Tongue (B) Extrinsic Muscles of the Tongue 1. Genioglossus protrudes and retracts tongue 2. Hyoglossus depresses tongue and draws its sides downward 3. Styloglossus retracts and elevates tongue Muscles Promoting Swallowing (A) Muscles of the Soft Palate (B) Pharyngeal Muscles 1. Superior constrictor 2. Middle constrictor 3. Inferior constrictor (C) Suprahyoid Muscles 1. Digastric elevate hyoid bone 2. Stylohyoid elevates and retracts hyoid bone 3. Mylohyoid elevates hyoid bone and retracts tongue 4. Geniohyoid pulls hyoid bone superiorly and anteriorly

(D) Infrahyoid 1. Sternohyoid depresses larynx and hyoid bone 2. Sternothyroid pulls thyroid cartilage 3. Omohyoid depresses and retracts hyoid bones 4. Thyrohyoid depresses hyoid bone and elevates thyroid cartilage MUSCLES OF THE NECK ANTEROLATERAL NECK MUSCLES (Head Movements) 1. Sternocleidomastoid rotate head, flex neck or extend head 2. Scalenes (anterior, middle and posterior) flex and rotate head, inspiration, coughing 3. Trapezius extends head and neck 4. Levator scapulae laterally flexes neck MUSCLES OF THE THORAX (Breathing) 1.External intercostals aid in inspiration; elevates ribs 2.Internal intercostals aid in expiration; depresses ribs 3.Diaphragm inspiration; increases intra-abdominal pressure when strongly contracted MUSCLES OF THE VERTEBRAL COLUMN INTRINSIC MUSCLES OF THE BACK (Trunk Movements) 1. Splenius extend and hyperextend the head, rotates head and bends laterally towards same side when acting separately 2. Erector spinalis extends vertebral column a) Iliocostalis b) Longissimus c) Spinalis 3. Semispinalis extends and rotates vertebral column and head 4. Quadratus lumborum flexes vertebral column laterally when acting separately; extends lumbar spine when acting together MUSCLES OF THE ABDOMINAL WALL (Trunk movements and compression of the abdominal viscera) 1. Rectus abdominis flexes vertebral column; compresses abdomen 2. External oblique compresses abdomen; flexes and rotates vertebral column 3. Internal oblique - compresses abdomen; flexes and rotates vertebral column 4. Transversus abdominis compresses abdomen

MUSCLES CROSSING THE SHOULDER JOINT MUSCLES ACTING ON THE SCAPULA (Shoulder) 1. Levator scapulae 2. Pectoralis minor 3. Rhomboides (major and minor) 4. Serratus anterior 5. Trapezius (A) Elevators of the Scapula 1. Levator scapulae 2. Rhomboid minor 3. Trapezius (B) Depressors of the Scapula 1. Pectoralis minor 2. Trapezius (C) Protracts the Scapula 1. Serratus anterior (D) Retracts the Scapula 1. Rhomboid major and minor 2. Trapezius 3. Levator scapulae (E) Rotators of the Scapula 1. Levator scapulae 2. Rhomboid major and minor 3. Serratus anterior 4. Trapezius MUSCLES MOVING THE ARM (Humerus) 1. Deltoid 2. Latissimus dorsi 3. Pectoralis major 4. Teres major and minor 5. Biceps brachii 6. Brachialis 7. Triceps brachii (A) Flexors of the Arm 1. Pectoralis major (*) 2. Deltoid (*) 3. Brachialis 4. Biceps brachii (B) Extensors of the Arm 1. Latissimus dorsi (*) 2. Deltoid (*) 3. Teres major

(C) Abductors of the Arm 1. Deltoid 2. Supraspinatus (D) Adductors of the Arm 1. Pectoralis major (*) 2. Latissimus dorsi 3. Teres major 4. Teres minor 5. Brachialis 6. Triceps brachii ROTATOR CUFF MUSCLES 1. Infraspinatus 2. Subscapularis 3. Supraspinatus 4. Teres minor (A) Medial Rotators of the Arm 1. Pectoralis major 2. Latissimus dorsi 3. Deltoid 4. Subscapularis (*) 5. Teres major (B) Lateral rotators of the Arm 1. Deltoid 2. Infraspinatus (*) 3. Teres minor (*) MUSCLES CROSSING THE ELBOW JOINTS (Movement of the Forearm) (A) Elbow Flexors (Anterior Muscles) 1. Brachialis 2. Biceps brachii 3. Brachioradialis (B) Elbow Extensors (Posterior Muscles) 1. Triceps 2. Supinator MUSCLES IN THE FOREARM (Movements of the Wrist, Hand and Fingers) ANTERIOR 1. Palmaris longus 2. Flexor carpi radialis 3. Flexor digitorum profundus 4. Flexor digitorum superficialis 5. Pronator (quadratus and teres)

POSTERIOR 1. Brachioradialis 2. Extensor carpi radialis brevis 3. Extensor carpi radialis longus 4. Extensor carpi ulnaris 5. Extensor digitorum 6. Supinator (A) Muscles Performing Forearm Supination 1. Biceps brachii 2. Supinator (B) Muscles Performing Forearm Pronation 1. Pronator teres 2. Pronator quadratus MUSCLES ACTING ON THE WRIST (A) Extensors of the Wrist 1. Extensor carpi radialis (longus and brevis) 2. Extensor carpi ulnaris 3. Extensor digitorum (*) (B) Flexors of the Wrist 1. Palmaris longus 2. Flexor carpi radialis (*) 3. Flexor carpi ulnaris (*) 4. Flexor digitorum superficialis (*) 5. Flexor digitorum profundus 6. Flexor pollicis longus (C) Abductors of the Wrist 1. Extensor carpi longus and brevis 2. Extensor carpi longus and brevis 3. Abductor pollicis longus 4. Flexor carpi radialis (D) Adductors of the Wrist 1. Flexor carpi ulnaris 2. Extensor carpi ulnaris MUSCLES ACTING ON THE HAND/FINGERS (A) Flexors of the Digits 1. Flexor digitorum superficials middle phalanges (*) 2. Flexor pollicis lingus distal phalanx of thumb 3. Flexor digitorum profundus distal phalanges (*) (B) Extensors of the Digits 1. Extensor digitorum fingers 2. Abductor pollicis longus thumb (abducts) 3. Extensor pollicis longus & brevis - thumb 4. Extensor indicis index finger

MUSCLES IN THE THIGH MUSCLES MOVING THE THIGH 1. Iliopsoas 2. Gluteus maximus 3. Gluteus medius 3. Gluteus minimus 4. Tensor fasciae latae (A) Flexion of Hip Joint (Thigh) 1. Iliopsoas (Iliacus and Psoas Muscles) (*) 2. Sartorius 3. Adductor longus 4. Adductor brevis 5. Pectineus 6. Rectus femoris 7. Tensor faciae latae (B) Extension of Hip Joint (Thigh) 1. Adductor Magnus 2. Gluteus Maximus (*) 3. Biceps femoris (*) 4. Semitendinosus 5. Semimembranosus (C) Hip Abduction 1. Tensor fasciae latae 2. Gluteus Medius (*) 3. Gluteus minimus 4. Piriformis (D) Hip Adduction 1. Adductor magnus 2. Adductor longus 3. Adductor brevis 4. Pectineus 5. Gracilis (E) Medial Rotators of the Hip Joint 1.Tensor fasciae latae 2. Gluteus medius 3. Gluteus minimus (F) Lateral Rotators of the Hip Joint 1. Sartorius 2. Adductor magnus 3. Adductor longus 4. Adductor brevis 5. Pectineus 6. Gluteus maximus 7. Piriformis 8. Obturator maximus 9. Obturator externus 10. Gemelli 11. Quadratus femoris

MUSCLES IN THE THIGH MUSCLES MOVING THE LEG ANTERIOR COMPARTMENT 1. Rectus femoris 2. Vastus lateralis 3. Vastus medialis 4. Vastus intermedius 5. Sartorius MEDIAL COMPARTMENT 1. Adductor longus 2. Adductor magnus 3. Gracilis POSTERIOR COMPARTMENT (Hamstring muscles) 1. Biceps femoris 2. Semitendinosus 3. Semimembranosus (A) Flexors of the Knee Joint 1. Sartorius 2. Gracilis 3. Biceps femoris (*) 4. Semitendinosus (*) 5. Semimembranosus (*) 6. Gastrocnemius 7. Plantaris 8. Popliteus (B) Extensors of the Knee Joint 1. Rectus femoris (*) 2. Vastus muscles (*) MUSCLES in the LEG MUSCLES MOVING THE LEG, ANKLE AND FOOT ANTERIOR COMPARTMENT 1. Extensor digitorum longus 2. Extensor hallucis longus 3. Tibialis anterior 4. Fibularis tertius (Peroneus tertius) POSTERIOR COMPARTMENT SUPERFICIAL 1. Gastrocnemius 2. Soleus DEEP 1. Flexor digitorum longus 2. Flexor hallucis longus 3. Tibialis posterior

LATERAL COMPARTMENT 1. Fibularis brevis (Peroneus brevis) 2. Fibularis longus (Peroneus longus) (A) Plantar Flexion 1. Peroneus longus and brevis 2. Gastrocnemius (*) 3. Soleus (*) 4. Plantaris 5. Flexor digitoruim longus 6. Flexor hallucis longus 7. Tibialis posterior (B) Dorsiflexion 1. Tibialis anterior (*) 2. Extensor digitoruim longus 3. Peroneus tertius 4. Extensor hallucis longus (C) Inversion of Ankle Joint (Foot) 1. Tibialas anterior 2. Extensor hallucis longus 3. Flexor digitoruim longus 4. Flexor hallucis longus 5. Tibialis posterior (*) (D) Eversion of Ankle Joint (Foot) 1. Peroneus tertius 2. Peroneus longus and brevis (E) Flexion Digits (Foot) 1. Flexor digitoruim longus (*) 2. Flexor hallucis longus big toe (F) Extension of Digits (Foot) 1. Extensor digitorum longus (*) 2. Extensor hallucis longus big toe

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