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Алшинбаева Жулдыз Куанышевна

магистрант 2 курса
Астана, Евразийский национальный университет им. Л.Н. Гумилева
Principles and criteria of selection of linguistic-cultural material in
the foreign language teaching
Төмендегі мақалада лингвомәдени мәліметтердің шет тілін жоғары
мектепте оқыту барысындағы маңыздылық мәселесі қарастырылып
В данной статье рассматривается вопрос о значимости
лингвокультурологического материала при обучения ИЯ в высших школах.
Studying a foreign language is a complex process; therefore, it is worth
examining the process as such in order to increase its learning value and achieve
better results. The purpose is to focus on teaching culture in the context of
foreign language education. This goal is accomplished by looking at the role and
importance of culture in the learning process. Integration of language and
culture is seen as a fundamental aspect of general education, which promotes
language learning and meets pupils’ interests. The process increases knowledge
and awareness of both the target culture and the students’ own culture and leads
to their personal growth. The positive features of this situation are the recent
improvements and the availability of media resources, which increases students’
So, nowadays books, textbooks provide a significant amount of cultural
information as well, including a large amount of phraseologisms or
phraseological inits, that perfectly reflects the inner side of national mentality,
culture and language itself. But taking into consideration the textbooks that were
used in the previous century in the foreign language teaching, the difference is
striking. Quite often they present a substantial amount of cultural information,
however, the cultural awareness and interpretations seem insufficient. As a
result culture is often treated in a peripheral or supplementary way, depending
on the interest and awareness of teachers and students. Since there is a well
established tradition of teaching mostly linguistic skills, language teachers seem
to accord little value to cultural studies. Much practice is based on enthusiasm
and intuition. Language teachers often do not go deeper into cultural matters
since they only aim at giving learners the tool of the language with a help of
which they communicate with people from other cultures forgetting that going
beyond linguistic knowledge, in other words dealing with culture, does have
advantages. In order to focus on culture language teachers should be well
informed in this sphere. Effective use of culture-oriented materials requires
careful planning. The suggestion here is that teaching materials must be capable
of contributing to the achievement of the practical, cultural, and educational
aims of learning a foreign language. They should satisfy the needs of the
learners or the purposes of the teachers in the classroom. They obligatory should
include linguistic-cultural material, phraseologisms. This fact makes a special
demand on course books. They should interpret the information within the
context of the target culture and in comparison with the learners’ own culture. If
the materials are excellent and refer more to the daily similarities and
differences, students will have the opportunity to understand the language being
taught and then go on to gain an understanding of the cultural factors.
Consequently, the work on the new materials might concentrate on producing
more cultural references so that they provide a better support for learning and
teaching culture. As teachers and also learners may feel that they are missing an
important dimension, that of the culture of the mother tongue, which may need
special attention and can be used as a springboard to teach the target language
and its culture. There should be structured comparative study of the home and
foreign culture that inevitably raises the learners’ awareness of their own
culture. This should be an explicit part of the subject and there should be explicit
aims to which resources contribute. All in all, culture can be educational and
education can be cultural [1;11]. The main goal, in our opinion, is studying
language simultaneously with culture of the given language country, namely in
that form as it is mediated to languages. It is natural, that the educational and
formational potential of the given subject rises day after day.
Introduction of culture-oriented linguistic component is extremely
important. The reason is that it promotes the formation of motivation to foreign
languages studying which is the main constituent of teaching foreign language.
Proceeding from the purposes and problems of teaching foreign language
at the higher levels, and also considering psychological features of students,
their motives and interests, rely on facts of modern methodology and
technologies of teaching foreign language at the universities and higher schools,
we single out the following principles and criteria of culture-oriented linguistic
material selection during the foreign language teaching:
1. Conformity of material to the certain established theme;
2. Presence of the national-cultural component, including national realities,
3. Ability of available material to be effective in achieving of the general
educational and formational purposes;
4. Conformity of age and interests of students;
5. The importance of material for students;
6. Novelty and actuality;
7. Realisation of intersubject communications.
It, of course, is only the most basic criteria which vary and supplemented
depending on the concrete situation, the purposes of the teacher, conditions of
using etc.
Characteristic features of the complex approach to selection culture-
oriented linguistic material at the higher schools. The role and features of
culture-oriented linguistic component in foreign languages teaching is extremely
important. The major task which is standing at the moment before scientists and
methodologists, teachers, consists in selecting corresponding knowledge, skills
and abilities to include them in the cultural component of the teaching content at
the higher school.
On the assumption of the given culture-oriented linguistic component
includes certain knowledge (language and culturalurological), also skills and
abilities (speech and nonverbal behaviour), many researchers (Nikitenko Z.N.,
Osijanova O. M, Passov E.I., Rogova G. V, Vereshchagina I.N., Biboletova M.
Z and others) consider, that in order to support interest to language as
communication means, it is necessary to develop interest to it as to the carrier of
original culture. And it makes the important contribution to cultural and spiritual
heritage of the country of studied language. Intensification of linguistic-cultural
component in teaching does not reduce importance of practical mastering of
language forms as communication means, i.e. communicative component.
Moreover, it allows realizing principles of communicative orientation. Because
at the higher school the strong bases for all components of the teaching content,
including cultural should be put in pawn. [5; 66]. Knowledge of national culture
represents the knowledge known for all representatives of the given linguistic
community. This background knowledge is divided into knowledge of subjects
and the phenomena of national culture (realities) and knowledge of the norms of
behaviour standard in the country (etiquette).
Every student of higher school should have the following skills:
- skills and drills to operate with the selected language material
(background lexicon and words which don’t have any equivalents in other
- abilities to use the formula of speech etiquette in situations:
acquaintance, congratulation and so on;
- ability to take part in the cultural actions connected with national
holidays and customs.
Mastering the linguistic-cultural competence is the way to realization of
dialogue between cultures possessing the big possibilities for creation
sociocultural context of development of students’ personality.
The culture-oriented linguistic component includes certain knowledge
(language and culturalurological), and also skills and abilities (speech and
nonverbal behaviour). The culture-oriented linguistic material includes the
words, phrases, phraseologisms that don’t have any equivalents in other
languages designating national realities, background lexicon, connotative
lexicon. It is important to mention that culture-oriented linguistic component
finds the reflexion in phraseological units, proverbs, sayings, rhymes, counting-
out rhyme, proper names, micro-and macrotexts.
At selection of culture-oriented linguistic material at the higher schools
during foreign language teaching such criteria, as conformity of materials to
certain subjects, conformity to age and interests, emotionality, language
availability, the importance and others are used.
1. Ариян М.А. Лингвострановедение в преподавании иностранного
языка в старших классах средней школы // Иностранные языки в
школе. 1990. –
№2. – C.11.
2. Нефедова М.А., Лотарева Т.В. Страноведческий материал и
познавательная активность учащихся // Иностранные языки в школе.
1987. – №6. – C.35.
3. Борисенко М.К. Некоторые аспекты преподавания элементов
лингвострановедения на французском языке // Иностранные языки в
школе. 1997. – №3. – C.41.
4. Oxford, R.L. Language learning strategies in a nutshell: Update and ESL
suggestions. TESOL Journal Winter, 1992. – 43 р.
5. Resource book for Teachers / Cultural Awareness – Oxford University
Press, 1996. – 85 р.

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