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TOPICS: UNIT 19, 21, 22, 23, 26

Mentor: Student:
English language

Table of Contents
1.UNIT 19..................................................................................................................................3
1.2.ELEKTRONSKA TRGOVINA.......................................................................................3
2.UNIT 21..................................................................................................................................4
3.UNIT 22..................................................................................................................................5
4.UNIT 23..................................................................................................................................7
4.1.BANKING SYSTEMS....................................................................................................7
4.2.BANKARSKI SISTEM...................................................................................................8

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1.UNIT 19

The trend of doing ecommerce was set in 1998; the next year venture investing in
Europe was around $13 billion, 65% higher than the amount invested in a year earlier.
Prospects of doing business in this way have been promising and it has been so easy to
establish one's own on-line presence. So "dot.com" newly born businesses have been
launched on the back of funds from venture capitalists. For a time, almost anybody with half
an idea about business could raise money. A new breed of young entrepreneurs seemed to
symbolize a far-reaching change, so that much of the new money was aimed at start-ups.
But, this favorable beginning was adversely effected by a sudden plunge in share prices
on America's stock market. Since then most of start-ups have found far harder to raise fresh
money. The direct consequence has been that young Internet firms started running out of
cash, or had to lower substantially their offer prices. Given the circumstances, it has seemed
that mergers among Europe's Internet firms should come as no surprise. In America, Internet
firms have already begun merging in order to husband resources and speed up their
development. For experts on both sides of the Atlantic, there has been no surprise. As some
of them put it: "It is a neutral phenomenon in emerging industries". The consolidation will
help those firms with the best business models to grow more quickly to a sustainable scale.
Although Internet seems to be "a safe place to do business", it is not without risk.
Recently, there has been an avalanche of fake requests for information on the Internet's most
prominent sites. As a result, they have been paralyzed by a series of "denial-of-service"
attacks which overwhelm even the most powerful network computers. Some experts now fear
that such digital assaults could deal a lasting blow to e-commerce.
The web's openness facilitates electronic assaults, but one should not forget that the
same openness created e-commerce in the first place.


Bavljenje ovim trendom započeto je 1998; sledeće godine poduhvat ulaganja u Evropi
je bio oko 13 milijardi dolara, 65% više od iznosa uloženog predhodne godine. Izgledi
bavljenja biznisom u obom smislu je bilo obećavajuće i bilo je lako uspostaviti sopstveno on-
line prisudstvo. Dakle, "dot.com" novoosnovani biznis je bio pokrenut na osnovama
sredstava kapitalista. Za određeno vreme, skoro svako sa malo ideje o poslu je mogao da
zaradi novac. Nova generacija mladih preduzetnika simbolizovala je dalekosežne promene,
tako da je veliki deo novog novca usmeren na početnike.
Ali, ovaj povoljan početak je negativno uticao na iznenadne padove cena akcija na
američkoj berzi. Od tada je većina početnika otkrila da je daleko teže da se zaradi svež novac.
Direktna posledica je da je mladim Internet firmama počelo da ponestaje novca, ili su morali
da značajno da smanje cene ponuda. S obzirom na okolnosti, izgleda da je spajanja među
evropskim internet firmama došlo očekivano. U Americi, Internet firme su već počele

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spajanje u cilju spajanja resursa i ubrzavala njihov razvoj. Za eksperte na obe strane Atlantika,
nije bilo iznenađenja. Neki od njih su rekli: "To je neutralna pojava u razvoju industrije".
Konsolidacija će pomoći one firme sa najboljim poslovnim modelima da rastu brže na
održivom nivou.
Iako internet izgleda kao "bezbedno mesto za posao", to nije bez rizika. Nedavno, došlo
je do lavine lažnih zahteva za informacije o najistaknutijim internet sajtovima. Kao rezultat
toga, oni su bili paralisani serijom "Odbijanja usluge" napadima, koji premašuju čak i
najmoćnije mrežne kompjutere.Neki stručnjaci sada strahuju da bi takvi digitalni napadi
zadali trajni udarac za e-trgovinu.
Otvorenost na internet olakšava elektronske napade, ali ne treba zaboraviti da je ista ta
otvorenost i kreirala e-trgovinu na prvom mestu.

2.UNIT 21


Nowadays, marketing influences and often actually controls, almost every part of
company's activities.
The Marketing Concept could be simply explained as it follows here:
1) We must produce what customers want, not WHAT WE WANT to produce;
2) We must put the customer FIRST; that means that we organize the company so that it
3) We must FIND OUT what the customer wants, so we carry out market research;
4) We must SUPPLY exactly what the customer requires and we can do it by offering the
right MARKETING MIX - the so called 'the four Ps', i.e.
a) the right Product
b) at the right Price
c) available through the right channels of distributing, i.e. Place
d) all presented in the right way: Promotion
A PRODUCT is not just a collection of components; it is the image of the product, its
design, quality and reliability, as well as its features and benefits. Products have a life cycle
and companies are continually developing new products to replace those whose sales are
declining and coming to the end of their lives.
PRICE means making it easy for the customer to buy the product.
Pricing takes account of the value of a product and its quality, the ability of the
customer to pay, the volume of sales required and the prices charged by the competitors. Too
low prices can reduce the number of sales just as significantly as too high prices.
PLACE means getting the product to the customer.
Decisions have to be made about channels of distribution and delivery arrangements.
Retail products may go through various channels of distribution.
PROMOTION means presenting the product to the customer. It involves the packaging
and presentation of the product, its image, its brand name, advertising and slogans, brochures,

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literature, price-lists, after-sales service and training of staff, trade exhibitions and fairs,
public relations, etc. Every product must possess a UNIQUE SELLING PROPOSITION, i.e.
the features and benefits that make it unlike any other product in its market.
Everyone who works for the company must "think marketing"


Danas, marketing ima uticaj, često zapravo i kontroliše, skoro svaki deo aktivnosti
Marketing koncept može se jednostavno objasniti kao što ovde sledi:
1) Moramo da proizvodimo ono što kupci žele, ne ono što želimo da proizvedimo;
2) Moramo da stavimo kupca na prvo mesto; to znači da moramo tako da organizujemo
3) Moramo da saznamo šta kupac želi, pa ćemo sprovesti istraživanje tržišta;
4) Mi moramo tačnda obezbedimo tačno šta kupac zahteva i mi to možemo nudeći
pravi marketing miks - takozvani "četiri Ps ', tj
a) pravi proizvod
b) po pravoj ceni
c) dostupan preko pravih kanala distribucije, odnosno mesto
d)sve predstavljeno na pravi način: Promocija
PROIZVOD nije samo kolekcija komponenti; to je slika proizvoda, dizajn, kvalitet i
pouzdanost, kao i njegove mogućnosti i prednosti. Proizvodi imaju životni ciklus, a
kompanija kontinuirano razvija nove proizvode za zamenu onih čija prodaja opada i dolazi do
kraja svog životnog ciklusa.
CENA olakšava potrošaču da kupi proizvod.
Cena uzima u obzir vrednost proizvoda i njegov kvaliteta, sposobnost kupca da ga plati,
obim prodaje koji je potreban i cene sklađene od strane konkurenata. Suviše niska cena može
smanjiti obim prodaje baš kao i suviše visoke cene.
MESTO znači dostavljane proizvoda do kupca. Moraju da se donose odluke o kanalima
distribucije i uslovima isporuke.Maloprodajni proizvodi mogu ići kroz različite kanale
PROMOCIJA znači predstavljanja proizvoda do kupca. To uključuje pakovanje i
prezentaciju proizvoda, imidž, brend, reklamiranje i parole, brošure, literaturu, cenovnike,
garancije i obuku osoblja, trgovinske izložbe i sajmove, odnose sa javnošću, itd. Svaki
proizvod mora imati jedinstvene uslove prodaje, odnosno funkcije i prednosti koje ga
razlikuju od bilo kog drugog proizvoda na tržištu. Svako ko radi za kompaniju mora "misliti

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3.UNIT 22

Export consignments can be stolen, damaged or even totally destroyed in transit,

causing financial loss to the exporter. To protect themselves against such risks, exporters
always insure their consignments. Without this insurance cover, a company could even be put
out of business by the loss of a large consignment. With this insurance cover, the insurance
company will pay the compensation for the loss and exporting company will be able to stay in
To insure a cargo, exporting companies pay a small percentage of the value to the
insurance company. These premiums will create a pool of money that can be used to pay the
minority of companies who suffer loss and claim compensation. In this way, the risk is spread
and people have a sense of security. The insurance company expects to receive more money
in premiums than it pays out in claims. Insurance companies have large amounts of money,
the premium income, to invest, and the return on their investments increases the size of the
pool of money from which they pay compensation to policyholders who make claims.
When insurance is taken out, a proposal form is completed, which gives details of what
is insured, for how long and tile nature of the risk. Underwriters, who work for the insurance
company, then assess the risk and calculate the premium - the price of insurance. The client
then receives the policy, which is the contract between the insured and the insurer, giving full
details of compensation and cover.
Instead of going directly to an insurance company, it is possible to seek advice from an
insurance broker about many different policies available from insurance companies. The
broker is paid commission by the insurance company whose policy is chosen.
The usual procedure in insurance is to insure against all risks. This involves a
W.A.clause (with average). The word average as used in insurance means damage.
With average means that the insurers pay claims for partial losses, whereas free
ofparticular average (F.P.A.) means that partial losses are not covered by the insurance.
The policy may be known as a floating policy, which covers a large quantity of goods
for a fairly long period, usually a year, or it covers goods up to a large sum of money.
A time policy insures a ship for a stated period from one month to one year, whereas a
voyage policy insures a ship for a stated voyage.
There is also a procedure of insurance often used known as open cover, by which there
is a rather general arrangement between the insurer and the insured, that the latter will have all
consignments insured by the former.
Insurance policy is very important, as it is a part of the shipping documents, together
with the Bill of Lading and Commercial Invoice.

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Pošiljke za izvoz mogu biti ukradene, oštećene ili čak potpuno uništene u transportu,
izazivajući finansijski gubitak izvozniku. Da bi se zaštitili od takvih rizika, izvoznici uvek
osiguravaju svoje pošiljke. Bez ovog osiguravajućeg pokrića, kompanija bi mogla da ostane
bez posla zbog gubitka velike pošiljke. Sa ovim osiguranjem, osiguravajuće društvo će platiti
naknadu za gubitak i kompanije za izvoz će moći da ostanu u poslu.
Da bi osigurala teret, izvozna preduzeća plaćaju mali procenat vrednosti za
osiguravajuće društvo. Ove premije će stvoriti novčani fond koji će koristiti mali broj
preduzeća koji pretrpe gubitak i polažu pravo na naknadu. Na ovaj način, rizik se smanjuje i
ljudi imaju osećaj sigurnosti. Osiguravajuća društva očekuju da dobiju više novca kroz
premije, nego što će isplatiti kroz potraživanja. Osiguravajuće kompanije imaju velike
količine novca, koji dobijaju kroz premije, da investiraju, a povraćaj njihovih ulaganja
povećava veličinu fonda novca iz kojih oni plaćaju naknadu za osiguranike koji imaju
Kada se zaključi osiguranje, predlog Ugovora je završen, a on preizira detalje o tome šta
se osigurava, na koji vremenski rok i procenu rizika. Potpisnici, koji rade za osiguravajuće
društvo pristupaju proceni rizika i izračunavanju premije - cene osiguranja.Klijent tada dobija
polisu, koja predstavlja ugovor između osiguranika i osiguravača, navodeći detalje o
kompenzaciji i pokriću.
Umesto da se ide direktno u osiguravajuće društvo, moguće je da se potraži savet od
brokera osiguranja o različitim polisama na raspolaganju od osiguravajućih društava. Brokeri
naplaćuju proviziju od strane osiguravajućeg društva, čija je polisa je izabrana.
Uobičajena procedura u osiguranju je da se osigura od svih rizika. Ovo podrazumeva
VA klauzulu (sa prosekom). Reč prosek, koja se koristi u osiguranje podrazumeva štetu.
Sa prosekom znači da osiguravajuća društva plaćaju potraživanja za delimične gubitke,
a bez posebnog proseka (BPP) znači da parcijalni gubici nisu pokriveni osiguranjem.
Polise poznate kao plivajuće polise, pokrivaju veliku količinu robe za prilično dug
vremenski perioda, obično godinu dana, ili ona pokriva robu do velike sume novca.
Vremenska polisa osigurava brod za određeni vremenski period od jednog meseca do
jedne godine, a putnička polisa osigurava brod za navedeno putovanje.
Postoji i procedura osiguranja koja je poznata kao otvoreno pokriće, gde je prilično
uopšten dogovor između osiguravača i osiguranika, kojim će sve sledeće pošiljke biti
Polisa osiguranja je veoma važna, jer je deo dokumenata isporke, zajedno sa teretnica i
4.UNIT 23

Banking in General

The banking systems of different countries vary substantially from one another, but
there has been during the present century a universal tendency for each nation to develop a

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wide network of banks centered upon the chief trading center of the country, with the largest
banks themselves established in that center and grouped round a quite different institution
referred to as the "central bank".
In general, each country has its own structure of banks. But, however different the
forms and the organizations of banks may appear, bankers think in much the same way the
world over. They get into the same habits, they adopt the same attitudes to their customers,
and they react in much the same way to changes in the economic climate. The principles of
banking therefore have world-wide validity.
The more developed financial systems of the world characteristically fall into three
parts: the central bank, the commercial banks, and the other financial institutions. These are
now often referred to by economists as "financial intermediaries", because in effect they
mediate between people who save (and therefore have money, to lend or invest) and people
who want to secure the use of money for the purpose of spending, particularly (but not
exclusively) on capital goods. It must be emphasized that in this sense the commercial banks
are financial intermediaries, for they also borrow from those who are not immediately
spending all their current receipts and they lend to those who have intentions of immediate
spending on goods beyond the range of their own current receipts.

Banks in Yugoslavia
I Scope of Activities
The National Bank of Yugoslavia
Commercial Banks Other Financial Organizations

II Internal Organization
1. Single Bank
2. Branch Bank
3. Affiliate Bank

1. The Postal Saving Bank

2. Saving Banks
3. Saving and Credit Organizations
4. Saving and Credit Cooperatives
5. Financial Intermediaries
a. Broker`s Companies
b. Dealer`s Companies

Bankarski sistem različitih zemalja bitno varira od jedne do druge, ali je tokom
sadašnjeg veka univerzalna tendencija za svaku naciju da razvije široku mrežu banaka
usmerena na glavni trgovački centar zemlje, sa najvećim bankama koje su same osnovane u
tom centru i grupisane u sasvim drugacijoj instituciji koja se naziva “centralna banka”.
Generalno, svaka zemlja ima svoju strukturu banaka. Ali, koliko god različito izgledala
forma i organizacija banaka, bankari razmišljaju prlično isto širom sveta. Imaju iste navike,

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oni usvajaju iste stavove prema svojim mušterijama i reaguju otprilike na isti način kada su u
pitanju promene u ekonomskoj klimi. Principi bankarstva stoga imaju svetsku vrednost.
Razvijeniji finansijski sistemi sveta se dele na tri dela: centralna banka, komercijalna
banka i druge finansijske institucije. Njih sada ekonomisti često nazivaju “finansijski
posrednici” zato sto one u stvari posreduju između ljudi koji štede (i dakle imaju novac da
pozajme ili investiraju) i ljudi koji žele da osiguraju korišćenje novca u svrhu trošenja,
naročito (ali ne isključivo) na kapitalne proizvode. Mora biti naglašeno da su u ovom slučaju
komercijalne banke finansijski posrednici, za njih takođe pozajmljuju od onih koji ne troše
odmah svoje tekuće prihode i pozajmljuju onima koji imaju namere neposrednog trošenja na
proizvode izvan dometa njihovog tekućeg prihoda.

Banke u Jugoslaviji
I Obim aktivnosti

Nacionalna banka Jugoslavije

Komercijalne banke Druge finansijske organizacije

II Unutrasnje organizacije

1. Jedna banka
2. Ogranak banke
3. Partnerska banka

1. Banka poštanske štedionice

2. Štedionica
3. Štedno-kreditne organizacije
4. Štedno-kreditne zadruge
5. Finansijski posrednici
a) brokerske kompanije
b) dilerske kompanije

Ključni termini:

The Central Bank - an independent and unique issuing institution of the monetary system,
responsible for monetary policy, the stability of the currency and financial discipline and
perform other tasks set forth by law.
Centralna banka - samostalna i jedinstvena emisiona ustanova monetarnog sistema,
odgovorna za monetarnu politiku, za stabilnost valute i finansijsku disciplinu i za obavljanje
drugih poslova određenih zakonom.

The financial system - a system that makes an economy, which specializes in savings and
Finansijski system - jedan od sistema koji čini jednu ekonomiju, a koji se bavi štednjom i

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Financial intermediaries - are financial institutions that collect sresdtva assuming

obligations to creditors and they place these funds by buying assets and providing loans.
Finansijski posrednici - su finansijske institucije koje prikupljaju sresdtva preuzimajući
obaveze prema poveriocima i koje plasiraju ta sredstva kupujući imovinu, odnosno dajući

Financial institutions - are performing a useful function because it reduces transaction costs
and reduce the problems caused by adverse selection and moral hazard.
Finansijske institucije - vrše korisnu funkciju stoga što smanjuju transakcione troškove i
umanjuju probleme koje stvaraju negativna selekcija i moralni hazard.

Saving Banks - specific, specialized financial (banking) institution. Their main activity is the
collection and distribution of saving the majority of population. In fact it is one of the
essential functions of each banking business.
Štedionice - specifične, specijalizovne financijske (bankarske) institucije. Njihova je osnovna
delatnost prikupljanje i plasman štednje najširih slojeva stanovništva. U suštini to je jedna od
bitnih funkcija svakog bankarskog poslovanja.



By submitting an offer, the seller declares his willingness to sell certain goods at certain
prices and on certain terms. The price at which the seller offers the goods, and the offer
containing the price, are called quotation. Quotations are sometimes made in the form of the
pro-forma invoice. A tender (US bid) is a quotation for the supply of goods or the
performance of work made in response to an invitation to tender. (This term is also loosely
applied to the whole system of awarding contracts on a tender basis.)
Offers can be made orally or in writing. Verbal and telegraphic offers should be
confirmed by letter. Frequently offers are prepared on printed forms (quotation forms), which
are mailed either with or without a covering letter.
Offers may be submitted in answer to an enquiry (solicited offers), or without an
enquiry having been made (unsolicited or voluntary offers).
Unsolicited offers are sent to old customers to inform them of a special opportunity, or
to "revive inactive accounts", that is, to win back old customers who have ceased sending
orders. To create new business, businessmen send unsolicited offers and sales letters to a
carefully chosen list of potential customers (mailing list).
An offer is firm, that is, binding on the seller, unless it contains a clause to the contrary.
If the seller makes a firm offer, he undertakes to supply the goods in question at the prices and
on the terms stated, provided the offer is accepted within reasonable time. The seller often

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fixes a time limit for acceptance, for example, "this offer is firm subject to acceptance by 10 th
A firm offer can be withdrawn at any time before the buyer has mailed his acceptance
(order). Once the acceptance has been mailed, the seller can revoke his offer only with the
buyer's consent.
He may also stipulate that "the prices are subject to change without notice", that the
goods are "subject to being unsold", etc.
A complete offer should cover the following points:
1. Nature and quality of the goods offered
2. Quantity
3. Prices and discounts /if discounts are granted/
4. Delivery period
5. Terms of delivery
6. Terms of payment
If necessary, the offer is supplemented by printed material, illustrations, samples or
patterns. Should the offer fail to produce a response, follow-up letters may be sent. The reply
of a seller to the enquiry of a buyer with whom he does regular business does not need to be
more than polite and direct. The required information is given simply and clearly, and nothing
more is necessary.


Podnošenjem ponude, prodavac izjavljuje da je spreman da proda neku robu po

određenim cenama i pod određenim uslovima. Cena po kojoj prodavac nudi robu, a ponuda
sadrži cenu, naziva se predračun.Pedračuni su ponekad napravljeni u formi profakture. Tender
(US ponuda) je predračun za nabavku robe ili sluga napravljen kao odgovor na poziv za javno
nadmetanje. (Ovaj termin se takođe primenjuje na ceo sistem dodele ugovora na osnovu
Ponude mogu biti u usmenoj ili pisanoj formi. Usmene i telegrafske ponude treba da
budu potvrđene pismom. Često su ponude pripremljene na štampanim obrascima
(predračuni), koji se šalju poštom sa ili bez propratnog pisma.
Ponude se mogu prikupiti kao odgovor na upit (prikupljene ponude), ili ako su
napravljene bez upita (neželjene ili dobrovoljne ponude).
Neželjene ponude se šalju starim kupcima da budu obavesteni o posebnoj ponudi, ili da
"obnove neaktivne račune", to jest, da povrate stare kupce koji su prestali da šalju narudžbine.
Da bi kreirali nov biznis, biznismeni šalju neželjene ponude i prodajna pisma na pažljivo
odabranoj listi potencijalnih kupaca (mailing liste).
Ponuda je fiksna, to jest, obavezujuća za prodavca, osim ako klauzulom nije određeno
drugačije. Ako prodavac napravi fiksnu ponudu, on se obavezuje da obezbedi robu po ceni i
pod uslovima koji su navedenim, pod uslovom da je ponuda prihvaćena u razumnom roku.
Prodavac često određuje rok za prihvatanje, na primer, "ova ponuda je fiksna ukoliko
prihvatite do 10. juna".

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Fiksna ponuda može biti povučena sve dok kupac ne pošalje svoj pristanak
(porudžbinu).Kada ponuda bude prihvaćena, prodavac može da promeni svoju ponudu samo
uz saglasnost kupca.
On takođe može zahtevati da su"cene podložne promenama bez najave", da je roba
"predmet je neprodat", itd
Kompletna ponuda treba da podrazumeva sledeće tačke:
1. Poreklo i kvalitet ponuđene robe
2. Količina
3. Cene i popusti / ako se popusti odobravaju /
4. Rok isporuke
5. Uslovi isporuke
6. Rokovi plaćanja
Ako je potrebno, ponuda je dopunjena štampanim materijalom, ilustracijama, uzorcima
ili obrazcima. Ukoliko ponuda ne bude prihvaćena, mogu se poslati propratna pisma. Odgovor
prodavca na upit kupca sa kojim redovno posluje, treba da bude ljubazan i direktan. Potrebne
informacije treba da budu jednostavne i jasne i ništa više od neophodnog.

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