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Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment


Doornfontein Campus

Experiment 1: Heat Exchanger

By Shaffi Matlou

Student No: 201515625

Subject: Thermodynamics 3A

Date: 11 April 2022

I confirm that this assignment is my original work, that it is not a copy of someone else's
work, and that it has never been submitted for evaluation at the University of Johannesburg or

Shaffi Matlou Date .......................

Signed ......................... 11 April 2022
I, Shaffi Matlou (201515625), certify that this is the author's original work. All information
gained from other sources, whether directly or indirectly, has been explicitly acknowledged.
Furthermore, it reflects my personal viewpoints rather than those of the University of

Shaffi Matlou 11 April 2022

Signed Date
I would like to express my heartfelt appreciation to Dr. S.L. Gqibani, my lecturer, for giving
me with the knowledge I needed to understand heat exchangers and finish the lab with the
information. Mr. W.M. Tlali, the lab technician, and the tutor for being encouraging, polite,
sincere, and motivating when describing how the lab works. They gave good advice and
recommendations on the subject. I'd also want to offer my heartfelt appreciation to everyone
who led and assisted me in the creation of this Laboratory report in whatever way. Finally, I'd
like to convey my heartfelt gratitude to the University of Johannesburg for providing me with
the chance to conduct the lab.
Table of Contents

STATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY..............................................................................................2



LIST OF FIGURES....................................................................................................................6

1. AIM....................................................................................................................................7

2. ASSUMPTIONS.................................................................................................................7

3. BACKGROUND.................................................................................................................7

4. APPARATUS......................................................................................................................9

5. PROCEDURE..................................................................................................................10

6. RESULTS.........................................................................................................................11

7. RESULTS ANALYSIS.......................................................................................................11
7.1. Counter flow Calculations....................................................................................11
7.2. Parallel flow Calculations....................................................................................12

8. DISCUSSION...................................................................................................................13

9. CONCLUSION................................................................................................................14

10. REFERENCES.............................................................................................................15
Symbol Variable units
T1 Hot water inlet to the heat o
T2 Hot water outlet from the o
heat exchanger
T3 Cold water inlet to the heat o
T4 Cold water outlet from the o
heat exchanger
T5 Cold water mid position (for o
concentric tubes)
T6 Cold water mid position (for o
concentric tubes)
Vcold Cold stream flow rate g/s
Vhot Hot stream flow rate g/s
∆ T cold Increase in hot fluid K
∆ T hot Decrease in hot fluid K
ρhot Density of the hot stream Kg/L
ρ cold Density of the cold stream Kg/L
LMTD Logarithmic Mean K
ηThermal Thermal efficiency %
ηMean Mean temperature efficiency %
ηCold Temperature efficiency of %
the cold stream
ηHot Temperature efficiency of %
the hot stream
C p cold Specific heat of the cold KJ/KgK
C p hot Specific heat of the hot KJ/KgK
dTmin Minimum temperature K
difference across the heat
dTmax Maximum temperature K
difference across the heat
Qhot Power emitted from the hot Watts
Qcold Power absorbed by the cold Watts
Table 1. Nomenclature
Figure 1. Parallel flow in heat exchanger (Source: McConkey)................................................8
Figure 2. Counter flow in heat exchanger (Source: McConkey)...............................................8
Figure 3. Set up for counter flow.............................................................................................10
Figure 4. Setup for parallel flow...............................................................................................10

Table 1. Nomenclature...............................................................................................................5
Table 2. Counter flow data collected.......................................................................................11
Table 3. Parallel flow data collected........................................................................................11
Table 4. Counter flow Calculations.........................................................................................12
Table 5. Parallel flow Calculations..........................................................................................13
1. AIM
 The purpose of this study is to examine the differences between counterflow and
parallel flows, furthermore Investigate heat transfer across fluids (water) by
examining indirect heating or cooling of fluids by heat transfer from one fluid to
 The effect of a shell and tube heat exchanger on heat transfer temperature
efficiency and temperature profiles was investigated.
 With counter flow and parallel current flow, determine the effect of the
temperature differential between a hot stream and a cold stream.

 Counter-flow, in which fluids move in opposite directions and in parallel.
 It is presumed that the process is isobaric.
 Parallel flow, in which fluids flow in the same direction and in parallel.
 The entire process is supposed to be adiabatic, meaning that no heat is exchanged
with the environment.
 Throughout the heat exchanger, heat transfer coefficients and thermophysical
characteristics of fluids remain constant.

The amount of thermal energy contained in a substance can be expressed as temperature.
Heat exchangers are used to transmit this thermal energy from one fluid to another. Heat
exchanges are critical in the process sector because they ensure that the intake and output
flow streams are kept separate for maximum efficiency. A heat exchanger is a device that
allows thermal energy to be transferred from one fluid to another. Heat is transferred
indirectly in most heat exchangers via a heat transfer surface that isolates the fluids,
preventing them from coming into direct contact and leaking.

Heat is transferred by three mechanisms: conduction, convection, and radiation. Conduction

transfers heat from a fluid to a solid wall of a pipe, convection transfers heat from one fluid to
another, and radiation is ineffective within heat exchangers. In heat exchangers, there are two
types of flow distribution: parallel and counter flow.
Heat exchangers with parallel flow. As indicated in Figure 1 below, the hot fluid is supplied
in the same direction as the cold fluid.

Figure 1. Parallel flow in heat exchanger (Source: McConkey)

As seen in Figure 2 below, counter flow is the absolute opposite of parallel flow, in which the
hot and cold fluids enter the heat exchanger from opposing ends and flow in opposite

Figure 2. Counter flow in heat exchanger (Source: McConkey)

The heat exchanger between moving fluids is one of the most significant operations in
engineering. In heat exchangers the temperature of each fluid varies as it goes through the
heat exchanger. In practice, flow influence exchange heats our air intercoolers and preheaters,
steam plant condensers and boilers, refrigeration unit condensers and evaporators, and many
other industrial operations in which a liquid or gas must be chilled or heated.
Calculations for heat exchangers are done using the formulars below
Reduction in hot fluid temperature:

∆Thot = T1 - T2

Increase in cold fluid temperature:

∆Thot = T4 - T3

The temperature efficiency of the hot stream:

T 1−T 2
ηHot =
T 1−T 3
The temperature efficiency of the cold stream
T 4−T 3
T 1−T 3
The mean temperature efficiency
The Logarithmic Mean Temperature difference
dTmax −dTmin
ln (
dTmin )

1. Shell and tube heat exchanger
2. Thermocouples stations
3. Water pipes and regulations valves
4.1. Picture
Figure 3. Set up for counter flow

Figure 4. Setup for parallel flow

1. We set the machine to work in the opposite direction of the flow.
2. The water input line was connected, and water was delivered from the water pump.
3. The main switch and the heat switch were both turned on.
4. The hot water temperature controller was set to 600 degrees Celsius.
5. The flow rate of cold water was adjusted at [V cold] 15 g/sec.
6. The hot water flow rate was set to [V hot] 50 g/sec.
7. We kept an eye on the temperature of the stream as well as the hot and cold flow
rates to make sure they stayed close to the original settings.
8. We waited for the situation to settle before taking measurements from [T1-T6].
9. The cooling water flow was increased to 30 g/sec.
10. We double-checked that the heat flow rate remained constant at 50 g/sec.
11. We waited for the situation to settle before taking measurements from [T1-T6].
12. We switched the machine to parallel flow and went through the process again.

For counter flow

Sr. no T10C T50C T20C T30C T60C T40C V cold V hot

1 81 27.4 76.9 23.4 27.4 44.4 15 g/s 50 g/s
2 66.6 27.4 62 23.2 27.4 35.8 30 g/s 50 g/s
Table 2. Counter flow data collected
For parallel flow

Sr. no T10C T50C T20C T30C T60C T40C V cold V hot

1 74 27.5 67.4 23.2 27.5 34.4 15 g/s 50 g/s
2 80.8 27.5 72.7 23.2 27.5 38.4 30 g/s 50 g/s
Table 3. Parallel flow data collected

7.1. Counter flow Calculations
Sample calculations from Table 2 (1st row data)
Reduction in hot fluid temperature:

∆Thot = T1 - T2

∆ T hot =81−76.9=4.1 K

Increase in cold fluid temperature:

∆Tcold = T4 - T3

∆ T cold =44.4−23.4=21 K

The temperature efficiency of the hot stream:

T 1−T 2 81−76.9
ηHot = = × 100=7.12 %
T 1−T 3 81−23.4
The temperature efficiency of the cold stream
T 4−T 3 44.4−23.4
ηCold= = ×100=36.46 %
T 1−T 3 81−23.4
The mean temperature efficiency
ηHot +ηCold 7.12+36.46
ηMean= = =21.79 %
2 2
The power emitted from the hot stream
Qhot =C phot∗ρ hot∗V hot ( T 1−T 2 )

Qhot = ( 4.183 )∗( 0.9852 )∗( 50 ) ( 81−76.9 ) =844.82Watts

The power absorbed by the cold stream

Qcold =C pcold∗ρcold∗V cold ( T 4 −T 3 )
Qcold =( 4.18 )∗( 0.9975 )∗( 15 )( 44.4−23.4 )=1313.41 Watts

The Logarithmic Mean Temperature difference

dTmax−dTmin ( T 1−T 4 )−( T 2−T 3 )
ln (
dTmin ) T −T 4
ln 1
T 2 −T 3 ( )
( 81−44.4 )−( 76.9−23.4 )
LMTD= =44.52 K
ln (
76.9−23.4 )
Above calculated data
Sample ∆ T hot ∆ T cold ηHot ηCold ηMean Q hot Qcold
No (K) (K) (%) (%) (%) (W) (W)
1 4.1 21 7.12 36,46 21.79 844.84 1313.41
2 4.6 12.6 10.6 29.03 19.82 947.85 1576.09
Ave 4.35 16.8 8.86 32.75 20.79 896.35 1444.75
Table 4. Counter flow Calculations

7.2. Parallel flow Calculations

Sample calculations from Table 3 (1st row data)
Reduction in hot fluid temperature:

∆Thot = T1 - T2

∆ T hot =74−67.4=6.6 K

Increase in cold fluid temperature:

∆Tcold = T4 - T3

∆ T cold =34.4−23.2=11.2 K
The temperature efficiency of the hot stream:
T 1−T 2 74−67.4
ηHot = = ×100=12.99 %
T 1−T 3 74−23.2
The temperature efficiency of the cold stream
T 4−T 3 34.4−23.2
ηCold= = ×100=22.05 %
T 1−T 3 74−23.2
The mean temperature efficiency
ηHot +ηCold 12.99+22.05
ηMean= = =17.52%
2 2
The power emitted from the hot stream
Qhot =C phot∗ρ hot∗V hot ( T 1−T 2 )

Qhot = ( 4.183 )∗( 0.9852 )∗( 50 ) ( 74−67.4 )=1359.96W

The power absorbed by the cold stream

Qcold =C pcold∗ρcold∗V cold ( T 4 −T 3 )
Qcold =( 4.18 )∗( 0.9975 )∗( 15 )( 34.4−23.2 )=700.48 W

The Logarithmic Mean Temperature difference

dTmax−dTmin ( T 1−T 4 )−( T 2−T 3 )
ln (
dTmin ) T −T 4
ln 1
T 2 −T 3 ( )
( 74−34.4 )−( 67.4−23.2 )
LMTD= =41.86 K
ln (
67.4−23.2 )
Above calculated data
Sample ∆ T hot ∆ T cold ηHot ηCold ηMean Qhot Qcold
No (K) (K) (%) (%) (%) (W) (W)
1 6.6 11.2 12.99 22.05 17.52 1359.96 700.48
2 8.1 15.2 14.06 26.39 20.23 1669.04 1901.31
Ave 7.35 13.2 13.53 24.22 18.88 1514.5 1300.90
Table 5. Parallel flow Calculations

We can see from the calculations that the LMTD of the counter flow is bigger than that of the
parallel flow. We may deduce that counter flow is more efficient than parallel flow since it
has a greater LMTD. In counter flow, the power absorbed by the cold fluid is much greater
than the power released in this experiment. As a result, the heat exchanger surface area
needed for a parallel flow heat exchanger will be greater than for a counter flow heat
exchanger with the identical intake and exit temperatures for the hot and cold fluids.

The flow distribution of counter flow is the most favored heat exchanger because it is more
efficient than parallel flow. This is due to the fact that counter flow heat exchangers provide a
more consistent temperature differential between the fluids over the whole fluid path. With
counter flow heat exchangers, the cold fluid can leave at a greater temperature than the hot
fluid. As a result, we may infer that the experiment was a success.

J.E. Hesselgreaves, R. L. (2016). Compact Heat Exchangers. Selection, Design and

Operation. Butterworth-Heinemann.
Khurmi, R.S & Gupta, J.K. (2003). A textbook of thermal engineering. New delhi: S. Chand
& Company LTD.
McConkey, E. (1993). Applied Thermodynamics for Engineering Technologists . Harlow,
England: Pearson Prentice Hall.
Tlali, W. (2022). Laboratory guide: Thermodynamics 3A. University of Johannesburg.

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