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The article was published in “Moskovskiy komsomolets” magazine.

The au-
thors and the date of publication of this article are not mentioned.
The article deals with the topic of foreign borrowings in Russian language. Au-
thors provides some fascinating opinions on that questions of three Russian linguists.
This reveals how the implementing of English borrowings impacts the development
of our great language.
The main idea of the article is that nowadays we use too much foreign words
because of what our language becomes poor. Also some Russian linguists assert that
English words can’t substitute our Slavic words, because Russian words have rich et-
The article may be divided into several parts.
The first part is devoted to the law that prohibits the usage of borrowings. It is
highlighted that people, especially civil servants won’t be allowed to use English
words in their speeches.
The second part provides opinions of two linguists that are really concerned
with this problem. They state that borrowings can’t completely substitute Russian
words, because the meaning of Russian words is much deeper.
The third part sheds a light on the opinion of other Russian linguist, that reck-
ons that the usage of borrowings is a natural phenomenon of a developing modern
language. Language is able to remove borrowings that are not needed.
The article belongs to a public discourse. While reading the article I’ve come
across such topical words and expressions like language, foreign language, foreign
borrowings and others.
I found this article immensely informative since the author concerns all the
facts regarding to the problem.
The message of the author is clear to understand. The article illuminates the
importance of appreciating of our great native language and history.

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