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Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment

Doornfontein Campus

Impulse Turbine
Lab Report

Shaffi Matlou

Turbo Machines 3B (TRMMIB3)

B.ENG TECH: Mechanical Engineering

LECTURER: Mr. S.P Simelane

Date: 7th October 2022

I Shaffi Matlou state that this written report is my own original analysis. The secondary materials
used, whether electronic or written, have been carefully defined and referenced according to the
type of reference used by the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Technology of the
University of Johannesburg. I agree that plagiarism is a serious offence and there will be
appropriate disciplinary action. I reviewed all the plagiarism and comparison policies as
illustrated in Turbo Machines 3B (TRMMIB3) learner’s guide

S Matlou
Student’s signature: ___________________ 7th October 2022
Date: ______________________

I would like to convey my sincere gratitude to Mr. P Simelane, my lecturer, for giving me the
information I required to comprehend the background of turbines and be able to complete the lab
with the knowledge. Express my gratitude the lab technician for their positive, kind, honest, and
inspiring explanations of how the lab operates. They provided helpful ideas and assistance on the
matter. Additionally, I would want to express my sincere gratitude to everyone who inspired and
supported me in the writing of this laboratory report in every way possible. Finally, I want to
express how grateful I am to the University of Johannesburg for giving me the opportunity to run
the lab at their facilities.

Table of Contents

STATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY....................................................................................................2



LIST OF FIGURES.........................................................................................................................6

LIST OF TABLES............................................................................................................................6

1. INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................................7

2. AIM..........................................................................................................................................8

3. THEORETICAL BACKGROUND...........................................................................................8

4. APPARATUS AND MATERIALS............................................................................................9

4.1. Pictures..........................................................................................................................10

5. PROCEDURE.......................................................................................................................10

6. READINGS............................................................................................................................10

7. ANALYSIS OF RESULTS......................................................................................................12

7.1. Sample calculations.......................................................................................................13

7.2. Calculations results table...............................................................................................13

7.3. Graphical results............................................................................................................14

8. DISCUSSION........................................................................................................................14

9. CONCLUSION......................................................................................................................15

10. REFERENCES...................................................................................................................16

11. ANNEXURE.......................................................................................................................17

Table 1. Nomenclature

Term Symbol Units

Water flow rate Q l/min
Turbine inlet pressure P kPa
Brake force Fb N
Turbine rotational speed N rpm
Brake torque T N .m
Brake power Pb W
Hydraulic power Ph W
Turbine head E m water
Efficiency h %

Figure 1. 1. Rotor and nozzle arrangement on impulse turbine (Source: Cengel, Y. 2014)...........7
Figure 1. 2. Example of characteristics of a turbine at different flow rate (Source: Armfield.

Figure 4. 1. Armfield FM62 impulse turbine installed on FM6X turbine service unit.................10

Figure 7. 1. Graph of Torque, brake power and efficiency vs rotational speed............................14

Figure 11. 1. Armfield FM62 impulse turbine installed on FM6X turbine service unit...............19
Figure 11. 2. Armfield FM62 impulse turbine parts......................................................................19

Table 1. Nomenclature.....................................................................................................................5

Table 6. 1. Readings......................................................................................................................11
Table 6. 2. Average readings values..............................................................................................13
Table 6. 3. Calculations results......................................................................................................13

A turbine is a machine that generates energy by extracting fluid energy and converting the
majority of that energy into mechanical energy, usually in the form of a spinning shaft (Cengel,
Y. 2018). One of the primary energy hydro-turbines, an impulse turbine is propelled by high-
velocity jets of steam or water aimed towards vanes or buckets attached to a wheel, which
generates mechanical energy through a spinning shaft. The majority of the fluid's mechanical
energy is transformed into kinetic energy when it is forced through a nozzle (David, D. 2016.)
The impulse has variations in kinetic energy and minimal change in pressure energy because the
force acting on the rotor is completely caused by changes in the direction of the flow of water
(Armfield, 2008).

The Armfield FM62 impulse turbine, which has four nozzles that produce water jets that operate
on the turbine rotor, was utilized for the experiment. Figure 1 below depicts how the rotor and
nozzle are arranged on an impulse turbine.

Figure 1. 1. Rotor and nozzle arrangement on impulse turbine (Source: Cengel, Y.

On the performance graph shown in figure 1.1, various impulse turbine features can be noted at
various speeds. This graph can be used to analyse the turbine.

Figure 1. 2. Example of characteristics of a turbine at different flow rate (Source: Armfield.

2. AIM

To obtain the torque, break power, and efficiency curves for impulse turbine operating at a range
of fluid flow rates, In order to evaluate the performance of the impulse turbine.

The calculations formulas used to calculate the parameter of the Impulse turbine are given below
which were compiled from (Armfield. 2008.)

 Torque:

T =Fr


F is the load measure by the load cell

R is the length of the torque arm

 Brake Power

2 πnT
P b= (W )


Pb – Brake power

n – Speed n (rpm)

T – Torque (N.m)

 The hydraulic power of the fluid

Ph= ρghQ


H – Head (m)

Q – Flow rate Q (m3/s) =

 Overall Efficiency

Power absorb by brake Pb

E= = ×100 %
' Useful ' fluid power supplied P h


 Armfield FM62 impulse turbine installed on FM6X turbine service unit. The FM62
impulse turbine consisted of a union connector, pressure sensor, manifold, valve, hub and
rotor and a housing.
 Dynamometer
 Computer.

4.1. Pictures

Figure 4. 1. Armfield FM62 impulse turbine installed on FM6X turbine service unit.

 The apparatus for analysing impulse turbines was set - up.
 The software-indicated braking force was checked to see if it was at zero. The reading
was verified to be zero by clicking the zero button.
 The software's "Pump On" button was clicked, and the default value for regular operation
was set to 100%.
 Once the turbine had reached its constant speed, the flow measurement's stability reading
was examined. Viewing the sensor reading required opening the IFD history window.
 The "Go" button was selected to start a sample after selecting an appropriate speed
increment for 6 sample readings.
 After allowing the readings to stabilize, the "Go" button was pressed to start recording the
sample. The brake setting was adjusted to lower the turbine speed by a specified
increment of 5%. Up until the turbine halted, the brake setting was incrementally

The readings obtained from the experiment is present in table 6.1. below.
Table 6. 1. Readings

Break Flow Inlet Break Turbin

Setting Rate Pressure Force e Head
Serie Readin
  Q P n Fb H
s g
% [kPa] [rpm] [N] [m]
1 0 11,85 324,6 5820 0,21 33,21
2 0 12,28 324,4 5820 -0,55 33,12
3 0 12,35 325,5 5940 0,35 33,18
4 0 12,54 324,6 5880 -0,38 33,18
5 0 12,85 324,4 5940 0,38 33,21
Series 1
6 0 13,04 324,6 5940 -0,33 33,12
7 0 13,17 323,8 5880 -0,06 33,15
8 0 13,26 323,8 5880 0,43 33,12
9 0 13,29 324,1 5820 0,24 33,15
10 0 13,26 323,8 5880 -0,51 33,18
1 30 13,36 324,1 5880 0,09 33,12
2 30 13,34 323,5 4860 0,57 33,24
3 30 13,43 323,5 4440 0,31 33,09
4 30 13,4 325,2 4380 0,35 33,21
5 30 13,37 323,8 4440 0,54 33,09
Series 2
6 30 13,45 324,1 4440 0,76 33,12
7 30 13,39 323,2 4440 0,74 33,06
8 30 13,56 324,1 4440 0,59 33,04
9 30 13,49 323,8 4440 0,73 33,18
10 30 13,37 324,6 4440 0,75 33,06
1 35 13,68 323,8 4500 0,74 32,92
2 35 13,58 323,8 3960 0,44 32,98
3 35 13,51 324,1 3660 0,66 33,01
4 35 13,55 323,2 3660 0,62 33,01
5 35 13,67 323,8 3720 0,68 32,95
Series 3
6 35 13,58 323,2 3660 0,47 32,92
7 35 13,49 323,5 3720 0,47 33,04
8 35 13,51 323,5 3720 0,5 32,95
9 35 13,54 324,1 3720 0,8 32,89
10 35 13,54 324,1 3720 0,66 32,95
Series 4 1 40 13,49 323,2 5400 1,12 32,89
2 40 13,43 322,7 3840 0,95 32,98

3 40 13,4 323,2 2700 1,13 32,92
4 40 13,4 324,1 2760 1,29 32,98
5 40 13,4 324,1 2820 0,91 32,92
6 40 13,46 323 2760 1,01 32,95
7 40 13,52 323,5 2820 0,91 32,98
8 40 13,55 323,2 2760 1,3 32,89
9 40 13,48 323,8 2820 1,39 32,89
10 40 13,43 323 2880 0,91 32,98
1 45 13,32 323,2 2880 1,36 32,86
2 45 13,27 323 1800 1,7 32,86
3 45 13,33 323,2 1740 1,64 32,89
4 45 13,33 322,1 1740 1,64 32,89
5 45 13,45 322,4 1740 1,64 32,89
Series 5
6 45 13,29 322,4 1740 1,64 32,83
7 45 13,27 323 1740 1,66 32,83
8 45 13,36 323,8 1740 1,82 32,89
9 45 13,48 323 1800 1,76 32,92
10 45 13,54 323,5 1740 1,62 32,86
1 50 13,48 323 1740 1,67 32,69
2 50 13,54 321,8 2460 2,38 32,52
3 50 13,54 321,8 600 2,27 32,6
4 50 13,64 321 660 2,11 32,63
5 50 13,64 320,1 600 2,3 32,58
Series 6
6 50 13,61 321 600 2,4 32,6
7 50 13,68 320,7 600 2,16 32,66
8 50 13,7 321 600 2,12 32,63
9 50 13,64 320,7 600 2,19 32,6
10 50 13,64 320,7 600 2,19 32,63
1 55 13,54 318,1 0 2,65 32,43
2 55 13,65 318,1 0 2,65 32,43
3 55 13,55 319,3 0 2,64 32,55
4 55 13,67 316,5 0 2,64 32,26
5 55 13,61 319 0 2,64 32,52
Series 7
6 55 13,64 317,9 0 2,64 32,4
7 55 13,59 317,3 0 2,64 32,34
8 55 13,54 317 0 2,63 32,32
9 55 13,54 319 0 2,64 32,52
10 55 13,55 317,6 0 2,64 32,37

Table 6.1 gives reading that were taken 10 times in each series. Table 6.2 was compiles taking
and average value for each series which was used for calculations. A sample calculation is shown
below which was done using series 1 values from table 6.2 below to find the hydraulic power,
the torque and the overall efficiency, complete calculation are found in annexure A under the
annexure section. The calculations were also done using excel for all the series for accuracy
which are shown in table 6.3.

Table 6. 2. Average readings values

Break Flow Inlet Turbine

Speed Break Force
Setting Rate Pressure Head
Series   Q P n Fb H
% [kPa] [rpm] [N] [m]
1 0 12,8 324,36 5880 -0,022 33,162
2 30 13,4 323,99 4620 0,543 33,121
3 35 13,6 323,71 3804 0,604 32,962
4 40 13,5 323,38 3156 1,092 32,938
5 45 13,4 322,96 1866 1,648 32,872
6 50 13,6 321,18 906 2,179 32,614
7 55 13,6 317,98 0 2,641 32,414

7.1. Sample calculations

R = 0,045m

Series 1

T =Fr=−0,022 ×0,045=−0,001 N .m

2 πNT 2 π ×5880 ×−0,001

Brake power , Pb= = =−0,6 W
60 60

Hydraulic Power( P h)= ρghQ=1000× 9.81× 33,162× 213,15× 10 =69,34 W

Pb −0,6
Efficiency , E= ×100= ×100=−0,87 %
Ph 69,34

7.2. Calculations results table
Table 6. 3. Calculations results

Brake Hydraulic
Flow Rate Torque Speed Efficiency
Serie Power Power
s Q T N Pb Ph E
[m3/s] [N.m] [rpm] [W] [W] [%]
1 0,00021315 0,0 5880 -0,61 69,34 -0,88
2 0,0002236 0,0 4620 11,83 72,65 16,28
3 0,000226083 0,0 3804 10,83 73,11 14,82
4 0,000224267 0,0 3156 16,25 72,47 22,42
5 0,000222733 0,1 1866 14,50 71,83 20,18
6 0,00022685 0,1 906 9,31 72,58 12,82
7 0,000226467 0,1 0 0,00 72,01 0,00

7.3. Graphical results

Torque, Efficiency & Brake power vs Speed

30.00 0.2
Torque(N.m), Efficiency (%) & Brake power (W)



15.00 0.0



0.00 -0.2
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000

Speed (rpm)

Brake power Efficiency Torque

Linear (Torque) Linear (Torque)

Figure 7. 1. Graph of Torque, brake power and efficiency vs rotational speed.

A lab experiment was carried out using an Armfield FM62 Impulse turbine mounted on an
FM6X turbine service unit to achieve the experiment's goal. As a consequence, the volume flow
rate, inlet pressure, and braking force for various turbine rotational speeds between about 5880
rpm and 0 rpm were determined. Turbine braking power, turbine hydraulic power, and turbine
overall efficiency that describe the performance parameters of the Impulse turbine were
determined using formulas given in the background section. The findings are tabulated in table

The performance of the Impulse turbine was analyzed by evaluating the behavior of the turbine
torque, braking power, and overall efficiency versus rotational speed after the tabulated results
and the performance data and curves presented in table 6.3 and figure 7.1, respectively. It was

discovered that when the turbine's rotational speed rises, the torque curve of the Impulse turbine
diminishes. This demonstrated that the turbine's torque is inversely related to its rotating speed.

On the other hand, when the rotational speed increases, the total efficiency of the Impulse turbine
rises until it achieves the maximum efficiency at about 22%. After then, efficiency starts to
decline as speed rises, and it eventually reaches zero when the impulse turbine stops and the
braking power is zero.

In addition, it was discovered that the turbine had a strong brake power. As the rotating speed
rises, the brake power first rises gradually in a curved pattern until it reaches the maximum
power at around 16 Watts. As the speed keeps rising after achieving the maximum power, the
braking power curve begins to decline. This examination of the performance curves for Impulse
turbines so supports the Pelton wheel turbine idea.

Analysis of the data reveals that the brake power and overall efficiency fluctuate between
rotational speeds of 3000 and 4800 rpm because they go up and down. This might be the result
of inaccurate results. The issue, which had an impact on certain outcomes, may have been caused
by malfunctioning equipment, software, or human error.

The experiment's goal was to evaluate an Impulse turbine's performance. An Armfield FM62
Impulse turbine mounted atop an FM6X turbine servicing unit served as the subject of the lab
experiment. Results from the experiment and calculations based on the theory and formulas of
turbomachinery were achieved. Based on the findings, torque, braking power, and efficiency
performance curves for the Impulse turbine were plotted versus turbine rotational speed. The
performance curves were used to evaluate how well the Impulse turbine performed. As a result,
it was determined through analysis that the torque of the Impulse turbine is inversely related to
rotation speed. In contrast, the Impulse turbine's braking power and overall efficiency first rise in
a curving pattern until they reach their maximum point when the rotation speed reaches 3156
rpm, after which they begin to fall as the rotational speed rises further. Therefore, it may be said
that the experiment's objective was achieved.


Cengel, Y,A. & Cimbala, J,M. (2014). Fluid mechanics: fundamentals and applications. New
York. McGraw-Hill.

Cengel,Y.A & Cimbala, J.M.(2018).Fluid Mechanics: Fundametals and Application, 4th ed.
New York : McGraw Hill Education.

David,(D). (2016). Impulse turbine. Available from: [Accessed 15 October

Armfield,(2008).Capture Impulse Turbine instruction manual.Armfield, Ringwood.

Armfield. (2008). Instruction manual: Capture Impulse turbine.

Annexure A
Series 1

T =Fr=−0,022 ×0,045=−0,001 N .m

2 πNT 2 π ×5880 ×−0,001

Brake power , Pb= = =−0,6 W
60 60

Hydraulic Power( P h)= ρghQ=1000× 9.81× 33,162× 213,15× 10−6 =69,34 W

Pb −0,6
Efficiency , E= ×100= ×100=−0,87 %
Ph 69,34

Series 2

T =Fr=0,543 × 0,045=0,0244 N . m

2 πNT 2 π × 4620 ×0,0244

Brake power , Pb= = =11,8W
60 60

Hydraulic Power( P h)= ρghQ=1000× 9.81× 33,121× 223,6 ×10 =72,65 W

Pb 11,8
Efficiency , E= ×100= × 100=16,24 %
Ph 72,65

Series 3

T =Fr=0,604 × 0,045=0,0 N . m

2 πNT ❑
Brake power , Pb= = ,83
60 ❑

Hydraulic Power( P h)= ρghQ=1000× 9.81× 32,962× 226,08× 10−6 =73,1W

Pb 10,83
Efficiency , E= ×100= × 100=14,82 %
Ph 73,1

Series 4

T =Fr=1,092 ×0,045=0,0491 N . m

2 πNT 2 π × 3156× 0,0491
Brake power , Pb= = =16,23W
60 60

Hydraulic Power ( P h)= ρghQ=1000× 9.81× 32,938 ×224,27 ×10 =72,46 W

Pb 16,23
Efficiency , E= ×100= ×100=22,4 %
Ph 72,46

Series 5

T =Fr=1,648 ×0,045=0,074 N . m

2 πNT 2 π ×1866 × 0,074

Brake power , Pb= = =14,46 W
60 60

Hydraulic Power ( P h)= ρghQ=1000× 9.81× 32,872× 222,73× 10−6 =71,82W

Pb 14,46
Efficiency , E= ×100= ×100=20,13%
Ph 71,82

Series 6

T =Fr=2,179 ×0,045=0,098 N .m

2 πNT 2 π × 906 ×0,098

Brake power , Pb= = =9,3W
60 60

Hydraulic Power ( P h)= ρghQ=1000× 9.81× 32,614 ×226,85 ×10−6=72,58 W

Pb 9,3
Efficiency , E= ×100= × 100=12,81 %
Ph 72,58

Series 7

T =Fr=2,641 ×0,045=0,119 N . m

2 πNT 2 π × 0× 0,119
Brake power , Pb= = =0 W
60 60

Hydraulic Power( P h)= ρghQ=1000× 9.81× 32,414 ×226,47 × 10 =72,01 W

Pb 0
Efficiency , E= ×100= × 100=0 %
Ph 72,01

Annexure B

Armfield FM62 impulse turbine set up and parts labelled

Figure 11. 1. Armfield FM62 impulse turbine installed on FM6X turbine service unit

Figure 11. 2. Armfield FM62 impulse turbine parts


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