Female Reproductive System

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Chapter 52: Reproductive system

Lesson 52.2: Female reproductive system

Formation of Eggs
Ovaries are organs that produce gametes (eggs) of female reproductive system.

A female is born with more than 400,000 eggs in her ovaries. Those eggs are immature and
cannot be fertilized. A female will release 300-400 mature egg during her lifetime (1% of eggs
reach maturity). One egg is released every 28 days from puberty to age 50.

Structure of Egg: An ovum is generally spherical, Non-motile gamete

An ovum contains the nucleus which carry have number of the chromosomes.

Female reproductive structure

1) Two almond shape ovaries
⮚ Eggs mature near the surface of the ovaries

⮚ An ovum is released from ovaries where it is swept by cilia into the opening of
fallopian tube

2) Fallopian tube: is a narrow tube that transfer the egg from the ovary to the uterus
3) Uterus: is a hallow muscular organ about the size of a fist.
⮚ If the egg is fertilized , the embryo will develop in the uterus

4) Cervix: the lower entrance to the uterus

⮚ A sphincter muscle in the cervix controls the opening to the uterus.

5) Vagina: a muscular tube leading from the cervix to the outside of the body
⮚ The Vagina receive sperm from the penis

⮚ The vagina is also the channel through which the baby passes during childbirth.

6) Vulva: is the external structure of female reproductive system.

7) The vulva include labia: are folds of skin and mucous membrane that cover and
protect the opening to the female reproductive system.

Preparation for pregnancy

Menstrual cycle:  is the monthly series of changes a woman's body goes through in
preparation for the possibility of pregnancy.

❖ Note: the menstrual cycle for most women last about 28 days

The menstrual cycle has four stages

1) Follicular Phase
2) Ovulation
3) Luteal Phase
4) Menstruation
❖ Note: These stages are regulated by hormones secreted by the endocrine system.

1) Follicular Phase: An immature egg cell completes its division to become mature.
⮚ Hypothalamus secretes Releasing hormone that stimulates anterior pituitary to
secrete Follicle stimulating Hormone (FSH) which stimulates cell division in a follicle.
⮚ Follicle cells (egg) secrete estrogen which causes the lining of the uterus to thicken.

⮚ Estrogen level reaches a peak which stimulate pituitary to secrete Luteinizing

Hormone (LH) which initiate the next stage of the menstrual cycle
⮚ The follicular phase lasts 14 days

2) Ovulation: Ovulation occurs midway through the menstrual cycle where the egg are
released from the ovary.

⮚ The sharp rises of LH in the follicular phase cause the follicle to rupture and release
its egg.
⮚ Following ovulation, an egg is swept into a fallopian tube, where it travels toward
the uterus waiting for fertilization to be occurred.
⮚ The egg survive for 48 hours

3) Luteal phase: During this phase the lining of your uterus normally gets thicker to
prepare for a possible pregnancy.
⮚ The cells of ruptured follicle form a structure called corpus luteum which begin to
secrete large amount of Estrogen and progesterone
⮚ Progesterone stimulate the lining of uterine wall to become even thicker

⮚ Increased level of Estrogen and progesterone stimulate anterior pituitary to stop
secreting LH and FSH.
⮚ Estrogen and progesterone level in blood rise, while the LH and FSH levels drop.

⮚ The Luteal phase lasts about14 days

If egg is fertilized:
The zygote will be formed and attached to the lining of the uterus. A hormone produced
at early pregnancy will stimulate the corpus luteum to secrete Estrogen and
progesterone and the thickened lining of the uterus is maintained.
If the egg is not fertilized:
The corpus luteum will stop secreting Estrogen and progesterone so the lining of the
uterus begin to shed away (bleeding).
4) Menstruation (Period): is the regular discharge of blood and mucosal
tissue from the inner lining of the uterus through the vagina.
⮚ During this phase the egg is not fertilized

⮚ The corpus luteum will stop secreting Estrogen and progesterone so the lining of the
uterus begin to shed away (bleeding).
⮚ Menstruation lasts about five days at the beginning of the follicular phase.

⮚ Menstruation continues in most women until the age of 50

⮚ Most women follicle by that age would be either matured and ruptured or degenerated.

⮚ Without follicle the ovaries cannot secrete Estrogen and progesterone to continue the
menstrual cycle and menstruation stops. this stage is called menopause

Menopause: is the stage where a female stops producing eggs and cannot produce Estrogen
and progesterone to continue the menstrual cycle.

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