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The freedom of letting go.

The task of letting go comes with a difficult question: what if I need this after? I used to think
I might lose the extra weight and fit into those jeans I used to love, or that I would carry out
all those unfinished projects I promised myself on doing when I had the time. I found pictures
I should have hung when I bought them because now it turns out I don’t like them anymore.
Your taste may have changed, the things you used to like may not be as exciting and pretty
as you remembered them, and that feeling of joy they used to give you may be gone. The
question of letting go gives us a sense of anxiety and anguish that is really difficult to
overcome. Let me help you get over those overwhelming feelings with some tips to lighten
the burden.

So, let’s start by the beginning. One of the first things you should do when you get up in the
morning is to make your bed. You might think it is a simple thing and that doing so wouldn’t
change anything, but in fact it is really rewarding to accomplish even the simplest task. It
would make you feel proud and will encourage you to complete another task and then
another. And if by any chance you have a terrible day, you’ll return home and find a perfectly
well made bed. Another advice I could give you to keep your house tidied up is that, when
you get back home, instead of taking off your coat and leaving everything dropped, you
should put it away. Again, sounds like a simple task but yet, why does it feel so difficult?
Maybe, after a long day of work we are just too tired and looking forward to chilling out on
the sofa with a cup of wine. However, I can guarantee that putting your things away would
make you feel much more relaxed and would let you loosen up.

Another thing to put our mind on is that we’re not the same person that we used to be when
we got all that stuff, so I don’t get why we keep on clenching to it. Well, let me tell you,
there's no better occasion than today. Fashions go by, trends are seasonal, and the things
you used to adore one day you may stop feeling so fond of.

Last but not least, is the unfinished to-do list you keep. Every time you come across those
screws you once bought to fix the rack or that replacement to finally put an end to that tap
that’s been dripping for the last month, you remember about all those pending tasks. Now it’s
the time to decide which are the things you are actually going to repair and to clear your
schedule on your diary to do so. I can assure you that the feeling of triumph and overpower
will pay off.

Of course, there’s always a feeling of loss coming with letting go, and there’s fear of risking a
side of yourself that you thought to be important. Because in letting go, even when talking
about material things, you are leaving a part of you behind. For sure there are things easier
to let go than others, but don’t let the fear grip you, the heft of objects is way too high and is
weighing us down. So, greet goodbye to those unneeded material possessions and embrace
your desired freedom.

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