The World After Pandemics

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The way we live, work and study will never be the same

after the pandemic


Over the past few years, only one way of working and studying
seemed possible. Unavoidable steps of a day were getting up,
having unhealthy amounts of coffee, rushing to your work or
study place, and coming back home exhausted. Many felt that
longing for the weekend to finally get some time for yourself
was not a fair way of living.

Eventually, since 2020, the pandemic brought, with all the

drawbacks that it carried, some benefits that changed our lives.

At first, with only considered essential workers allowed to go

out, a great number of people could no longer make use of their
workplaces. Countless had to learn how to work from home and
initially panicked. Nonetheless, before long, actual advantages
arose from that. People could, for example, strike a balance
between family time and working hours successfully for the first
time in a long while. The so-called “home office” phenomenon
also made employers everywhere begin to understand that a
better work-life balance helps making remote labour really work.

Additionally, changes were significant in our manner of

studying. Attending classes now means sitting in front of any
screen in pajamas and doing group assignments has evolved
into arranging virtual zoom meetings. And even though we are
not able to gather in a house and we might miss face-to-face
encounters, we do not either have to wait for the bus or waste
time travelling.
Personally, I consider we should take every advantage brought
by this exceptional situation and try to make the best out of it.
Because for better or worse, pandemic has already changed
our lives, and the world as we knew it will not ever be the same.

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