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A Great Technique for Greater Gum Health

Flossing is one of the most important things you What’s the big deal about this
can do for your oral health. Not only does flossing give whole flossing thing?
you better breath and a brighter smile, it removes
plaque before it has a chance to turn into hard calculus.
Calculus can irritate your gums and can only be
removed by a professional dental cleaning. When we
skip flossing, we also run the risk of developing
periodontal disease which causes bone and tooth loss
and can even be linked to diabetes and heart disease.
Just as important as actual flossing is proper
flossing technique. When we floss incorrectly it is
possible to damage our gum tissue. By following these
simple steps every day, we can promote a healthier and
happier oral environment.


Start by breaking off 18-20” of floss. Once you have

enough floss wrap both ends around your middle fingers.
You should have about 5’’ remaining in between them.


Pinch the two ends between your thumb and index

fingers creating a firm and steady grasp.

Gently insert the floss in the space between the

teeth, taking special care not to “snap" the floss
into the gums. Slowly glide the floss up and under
the gumline, making sure to keep the floss tight
against the tooth in a “C” shape.


Slowly but with deliberate pressure, slide the

floss back and forth while maintaining the tight
“C” shape. Do this up and down the whole side of
the tooth.


Repeat this process on each side of every tooth.

After a couple weeks you should notice less
bleeding. This is a good indicator that your gum
health is improving!

Happy Flossing!

Pictures taken from:, and

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