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Art Critique

Process of Critical Analysis

1) Initial Reaction – “What is your first impression?”

- note the various things that come to mind when first looking at the
- what does it make you feel? What emotions does it evoke?
- What puzzles you? What are your questions?
- Note any connections you can make between the photograph and other art
forms and/or your own experiences

2) Description – “What do you see?”

- type of photograph (eg. portraiture, abstract, landscape, etc), the size of the
work, the medium used, colour, black and white, objects subject matter, etc.
- collect information or clues about the photograph that could possibly
indicate what the message or meaning behind the work may be
- What is the focal point?
- What stands out in the photograph?
- What art elements are being used?
- What qualities of those elements are emphasized?

3) Analyze – “How are things put together?”

- How is it all organized (composition guidelines and placement of the main
- How are the principles of art used to organize the elements of art?
- How does your eye move around the picture?
- How is aperture used? What is in focus? What is out of focus?
- How is the exposure?

4) Interpret – “What is the artist trying to say?”

- Explain the MEANING / THEME / CONCEPT behind the work
- Make guesses based on what you see in the work
- SYMBOLISM - what do these signs/symbols mean?
5) Judgement – “What do you think about it?”
- Make your own decision of the work
- Did your opinion change from your initial reaction? Why or why not?
- Two levels of judgment to be made
- Personal – do you like it? Why?
- Objective – using aesthetics and technical standards, is it successful?

6) Cultural Context – “How does this work connect to the world?”

- Connection to: religion, cultural backgrounds, gender, social issues, politics,
social class, beliefs, values, environmental issues, human behavior etc.
- Motivation, emotion and behavior that is shaped by individuals' cultural
values and norms.

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