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Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 52 (2022) 102241

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Review article

Phase change materials for thermal energy storage applications in

greenhouses: A review
Safna Nishad , Igor Krupa *
Center for Advanced Materials, Qatar University, 2713 Doha, Qatar


Keywords: Greenhouses represent one of the largest energy-demanding sectors, requiring energy for indoor environment
Phase change material control for plant growth and crop yield. Thermal energy storage using phase change materials (PCMs) has been
Greenhouses identified as a potential solution to achieve considerable energy savings in greenhouse heating/cooling. This
Thermal energy storage
review investigates the latest technological advancements in greenhouse heating/cooling systems integrated
with PCMs. PCMs store excess heat from active or passive heating systems in greenhouses, including heaters, heat
Temperature control
Solar energy pumps, solar thermal collectors, or greenhouse northwalls. In addition, the PCMs kept inside the greenhouses are
Energy efficiency capable of providing passive cooling by the absorption of excess solar energy diurnally and passive nocturnal
heating by releasing the stored heat. Various systems integrated with PCMs provide a diurnal temperature
decrease up to 7 ◦ C and nocturnal temperature increase up to 9 ◦ C compared to the ambient temperature and can
cover up to 30% of the greenhouse heating demand. The higher installation costs of PCMs can be compensated by
the lower maintenance costs in addition to the environmental concerns raised by fossil fuels. Appropriate design
parameters should be selected based on the climatic conditions and the required environmental control to
achieve significant savings in energy and cost.

Introduction demand, thereby significantly decreasing energy consumption [5,6]. In

general, TES systems store the excess thermal energy in the greenhouse
The recent growth in the global population necessitates increased during the day or when the heater is turned on. This heat is discharged
crop production to address food security, which is one of the principal during the night or when the heater is turned off to maintain the
dimensions of sustainability [1]. Water scarcity and changes in global required greenhouse indoor temperature [7].
climatic conditions affect conventional cultivation methods. Therefore, The major TES systems adopted in greenhouses are sensible TES
greenhouse cultivation can be considered one of the sustainable solu­ using rock beds [8], water reservoirs [9] or underground pipes [10], and
tions to ensure food security. Local production, enhanced crop yield, and latent TES using phase change materials (PCMs) [11,12]. Renewable-
extended harvests make greenhouses a feasible solution even in adverse powered greenhouses integrated with TES provide manageable indoor
weather conditions. In greenhouses, the microclimate can be controlled temperature, enhanced crop yield, extended harvests, and energy sav­
by proper heating, cooling, lighting, and ventilation techniques that ings [13,14]. PCMs store and release a substantial amount of thermal
consume considerable energy, mostly using fossil fuels. The environ­ energy at an almost constant temperature during the phase transition
mental impacts of fossil fuels together with the depletion of the available [15,16]. The common phase transitions are solid–gas, liquid–gas, or
resources urge us to transition toward renewable sources, including solid–liquid [17]. However, PCMs with solid–liquid transitions offer a
solar energy, geothermal heat, and biomass. Although solar energy is the broad range of temperatures suitable for various uses, lower volume
most accessible heat source, its periodic characteristics necessitate a changes during the transition, and higher storage densities [18,19]. The
thermal energy storage system (TES) [2–4]. TES can stabilize the indoor most commonly used PCMs include salt hydrates, paraffin wax, fatty
microclimate to make it suitable for plant growth and reduce the heat acids, and eutectics [20].

Abbreviations: CA, Capric Acid; CO2, Carbon dioxide; COP, Coefficient of Performance; CSG, Chinese Solar Greenhouse; EVA, Ethylene-Vinyl Acetate; HRS, Heat
Recovery System; LCA, Life Cycle Analysis; LDPE, Low-Density Polyethylene; OA, Oleic Acid; PCM, Phase Change Material; PE, Polyethylene; PTT, Phase Transition
Temperature; SAHLSC, Solar Air Heater Latent Storage Collector; TES, Thermal Energy Storage.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (S. Nishad), (I. Krupa).
Received 4 October 2021; Received in revised form 11 March 2022; Accepted 3 April 2022
Available online 27 April 2022
2213-1388/© 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S. Nishad and I. Krupa Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 52 (2022) 102241

The use of TES in greenhouses has been reviewed by a few re­ widely used for agriculture: even-span, uneven-span, vinery, modified
searchers. Paksoy and Beyhan [13] reviewed different TES systems in arch, and Quonset types (Fig. 1). Sethi [28] studied these shapes of
greenhouses and related case studies around the world. Kurklu [21] is greenhouses in both north–south and east–west orientations for various
among the first (i.e., in 1998) to review applications of various PCMs climatic zones based on the availability of solar radiation (reflected,
including salt hydrates (calcium chloride hexahydrate and sodium sul­ diffuse, and beam) and its impact on the temperature inside the green­
fate decahydrate), polyethylene glycol, and paraffins in greenhouses to house. Sethi reported that greenhouses oriented in the east–west
conserve energy. Cuce et al. [6] discussed the key technologies and orientation obtain less solar radiation intensity during summer and more
strategies for sustainable energy storage in greenhouses incorporating solar radiation intensity during winter, except near the equator. More­
renewable energy sources. Cao et al. [22] conducted a comprehensive over, the greenhouse with an uneven-span shape received the highest
review of sustainable energy-saving strategies to improve the microcli­ solar radiation, and the lowest solar radiation was illuminated in
mate of Chinese solar greenhouses, including their eco-friendly features, Quonset-type greenhouses. Furthermore, the dynamic model developed
energy efficiency, and retrofitting options. Choab et al. [23] studied by Mobtaker et al. [29,30] showed that a greenhouse with a single span
various modeling tools for different types of greenhouses and available obtains higher solar radiation and requires a smaller amount of energy
technologies to supply a favorable environment for plants under for heating during winter compared to the greenhouses in the above­
extreme weather conditions. Shukla et al. [24] studied various materials mentioned five shapes. However, based on the annual energy perfor­
and designs for TES systems in solar greenhouses. Sethi and Sharma [25] mance of the greenhouse, several other studies concluded that east–west
reviewed all available greenhouse heating technologies and their typical oriented greenhouses with uneven-span shapes were preferable to other
applications. Gorjian et al. [26] investigated the integration of various shapes and north–south orientations at all latitudes [31-33]. In addition,
renewable technologies, such as biomass, geothermal heat, and solar modification of the north wall to reduce heat loss by proper insulation
energy, with TES systems in net-zero energy greenhouses. All of the can provide a perfect design for greenhouses in cold climate conditions
above reviews except by Kurklu [21] investigated TES systems inte­ [34,35].
grated into renewable energy sources for greenhouse applications with Natural ventilation through air exchange between the greenhouse
little attention given to PCM storage. Although Kurklu compiled the exterior and interior is an energy-friendly process to cool the greenhouse
PCM applications in greenhouses a few decades back, recent techno­ in summer by a pressure difference created by the temperature gradient
logical advancements in the application of PCMs for energy storage have and wind. In addition, ventilation serves to accomplish humidity con­
not been reported yet. Therefore, in this review, the utilization of PCMs trol, air circulation, and CO2 or oxygen replacement [36,37]. Under mild
in greenhouses integrated with active heating/cooling systems (both climatic conditions, proper ventilation can ensure effective cooling and
non-renewable and renewable), passive systems including PCM wall­ a favorable environment for crop growth. Moreover, artificial ventila­
boards, and PCM storage containers are investigated with more tion provided using exhaust fans and blowers can enhance the rate of air
emphasis on recent developments in this area. In addition, the economic exchange to maintain greenhouse interior temperatures close to that of
and environmental impacts of each system are analyzed to pave a path exterior temperature [38]. Nevertheless, solar radiation and ventilation
for future studies. Before discussing TES with PCM, a brief introduction cannot cover complete cooling or heating requirements in a greenhouse.
to greenhouses, PCM, and its characteristics is given in the following Therefore, adding some heating or cooling sources to greenhouses is
subsections. necessary for critical situations to keep a suitable sustainable environ­
ment inside the greenhouse according to the crop and weather condi­
Greenhouses tions. Controlled microclimate inside the greenhouse provides increased
crop yield per area, crop quality, long harvest period, protection from
A greenhouse is an enclosure with a controlled microclimate that can pests and disease, and local production even under extreme weather
be used for farming vegetation or drying crops where sufficient heat, conditions. The optimal temperature inside the greenhouse at each stage
light, and CO2 are provided either by natural or artificial techniques. The of the crop cultivation must be provided by suitable heating or cooling
crops in the greenhouses are protected from unexpected climatic con­ techniques. As the need for heating/cooling varies in different regions,
ditions including storms, prolonged rain, drought, temperature drop, various technologies exist in different areas [13].
etc. The transparent envelope of the greenhouse made of glass or plastic It has been estimated that to keep the greenhouse indoor tempera­
transmits only shortwave solar radiation and reflects longwave radia­ ture at approximately 15–20 ◦ C, approximately 5–6 kg/m2 of fossil fuels
tion. The greenhouse floor and wall re-radiate the absorbed solar radi­ are burned each year to meet the greenhouse energy demand, which is
ation back inside the greenhouse, causing an increase in indoor air mainly used for heating or cooling applications [39]. Although the
temperature. Consequently, the greenhouse itself maintains a favorable installation costs for conventional heating/cooling systems based on
indoor temperature for plant growth on sunny winter days. However, fossil fuels are low, the greater operational costs and environmental
the low ambient outside temperature and the inferior thermal insulation impacts urge us to exploit renewable sources such as geothermal heat,
of greenhouse cover reduce the indoor greenhouse temperature at night. wind, solar energy, and biomass. Renewable sources can be directly used
In cold winter climatic areas, this substantial decrease in greenhouse or integrated with existing conventional systems in a greenhouse to
temperature leads to plant death. Similarly, in hot summer regions, an achieve sustainable cultivation practices [26]. However, fluctuations in
increase in daytime greenhouse temperature significantly affects the the performance of renewable sources of energy necessitate coupling the
growth of plants [27]. However, suitable heating/cooling techniques system with relevant backup resources such as thermal energy storage
can control the greenhouse microclimate compared to the crops growing (TES) systems. In TES systems, excess thermal energy is stored via a
outside. storage medium and recovered when needed. Generally, there are three
Several greenhouse design parameters, such as size, orientation, and types of TES systems: sensible TES, latent TES, and thermochemical
shape, can influence the greenhouse indoor microclimate. The solar energy storage. In sensible TES, the sensible heat energy is absorbed
radiation captured by the greenhouse is affected by these parameters, with the temperature rise and released when the temperature drops
which eventually control greenhouse indoor temperature apart from the [40]. Water and rock were used as sensible TES in greenhouses [41,42].
heat transfer coefficient of the envelope and outside ambient air tem­ The latent heat energy while changing the physical state of the material
perature. Since the reflected and diffused radiation from the greenhouse was utilized in latent TES systems [43]. PCMs were used in latent TES
wall, cover and floor can also affect the indoor temperature, appropriate systems. Thermochemical energy storage systems store and release
selection of greenhouse orientation and shape is important to deliver thermal energy through endothermic/exothermic reactions and are
suitable thermal comfort inside the greenhouse. As observed from pre­ rarely adopted in greenhouses due to their poor cyclic stability and ef­
vious literature [28], five common types of greenhouse shapes are ficiency [44]. The higher storage density per unit mass of PCMs and

S. Nishad and I. Krupa Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 52 (2022) 102241

Fig. 1. View of five common types of greenhouse shapes. Copyright @ [28].

thermal storage at constant temperature make PCMs more attractive for c. High thermal conductivity to promote convenient charging and
environmental control applications [24]. Recently, studies on the discharging
application of PCMs to achieve thermal stability in greenhouses have d. High specific heat capacity
gained attention from various researchers [24,45,46]. The PCM stores 2. Chemical Properties
excess solar thermal energy during the day and releases it during the a. Prolonged chemical stability
night. Although the initial expenses are higher for the PCM, they are free b. Complete reversible melting/freezing cycle
from expenses and environmental pollution during operation. c. Compatibility with construction materials
d. No toxicity
Phase change materials (PCM) e. No fire hazards
3. Kinetic Properties
PCMs store thermal energy as latent heat during the change in their a. Sufficient crystallization rate
physical state, i.e., solid–gas, liquid–gas, and solid–liquid transitions b. No supercooling
with minor temperature swings. However, solid–liquid transitions are 4. Physical Properties
widely used over liquid–gas and solid–gas transformations due to their a. Small volume change
manageable volume change upon phase transition, which reduces the b. High density for smaller storage container
complexity in their storage [18]. In addition, these are available in a c. Favorable phase equilibrium, and
broad range of transition temperatures to fit various applications, d. Low vapor pressure to reduce the containment problem
including buildings, greenhouses, packaging, air conditioning, etc. 5. Economic Properties
PCMs can regulate the ambient temperature of the system within its a. Abundant
phase transition temperature (PTT). Once the temperature increases b. Available
beyond the melting point of the PCM, the phase change occurs from solid c. Cost-effective
to liquid, absorbing excess heat without changing the temperature, as
shown in Fig. 2-a [47]. Conversely, the material discharges heat energy
when the ambient temperature falls below the PCM freezing point.
Classification of PCMs
Therefore, the indoor temperature peaks and fluctuations can be
reduced and delayed by choosing a suitable PCM for which the PTT
PCMs are broadly classified as organic, inorganic, and eutectic, as
matches the required indoor temperature (Fig. 2-b).
shown in Fig. 3. The advantages, disadvantages, and probable solutions
However, to employ these materials in latent TES systems, they must
to overcome the disadvantages of PCMs are tabulated in Table 1.
exhibit desirable thermal, chemical, kinetic, physical, and economic
Organic PCMs include paraffins, vegetable oils, and fatty acids. They
properties [48,49]. These are listed as follows:
are chemically and thermally stable, recyclable, do not undergo phase
separation and supercooling, and are available in greater quantity [50].
1. Thermal Properties
However, they have shortcomings of flammability, poor thermal con­
a. Suitable phase transition temperature for a particular application
ductivity, and high volume change during melting (10–20 %) [51,52].
b. High latent heat of transition to reduce the size of the material
Paraffins exhibit a phase change in the desired working temperature
range, chemical stability, cyclic stability, high heat of enthalpy [51],

Fig. 2. (a) Thermal storage of materials with latent and sensible heat. (b) PCM regulates the indoor temperature by peak temperature reduction and delay. Copyright
@ [47].

S. Nishad and I. Krupa Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 52 (2022) 102241

Fig. 3. Classification of PCMs.

temperatures. Fatty acids are found to be corrosive, flammable, more

Table 1
expensive than paraffin, and emit undesirable odors which limit their
Advantages, disadvantages, and probable solution to overcome the disadvan­
applications in greenhouses [55].
tages of PCMs.
Encapsulation of PCM is inevitable for solid–liquid PCMs as other­
Type Advantages Disadvantages Possible solution
wise the liquid PCM would be lost from the point of application while
Organic Chemically stable Low thermal Prepare composites melting. Microencapsulation and macroencapsulation are two types of
conductivity with conductive fillers encapsulation techniques [56]. In microencapsulation, PCM is enclosed
Non-corrosive Flammable Encapsulation
in a thin polymeric film of high molecular weight as a sphere or capsule.
Negligible Available for low- Use for low-
supercooling and moderate melting temperature The coated nodules are then incorporated into a solution that is
subcooling temperature applications compatible with the coating. This technique can be adopted only for
Low vapor High volumetric Provide room for hydrophobic PCM. A large surface-to-volume ratio and restricted phase
pressure expansion expansion
separation to microscopic distances are the major advantages of
Thermal stability Toxicity Encapsulation
Cyclic stability
microencapsulation. In macroencapsulation, PCMs are filled inside
Congruent melting certain packages of size greater than 1 cm. This technique enhances
Greater material compatibility with the surroundings and suppresses external
availability volume changes.
Inorganic PCMs, including salt hydrates and metals, are suitable for
Inorganic High thermal The high degree of Mixing other salts or
conductivity supercooling additives (still under high-temperature applications. Most inorganic PCMs exhibit sharper
research) phase transitions, high heat of enthalpy, energy density, non-
Non-flammable Corrosive Encapsulation flammability, high thermal conductivity, and are less expensive [49].
Available Phase separation Encapsulation
However, salt hydrates are corrosive to most metals and thus require
low–high melting
high costs for packaging and maintenance. Previous studies suggest that
Lower volumetric Incongruent melting Use of fillers to limit salt hydrates cannot be microencapsulated due to their hydrous nature
expansion the mobility of [55]. Moreover, the phase separation and supercooling of inorganic salts
different species (still affect the phase change properties for long-term applications [57].
under research)
Although containment of salt hydrates along with nucleating and gelling
Greater phase Chemical and Alternate PCM
change enthalpy thermal instability agents resolve the above limitations, these agents may affect the heat
and energy density storage properties of the PCM [55]. In conclusion, salt hydrates are not a
Less costly viable choice for direct applications in buildings and greenhouses.
Eutectic PCMs are combinations of two or more PCMs. The resulting
Eutectic Sharp melting Lack of Further research and
temperature thermophysical data development
composites can be inorganic-inorganic, organic-organic, and organ­
Congruent melting Strong odor Encapsulation ic–inorganic [49]. The solidification of the composite occurs at a lower
Costly Alternate PCM temperature than any other combination obtained from the same ele­
ments. Although Eutectic PCMs show sharp melting temperature, high
energy density, and congruent melting, sufficient test data is not avail­
negligible subcooling, self-nucleation, greater availability, less expense,
able due to their prolonged and expensive synthesis and characteriza­
non-corrosiveness, and ease of packaging [53]. The poor thermal con­
tion techniques [58].
ductivity and flammability of paraffins can be addressed by incorpo­
To summarize, organic PCMs, particularly paraffins are safe and
rating conductive fillers and proper encapsulation, respectively [52,54].
suitable for greenhouse applications after proper encapsulation and
However, long exposure to the volatile compounds presents in paraffins
addition of conductive fillers to overcome the flammability, toxicity, and
including benzene, toluene, and naphthalene components could be
low thermal conductivity concerns. Although they are non-
hazardous to human health and the environment due to its carcinogenic,
biodegradable, the cyclic stability and recyclability allow them for
non-renewable, and non-biodegradable nature. On the contrary, vege­
long-term energy storage applications.
table oil-based waxes are free from these toxic components and are
environmentally friendly energy sources available in a broad range of

S. Nishad and I. Krupa Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 52 (2022) 102241

PCM applications in greenhouses environmental aspects, the system recovered a large amount of heat
from the exhaust, which would otherwise be emitted to the atmosphere
PCMs adopted in active or passive heating/cooling systems in and as a result, the exhaust temperature and the gas consumption were
greenhouses can exploit local or renewable energy resources to reduce reduced by 24 ◦ C and 48%, respectively. Since the payback period for
heating or cooling loads. In active systems, thermal energy is transferred installing PCM HRS is only 4 months considering the natural gas savings
to the greenhouse by air or water through a duct or pipe from the heating in Iran, the system support both the farmers and the environment.
source. PCMs installed in the active system can store the excess or In another study, Yan et al. [60] integrated PCM storage into a plate-
wasted thermal energy to reuse while these systems are turned off, type heat exchanger (HRS) to store the exhaust heat from the gas heater
thereby reducing fossil fuel consumption and operation costs. In passive (Fig. 4). When the gas heater turned off, the recovered waste heat from
systems, PCM with appropriate melting/freezing temperature and latent the HRS unit was used for 2 different scenarios (Fig. 5): as an auxiliary
heat was used to control the temperature by the absorption of thermal heater to the greenhouse (Fig. 5-c) and as a burner air preheater (where
energy during melting and released during freezing. The different ap­ the inlet air temperature of the gas heater increases, Fig. 5-b). The ef­
plications of PCMs to control greenhouse microclimates are listed as ficiency of the two systems was evaluated in terms of the heater working
follows: periods. The results from their study showed that the heater working
periods were reduced by 27% when the HRS was used as a burner air
1. Active systems preheater rather than an auxiliary heater (2.7%). The payback time for
a. PCM integrated with heaters and heat pump the HRS system was 8 years and 4 months for the auxiliary heater and
b. PCM integrated with solar thermal collectors burner air preheater, respectively.
2. Passive systems Alternatively, ground source heat pumps can be used to heat or cool
a. PCM wallboards greenhouses where the renewable source of Earth energy is converted to
b. PCM storage inside containers thermal energy. Heat pumps produce more energy than they use due to
the exploitation of free energy from the ground. The year-round constant
and moderate temperature of the earth was carried to the heat
Active systems exchanger through the antifreeze liquid distributed through the under­
ground pipes. The heat was then utilized for refrigerant evaporation in
Active temperature control systems are an essential part of agricul­ the heat pump. The condensation of the refrigerant after passing through
tural greenhouses in extreme weather conditions. Although active sys­ the compressor releases heat, which can be distributed to the green­
tems are convenient and precise in controlling the greenhouse house environment using a fan. PCMs can be integrated with heat pumps
environment, they require energy either directly or indirectly from fossil to absorb the excess heat created in the greenhouse while operating the
fuels. For example, heaters burn gas or oil, and fans (for active venti­ pump continuously. The performance of such a system (heat pump along
lation or cooling) use electricity. Due to the greater fuel price, carbon with a PCM storage unit) was evaluated by Benli and Durmus [62,63] to
footprint, and large heating loads on the greenhouse, the demand for heat a greenhouse of 30 m2 area. 300 kg of calcium chloride hexahydrate
alternate energy from renewable sources has increased over the past few (PCM) was filled inside a cylindrical plastic tank (PCM storage unit) with
decades. Solar thermal collectors and ground source heat pumps use perforated polyethylene (PE) pipes to exchange the heat from the heat
renewable solar and Earth energy, respectively, to heat or cool green­ pump to the PCM storage unit. The heat pump was continuously oper­
houses. In addition, the incorporation of TES using PCMs along with ated to heat the greenhouse in cold winter and to charge the PCM unit.
these active systems enhanced their performance by continuous supply, When the greenhouse temperature fell below a certain value, the PCM
reduction in heater working hours, and better environmental conditions. unit discharges the auxiliary heat by operating a centrifugal fan beside
Previous literature shows that PCMs can be integrated with different the heat supplied by the heat pump. The results show that while the heat
components in active greenhouse systems [6,23-25]. Different active pump increased the greenhouse temperature by 5–10 ◦ C, the auxiliary
systems with PCM storage are discussed in the following sections. heat supplied by the PCM raised the temperature by 1–3 ◦ C. Moreover,
for the overall system, the coefficient of performance (COP) was
PCM integrated with heaters and heat pump observed to be in the range of 2.0–3.5, which is promising. “The COP is
The higher temperature exhaust gases emitted from fossil fuel the ratio of the power drawn from the heat pump as cooling or heat to the
heaters cause air pollution in addition to the degradation of the system power that is supplied to the compressor.”.
energy efficiency. The recovery of this waste heat was found to be an Table 2 summarizes the PCM applications in greenhouses integrated
efficient technology to heat the greenhouse environment [59,60]. Yan with heaters or heat pumps. Although hydrated salts are not viable for
et al. were motivated by a case study [61], where Andrews and Pearce applications in buildings and greenhouses due to their corrosive nature,
examined the reuse of waste heat recovered from a glass manufacturing storage in stainless steel containers away from the building structure
unit in greenhouse heating. Yan et al. conducted an experimental study along with its greater latent heat capacity, good thermal conductivity,
to understand the efficiency enhancement of a fuel heater in combina­ and greater availability at low cost are the main reason for choosing
tion with PCM storage [59]. The energy efficiency of the conventional them in the above applications. However, the long-term impacts of
fuel heater is degraded specifically for two reasons. First, the heater supercooling and incongruent melting were not considered in these
exhaust emits higher temperature gases to the atmosphere, which rep­ studies. Nevertheless, the reduction in the consumption of fossil fuels for
resents waste from the system. Second, the lower temperature of heater the active systems would benefit both environmentally and
inlet air causes energy loss in the heat exchanger. economically.
Therefore, Yan et al. [59] built a heat recovery system (HRS) to store
the recovered waste heat from the exhaust of the gas heater. The HRS PCM integrated with solar thermal collectors
includes a crossflow plate heat exchanger with or without PCM sheets Active solar systems equipped with solar thermal collectors and TES
installed between the exhaust gas and the circulating air. This system provide continuous temperature control of agricultural greenhouses.
improved the thermal efficiency of the heater by increasing the inlet air The solar radiation absorbed by the solar thermal collector is either
temperature and decreasing the exhaust gas temperature. Hydrated so­ transferred to the greenhouse environment or stored in a TES system
dium acetate PCM sheets store the excess heat from the heater exhaust that can be recovered when solar radiation is absent or inadequate (i.e.,
and recover/discharge it while the heater is inactivated. The system at night or on colder days). Two types of TES systems incorporating
with PCM increased the greenhouse temperature by 3 ◦ C due to a 24 % PCMs were found in the literature [53,64-69]: (1) heat storage tanks and
increase in the inlet air temperature of the heater. Considering (2) packed bed storage. In the heat storage tank, the heat transfer fluid

S. Nishad and I. Krupa Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 52 (2022) 102241

Fig. 4. (a) PCM HRS and (b) schematic of plate-type heat exchanger in the PCM HRS, where a, b, c, and d are 4 m, 50 cm, 20 cm, and 2.5 cm, respectively. Copyright
@ [60].

operating at a flow rate of 600 m3/h. The energy and exergy analysis
shows that the PCM system stored 1,740 W of heat and 60 W of thermal
exergy. The energy and exergy efficiencies of a similar system were
calculated by Ozturk [53]. It was reported that the energy efficiency of
the PCM storage system was 47.9%, while the exergy efficiency was only
4.2%. Exergy analysis evaluates the quality of thermal energy, while
energy analysis only considers the quantity of energy that may not be
fully converted into useful storage [72,73]. Therefore, the system was
inefficient for heat storage concerning exergy efficiency. However, the
details of recovery efficiency, temperature control achieved, and energy
savings of the greenhouses were not discussed in the above studies.
Benli and Durmus [68] used 300 kg of calcium chloride hexahydrate
as the PCM in a cylindrical tank to store the thermal energy from 10-
pieced solar air collectors situated in Elazig, Turkey (Fig. 7). Five
different shapes of absorber plates were used (i.e., flat, corrugated,
trapeze, reverse corrugated, and reverse trapeze) to examine the per­
formance of solar air collectors with a PCM storage tank located inside
the greenhouse for temperature control. Two differential thermostats
and centrifugal fans control the thermal fluid flow to and from the PCM
storage tank and to the greenhouse. The excess solar energy stored by
the PCM was sufficient to cover up to 23% of the greenhouse daily en­
ergy demand for 3–4 h. The proposed system provided an inside
greenhouse temperature 6–9 ◦ C higher than the ambient temperature.
Fig. 5. (a) PCM HRS charging mode, (b) preheating the inlet air of a gas heater,
and (c) direct discharge of the stored heat into the greenhouse space. Copyright
Zhou et al. [74] numerically modeled a greenhouse of 500 m2 area
@ [60]. heated by the PCM storage unit that is charged from the solar energy
absorbed by the evacuated tube collector. The heat calculations adopted
in the model evaluated the solar radiation, heat gains on various sur­
exchanges the thermal energy with the PCM filled inside a cylindrical
faces, and indoor greenhouse temperature at different times, and good
storage tank via perforated pipes [53,67-69]. Alternatively, encapsu­
agreement was obtained with the experimental data. However, the
lated PCM capsules packed as a bed absorber inside the solar thermal
model overestimated the indoor temperature at night for days with
collector absorbs and store solar thermal energy [64-66,70,71].
insufficient sunlight, as the PCM storage unit was assumed to be storing
A paraffin wax-filled cylindrical tank was used to store solar heat
heat irrespective of the meteorological conditions.
from 18 flat plate solar thermal collectors of 1.5 m2 absorber area, facing
Naghibi et al. [69] created a TRANSYS model of a PCM-filled water
south and mounted at 550 in Adana, Turkey [67]. A 180 m2 greenhouse
tank to heat a greenhouse. The proposed system contains a flat-plate
was heated by the PCM storage unit placed 2 m away from the green­
solar thermal collector, circulating pumps, heat exchanger, and PCM
house through polyethylene pipes (Fig. 6). The seasonal storage unit was
storage unit. The thermal energy transferred to the exchanger through
charged by warm air coming from solar thermal collectors during
the working fluid heated the water and PCM inside the storage unit. The
summer and discharged to the greenhouse during winter. Heat transfer
hot water circulated through the greenhouse and controlled the indoor
to and from the storage unit was accomplished with centrifugal fans

Table 2
Summary of the performance of greenhouses using PCM integrated with heaters and heat pump
Greenhouse Area Plant PCM PCM Quantity Remarks Reference
Location (m2)

Elazig, Turkey 30 - CaCl2.6H2O 300 kg • The COP of the heat pump was 2.3–3.8 [62,63]
• PCM produces 1–3 ◦ C as auxiliary heat
Isfahan, Iran 1,320 Cucumber Hydrated salt of 7 boxes of • PCM increased GH temp by 3 ◦ C [59]
sodium acetate 1.5x0.5x0.005m • Exhaust gas temperature reduced by 24 ◦ C
• Gas consumption reduced by 48%
• Payback period of 4 months
Isfahan, Iran 1,000 Lisianthus Hydrated salt Filled in 4 box plates of • PCM reduced the burner working periods by 27% when used as [60]
flower ofsodium acetate 2.5x50 cm burner preheater and by 2.7% when used as an auxiliary heater
• Payback period of 4 months and 8 years

S. Nishad and I. Krupa Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 52 (2022) 102241

Fig. 6. Schematic of the heat storage system and greenhouse. Copyright @ [53].

Fig. 7. Views of solar greenhouse heating system integrated with the PCM storage unit studied by Benli and Durmus. Copyright @ [68].

temperature. When solar energy is unavailable, PCM releases the stored Fig. 8. Such a system was designed by Bouadila et al. [70] and the heat
heat and maintains a favorable indoor temperature. The model estab­ storage and recovery process were investigated. The solar air heater
lished in their study covered 45% of the thermal energy demand for a latent heat storage collector (SAHLSC) consists of a steel matrix filled
greenhouse with a one-acre area in Ontario, Canada using a 600 m2 flat- with spherical encapsulated PCM capsules of 0.077 m diameter and a
plate solar thermal collector positioned at 420, working fluid of a 1:1 polyolefin black coating. The thermal energy absorbed by the solar
mixture of propylene glycol and water, and 25 m3 cylindrical storage thermal collector of 2 × 1 m2 size was stored during the charging period
tank with methyl eicosanoate as the PCM. The findings reveal that the (i.e., daytime) and provided a uniform heat of 200 W/m2 for 11 h at
storage efficiency was raised by up to 14% with the increased fraction of night with cold air circulating through the storage device. The heat
PCM in the storage tank (up to 60 %). Considering the annual savings in supply was unaffected by the fluctuations in solar radiation throughout
the natural gas and carbon tax, the payback period for the PCM storage the charging period. The study reported that the daily energy and exergy
system was calculated as 7 and 14 years with 20 and 60 % of PCM in the efficiencies of the proposed technique reached up to 45% and 25%,
tank, respectively. It should be noted that the cost of PCM is the influ­ respectively. The higher exergy efficiency indicates the better quality of
encing factor in the determination of the payback period. Moreover, thermal energy stored in the packed bed system compared to the heat
annual CO2 emission was reduced by 8.36 tons with 20 % of PCM. storage unit, where it was only 4.2% [53,67].
In contrast to separate PCM storage units, packed beds of PCMs are In another study, Bouadila et al. [64,71] incorporated SAHLSC in a
simple, compact, and efficient TES systems. The absorber plates are chapel-shaped small greenhouse with a 14.8 m2 floor area, as shown in
replaced by encapsulated PCM spheres with black coating, as shown in Fig. 8-c. It was found that the SAHLSC located inside the greenhouse

S. Nishad and I. Krupa Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 52 (2022) 102241

Fig. 8. (a) Schematic view of the proposed setup, (b) schematic diagram of SAHLSC, and (c) SAHLSC inside the greenhouse. Copyright @ [64,70].

stored 56% of the surplus solar heat compared to the greenhouse system compared to the conventional heater.
without SAHLSC. The technique covered 30% of the greenhouse heating Table 3 summarizes the previous PCM applications in greenhouses
requirement at night [71]. Moreover, the nocturnal indoor temperature integrated with solar thermal collectors. Paraffins and salt hydrates were
of the greenhouse exceeded the outside temperature by 5 ◦ C. The pro­ filled as PCMs in heat storage tanks whereas encapsulated PCMs were
posed system reduced the relative humidity by 10–20% as compared used in the SAHLSC with packed bed absorber. Although both improved
with that of conventional greenhouses [64]. The economic analysis of a the energy efficiency of the heating system, PCM-packed bed absorbers
hybrid system (SAHLSC + conventional fuel heater) and a conventional [64,71]exhibited higher exergy efficiency compared to the heat storage
fuel heater system shows that the payback period for SAHLSC is about 5 unit [53,67]. This could be due to the useful storage of thermal energy in
years for 3 months working in a year. Moreover, the reduced carbon a packed bed system. In other words, the large surface area of the PCM
emissions represent only 1% of the total Tunisian greenhouse CO2 capsules allows for excellent heat transfer during charging/discharging.
emissions. On the other hand, the poor thermal conductivity of the PCM limits the
The influence of the nocturnal shutter on the same greenhouse was heat transfer in the storage tank where no conductive fillers were added
evaluated in another study by Kooli et al. [66]. The heat loss at night was to improve the thermal conductivity.
reduced for the greenhouse with the shutter, and the inside temperature The literature suggests that a heating system combining solar ther­
was 2 ◦ C greater than that with no shutter. The SAHLSC was capable of mal collectors and PCM storage cannot compensate for the entire heat­
maintaining an inside temperature of 15 ◦ C at night while the ambient ing demand of a greenhouse. Therefore, an additional conventional
temperature decreased to 8 ◦ C. heating system is necessary to maintain comfortable greenhouse con­
A hydroponic greenhouse microclimate equipped with a PCM- ditions. This would add to the initial cost of the hybrid system (solar
packed bed absorber in a solar air heater was used to study nocturnal thermal collector with PCM storage + conventional fuel heater).
heating [65]. Spherical capsules containing calcium chloride hexahy­ Although the hybrid system considerably reduces the CO2 emissions, the
drate were placed on two superposed beds to absorb the incident solar payback period was higher (5–7 years) compared to the PCM incorpo­
radiation and store the excess energy during the day (Fig. 9). At night, ration in conventional fuel heaters (it was 4 months, Section 4.1.2). The
the PCM discharges and the hot air transferred to the greenhouse capital cost for the installation of a conventional heating system, solar
increased the inside temperature by 6 ◦ C. The SAHLSC with a packed thermal collectors, and the PCM storage unit may not be affordable to
bed provided an average thermal efficiency of 0.38. Compared to the the farmers. However, considering the environmental benefits and life
conventional heaters, PCM packed bed solar thermal collector reduced cycle savings, the stakeholders and policymakers should subsidize the
CO2 emission in addition to the savings of around 4600 kWh of energy expenses of installation. Alternatively, a fuel heater integrated with PCM
annually. The payback period calculated was 6 years for the hybrid storage is a promising choice for TES due to its simplicity, efficiency, and

Fig. 9. (a) The solar air collector equipped greenhouse along with packed bed PCM and (b) schematic view of the packed bed solar thermal collector. Copyright
@ [65].

S. Nishad and I. Krupa Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 52 (2022) 102241

Table 3
Summary of the performance of greenhouses using PCM integrated with solar thermal collectors
Greenhouse Area PCM PCM Quantity Plant Remarks Reference
Location (m2)

Adana, Turkey 180 Paraffins 6,000 kg - • The heat and thermal exergy stored were 1,740 and 60 W for the charging [67]
• Average values of net energy and exergy efficiencies were 42 and 3.3%
Adana, Turkey 180 Paraffins 6,000 kg - • The rate of heat transferred to the PCM unit ranged from 1.22-2.63 kW [53]
and the heat stored in the unit ranged from 0.65-2.1 kW
Elazig, Turkey 30 CaCl2.6H2O 300 kg - • PCM provided 18-23% of the total daily thermal energy required for 3-4 h [68]
compared to the conventional heating device
• 6–9 ◦ C difference in temperature between the inside and outside of the
Borj Cedria, 14.8 Capsule AC27 300 capsules Tomato • PCM increased the nocturnal greenhouse inside temperature by 5 ◦ C and [64]
Tunisia reduced relative humidity by 10-20%
Borj Cedria, 14.8 Capsule AC27 300 capsules Tomato • PCM stored 56% of the diurnal excess heat inside the greenhouse [71]
Tunisia • The stored heat represents 30% of the total nocturnal heating requirement
Borj Cedria, 14.8 Capsule AC27 300 capsules Tomato • A nocturnal shutter increased the temperature inside the greenhouse by 2 [66]
Tunisia ◦
C versus a conventional greenhouse
• The PCM integrated solar heater maintained 15 ◦ C inside the greenhouse
while the outside temperature decreased to 8 ◦ C
Borj Cedria, 24 CaCl2.6H2O 312 capsules - • The nocturnal temperature increased by 6 ◦ C [65]
Tunisia • The efficiency of the solar heater with the PCM packed bed increased by
Ontario, 1 Acre Methyl 25 m3 water tank filled Bell • A simulation study in TRANSYS [69]
Canada eicosanoate with 0-60% of PCM pepper • The PCM water tank provided 45% of the total thermal energy required
for a 1-acre greenhouse
Beijing, China 500 - - - • A numerical simulation study in MATLAB [74]
• The established model evaluated the solar radiation, surface and indoor
air temperatures in a plastic greenhouse and agree with the experimental

low payback period. However, further studies need to be conducted to techniques, are adopted in China for agricultural farming during winter,
optimize the design for comfortable indoor conditions at reasonable where the mean temperature is below − 10 ◦ C. The passive heating
expense and safe environmental conditions. system of CSG consists of a transparent south roof with a thermal blanket
on top, a non-transparent north roof, and solid north, east and west walls
(Fig. 10-a, [22]). The east–west orientation of the greenhouses located in
Passive system the Northern Hemisphere provides the highest solar radiation in winter
and the lowest solar radiation in summer. The thermal energy obtained
In passive systems, environmental control can be achieved by from the incident solar radiation on the south wall may be lost through
incorporating PCMs in the greenhouse envelope or the floor area (soil). the north wall. Therefore, modifying the north wall to absorb or reflect
This enables passive control of the inside air temperature or relative solar radiation can increase the indoor greenhouse temperature and
humidity by absorbing excess heat inside the greenhouse and storing it reduce the heating requirements of the CSG. Recently, the traditional
as latent heat energy. Thermal energy was recovered while the green­ design was modified by the addition of TES systems such as PCMs. The
house indoor temperature was below the PTT of the PCM by circulating thermal behavior of a greenhouse similar to CSG located in Marrakesh
the greenhouse air using a fan or by natural convection. PCM-integrated under Mediterranean climate conditions was numerically simulated by
wallboards or PCMs stored inside the containers were studied for Berroug et al. [80] with the incorporation of PCM on the north wall. The
greenhouse heating applications [46,75-79]. These are discussed in the north wall of a 24 m2 greenhouse was filled with calcium chloride
following sections. hexahydrate as the PCM (32.4 kg/m2 of the greenhouse surface area).
The results showed that a 4-cm-thick PCM north wall increased the
PCM wallboards greenhouse internal temperature by 6–12 ◦ C at night with fewer
Chinese solar greenhouses (CSGs), without any auxiliary heating

Fig. 10. Schematic diagram for (a) a Chinese solar greenhouse (CSG) and (b) three-layer north wall of CSG. Copyright @ [22,77].

S. Nishad and I. Krupa Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 52 (2022) 102241

fluctuations, which is favorable for plant growth during winter. and stabilizes beyond that thickness for given climatic conditions.
A three-layer north wall was constructed by Guan et al. [76,77] to Similarly, the temperature distribution of the brick wall exhibited a
improve the thermal performance of the greenhouse by reducing heat constant temperature zone, beyond which the wall temperature is not
loss. The wall includes an internal PCM wallboard, middle block bricks, influenced by the outdoor temperature due to the inferior thermal
and an external insulation layer (see Fig. 10-b). Shape-stabilized PCMs conductivity of the construction material. The depth of the constant
made of high-density polyethylene and paraffin wax were mixed with temperature zone varies with the specific heat capacity of the wall
cement in a 6:4 ratio to obtain PCM wallboards. This enables absorption material. For instance, this depth was 600 mm for a 3-layer north wall
of the surplus heat inside the greenhouse and the solar radiation incident [77], while it was 300 mm for a concrete wall, 600 mm and 200 mm
on the southern side of the north wall. The middle block layer provides thick for a composite wall with concrete and slag wool [82]. Increasing
good heat storage capacity, while the insulation layer prevents heat loss the wall thickness beyond this depth may result in the formation of a
from the north wall. A comparative study was conducted in a 300 m2 thermally stable layer and a negligible increase in the heat storage ca­
greenhouse where half of the north wall was integrated with PCM pacity. However, reducing the wall thickness causes poor thermal sta­
wallboards and polystyrene insulation, while the other half was kept as a bility by increasing the heat loss through the wall. Therefore, the wall
reference. The thermal interaction between the reference and PCM in­ thickness needs to be optimized to ensure adequate thermal stability and
tegrated greenhouses was suppressed by a thermally insulated poly­ heat storage capacity.
styrene partition wall between them. The east and west walls were built A cavity provided in the middle layer of the block wall with natural
with bricks, and the front roof was built with ethylene–vinyl acetate ventilation was constructed by Rodrigues and Aelenei [83] to enhance
(EVA) copolymer film. The results from the study indicate that PCM the wall heat storage capacity. This technique was adopted by Ling et al.
wallboards increased the heat storage capacity by 14% and reduced the [76] on the north wall of CSG, where the ventilated air cavity receives
heat loss by 5.6%. Passive heating by the three-layer north wall provided thermal energy from solar thermal collectors and actively improves the
up to 21.4% more heating capacity and 71.4% more crop yield heat storage. In addition, PCM wallboards passively absorb the solar
compared to the reference greenhouse [81]. Several performance in­ energy reaching the southern face of the north wall. This active–passive
dicators were assessed by Ling et al. [46] to compare the performance of north wall increases the heat storage capacity in a tripartite manner
PCM wallboard in a similar setup studied by Guan et al. [81] under (Fig. 11): (1) increasing the heat flow to the wall interior through the
different weather conditions. The measured values of operative tem­ cavity wall connected to the solar thermal collectors, (2) enhancing the
perature, north wall surface temperature, average PCM temperature, north wall heat absorbance on the south face by PCM wallboards, and
heat storage, and release indicated that the PCM wallboard improves the (3) promoting the thermal resistance of the exterior wall by insulation
performance of the greenhouse irrespective of the outside weather boards. The proposed system improved the efficiency of absorption,
conditions. However, greater solar radiation obtained on sunny days storage, and release of solar energy of the north wall. The maximum
effectively assisted in greenhouse heating compared to cloudy days for efficiency was obtained when the air tunnels were spaced 0.4 m apart
both greenhouses with and without PCM. and heated air at 60 ◦ C was flowing at a velocity of 0.26 m/s in the
In another study, Guan et al. [77] constructed a model of a similar downward direction. Although the simulation results show that the heat
system in Energy Plus with a three-layer north wall to find out the op­ storage increases with increasing velocity of the supply air, the heat
timum thickness of each layer for a CSG (i.e., polystyrene insulation, exchange effectiveness was found to decrease with velocities beyond
brick block, and PCM wallboard). The results obtained were 60 mm 0.26 m/s. However, these design parameters vary according to the
insulation, 620 mm brick block, and 50 mm PCM board according to the material type, greenhouse structure, and outdoor climatic conditions.
climatic conditions in Beijing, China. The heating capacity of the wall Therefore, numerical methods were adopted to optimize the design
increases with the thickness of the PCM wallboard up to a certain value parameters owing to the practical difficulties in conducting

Fig. 11. The active–passive triple PCM north wall (a) sectional drawing; (b) structure of cavity wall. Copyright @ [76].

S. Nishad and I. Krupa Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 52 (2022) 102241

experimental studies [84]. A finite element model of a triple ventilated faster reduction in the PCM heat capacity.
north wall in a greenhouse was created by Han et al. [84] to obtain the The effect of PCM thickness on indoor and plant temperature was
design parameters and operating conditions. The method was validated studied numerically by Kumari et al. [86]. The PCM employed on the
against measured data from a ventilated wall constructed in the labo­ north wall along with the insulation improves the nighttime plant and
ratory. Furthermore, the design parameters were optimized after con­ indoor temperature. Moreover, the results show that the fluctuations in
ducting a parametric study. Additionally, an experimental greenhouse of greenhouse temperature were minimal when using a PCM layer at the
400 m2 was equipped with the designed wall to study the practical ef­ interior of the greenhouse north wall with 30% of the wall thickness.
fects, and the performance was compared with a reference greenhouse. Choosing PCMs with appropriate thermophysical properties is
The optimized wall with air cavities placed at 500 mm, PCM thickness of important to achieve a comfortable indoor thermal environment and
40 mm, and 140 mm of insulation stored 5.36 MJ/m2 of solar energy on efficient energy conservation. A parametric study performed by Liu et al.
sunny days in Beijing. The optimum air temperature and velocity [87] evaluated the influences of the heat of enthalpy, phase transition
through the ventilated wall should be 60 ◦ C and 0.45 m/s, respectively. temperature, and mix ratio of paraffin PCM with other construction
The optimized north wall of the experimental greenhouse increased the materials (such as gypsum) on the energy consumption of greenhouses
surface temperature of the interior wall by 2.2–3.4 ◦ C and indoor tem­ in winter. The average maximum temperature and design indoor tem­
perature by 0.8–1.4 ◦ C in winter. perature were found to be the ideal PTT of the PCM. The storage ca­
In another study, a greenhouse north wall with air cavities positioned pacity of the PCM wallboard decreases with the decrease in the PCM mix
next to the PCM wallboards was constructed, as shown in Fig. 12 [75]. ratio in the wallboard. Therefore, the simulation study shows a PTT of
This ventilated cavity assists the PCM wallboards in obtaining heat from 26 ◦ C, a heat of enthalpy of 60 kJ/kg, and a mix ratio of 40%, providing
the solar thermal collector placed on top of the greenhouse and enhances energy savings of 20% in a greenhouse in Beijing, China during winter.
the heat storage capacity even with poo thermal conductivity. More­ However, a similar study conducted in Xian, China, shows a PTT of 11 ◦ C
over, it prevents the formation of the thermally stable layer at the middle and thermal conductivity of 0.4 W/m.C, and heat of enthalpy of 140 kJ/
of the block wall, as explained before. The experimental results from a kg is required to increase the minimum temperature inside the green­
400 m2 greenhouse show that the proposed north wall increased the house by 33% [88]. Numerical studies help to assess the range of ther­
indoor temperature up to 4.16 ◦ C, while the heat storage and release mophysical properties of PCMs under variable architectural conditions
capacities were enhanced by 48% and 60%, respectively [75]. From the of a greenhouse in different climates to attain the predicted energy
above findings, it can be inferred that the energy storage efficiency of conservation.
the greenhouse north wall can be enhanced by the ventilated cavities Table 4 summarizes the applications of PCMs on greenhouse north
positioned near the PCM wallboard rather than at the middle of the walls as passive thermal energy storage systems. Considering the cor­
block wall, as the energy density of the PCM is higher than that of the rosive nature of the salt hydrates, paraffins were used to prepare PCM
block wall. wallboards in all the experimental studies. However, greater latent heat
Guan et al. embedded PCM-filled tanks in the north wall and con­ values of the salt hydrates were used in the numerical studies. Consid­
nected them to concentrated solar air collectors [85]. While previous ering 30 years of the life span of paraffins owing to their cyclic stability,
studies focused on heat storage enhancement, Guan et al. paid more passive systems require only installation cost with zero maintenance and
attention to the heat released to the greenhouse at night. They provided operational cost. Since the wallboards are prepared as a shape-stabilized
ventilated tubes linking PCM tanks and greenhouses to release the stored composite of paraffin, polyethylene, and cement, environmental con­
thermal energy. The results from the numerical simulations show that cerns regarding toxicity, flammability, and non-biodegradability of
ventilation prevents thermally stable layer formation at the middle of PCMs can be ignored due to insignificant leakage of PCM. Therefore,
the wall and increases the heat release capacity. However, a higher PCM wallboards are the best option for passive greenhouse heating and
velocity is only suitable for rapid heating in a short duration due to the are used in Chinese greenhouses.

Fig. 12. Schematic of a ventilation wall with active–passive heat storage constructed by Chen et al. Copyright @ [75].

S. Nishad and I. Krupa Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 52 (2022) 102241

Table 4
Summary of the performance of greenhouses using PCM wallboards
Greenhouse Area (m2) PCM PCM installation Remarks Reference

Beijing, China 313 Paraffin wax PCM wallboards on the north wall along with • Temperature, heat storage, and release increased with [46]
brickwork and insulation PCM
• Sunny weather enables more efficient PCM
Beijing, China 313 Paraffin wax PCM wallboards on the north wall along with • Heat storage capacity increased by 12–14% [81]
brickwork and insulation • Crop yield increased by 71%
Marrakesh, 24 calcium chloride North wall filled with 777.6 kg PCM (32.4 kg of • Simulation study [80]
Morocco hexahydrate PCM/m2 of GH area) • Indoor temperature at night increased by 6-12 ◦ C
Urumchi, 400 Paraffin wax PCM wallboards on the north wall along with • Heat storage enhanced by 35-47% [75]
China solid and hollow brickwork (active ventilation) • Heat release enhanced by 50-60%
and insulation • Indoor temperature increased by 1.5–4 ◦ C
Beijing, China No GH, only Paraffin wax PCM wallboards on the north wall along with Maximum heat storage efficiency is obtained when [76]
north wall solid and hollow brickwork (air tunnel, active • 0.4 m gap for air tunnel
ventilation) and insulation • Air velocity 0.26 m/s
• Air temperature 60 ◦ C
Beijing, China 313 Paraffin wax PCM wallboards on the north wall along with • The optimum thickness of PCM, brick, and insulation [77]
brickwork and insulation in Beijing are 50 mm, 620 mm, and 60 mm,
Beijing, China 258 Paraffin wax PCM wallboards were installed on the interior of • Optimum phase change temperature 26 ◦ C, Heat of [87]
the north wall fusion 60 kJ/kg and 40% PCM for 20% energy savings
in Beijing, China
New Delhi, - calcium chloride - • Higher room temperature at night [86]
India hexahydrate • Low fluctuations in heat transfer with greater PCM
Xian, China 1,116 - PCM integrated north wall • Optimum phase change temperature 11 ◦ C, the heat of [88]
fusion 140 kJ/kg and thermal conductivity 0.4 W/ (m.
C) for Xian, China
Beijing, China 400 Paraffin wax PCM wallboards on the north wall along with • Wall surface temperature increased by 2.2–3.4 ◦ C [84]
solid and hollow brickwork (active ventilation) • Indoor air temperature increased by 0.8–1.4 ◦ C
and insulation
Lanzhou, 48 Paraffin wax PCM tanks were placed between the brickwork of • Numerical study [85]
China the north wall and connected to the solar thermal • No thermal-stable layer
collector via tubes • Heat release capacity increased with ventilation
velocity and decreased with temperature decline

PCM storage inside containers stored thermal energy was lost to the surrounding air by convection
The application of PCM wallboards on greenhouse envelopes is during the night, which reduced the efficiency of the system.
feasible in cold climate regions where the north wall heats the green­ The economic and environmental benefits of PCM applications were
house. However, in continental temperate zones where the summer is examined in a greenhouse located in southern Spain with the intention
hot and winter is cold, plastic greenhouses were adopted without any to replace the standard fossil fuel or biomass root zone heating tech­
solid north wall, as present in a solar greenhouse (Fig. 13). In such cases, niques [89]. The study adopted life cycle analysis (LCA) to assess the
the simplest passive TES technique utilizing PCM can be executed by feasibility of using PCMs and reported that the technology reduced the
placing PCM-filled containers inside the greenhouse. Several studies environmental impacts of crop production and increased economic
were performed to evaluate the capability of PCM containers to regulate benefits compared to conventional heating systems. However, the re­
the indoor and substrate (i.e., root zone) temperature in the greenhouse. sults were generated from detailed calculations and not from actual
Beyhan et al. [79] studied the effects of two types of PCMs (i.e., oleic experimental data. Therefore, the authors conducted a field study in a
acid, OA, and capric acid, CA) in a 500 m2 soilless crop production 230 m2 greenhouse located in northern Barcelona to evaluate the
greenhouse located in Turkey to control the substrate temperature. effectiveness of PCM in a perlite bag and its effective position to mini­
PCMs with a PTT of 12 ◦ C were packed in plastic boxes and placed on mize the fluctuations in root zone temperature during winter [78]. Ex­
both sides of the containers in which the crops were grown in the sub­ periments were conducted for four different positions of the PCM on the
strate containing a mixture of coco peat and perlite (Fig. 14). The test perlite bag, as shown in Fig. 15. The study concluded that under Med­
results show that a mixture of OA and CA increased the temperature iterranean climatic conditions, passive PCM heating systems seem to be
inside the container by a maximum of 2.4 ◦ C. However, most of the effective at a melting temperature of 15 ◦ C. Wrapping the perlite bag

Fig. 13. (a) Solar greenhouse and (b) plastic greenhouse. Copyright @ [45].

S. Nishad and I. Krupa Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 52 (2022) 102241

Fig. 14. Schematic diagram of the soilless crop growing containers with PCM containers: (a) lateral section; (b) top view. Copyright @ [79].

with PCM-encapsulated sheets (Fig. 15-d) increased the thermal effi­ increased the minimum nocturnal temperature by 1–3 ◦ C, thereby
ciency by insulating the bag from the air temperature. The environ­ reducing the temperature fluctuations. In another study, 3.3 kg of PCM
mental and economic assessment of the system based on single night (PTT of 26–29 ◦ C) per square meter of greenhouse floor area provided
data shows that the technique is not economically feasible. However, 5 ◦ C higher nocturnal indoor temperature during cold days and 7 ◦ C
further research needs to be conducted for an entire winter to evaluate lower diurnal temperature during hot days [90]. The experiment used a
the payback period and other economic assessments. tunnel greenhouse with a 3 m2 area equipped with a polypropylene heat
In addition to greenhouse heating applications, the performance of exchanger filled with 10 kg of CaCl2⋅6H2O, as shown in Fig. 16.
PCM was evaluated with respect to cooling during hot day climates A eutectic PCM (70% paraffins, 22% fatty acid, and 8% tetradecanol)
[90,91]. In a 1 m2 CSG located in Beijing (China), PCMs (with a PTT of was adopted with a PTT between 10 and 35 ◦ C to maintain the optimum
18 ◦ C) were filled inside 10 cylindrical stainless-steel bottles of 550 ml greenhouse temperature in a 3 m2 greenhouse [45]. The study proposed
capacity and placed inside CSG [91]. The proposed system decreased the an effective technique to place the PCM in a greenhouse where the PCMs
maximum daytime indoor temperature of the greenhouse by 1–2 ◦ C and were wrapped in black aluminum foil bags and stored in an insulated

Fig. 15. Schematic diagrams of the positions of the PCM on the perlite bag used by Llorach-Massana et al. Copyright @ [78]: PCM (a) inside PVC tubes under perlite
bags, (b) 0.33 L polyethylene bottles under perlite bags, (c) macroencapsulated in low-density polyethylene (LDPE) bags wrapping the bottom of perlite bags, and (d)
macroencapsulated in LDPE bags wrapping the whole perlite bag.

S. Nishad and I. Krupa Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 52 (2022) 102241

Fig. 16. PCM filled polypropylene heat exchanger. Copyright @ [90].

collection device outside the greenhouse during the daytime (Fig. 17). energy savings, reducing dependency on fossil fuels and CO2 emissions,
After sunset, the wrapped PCMs were shifted to the greenhouse so that etc. However, a few things pull back the large-scale application of these
the indoor greenhouse temperature was maintained at no less than systems in greenhouses including high initial investment cost and lack of
10 ◦ C. In addition, a numerical model evaluated the combinations of knowledge due to the unavailability of design codes and practices.
PCM mass and insulation board thickness required to maintain the Therefore, further research should focus on TES systems at affordable
feasible temperatures inside a 320 m2 greenhouse with the least in­ prices. In addition, the development of design standards would help to
vestment. Although this technique seems to be simple and adequate to optimize the design of PCM systems based on the required indoor
control the greenhouse nocturnal temperature, it requires additional microclimate, greenhouse size, type of crop, and outdoor conditions.
manpower to change the position of PCM bags for large greenhouses. It Each TES system has its own advantages and limitations. The followings
should be noted that the required greenhouse environment was main­ aspects should be considered in future studies:
tained using 24 kg of PCM for a 3 m2 area of the greenhouse.
A mathematical model was developed by Najjar and Hasan [92] to • PCM incorporated fuel heater in greenhouses would benefit in three
represent PCM storage inside the greenhouse. The numerical solution to ways: (1) increases the thermal efficiency of the heater by using the
the problem predicted the maximum indoor temperature differences in a exhaust heat as heater inlet air preheater, (2) economical in design as
1,200 m2 greenhouse with calcium chloride hexahydrate as the PCM. PCM modified conventional heater adds only the cost of PCM that
The results show that the temperature difference was decreased by considerably reduces the payback period, and (3) reduces the CO2
3–5 ◦ C with PCM storage and was further decreased by forced ventila­ emissions by reducing the use of fossil fuels. However, further studies
tion, which enhanced convective heat transfer. on PCM selection, quantity determination (PCM/square meter area
Table 5 summarizes the applications of PCM containers inside the of greenhouse) depending on the meteorological conditions, and
greenhouse as passive thermal energy storage systems. From the table, it required indoor climate are necessary to build the standards. It
should be noted that all types of PCMs were used in this application (i.e., should be noted that this TES system only reduces the use of fossil
organic, inorganic, and eutectic). Even for a small greenhouse large fuels, not a substitute for renewable energy sources.
quantity of PCM is required for this type of application that is not • Self-sustained solar thermal collectors should be designed for
affordable considering the cost of PCM. However, PCM-covered con­ greenhouses along with the TES systems to make fossil-fuel-free
tainers in soilless farming (see Fig. 14) require the least quantity of PCM cultivation. Although the investment cost for such a system will be
for better root-zone heating of the crops [79]. high, the extracted energy will be free of cost. Moreover, subsidizing
the initial cost by the policymakers and stakeholders and encour­
Future outlook aging further research on cost-effective strategies to increase the
dependency on renewable sources of energy would breakthrough
The above studies explain the potential benefits of the TES system in into sustainable cultivation.
greenhouses using PCMs including greenhouse thermal management,

Fig. 17. (a) PCMs wrapped inside foil bags made of black aluminum and (b) insulated collection device to store the wrapped PCM bags during daytime for thermal
energy storage. Copyright @ [45].

S. Nishad and I. Krupa Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 52 (2022) 102241

Table 5
Summary of the performance of greenhouses using PCM storage containers
Greenhouse Area PCM PCM Remarks Reference
Location (m2) Quantity

Adana, Turkey 500 Oleic Acid (OA) and Capric Acid 2.6/4.4 kg • 2.4 ◦ C higher temperature [79]
Tunis, Tunisia 3 CaCl2.6H2O 10 kg • 5 ◦ C higher at night during winter [90]
• 7 ◦ C lower during hot day
Beijing, China 1 Butyl stearate 5.5 liters • 1–3 ◦ C higher at night [91]
• 1–2 ◦ C lower during day
Southern Spain 19,400 Rubitherm RT18HC - • Lower environmental impact and higher economic impact for PCM [89]
compared to conventional heating based on LCA
Cabrils, Barcelona 230 Rubitherm RT18HC, RT15HC, Varying • Optimum melting temperature 15 ◦ C [78]
RT12HC • Higher efficiency if microencapsulated PCM wrapped entire perlite bag
Hangzhou, Southern 3 70% paraffins, 22% fatty acid, and 24/30 kg • PCM stored in black aluminum bags in a heat collection device [45]
China 8% tetradecanoyl maintained indoor temperature no less than 10 ◦ C
Al-Aroub, Palestine 1,200 CaCl2.6H2O - • Mathematical model solved using Java code [92]
• PCM storage decreased the maximum temperature difference inside the
greenhouse by 3–5 ◦ C

• Passive thermal management of greenhouses is promising as it is free thermal collectors, to heat the greenhouse at night or on cold days. In
from the operational cost except for the electricity to operate the fans passive systems, the PCMs stored inside the greenhouse either on the
for convective heat transfer. However, further studies on cost- envelope as wallboards or in containers absorb solar heat during
effective and self-sufficient thermal management systems are melting and release heat at night during freezing.
necessary to make awareness among farmers. Moreover, the ● Utilization of exhaust heat from the fuel heater in preheating the
commercialization of PCM products with high latent heat capacity burner air by PCM storage saves sufficient energy by reducing the
and low cost would be a simple but efficient strategy to promote heater working periods by 27%. This technique was found to be
passive heating/cooling in greenhouses. economical as the payback period was 4 months.
• Although a few commercial PCM wallboards are available in the ● The excess heat from the ground source heat pump stored in PCM
market, they are either expensive or lack sufficient latent heat ca­ storage tanks is promising to supply auxiliary heat to increase the
pacity. Shape-stabilized PCM composites made from recycled poly­ greenhouse temperature by 1–3 ◦ C on cold nights.
meric waste [93,94] would promote the recycling of the plastic waste ● Solar thermal collectors integrated with PCM-packed beds or storage
in addition to the reduction of the cost of PCM wallboards. However, units can store excess solar thermal energy and provide sufficient
further studies need to be conducted to limit the PCM leakage from heat to increase the indoor temperature by 5–9 ◦ C compared to the
polymer-based composites. ambient temperature and to cover up to 30% of the greenhouse
• The development of numerical models for the optimization of the heating demand. However, the payback period was found to be 5–7
TES systems in greenhouses would assist in the faster selection of years as it requires a backup system to support the remaining 70 % of
efficient technology. the heating demand.
● The exergy efficiency of the TES systems determines the quality of
Conclusions energy that is available for storage. High exergy efficiencies were
obtained for encapsulated PCM-packed beds embedded in the solar
In this paper, the latest developments in thermal energy storage thermal collector (i.e., 25%) due to the excellent heat transfer
techniques using PCMs in greenhouses are presented. Effective thermal through the large surface area compared to the PCM storage unit
environment control of agricultural greenhouses is important for plant located away from the collectors (i.e., 4.2%) where the heat transfer
growth and yield enhancement. The adaptation of conventional tech­ is limited by the poor thermal conductivity of the PCM.
nologies for greenhouse heating, cooling, or air conditioning increases ● The solid north wall integrated with PCM wallboard and insulation is
operational costs in addition to environmental concerns. Recently, ideal for passive heating of greenhouses in cold climate areas. Owing
renewable energy sources, including biomass, geothermal heat, and to the inferior thermal conductivity of the PCM wallboard, ventilated
solar energy, have been integrated into greenhouse technologies as a air cavities are provided inside the solid wall to assist in heat transfer.
better alternative for sustainable farming. In addition, incorporating The cavities receive hot air from the solar concentrators. The storage
thermal energy storage systems into renewable sources considerably efficiency of the active–passive wall can be enhanced by choosing an
improved the energy efficiency, economy, and environment. PCMs are appropriate design and operational conditions, such as PCM wall­
highly efficient materials to store thermal energy as latent heat owing to board thickness, PCM thermophysical properties, air channel size
their high storage density. Therefore, in this review, different applica­ and spacing, hot air temperature, and velocity.
tions of PCMs are studied for the thermal control of greenhouses. The ● The chemical and cyclic stability, compatibility, and non-
following findings from this study can be summarized as follows: corrosiveness with most construction materials make paraffins a
viable choice for PCM wallboards in greenhouses. Whereas salt hy­
● Solar radiation is the basic source of thermal energy for greenhouses. drates are suitable in large storage tanks due to their high thermal
The uneven span shape and east–west orientation of the greenhouse conductivity and low cost. Eutectic PCMs are still at the development
provide the highest solar radiation in winter and the lowest solar stage and are expensive to use in bulk applications.
radiation in summer. However, substantial heat loss through the ● The PCM containers stored inside the greenhouses are able to control
greenhouse envelope due to poor insulation may cause large tem­ the substrate and indoor temperatures. While the PCM containers
perature fluctuations. increased the greenhouse temperature up to 3 ◦ C, a PCM-filled heat
● Temperature fluctuations in greenhouses can be improved by PCMs exchanger raised the temperature by 5 ◦ C due to forced convective
integrated into different systems, such as active and passive systems. heat transfer. In addition, during hot days, PCM containers can
PCMs utilize excess or wasted thermal energy from active tempera­ reduce the diurnal indoor temperature by up to 7 ◦ C.
ture control systems, including fuel heaters, heat pumps, and solar

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