A Hybrid Optimization Algorithm Using BiLSTM Structure F - 2023 - Measurement S

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Measurement: Sensors 25 (2023) 100619

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A hybrid optimization algorithm using BiLSTM structure for

sentiment analysis
J. Sangeetha a, *, U. Kumaran b
Department of Computer Applications, Noorul Islam Centre for Higher Education, Kumaracoil, Thuckalay, Tamil Nadu, India
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Noorul Islam Centre for Higher Education, Kumaracoil, Thuckalay, Tamil Nadu, India


Keywords: Sentiment analysis can assist consumers in providing clear and objective sentiment recommendations based on
Sentiment analysis large amounts of data, and it is helpful in overcoming unclear human flaws in subjective assessments. Existing
Product reviews Taylor series sentiment analysis methods, on the other hand, must be enhanced in terms of robustness and accuracy. To
Harris hawks optimization
improve marketing strategies based on product reviews, a reliable mechanism for forecasting sentiment polarity
should be implemented. This paper proposes a new approach for sentiment analysis called Taylor–Harris Hawks
Optimization driven long short-term memory (THHO- BiLSTM). By incorporating Taylor series in HHO, Tay­
lor–HHO is formed, which aids in improving the BiLSTM classifier’s performance by picking optimal weights in
the hidden layers. The proposed method was evaluated using Amazon product reviews and reviews from the
Taboada corpus benchmark datasets, yielding findings with 96.93% and 93% accuracy, respectively. When
compared to existing approaches, the suggested model exceeds them in terms of accuracy. The proposed
approach helps manufacturers improve their products based on user feedback.

1. Introduction product, it will take longer to gain confidence in a certain product by

studying all of its negative and positive aspects. Customers will be un­
Sentiment Analysis, also known as Opinion Mining [1,2], is one of able to read all of the reviews [3,4] in a small amount of time before
the hottest and the most rapidly expanding research fields, making it making a purchase. They want a scheme that illustrates the benefits and
difficult to keep up with all of the activity. It aims to investigate people’s drawbacks of a certain product by evaluating a large number of reviews
opinions, sentiments, and attitudes via social media (e.g., forums, social in the similar portal about several parts of the product. Customers can
networking sites, blogs, etc.) concerning subjects, issues, events, in­ use sentiment analysis to find out how they feel about certain features of
dividuals, entities and their attributes expressed through text evalua­ a product.
tions or reviews. Amazon is an example of a widely renowned online As a result, artificial intelligence (AI) comes into play, in which al­
store that permits consumers to openly evaluate and review its products. gorithms are educated to make decisions in the same way as humans do.
Evaluating these assessments and categorizing them as favorable or Machine and deep learning approaches are used in artificial intelligence
negative will aid decision-making of customers, that might range from (AI) [5] systems to save important human time for decision-making
buying a phone, camera, or other product to writing a movie review or activities that are in high demand. Customers can also use AI systems
investing - all of these actions will have a substantial impact on their to learn about the benefits and drawbacks of a product before pur­
everyday lives. To perform sentiment analysis, there are a variety of data chasing it. The majority of sentiment analysis research relies on classic
mining techniques accessible, and these techniques are still working to ML techniques such as Naive Bayes, SVM, and others. However, current
improve their accuracy. studies have used DL models to improve performance, as it has shown to
Customer reviews on online shopping portals assist other customers be effective in other fields such as computer vision, image classification
in making informed decisions about which goods to purchase. People and speech recognition. Neural networks that are based on the archi­
want to find the benefits and drawbacks of a product prior to purchasing tecture of neurons in the human brain can solve practically every ma­
it, so they can make an informed decision. Even though it is a low-cost chine learning classification issue. Moreover, here want to extract

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: sangiprathap@gmail.com (J. Sangeetha), kumaran.u@rediffmail.com (U. Kumaran).

Received 8 September 2022; Received in revised form 5 November 2022; Accepted 28 November 2022
Available online 12 December 2022
2665-9174/© 2022 Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
J. Sangeetha and U. Kumaran Measurement: Sensors 25 (2023) 100619

features in standard machine learning methods like Naive Bayes, SVM, obtain the data. Following that, data preprocessing was performed,
and others: the phrases or words that strongly represent the viewpoint as followed by feature extraction, which included phrase frequency, in­
negative or positive. However, poor accuracy, high error rate were verse document frequency, and n-gram. Then, ML methods including
considered as the major disadvantages in the existing mechanisms. DL, KNN, SVM, and Random Forest were employed to classify the data.
on the other hand, has the potential to solve several issues that SA faces. AL-Sharuee et al. [9] proposed employing segregated window clus­
Deep learning is the application of multiple-layer artificial neural tering (SWC) and window sequential clustering (WSC) to perform a
networks (also known as NN) to solve learning issues. It can benefit from chronological sentiment analysis. SWC was purely founded on the
the learning capabilities of neural networks, which were before believed temporal feature of evaluations, whereas WSC was a dynamic analysis.
to be restricted to a single layer or a tiny amount of data. The topology of The ACAEC learning algorithm serves as the basis for WSC and SWC. For
neural networks is modeled after that of the biological brain, and they improving WSC’s performance, ACAEC’s ensemble technique is
are composed of a vast number of interconnected layers of information improved with a supplementary weight scheme and an additional
processing units (called neurons). By changing the weights of connec­ learner. New sets of reviews were used for this investigation, including 4
tions between neurons, it can learn to do tasks (like categorization), airlines and one Australian real estate agency. Experiments revealed that
much like a biological brain. The main contributions of the paper are: SWC and WSC accuracy rates are 87.54% and 83.87%, respectively.
Mukherjee et al. [10] proposed a new end-to-end SA approach for
• THHO is attained by combining HHO and Taylor series that aids in dealing with negations, which included negation detection and scope
improving the LSTM classifier’s performance by determining ideal marking. This method used a modified negation marking system for
hidden layer weights. explicit negation detection on Amazon reviews, mainly of cell phones,
• The Taylor–HHO classifier is used to train the B-LSTM classifier to and conducted sentiment analysis tests using several ML algorithms such
enhance the sentiment classification. as Nave Bayes, ANN, Support Vector Machines, and RNN. The RNN
• The accuracy of the suggested technique is increased by processing attained the highest accuracy of 95.67% while analyzing the influence of
input phrase sequences concurrently across a multi-head attention the negation method on SA tasks.
layer with fine-grained embedding (Glove) and evaluating the results Geetha et al. [11] advocated using sentiment analysis to categorize
with varying dropout rates. In the following section of this study, the positive and negative attitudes in consumer review data. To clarify the
data from the two deep multi-layers are combined and sent as input subject of Sentiment Analysis, a strong Deep Learning Model called
to the BiLSTM layer. BERT Base Uncased, was introduced. With good prediction and great
accuracy, the BERT model outperformed the other ML methods. Ying
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: the Related Works Fang et al. [12] utilized a SVM to build a framework for word level
section is in Section 2, while the Proposed Approach section is in Section sentiment analysis, and they improved SVM with 82.85% and 86.35%
3. Section 4 contains the Experiment Results, and Section 5 concludes accuracy on a consumer product review (CPR) dataset. For sentiment
Section 5 concludes the paper. analysis, features were retrieved by means of the TF-IDF approach and a
sentiment lexicon was created. The model’s performance did not
2. Related works improve when the vector dimension was increased beyond 400.

The model suggested in this paper is based on previous SA and DL 3. Proposed THHO- BiLSTM model
research. Despite the fact that numerous researches have been done on
sentiment analysis, the many of them have relied on classic ML classi­ This research proposes a new method for sentiment analysis called
fiers such as SVM, Naive Bayes, and others. “In Sentiment Analysis, there Taylor–Harris Hawks Optimization driven long short-term memory
are primarily 3 levels of approaches: sentence level, word level, and (THHO- BiLSTM). The following are the main steps in the proposed
document level. The placement of the review’s words and their effect on model: i) Pre-processing the text ii) By incorporating Taylor series with
the evaluation are investigated using Sentiment Analysis at the word HHO, Taylor–HHO is created. This aids in improving the BiLSTM clas­
level. To provide the words polarity, it consults a dictionary, and to sifier’s performance by picking appropriate weights in the hidden layers.
produce the result, it determines the total polarity of the review.
“Sentiment analysis at the sentence level examines the general polarity 3.1. Data preprocessing
of the sentence to determine whether a sentence in a text has a positive
or negative sentiment. At the document level, the entire document is Pre-processing [13] checks at the opinions from a syntactical aspect,
treated on its own opinion (i.e., negative or positive). keeping the phrase’s original syntax. To decrease noise and facilitate
Cheng et al. [6] proposed a component concentrating multi-headed feature extraction, several procedures such as Stemming, POS tagging,
co-attention network system with 3 modules: multi-headed co-at­ and stop word removal are applied to the data set in this step.
tention, extended context, and component focusing. The normal pooling Tokenization: It separates the text of a document into a sequence of
issue, which treats each word as having equal importance, was resolved tokens. The separation points are specified using all non-letter charac­
by the component concentrating module by improving the weighting of ters. As a result, tokens are just one word long (unigrams).
adjectives and adverbs. The multi-head co-attention network was used Stemming: Stemming is a key morphological step in the pre­
to train the network to identify the most important words in a processing module during feature extraction. All modulated words in the
multi-word goal before obtaining a context characterization and using text are transformed into a root form known as a stem during the
the attention mechanism on the sequence data. stemming process. The stem ’automat’, for example, is made up of the
Sivakumar et al. [7] suggested an intelligent system that uses fuzzy words ’automatic,’ ’automate,’ and ’automation.’ Stemming is more
logic and LSTM to classify customer review statements into four cate­ efficient when precision isn’t a major consideration.
gories: highly positive, positive, negative, and highly negative. This Token filtering: A length-based filtration strategy was used to
model was tested using Amazon mobile phone reviews, Amazon video decrease the generated token set. The tokens were filtered out using the
games reviews, and Amazon goods customer reviews benchmark data­ minimum and maximum length settings. The token selection range is
sets, yielding accuracy of 96.03%, 83.82%, and 90.92%, respectively. defined by the parameters.
Rao et al. [8] concentrated on extracting sarcasm from text. Senti­ Stop Words: Words like "a," "the," "of," "and," and "an" are frequently
ment analysis is a technique for examining a text’s point of view. employed. Stop-word deletion can be accomplished in a variety of
Sarcasm, a harsh style of delivering information, can also be found in the methods, which increases the feature extraction algorithm’s perfor­
text. The initial job is to choose a dataset. Amazon datasets were used to mance. The removal of stop words reduces the data sets’ dimensionality,

J. Sangeetha and U. Kumaran Measurement: Sensors 25 (2023) 100619

making it easier for automatic feature extraction algorithms to identify updating the position to get an optimal location. Furthermore, Harris’
the essential phrases that remained in the review corpus. The words to hawks update their positions to surround the expected prey. The current
be removed are chosen from a readily available list of stop terms. locations, in this case, updates the solution space and are expressed as
P(u + 1) = ΔP(u) − E|RPrab (u) − P(u)| (3)
3.2. Taylor-HHO for optimal selection
where P(u) is the distance between the rabbit’s current location and its
The suggested Taylor–HHO is used to train the RNN-BiLSTM, which position vector in iteration u, R shows the rabbit’s arbitrary power,
is used to achieve sentiment classification (see Fig. 1). The Taylor series Prab (u) denotes the rabbit’s position in iteration u, and E denotes the
is an infinite extension of function that represents the functions of prey’s fleeing energy.
complicated variables. The Taylor series is used to anticipate the linear
component of the equation and to describe the previously stored data. P(u + 1) = Prab (u) − P(u) − E|RPrab (u) − P(u)| (4)
The advantage of Taylor series is that it is a simpler and easier method of Considering Prab (u) is (+) ve,
computing solutions, even when complex functions are present. The
Taylor series has a number of advantages, including accurate assessment P(u + 1) = Prab (u) − P(u) − ERPrab (u) + EP(u) (5)
of mutual functions and ease of convergence.
HHO [14] on the other hand, is driven by obliging asset and Harris’ P(u + 1) = Prab (u)[1 − ER] + P(u)[E − 1] (6)
hawk-chasing activity. This method is capable of handling the in­ The update equation, according to the Taylor series, is supplied by
tricacies of search space and is effective in tackling a variety of opti­ the current and previous observations and is represented as,
mization issues. It also solves Optimal Power Flow (OPF) issues, both ′
single and multi-objective. Furthermore, it minimizes the objective P(u + 1) = P(u) +
P (u) P′′ (u)
+ (7)
function, allowing the HHO to handle nonlinear, nonconvex, restricted 1! 2!
optimization problems. Following are the Taylor–HHO steps:
P(u) − P(u − n)

P (u) =
3.2.1. Initialization
The first step is to initialize the solution, which is modeled as P(u) − 2P(u − n) + P(u − 2n)
{ } P′′ (u) = (9)
P = P1 , P2 , …, Pi,…, Pv (1) n2
Consider n = 1 and substitute P (i) and P′′ (i),

where Pu denotes the ith solution and v denotes the total solution.
P(u) − P(u − 1) P(u) − 2P(u − 1) + P(u − 2)
P(u + 1) = P(u) + + (10)
3.2.2. Error determination 1! 2!
The best solution is found through trial and error and is stated as a [ ]
1 2P(u − 1) P(u − 2)
problem of minimization; consequently, the solution with the least mean P(u + 1) = P(u) 1 + 1 + − P(u − 1) − + (11)
2 2 2
squared error (MSE) is chosen as the best answer, and MSE is stated as
]2 [ ]
5 P(u − 2)
1∑ s
P(u + 1) = P(u) − 2P(u − 1) + (12)
MSerr = [ξo − ξ∗o (2) 2 2
s o=1
[ ]
2 P(u − 2)
where ξo denotes the expected output, ξ∗o denotes the output that is P(u) = P(u + 1) + 2P(u − 1) − (13)
5 2
predicted and s denotes the sample data count, so that 1 ≤ o ≤ s.
Substituting Eqn (13) into Eqn (6),
3.2.3. Determining the update equation
The HHO algorithm’s selection strategy aids in progressively

Fig. 1. Proposed THHO-BiLSTM model.

J. Sangeetha and U. Kumaran Measurement: Sensors 25 (2023) 100619

[ ]
2 P(u − 2) its cell state is controlled by gate structures. The LSTM unit additionally
P(u + 1) = Prab (u)[1 − ER] + (E − 1) P(u + 1) + 2P(u − 1) −
5 2 has a hidden state that records the observed sequence’s history.
(14) LSTM differs from traditional neural networks in that each LSTM unit
has a unique feature. One memory cell Mt and 3 gates, comprising the
2 forget gate ot , the input gate gt , and the output gate rt , make up the unit.
P(u + 1) = Prab (u)[1 − ER] + (E − 1)P(u + 1)
5 The three gates work together to manage the state of the memory cell Mt .
[ ]
2 P(u − 2) The forget gate determines whether or not to keep historical unit data.
+ (E − 1) 2P(u − 1) − (15)
5 2 The output gate regulates the unit’s output, while the input gate regu­
lates how much fresh data is fed into the system via the inputs. LSTM’s
P(u + 1) − (E − 1)P(u + 1) = Prab (u)[1 − ER] forward calculation at time t can be expressed mathematically as
[ ] follows.
2 P(u − 2)
+ (E − 1) 2P(u − 1) − (16) ot = σ(Yo kt− 1 + Qo yt + co ) (20)
5 2
( )
] gt = σ Yg kt− 1 + Qg yt + cg (21)
P(u + 1) 1 − (E − 1) = Prab (u)[1 − EC]
[ ] Mt = ot ⊙ Mt− 1 + gt ⊙ tanh(Yh kt− 1 + Qh yt + ch ) (22)
2 P(u − 2)
+ (E − 1) 2P(u − 1) − (17)
5 2 rt = σ(Yr kt− 1 + Qr yt + cr ) (23)
[ ]
P(u + 1)
5 − 2(E − 1)
= Prab (u)[1 − ER] kt = rt ⊙ tanh(Mt ) (24)
[ ]
2 P(u − 2) where kt is the output of the LSTM unit t and σ is the sigmoid function,
+ (E − 1) 2P(u − 1) − (18)
5 2 tanh () denotes activation function,⊙ is the Hadamard product ,Y & Q are
weight matrixes and c are the bias vector.
The final equation that results from combining the Taylor series with
The sequence’s prior information is all that the Long-Short Term
HHO is known as the update equation of Taylor-HHO.
Memory takes into account, which is frequently insufficient. If you had
[ [ ]]
5 2 P(u − 2) obtained to knowledge of the future in the same manner, you could
P(u + 1) = Prab (u)[1 − ER] + (E − 1) 2P(u − 1) − access earlier information; it would be tremendously advantageous for
5 − 2(E − 1) 5 2
(19) the order of chores. Two Long-Short Term Memory layers one moving
forward and one moving backward make up the bidirectional LSTM. The
3.2.4. Find the optimal solution using error guiding idea is as follows: the forward layer records information from
Each individual solution’s mistake is evaluated following the update. the sequence’s past, while the backward layer records information from
As a result, an optimal solution is one that has the fewest errors. the sequence’s future. Both layers have the similar output layer. The
main aspect of the framework is the thorough consideration of the
3.2.5. Terminate sequence setting data. Let’s assume that the word embedding yt , is the
The processes are repeated several times indefinitely until the input at time t, and at time t − 1, the forward hidden unit’s output is
→ ←
maximum number of iterations is reached. k t− 1 and the output of the backward concealed unit is k t+1 . The output
of the concealed with backward units is then equal at time t.
( )
3.3. Classification of sentiments using RNN-BiLSTM → →
kt = L yt , k t− 1 , Mt− 1 (25)

RNN [15] is a part of DNN, often known as a feedback network, that ( )

recalls prior output and influences decisions based on what it has learnt ← ←
k t = L yt , k t+1 , Mt+1 (26)
in the past by enabling previous output to be used as input. Each RNN
hidden unit is substituted with a BiLSTM cell & an extra link among
BiLSTM cells. It reduces the problem of vanishing gradients and ex­ Where L(•) signifies the LSTM hidden layer’s operation. The text feature
ploding gradients. is obtained by combining the forward and backward output vectors,

The LSTM units [15,16] serve as the building blocks for the BLSTM →
which are kt and k t respectively. It’s important to know that H stands for
layers in Fig. 2. The cell state, which comprises the information pre­ the number of hidden layer cells:
served by the LSTM unit, is the most important feature of an LSTM unit.
→⃦ ⃦←
The amount of information that the LSTM unit can include or erase from Ht = kt ⃦k t (27)

3.3.1. Dropout layer

It will be implemented among the BiLSTM and the dense layer, as
well as between the BiLSTM and the Multi-head attention layer. Multi-
head Attention is a module for attention mechanisms that iterates
repeatedly and simultaneously via an attention mechanism. The pre­
dicted dimension is then created by linearly combining the separate
attention outputs. This layer is used to concentrate on the desired future
parameters rather than considering irrelevant parameters.

3.3.2. Dense layer

The network layer’s neurons are contained in a dense layer. The
neurons in the dense layer receive information from all other layers. This
layer is collected of a weight matrix w, a bias vector a, and the
Fig. 2. LSTM unit.

J. Sangeetha and U. Kumaran Measurement: Sensors 25 (2023) 100619

activations of the preceding layer b. The following characteristics labeled negative and classed as negative, whereas false positive data is
describe the dense layer: labeled negative and classified as positive.
The proposed model THHO-BiLSTM’s performance was assessed
d = b(x.w) + a (28)
with publicly available benchmark datasets and standard numerical
where b is the argument based on elements, the weights matrix is w, and methods. The findings of the experiments were compared to those of
An is the bias vector for the layer. well-known existing approaches (RNN-LSTM, SV, NB, RF, and DT). The
cross-validation method was employed for three class classification and
3.3.3. Softmax classifier Fig. 3 displays the confusion matrix of the proposed model. Three classes
For sentiment analysis prediction, sends the generated vector are used to summarize and decompose the number of accurate and
directly to the Softmax layer. The following is the outcome of the pre­ incorrect classifications. The overall accuracy attained by the proposed
diction: model is 96.58% for classification.

exp (V) 4.1.2. Comparison of performance metrics for Amazon dataset

x = softmax(V) = ∑ (29)
From, Fig. 4 the proposed model THHO-LSTM has a higher accuracy
exp (V)
k=1 of 96.58% on dataset 1 when contrasted with traditional techniques. The
suggested technique has an F-score of 95.8%, precision of 95.6%, and
4. Results and discussion recall of 95.9%. The proposed model has 2.13% more precision and
2.38% higher F-score than the traditional RNN-LSTM system in com­
The suggested technique was analyzed using publicly accessible parison with traditional methods.
benchmark datasets which is is obtained from Kaggle.com i.e., Amazon The proposed model THHO-LSTM has a Sensitivity of 95.95%, and
reviews. Specificity of 95.6%. The proposed framework had more sensitivity and
greater specificity than the existing RNN model when compared to the
4.1. Data description existing models in Fig. 5.
The trade-off between sensitivity and specificity is represented by the
Amazon product ratings are given on a 5-star scale. The dataset ROC curve. More effective curves are those that more closely resemble
contain total of 25000 and 19500 reviews are used for training and 5500 the top-left corner. The ROC curve for the proposed model shows greater
reviews are used for testing. The reviews are gathered from generally performance is in the region of the top-left corner, as shown in Fig. 6.
accessible Amazon data sources and are displayed in Table 1: The discrepancy between the problem’s true values and the model’s
predicted values is known as loss. The more serious the data inaccuracies
4.1.1. Evaluation metrics you make, the higher the loss.The percentage of your test data that is
The following conventional numerical measures were used to eval­ correctly categorized is referred to as accuracy. The validation set is used
uate the proposed model THHO-BiLSTM. Eqns. (28)–(32) were used to to evaluate the model after it has been trained using the training set. The
calculate precision, recall, F-score, specificity and sensitivity respec­ validation accuracy graph in Fig. 7 remains below the training accuracy
tively. Eq. (27) was used to calculate accuracy: graph, which is excessively high. Furthermore, the training set’s loss
graph is nearly low, however the validation set’s loss graph is large.
TP + TN The effective evaluation of the suggested approach against the
Accuracy = (30)
TP + TN + FP + FN existing Finger vein verification techniques is shown in Table 2. From
TP the table the equal error rate (EER) of the proposed method is 9.71%,
Precision = (31) 4.07% and 9.37% is less than the existing C-IndyLSTM, CNN BiLSTM-
RNN(SRS) and CNN + Rule-based respectively.
Recall = (32)

precision ∗ recall
F − Score = 2 ∗ (33)
precision + recall

sensitivity = (34)

Specificity = (35)
The given data has four possible outcomes which are false negative
(FN), true negative (TN), false positive (FP), true positive (TP). True
positive data is labeled positive and categorized as positive, whereas
false negative data is labeled positive and labeled negatively. TN data is

Table 1
Amazon reviews format.
Product Product id: B0005645GFHDY
Tittle: Air conditioner for sale
Price: Unknown
Reviews Userid: D4365878HJFHGHU9
Profile name: Kaya
Helpfulness: 10
Score: 4.2
Summary: Service and quality are nice
Text: Delivery was very prompt. Very fresh air
Fig. 3. Confusion matrix for 3 class classification.

J. Sangeetha and U. Kumaran Measurement: Sensors 25 (2023) 100619

Fig. 4. Analysis of performance metrics for Kaggle.com. Fig. 7. Accuracy and Loss curve.

Table 2
Performance comparison of existing Sentiment analysis techniques.
Authors Techniques Accuracy

Al-Dabet, S., et [17] C-IndyLSTM 87.21%

Terra Vieira, S. et al. [18] CNN BiLSTM-RNN(SRS) 92.7%
Ray, P. and Chakrabarti, A. [19], CNN + Rule-based 87%
Proposed THHO-BiLSTM 96.58%

model performs better than them in terms of accuracy.

CRediT authorship contribution statement

J. Sangeetha: Conception and design of study, revising the manu­

script critically for important intellectual content, Conceptualization,
Fig. 5. Specificity and sensitivity. Writing – review & editing. U. Kumaran: acquisition of data, analysis
and/or interpretation of data, Drafting the manuscript, Formal analysis,
Funding acquisition, Writing – original draft.

Declaration of competing interest

The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest to report

regarding the present study.

Data availability

The data that has been used is confidential.


The author with a deep sense of gratitude would thank the supervisor
for his guidance and constant support rendered during this research.


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