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Soft Tissue Injury

Considerations in the
Treatment of Tibial Plateau
John D. (JD) Adams Jr, MDa,*,
Markus F. Loeffler, MD, MAb

! Tibial plateau ! Soft tissue injury ! Multiligamentous knee injury

! Tibial plateau fractures are complex bony and soft tissue injuries that require comprehensive
evaluation and meticulous planning.
! Injuries to the soft tissue structures in tibial plateau fractures are often underestimated.
Appropriate treatment of these associated injuries may be critical in obtaining good clinical
outcomes; however, the literature is sparse.
! If possible, MRI should be used as the advanced imaging modality of choice in tibial plateau
fractures, because it provides excellent bony detail while also providing important information
regarding the soft tissue structures of the knee.


Tibial plateau fracture is a broad term encom- In recent years, there has been an increased in-
passing a variable presentation of injury. These terest in soft tissue injuries associated with tibial
intraarticular fractures range from simple split plateau fractures, likely driven by continued
patterns to highly complex patterns with varying poor outcomes. Despite our best efforts at
extension into the metaphysis or diaphysis of the reconstruction of the proximal tibia, patients
tibia. This fracture accounts for approximately can continue to have pain, deformity, instability,
1% of all fractures and affects adults of all wound complications, and decreased range of
ages. However, higher energy mechanisms are motion.2–5
typically associated with younger age groups.1,2 Although ideal treatment of these complex
Historically, treatment plans for tibial plateau injuries continues to evolve over time, the
fractures have focused on restoring the bony ar- emphasis on the preservation and appropriate
chitecture. We now understand that most of handling of the soft tissues has remained a prin-
these injuries affect not only the bone but also ciple of tibial plateau fracture manage-
the soft tissue. This article focuses on how the ment.2,4,6,7 In the past, this emphasis has
soft tissue should be considered in the treat- primarily focused on surgical timing and the in-
ment of these complex injuries. flammatory response of the soft tissue envelope

Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Division of Orthopedic Trauma, Prisma Health, Greenville Memorial Medical
Hospital, 701 Grove Road, 2nd Floor Support Tower, Greenville, SC 29605, USA; b Department of Orthopedic Sur-
gery, Prisma Health, Greenville Memorial Medical Hospital, 701 Grove Road, 2nd Floor Support Tower, Greenville,
SC 29605, USA
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address:

Orthop Clin N Am - (2020) -–-
0030-5898/20/ª 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
2 Adams Jr & Loeffler

before definitive management. More recently, were not able to show a correlation between
there has been an increasing focus on specific fracture type or degree of articular depression
soft tissue injuries, such as the menisci and liga- and the incidence soft tissue injury. Even in mini-
ments of the knee. mally displaced tibial plateau fractures that can
be treated nonoperatively, it has been shown
NOT JUST AN INJURY TO BONE that complete ligament disruptions and meniscal
tears can be present.15
Injury to the soft tissue is common with high- In the mid to late 2000s, 2 larger studies really
energy tibial plateau fractures but may also focused on the high incidence of soft tissue
occur with low-energy mechanisms. Ligamen- injury associated with tibial plateau fractures. In
tous and musculotendinous soft tissues, which 2005, Gardner and colleagues prospectively per-
function as the static and dynamic stabilizers of formed MRIs on 103 patients with operative
the knee, are at risk when angular, rotational, tibial plateau fractures. Similar to Colletti’s
and axial loads are applied to the lower extrem- study, 99% of patients had some form of associ-
ity. In addition, the skin and subcutaneous tissue ated injury (Table 1). Injuries to the menisci were
that surrounds the knee are at significant risk for the most common soft tissue finding with lateral
injury, specifically open fracture.2,7–10 meniscus pathology being found in 91% of pa-
In contrast to highly constrained joints such as tients. However, the meniscus was not the only
the hip, the bones provide very little stability to soft tissue structure injured. Complete tear or
the knee. Therefore, the stability of the knee re- avulsion of at least one ligament was noted in
lies on the surrounding ligaments, capsule, and a large percentage of patients (77%). The ACL
meniscus. As a result, treatment plans that only was the most common ligament injured (57%),
focus on the bone alone may not result in the followed by LCL, MCL, and PCL, all having
restoration of normal stability and function of similar incidences. Before this study, the other
the knee. structures of the posterolateral corner (PLC)
had not been specifically evaluated. Of the 103
INCIDENCE OF SOFT TISSUE INJURY patients, 68% had tears of the popliteofibular
ASSOCIATED WITH TIBIAL PLATEAU ligament, the popliteus tendon, or both.16
FRACTURES In 2010, Stannard and colleagues provided
what is likely the most comprehensive break-
In 1994, Bennett and Browner began uncovering down of tibial plateau fracture–associated soft
the concomitant injuries to the soft tissues asso- tissue injury. They also evaluated 103 tibial
ciated with tibial plateau fracture. By using a plateau fractures with MRI for ligamentous and
combination of imaging, physical examination, meniscal injury.3 Similar to Gardner’s findings,
and diagnostic arthroscopy, the incidence of 71% of patients had at least one major ligament
soft tissue injury in 30 patients with tibial plateau
fractures was described. They found the overall
incidence of soft tissue injury to be 56%, with
Table 1
20% of patients sustaining injury to the menisci
Incidence of soft tissue structures injured
and/or medial collateral ligament (MCL), 10%
to the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL), and 3% % of Cohort
to the lateral collateral ligament (LCL).6,11 By Structure (Absolute Number)
applying the Schatzker classification of plateau ACL 57% (59)
fractures,12,13 they also showed a higher rate of PCL 28% (29)
soft tissue injury in Schatzker II and Schatzker
MCL 32% (33)
IV type fractures. More specifically, they noted
MCL injury to be most common in type II frac- LCL 29% (30)
tures, whereas meniscal injury was more com- Medial 44% (45)
mon in type IV.6 The high incidence of internal meniscus
soft tissue derangement was also highlighted Lateral 91% (94)
in a later article by Colletti and colleagues,14 in meniscus
which they reported some form of soft tissue PLC 68% (70)
injury in 28 of 29 (97%) acute tibial plateau frac-
tures. Specifically, the incidence of injury to indi- Data from Gardner MJ, Yacoubian S, Geller D, et al. The
incidence of soft tissue injury in operative tibial plateau
vidual structures was as follows: 55% MCL, 45% fractures. A magnetic resonance imaging analysis of 103
lateral meniscus, 21% medial meniscus, 34% patients. J Orthop Trauma. 2005;19(2):79-84. https://doi.
LCL, 41% ACL, and 28% PCL. However, they org/10.1097/00005131-200502000-00002.
Soft Tissue and Tibial Plateau Fractures 3

group that was torn, whereas 53% tore multiple characterizing the type of injury, either high or
ligament groups. The overall incidence of low energy, can help decision making.
meniscus tears was lower in this study (49%) In regard to physical examination, initial in-
and was equally distributed between the 2 spection should involve careful evaluation of
menisci. Also, this paper was the first to show the patient’s soft tissue envelope to assess for
an increasing incidence of ligament injury with open fracture, obvious dislocation or deformity,
the severity of bony injury. Broken down by and general state of the skin, as these factors
Schatzker type, they presented the following alone may guide an orthopedist toward poten-
incidence of ligament injury: type I 46%, type II tial initial surgical treatment options.2,7 Thor-
45%, type IV 69%, type V 85%, and type VI ough assessment of the lower extremity fascial
79% (Table 2). The authors noted that higher en- compartments is also critical. Tibial plateau frac-
ergy fracture types (types IV–VI) had a signifi- tures, especially high-energy ones or those asso-
cantly higher incidence of soft tissue injuries ciated with a knee dislocation, can lead to
compared with lower energy types (types I–III).3 compartment syndrome from either continuous
metaphyseal hemorrhage into the lower leg or
CLINICAL RELEVANCE from vascular injury.2,7,17 Following palpation,
there should be a careful assessment of the neu-
Appropriate evaluation and treatment of tibial rovascular status of the limb with palpation and/
plateau fractures is an evolving field in its own or Doppler examination of distal blood flow at
right. Although there are several well- the dorsalis pedis and posterior tibial arteries.
established treatment paradigms for both For high-energy tibial plateau fractures, an ankle
bony and ligamentous injuries to the knee, a brachial index should be obtained.2 If the value
comprehensive understanding of tibial plateau is less than 0.9, the evaluating physician should
fracture and associated soft tissue injuries is be immediately suspicious for a vascular injury,
required to provide maximally effective and further workup with angiography or vascular
treatment. surgery consult should be obtained.2,7,17,18
Traditional examination of the knee, including
OBSERVATION/ASSESSMENT/INITIAL range of motion and a ligamentous examination
EVALUATION are usually not possible with acute tibial plateau
fracture. Oftentimes, advanced imaging and ex-
Initial assessment of any patient should always amination under anesthesia are used in lieu of a
begin with a thorough history. Understanding detailed physical examination of the knee.
the mechanism of injury can be critical to fully
understanding their injury.2 An axial loading IMAGING/ADDITIONAL TESTING
mechanism from a motor vehicle accident may
have a different bony and soft tissue injury As with most orthopedic injuries, the first diag-
pattern than an injury sustained during sport. nostic step after initial assessment is plain radio-
The energy imparted to the soft tissue envelope graphs. Standard anteroposterior (AP) and
can help forecast the timing in which definitive lateral views of the involved knee are required,
surgery can be performed. Therefore, but the clinician may also obtain oblique views
or a modified AP view (beam shoots down the
posterior slope of the tibia).2,7,19 These addi-
Table 2 tional views allow more critical evaluation of
Incidence of ligament injury by Schatzker type the articular surface of the tibial plateau. Radio-
Schatzker Type % with Ligament Injury graphs of the contralateral knee may also be
beneficial in surgical planning, providing a tem-
I 46%
plate for bony reduction.2 In addition to bony
II 45% detail, the evaluation of soft tissues also begin
IV 69% with radiographs. Assessment of the medial
V 85% and lateral joint spaces, joint subluxation in
either the coronal or sagittal plane, or disruption
VI 79%
of the proximal tibiofibular joint can provide
Note: No Schatzker type III fractures were noted in their early identification of soft tissue injury. In addi-
study. tion to the tibia, fracture of the fibular head
Data from Stannard JP, Lopez R, Volgas D. Soft tissue
injury of the knee after tibial plateau fractures. J Knee
can be a sign of lateral-sided ligamentous injury.
Surg. 2010;23(4):187-192. Before the advent of advanced imaging mo-
0030-1268694. dalities, preoperative stress radiographs were
4 Adams Jr & Loeffler

commonly used to identify ligamentous injury.20 defined, multiple studies have shown that with
These radiographs have now been replaced with increasing depression and condylar widening,
computed tomography (CT) and/or MRI, preop- the incidence of soft tissue injury also
eratively, but stress imaging after fracture stabi- increases.21,26,27
lization is still routinely used. CT provides Both CT and MRI of tibial plateau fractures
excellent detail regarding bony morphology have been shown to alter surgical indications
and fracture characteristics, but lacks soft tissue and management of these complex in-
detail.2,7,13,21 MRI has become the gold stan- juries.2,13,28–30 Holt and colleagues31 found that
dard for use in evaluation of soft tissue injury MRI changed their initial classification in nearly
about the knee; however, its role in the evalua- 50% of cases and altered treatment in nearly
tion of patients with tibial plateau fracture re- 20% of cases. Yacoubian and colleagues investi-
mains controversial.2,3,22 It has been found that gated the interobserver agreement between 3
current MRI techniques provide excellent bony orthopedic traumatologists for treatment plan
detail while also providing valuable information and fracture classification based on radiographs,
regarding the soft tissue. Although we continue CT, and MRI. They found that fracture classifica-
to use stress radiographs after fixation to tion was agreed on 68% of the time with radiog-
confirm stability, MRI has largely replaced pre- raphy, 73% with CT, and 85% with MRI. In
operative stress views. addition, fracture classification changed 6% of
In an effort to replace the need for MRI to the time with addition of CT and 21% with addi-
identify soft tissue injury, several studies have tion of MRI. There was agreement on manage-
attempted to correlate fracture characteristics ment plan 72% of the time with radiography,
with injury to soft tissue structures of the knee. 77% with radiography and CT, and 86% with
Gardner and colleagues evaluated 62 patients radiography and MRI. Overall, MRI altered the
with Schatzker II tibial plateau fractures. They treatment plan in 23% of patients.22 Therefore,
measured condylar widening and articular compared with CT, MRI seems to alter classifica-
depression and used MRI to correlate their find- tion and treatment plans more often.
ings with the incidence of meniscal pathology. If The role of MRI in evaluation and manage-
the patient had greater than 6 mm of lateral ment of tibial plateau fractures remains contro-
articular depression and 5 mm of condylar versial, likely due to cost, time, and availability.
widening, the lateral meniscus was found to be CT and plain radiographs are cheaper, quicker,
torn 83% of the time. Injury to the medial and more readily available, however, may not
meniscus seemed to correlate with greater provide the information required to provide
depression and widening, with 8 mm, instead ideal care for these complex injuries. In gen-
of 6 mm, seeming to correlate.23 Similar eral, there has been little success in establish-
numbers were found in another study attempt- ing reliable radiographic indicators of soft
ing to correlate fracture characteristics with liga- tissue injuries, so many of the investigators
mentous injuries. After evaluating 54 patients recommend MRI for evaluation of at least
with tibial plateau fractures, lateral plateau high-energy, if not all, tibial plateau
depression greater than or equal to 6 mm or fractures.2,3,14,16,22,25,26,31–33 Currently, at our
lateral condylar widening greater than or equal institution, MRI is the advanced imaging mo-
to 8 mm were found to be indicators of concom- dality of choice. Although there is a learning
itant cruciate and collateral ligament injuries.24 curve for preoperative planning for those who
Mui and colleagues compared CT and MRI have traditionally used CT, the transition from
scans in patients with tibial plateau fractures to CT to MRI has been found quite seamless.
assess the accuracy of CT alone in the diagnosis
of soft tissue injury. They found that CT scan was THERAPEUTIC OPTIONS/SURGICAL
80% sensitive and 98% specific for ligament tear TECHNIQUES
and provided a 98% negative predictive value
for individual ligament tears when read by a Surgical techniques for external fixation and
musculoskeletal-trained radiologist. In their open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF) of
study, although both fracture gap and articular tibial plateau fractures are well established and
depression were significantly greater in patients documented in the literature, with a multitude
with meniscal injury, they could not establish a of approach and implant options based on the
clear value threshold and concluded that MRI is fracture characteristics. A foundational principle
likely necessary to fully evaluate for meniscal that is reinforced throughout the literature is
injury.25 Although a specific amount of depres- that the surgeon must gently and meticulously
sion or condylar widening has yet to be to clearly handle the soft tissues.2,7 Following the success
Soft Tissue and Tibial Plateau Fractures 5

of staged management of high-energy tibial pla- usually the preferred technique. Repairs are per-
fond fractures, Egol and colleagues performed a formed for avulsions, commonly off the fibular
study on 57 high-energy (Schatzker IV, V, and VI) head for the PLC or off the tibia for the superfi-
tibial plateau fractures that received staged cial MCL. Also, after fixation of the bony archi-
management with initial external fixation fol- tecture, stress views to evaluate the stability of
lowed by delayed ORIF or conversion to ring fix- the knee should always be performed. If coronal
ator construct. They demonstrated a 5% wound plane instability is present, addressing the collat-
infection rate compared with wound complica- erals is important in management. If collateral
tions of 13% to 88% in prior studies of acute instability is recognized later, reconstruction is
ORIF of similar injuries.4 usually preferred over repair.
Temporizing external fixation followed by Cruciate injuries pose a particularly difficult
delayed ORIF has become common practice. management problem due to the fact that
At our institution, the following treatment para- reconstruction sockets are usually passing
digm is generally followed. Length-stable, through areas of fixation in the tibia. Large, dis-
lower-energy, operative tibial plateau fractures placed tibial avulsions are usually addressed at
with no significant soft tissue envelope disrup- the time of ORIF with either screw fixation or su-
tion undergo MRI scan followed by ORIF acutely. ture repair. In many cases, PCL avulsions off the
High-energy, length-unstable tibial plateau frac- tibia can be repaired using a posteromedial
tures and/or those associated with significant approach to the tibia in conjunction with fixation
soft tissue disruption undergo temporizing of the posteromedial plateau fracture fragment.
external fixation, postoperative MRI, followed For midsubstance cruciate tears, a staged
by delayed ORIF when the soft tissues allow. approach is followed. In this setting, the tibial
MRI provides information that not only assists plateau is repaired via ORIF. Once the bone
in planning osteosynthesis but also provides has adequately healed, the patient is assessed
the necessary information to plan definitive man- for continued instability associated with either
agement of ligamentous and meniscal injury, if the ACL and/or PCL. If symptoms of instability
present. If the patient is unable to undergo exist after bony union is achieved, partial
MRI secondary to an incompatible implanted de- removal of implants is performed to facilitate
vice or other prohibitive issues, CT scan is ob- reconstruction. Thankfully, in our experience,
tained instead. this late reconstruction is seldom needed.
Currently, there is very little literature guiding Meniscal injuries are addressed by a variety of
management of soft tissue injuries in combina- methods. Usually, lateral meniscus tears are
tion with tibia plateau fractures. For example, a addressed using open techniques through the
definitive guide to treatment of a patient with anterolateral approach to the tibia. If the medial
an ACL or MCL tear concomitant with a tibia meniscus tear seems significant on MRI, arthros-
plateau fracture does not exist. Therefore, copy is used at the time of ORIF. Particular
most of the way we approach soft tissues is attention to the posterior meniscal roots on
based on experience and the principle of obtain- MRI is important. These injuries can be
ing a stable knee with a good arc of motion. addressed by open or arthroscopic techniques.
In general, most lateral approaches to the
plateau are performed in conjunction with a sub- CLINICAL OUTCOMES
meniscal arthrotomy,2,7,34,35 and this not only al-
lows for direct visualization of the articular injury There has been very limited correlation between
for reduction and fixation but also provides an clinical outcomes and specific soft tissue injuries
opportunity to evaluate the lateral meniscus associated with tibial plateau fractures. In 2018,
and repair it if needed. If preoperative MRI is Warner and colleagues evaluated findings on
consistent with PLC injury, the surgical incision MRI and attempted to correlate those findings
is adjusted to allow for access to the fibular with patient outcomes. Interestingly, they were
head and dissection of the peroneal nerve. In not able to show that soft tissue injury correlated
most circumstances, a medial approach for tibial with patient outcomes. However, they did not
plateau fixation can also be used for repair or specifically assess the PLC, which has proved to
reconstruction of the medial ligamentous be a structure vital to knee stability.36,37 In addi-
structures. tion, their incidence of cruciate ligament injury
In the acute setting, the decision between was lower than reported in other studies.3,16
repair versus reconstruction of collateral liga- This could be because the majority (67%) of
ments is usually guided by findings on MRI. For the fractures included in their study were low-
mid-substance collateral tears, reconstruction is energy (Schatzker I and II) but nonetheless
6 Adams Jr & Loeffler

Fig. 1. Plain radiographs of the left

knee of a 27-year-old following a
motorcycle accident. A depressed
lateral plateau fracture is identified
with a small fracture of the medial
plateau. (A) AP view. (B) Lateral

highlights another inconsistency that needs to FUTURE DIRECTIONS/GAPS IN

be clarified by future studies.36 In addition, this LITERATURE
was a retrospective study and some soft tissue
injuries were repaired while others were not. In The evaluation and management of soft tissue
their treatment algorithm, lateral meniscus tears injuries in patients with tibia plateau fractures
were repaired at the time of ORIF via submenis- continues to evolve. Currently, it is known that
cal arthrotomy but medial meniscus tears were many patients have injuries to the ligaments or
not repaired. If there was instability after ORIF, menisci.3,4,6,14,16,20–27,31–36,38,39 Although we un-
collateral repair was performed but cruciates derstand that these injuries exist, we currently
were not addressed. In addition, this study only do not know if and when we should be address-
included 82 patients, which is severely under- ing them surgically. Further research should
powered to evaluate a causal relationship be- evaluate treatment algorithms in a prospective
tween specific soft tissue components to manner to determine which injuries would
outcomes. Although this study was not able to benefit from repair or reconstruction and which
correlate worse clinical outcomes with specific injuries can simply be ignored. Obviously, pro-
soft tissue injuries, there are some important spective randomized trials would be ideal, but
conclusions that can be made. It does seem because of the complicated spectrum of injury,
that if lateral meniscus tears are addressed at these are quite challenging.
the time of surgery, patients can expect good
results. Also, if instability exists after ORIF, soft CASE EXAMPLE
tissue structures should be addressed. So in A 27-year-old man presented after a motorcycle
essence, this paper solidifies the concept that accident with articular depression and a small
soft tissue structures cannot be ignored in the fracture of the medial plateau in addition to
management of tibial plateau fractures. lateral plateau fracture (Fig. 1). Careful

Fig. 2. Representative MRI images

demonstrating (A) lateral meniscus
tear, depressed lateral tibia plateau
fracture, MCL disruption, and (B) pa-
tella tendon avulsion.
Soft Tissue and Tibial Plateau Fractures 7

Fig. 3. Fluoroscopic images after

ORIF of lateral tibia plateau with
repair of the lateral meniscus, repair
of the patella tendon, repair of the
medial capsule, and repair of the su-
perficial MCL.

evaluation of the MRI scan showed multiple soft as a replacement to CT to better evaluate both
tissue injuries, in addition to the plateau fracture. the bony and soft tissue injuries. Although spe-
The patient had a peripheral lateral meniscus cific treatment algorithms for all of the soft tissue
tear, patella tendon avulsion, tear of the superfi- injuries are not currently available, the general
cial MCL off the tibia, and injury to the deep concept of restoring stability and repair of lateral
MCL and capsule (Fig. 2). meniscus injuries seems to be appropriate at this
A few days after injury, surgical stabilization time.
was performed after edema had resolved. Sur-
gery began with an anterolateral approach to
the proximal tibia. The approach included visual-
ization of the patella tendon insertion. A subme- 1. Tibial plateau fractures should not be thought
niscal arthrotomy was performed, which easily of as only a bony injury. An appropriate
identified the large peripheral lateral meniscus treatment approach should take into
tear and articular depression. Multiple nonab- account the soft tissues in addition to the
sorbable sutures were placed from outside-in fracture.
through the capsule and into the meniscus to 2. Suspicion for soft tissue derangement should
stabilize the tear. Once the meniscus was accompany any tibial plateau fracture, but
repaired, ORIF was performed by elevating the increasing energy, fracture displacement,
depressed articular surfaces and buttress plating and/or articular depression should heighten
with multiple rafting screws. The patella tendon that suspicion.
was repaired back to the tibial tubercle using su- 3. In order to diagnose and plan for
ture anchors. After stabilization of the lateral management of the entire injury, MRI
plateau and repair of the patella tendon, the pa- should be considered as a routine
tient remained unstable to valgus stress. A replacement of CT.
medial incision showed complete capsular 4. Lateral meniscus tears should be repaired if
detachment from the tibia and tearing of the su- diagnosed at the time of ORIF or by
perficial MCL from the tibia. The medial capsule preoperative MRI.
was then repaired to the proximal tibia using su- 5. The goal of treatment should be to provide a
ture anchors, and the MCL was also repaired us- stable knee through a normal range of
ing suture anchors. Final fluoroscopic views are motion. Many times this is accomplished by
seen in Fig. 3. ORIF alone, but the surgeon should be
prepared to repair or reconstruct collaterals
SUMMARY if needed.

Tibial plateau fractures represent an injury to

both bone and soft tissue. Therefore, a multifac-
eted diagnostic and therapeutic approach Dr J.D. Adams is a paid consultant of Arthrex. He is also
should be followed. MRI should be considered committee member for the AAOS and teaching faculty
8 Adams Jr & Loeffler

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