Revision TEST MS

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GRAMMAR (4 Marks)
I. I. Do as directed:(4)
i. Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option to complete the sentence.

i. The batches for competitive exams start next Thursday.

ii. Rajvir escaped before the police came.
iii. My mother never eats before I reach home.
iv. It is no laughing matter that you pushed your younger brother into a puddle of
i. Design a poster in not more than 50 words for your school library on the value of books
and good reading habits. (3)

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Visit our school library and discover the world of books!

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Develop good reading habits today for a brighter tomorrow!

- "A book a day keeps boredom away!"

- "Books: your passport to adventure!"
- "Readers are leaders!"
- "Today a reader, tomorrow a leader."
- "Reading is dreaming with open eyes."

Issued by: [Name of School] Library

II. III. Read the extract and answer the questions given below: (4)
i. “Mourad was considered the natural descendant of this man” Who does “this man”
stand for and which expression does NOT suit them?
c. Uncle Khosrove, standing in sharp contrast
ii. “A man could be the father of his son’s flesh, but that did not mean that he was also the
father of his spirit.” What does this mean?
a. A son need not have the same personality traits as his biological father.
iii. What impression do you form about 'this man'?

He is described as an “enormous” man with a thick mustache, well-known for his fiery
temper and irritability .

He is regarded to be the owner of the Garoghlanian tribe’s crazy streak .

He is loud and forceful in the way he speaks, repeating his characteristic order to pay no
mind because it is nothing to worry about throughout the story .

Part of the tumultuousness of his character stems from his longing for his homeland .

III. Answer the following in about 40-50 words. (3)

The line “The sea holiday was her past, mine is her laughter” is from the poem ‘A
Photograph’ written by Shirley Toulson.

 The poet reflects on a photograph of her mother as a young girl on a beach holiday with
her cousins.
 The sea holiday represents a happy memory from her mother’s past.
 The poet’s connection to this memory is through her mother’s laughter.
 The poet remembers her mother’s laughter with sadness as she cannot hear it anymore.

V. Answer the following in about 120 -150 words. (6)

The Portrait of a Lady” is an autobiographical account by Khushwant Singh in which he
describes his relationship with his grandmother. The following aspects of old people are
highlighted in the chapter:

 They often feel a sense of disconnect with the younger generation.

 They may often lead a lonely life.
 As seen in the story, often religious sentiments take hold in old age.
 Often, they find it hard to change their beliefs, as seen in the incident where the writer
was learning to sing.

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