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I am From Puerto Ordaz Venezuela. I'm going to talk about Angel Falls,
Spanish Salto Ángel. The highest waterfall in the world, the cataract drops 3,212
feet and is 500 feet wide at the base. It leaps from a flat-topped plateau, Auyán-
Tepuí. Falls are located in Canaima National Park, and because of the dense
jungle surrounding the falls, they are best seen from the air. I am very happy to
have been born in such a wonderful land.


Luis: Hello Karen. Please ask Maria to clean her chair because we have to leave
everything organized.
Karen: Ok Luis. And Could you tell Liz the party is not today it will be suspended
because it is going to rain ?
Luis: I had forgotten. Please tell patricia that there will be no party that we change
the plans

Our group of smart classes have decided to have a party to celebrate finishing the
first book. We have learned many verbs and tenses as well as pronunciations . We
are going to dance to sing in English all the time it is necessary to practice in
frequent and real situations, we hope to be able to speak better than before and
then we plan to have another party at karen's house without teachers but we can
only speak english maybe in this one if we can bring beers.

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