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Unit II 2023
6tos. Industriales
Teacher: Marta Garrido

Classroom Rules:
 Be in class on time, and be prepare.
 Listen and follow teacher’s directions.
 Listen when the teacher is talking.
 Work quietly and do not disturb others.
 Be respectful at all time, show respect for school, and personal
 Raise your hand to talk.
 Do not eat during class.

Lesson 3
 Present Perfect vs. Present Perfect Continuous

 Milestones:
attend acting classes
build a drone
create a vlog
develop a computer game
get a part-time job
learn another language
start a band with friends
write a book
Class activity 1: 23/03
 Present Perfect vs. Present Perfect Continuous

We use:
Present perfect simple with action verbs to emphasize the
completion of an event in the recent past. (have or has +
past participle)

Present perfect continuous to talk about ongoing events or

activities which started at a time in the past and are still
continuing up until now. (have or has + been + verb +
ing form)

I have  written  the Politics
Completed event.

I have  been  writing  the Politics Ongoing activity: I’m still

essay. writing it.

1. __________ (you / buy) your train ticket yet?

2. The kitchen is a complete mess! What _________ (the children / do)?

3. Julie ___________ (learn) to drive for six years!

4. Amanda _________ (already / have) lunch, so she'll meet us later.

5. How much coffee __________ (she / drink) this morning?

Class activity 1: 28/03
 Present Perfect Simple vs Present Perfect Continuous
 Sentences structure
 Doing some sentences

Exercise: present perfect simple or present perfect continuous.

1. Simon has written (write) three books.
Simón ha escrito tres libros.
2. I have done (do) everything I needed to do today! Hurray!
3. It hasn’t rained (not / rain) all summer, so the garden is dead.
4. I have read (read) your book. Here it is, thank you.
5. She has forgotten (forget) how to get to my house.
6. He has been working (work) in the garden all day and He needs a rest.
7. She has made (make) three cakes. They look delicious!
8. David feels great these days. He has been getting (get) up early lately.
9. We have always hated (always / hate) rush hour traffic.
10. Recently, I have been studying (study) a lot. My exams are in a few weeks.
11. We have been writing (write) this book for months and months.
12. My sister has always loved (always / love) chocolate.
13. I have wanted (want) to go back to university for a long time.
14. What is that delicious smell? Have you been cooking? (you / cook)?
15. You have watched (watch) seven films this week!
Class activity 2: 30/03
 Checking exercise
 Present Perfect Simple vs Present Perfect Continuous
 Doing exercise 1, 2 (page 44)

Homerwork # 1: 11/04
 Write the vocabulary words 10 times each word, in your notebook
English and Spanish.
 Do exercises 1, 2 (pages 42, 43)
 Do exercises 3, 4, 5 (pages 45)
 Do exercises 1, 2, 3 (pages 134,135)
 Copy and do the exercise in your notebook. Number 1 is the

Exercise: Choose Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect Continuous.

I have bought / have been buying a brand-new car.
I have bought a brand-new car.
2. Have you finished / Have you been finishing eating your sandwich yet?
3. I have been cleaning / have cleaned all day and I still have work to do.
4. They have completed / have been completing the first lap of the race.
5. Now that I have been reading / have read this book, I can take it back to
the library.
6. How many pages have you been writing / have you written since this
7. Has the train arrived / has the train been arriving?
8. I have been reading / have read all day; yet, I am still on the first chapter.
9. Oh, no! There isn’t any chocolate left in the fridge. My sister has been
eating / has eaten it all.
10. How long have you known / have you been knowing Peter?
11. You really look so exhausted nowadays; you have been working / have
worked too much lately.
12. I am sorry but I have lost / have been losing my key again.
13. I haven’t seen / haven’t been seeing you for ages.
14. I think you should take a break; you have been running / have run for a long
Class activity 3: 11/04
 Checking homework

Class activity 4: 13/04

 Do exercises 2, 3, 4, 1 (page 136)

Homerwork 2: 18/04
 Translate into Spanish the paragraph on page 137, do it
step by step.
a) Read and mark the new words.
b) Do a list of new words
c) Write sentence by sentence English and Spanish.
Class activity 5: 18/04
 Checking homework
 Do a comparation chart
 Doing some sentences

Exercise: Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect

1. Mary _____ (rest) in the garden all day because she ____ (be) ill.
2. He _____ (not, be) here since Christmas. I wonder where
he ____ (live) since then.
3. She _____ (work) so hard this week that she _____ (not have)
time to go
to the movies.
4. That book _____. (lie) on the table for weeks. You _____. (not
read) it yet?
5. Tom _____ (never be) in Hanoi.
6. You _____ sleep) so far?
7. I _____ (ring) the bell for the last twenty minutes.
8. They _____ (swim) all the morning.
9. She _____ (wait) for him all her lifetime.
10. It’s the second time he _____ (lose) his passport.
11. He _____ (not/speak) on the phone for half an hour, just a couple
of minutes.
12. The dog _____ (bark) since midnight.
13. The children _____ (be) on holiday for six days.
14. I _____ (try) to learn English for years, but I _____ (not
succeed) yet.
15. Paul _____ in God since he was a child.
16. We _____ (not live) in England for two years now.
17. I _____ (read) that novel by Hemingway several times before.
Class activity 6: 20/04
 Do the Review Lesson 3: exercises 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 (pages 52, 53)

Homerwork 3: 25/04
 Copy the Grammar Reference (page 163) First Conditional
 Write 10 times each word from vocabulary 4 (Sustainable Living),
on page 4.
Class activity 7: 25/04
 Checking homework
 Do exercises 1, 2, 3 (pages 56, 57)
 Do exercises 1, 2, 3, 4 (pages 138, 139)

Class activity 8: 27/04

 Simple Present, Simple Future
 First Conditional

First Conditional
Condition “If” Result
Simple Present: Simple Future
+ she, he, it verb “s” + will + principal verb
- don’t doesn’t - will + not + principal verb
? Do? Does? ? Will + principal verb ?

Exercise: Complete the sentences to form First Conditional

1. If I ______ (to study), I______ (to pass) the exams.
2. If the sun______ (to shine), we______ (to walk) into town.
3. If he______ (to have) a temperature, he______ (to see) the doctor.
4. If my friends______ (to come), I______ (to be) very happy.
5. If she______ (to earn) a lot of money, she______ (to fly) to New York.
6. If we______ (to travel) to London, we______ (to visit) the museums.
7. If you____ (to wear) sandals in the mountains, you___ (to slip) on the rocks.
8. If Rita__ (to forget) her homework, the teacher__ (to give) her a low mark.
9. If they______ (to go) to the disco, they______ (to listen) to loud music.
10.If you______ (to wait) a minute, I______ (to ask) my parents.
Homerwork 4: 02/05
 Copy and do the exercise

Exercise: Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs, First
1. If you __ (help) me with my homework, I __ (finish) it on time.
2. If it __ (not/rain), the students ____ (practice) sport outside. 
3. Jane __ (come) home early if she ___ (not/be) very busy at work. 
4. Our teacher ___ (be) pleased if we___ (do) our homework.
5. If Robert ___ (play) football with us, we ___ (win) the match.
6. If we ___ (recycle) more, we _____ (help) our planet. 
7. If people ___ (share) their cars to go to work, there ____ (save) money.
8. We ____ (save) thousands of trees if we _____ (not waste) so much paper.
9. If we only _____ (use) the water we need, we _____ (contribute) to our
planet's recovery.
10. If your sister ______ (go) to Paris, she ______ (have) a good time.
11. If he _________ (do) that, he _________ (be) sorry.
12. If I _______ (leave) now, I ______ (arrive) in New York by 8:00 PM.
13. Students _____ (not do) well on their test if they ______ (not study).
14. They _______ (not know) the truth if you ______ (not tell) them.
15. If he ______ (call) you, ______ you ________ (answer) the phone?
16. If you __________ (not go) to the party, I ________ (be) very upset.
17. If you __________ (get) a haircut, you ________ (look) much better.
Class activity 9: 02/05
 Checking homework
 Second Conditional

First Conditional Second Conditional

Condition “If” Condition “If”
Simple Present: Simple Past
+ she, he, it verb “s” + ed change
- do / does + not + verb - did + verb (present)
? Do / Does + verb ? Did + verb (present)

Result Result
Simple Future Would (ría)
+ will + verb (infinitive) + would + verb (infinitive)
- will + not + verb (infinitive) - would + not + verb (infinitive)
Example: Example:
If you go to school by bike, you If Jack found a part time job, he
will save gas and money. would save some money.

Exercise: write the missing verbs to form Second conditional.

1. If I ___ (be) the job, I think I ___ (take) it.
2. If she ___ (be) hungry, she ___ (eat) something.
3. If he ___ (study), he ___ (pass) the exam.
4. I ___ (send) you a postcard if I ____ (have) your address.
5. What ___ (happen) if you ____ (not go) to work tomorrow?

Class activity 10: 04/05


Class activity 11: 09/05

 Second Conditional
 Doing some sentences
 Do exercises 1, 2, 3, 1 (page 140)

Exercise: write the missing verbs to form Second conditional.

1. If I ____ (offer) the job, I think I ____ (take) it.
2. If she ____ (be) hungry, she ____ (eat) something.
3. If he ____ (studied), he ____ (pass) the exam.
4. I ____ (send) you a postcard if I ____ (had) your address.
5. What ____ (happen) if you ____ (not go) to work tomorrow?
6. If she ____ (have) enough money, she ____ (buy) a new car.
7. What ____ John ____ (do), if he ____ (not get) the job?
8. She ____ (be) terribly upset if I ____ (lose) her ring.
9. Many people ____ (be) out of work if the factory ____ (close) down.
10. If he ____ (hurry), he ____ (catch) the train.

Class activity 12: 11/05

 Do exercises 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 (pages 58, 59)

Homerwork 5: 23/05
 Read the text, do the glossary, then translate it into
Spanish, paragraph by paragraph, on page 141.

Class activity 13: 16/05

 Do some examples of the homework 5
 Doing exercises 5, 6, 7 (page 59)

1. If I don’t do, I won’t ride

2. If plastic bags were banned, they wouldn’t end up.
3. Will you help / gives
4. Would / continue

Exercise: Fill each space with the correct form of the verbs to make
either first or second conditionals.

1. If I get home late tonight, I won’t eat (not eat). first

2. If Jan could run 100 meters in 10 seconds, he would be (be) an

athlete. second

3. If Simon catches a fish today, we will eat (eat) it. first

Class activity 14: 18/05

 First and Second Conditional
First Conditional Second Conditional
Condition “If” Condition “If”
Simple Present: Simple Past
+ she, he, it verb “s” + ed change
- do / does + not + verb - did + verb (present)
? Do / Does + verb ? Did + verb (present)
If I were (be)
Result Would (ría)
Simple Future + would + verb (infinitive)
+ will + verb (infinitive) - would + not + verb (infinitive)
- will + not + verb (infinitive)

1. If it doesn’t rain (no/rain) tonight, we will go (go) to the cinema. _

Si llueve hoy en la noche, nosotros iremos al cine.
2. If we play (play) football on Saturday, I will be (be) tired on Sunday.
Si nosotros jugamos futbol el sábado, Yo estaré cansada el domingo.
3. If you eat (eat) too much, you will feel (feel) sick.
Si tu comes mucho, te sentirás enfermo.
4. If Susan won (win) the lottery, she _would buy (buy) a Porsche.
Si Susan ganara la lotería, ella se compraría un Porsche.
4. If it rained (rain) in the Sahara Desert, everyone would be (be) very
Si lloviera en el desierto del Sahara, todos estarían muy sorprendidos.
6. If your dog spoke (spoke), you would can sell (can/sell) it to the circus.
7. If I were (be) you, I wouldn’t accept (not accept) that job. It sounds
8. If I lose (lose) my umbrella, I will buy (buy) another one.

Homerwork 6: 23/05
 Copy and do the exercise
Exercise: Complete the sentences.
1. You ___ (get) fat if you ___ (not/stop) eating so much.
2. If I ___ (see) John, I ___ (tell) him about the party.
3. Mom ___ (be) very angry if I ___ (not/tidy) my room.
4. If we ___ (not/leave) now, we ___ (miss) the bus.
5. You ___ (not/go) to the party if you ___ (not/do) your homework.
6. If you ____ (tell) grandpa the truth, he _____ (have) a heart attack.
7. I _____ (call) my mom if I _____ (have) a real emergency.
8. You ____ (have) to spend so much time tidying your house if you (not/have)
so much stuff.
9. If you ____ (not/make) so much noise, I _____ (concentrate).
10.They ____ (not/go) back home if you ____ (not/pay) them.

Class activity 15: 23/05

 Do exercise 2 (page 63)
 Hacer traducción

Class activity 16: 25/05

 Do exercises 1, 2 (page 68)

Homerwork 7: 30/05
 Copy and do the exercises

Exercise 1: Complete the sentences with First Conditional.

1. If I ______ (see) John, I ______ (tell) him your news.
2. He ______ (be) very pleased if it ______ (be) really true.
3. If you ______ (go) to town on Monday, you ______ (meet) my brother.
4. If you ______ (need) help, my father ______ (help) you.
5. We ______ (have) a picnic lunch if the day ______ (be) fine.
6. If you ______a policeman, he ______ (tell) you the way.
7. I ______ (finish) the job tomorrow if I ______ (can).
8. I ______ (not require) an umbrella if it ______ (not rain).
9. If she ______ (think) it over carefully, she ______ (form) a clear opinion.
10. If they ______ (catch) the bus now, they ______ (arrive) at half past nine.
11. He ______ (find) the answers if he ______ (look) at the back of the book.
12. If you ______ (want) me to, I ______ (come) for a walk with you.
13. If he ______ (write) to her, she ______ (answer) at once.
14. If you ______ (wait) for a moment, the waiter ______ (bring) your coffee.
15. He ______ (lose) weight if he ______ (stop) eating too much.
16. If she ______ (be) patient, I ______ (try) to explain.
17. I ______ (wear) a purple tie but only if I ______ (must).
18. If we ______ (leave) at once, we ______ (catch) the early train.
19. If he ______ (do) that again, his father ______ (punish) him.
20. If she ______ (drink) this medicine, she ______ (feel) much better.

Exercise 2: Complete the sentences with First Conditional.

1. f I ___ (to come) home earlier, I___ (to prepare) dinner.
2. If we___ (to live) in Rome, Francesco___ (to visit) us.
3. If Tim and Tom___ (to be) older, they___ (to play) in our hockey team.
4. If he___ (to be) my friend, I___ (to invite) him to my birthday party.
5. If Susan___ (to study) harder, she___ (to be) better at school.
6. If they___ (to have) enough money, they___ (to buy) a new car.
7. If you___ (to do) a paper round, you___ (to earn) a little extra money.
8. If Michael___ (to get) more pocket money, he___ (to ask) Doris out for
9. If we___ (to win) the lottery, we___ (to fly) to San Francisco.
10. If I___ (to meet) Brad Pitt, I___ (to take) a photo with him.

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