Task 9-12

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I am interested in applying for the position of Director of Digital Marketing. I believe

that: I would be a good director for your excellent company. The reasons that led me to
write to you are the following:
First of all, I am a very communicative person, and I love to work hard for goals.
Secondly, I know about visual communication in social networks, I am studying the subject
every day. I have worked in other(,) slightly smaller companies(,) and I would like the
opportunity to grow with you.

I would like to introduce you to the city where I was born. Ciudad Guayana is a city in
the Bolívar state, in Venezuela. We have a population of 838,705 thousand people, being
the sixth most populous city in Venezuela. Within the city are the La Llovizna, Loefling and
Cachamay parks, with their natural waterfalls.
In addition, in the Bolivar State we have the highest waterfall in the world: El Santo
Angel. Yes, it is a blessing to be born in paradise.


I want to tell you this story that happened to me last week:

I love party nights, so I was dancing a lot when a friend asked me for help because he
was drunk. Also he was dancing with strange movements. Fortunately I was able to
convince him to leave and suddenly someone called him back to dance.
Another friend miraculously appeared out of nowhere and seeing that: we were both
drunk. She called a taxi and sent us safely home.



The story, based on real events, begins on November 4, 1979, when hundreds of
Islamic fundamentalists storm the United States embassy in Tehran and arrest 52
American citizens.
To get them out of the country safely, CIA agent Tony Mendez comes up with a daring
plan: posing as filmmakers traveling through Iran looking for locations for a sci-fi movie.

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