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Royal wedding just another example of useless, shallow news coverage

In the early morning hours of Friday April 29th, NBCs live coverage from London was on TV the entire time. The coverage included talk of the ceremonial procession, the fashion and many live shots of the event itself. It was so excessive that it surpassed ethical and professional boundaries. At this same time, in southern U.S. states near Alabama, the combined death toll from the tornado outbreak was more than 300 people. In Syria, soldiers killed at least 62 protesters who opposed President Bashar al-Assads rule. The conflict in Libya continued. And yet U.S. national networks such as NBC focused on what kind of hats appeared at the royal wedding. The most common argument in favor of the level of royal wedding coverage is that people will watch it. This shows national TV networks care more about what sells than what matters. Some would also argue that since the United Kingdom is the United States greatest ally, important events in their country should also be considered important here. This is invalid, considering the U.S. network coverage of British elections for instance, which have a clear effect on British policy and therefore U.S. policy, is much less excessive than the royal wedding coverage. In light of other important issues with greater impact, the level of coverage given to the royal wedding is inappropriate. Can you imagine how informed Americans would be if the national networks gave the same extent of coverage to the health care debate with hours of live coverage, interviews with experts and extraordinary depth? The desire to be entertained is contaminating our news programming. Though following a detailed and complicated debate on how to solve the nations ailing Medicare system is far less entertaining, its far more important than any British story of romanticism, pomp and circumstance. Real journalists must report not just the issues that people want to hear, but also the issues that people need to hear. (Adapted and abridged from The Nevada Sagebrush. - Article by Nick Dunn)
1.- Say whether the following sentences are TRUE or FALSE according to the text. Copy the evidence from the text. No marks will be given without the evidence. (1.5 points)

a) In April the United States news paid more attention to war and natural disasters than to the Royal Wedding. b) American media mainly focus on relevant issues. c) The news should give priority to serious topics.

2.- Choose ONLY THREE of the following words and write a synonym (=), an opposite (), a definition or a sentence to show that you understand their meaning in the text. Use your own words. (1.5 points) a) surpassed (line 3) extent (line 19) b) care (line 11) e)entertaining (line 23) c) excessive (line 16) f)issues (line 24) 3.- Read this conversation between two people. Complete their conversation. Write the numbers (1-8) and each complete sentence on your exam paper. (2 points) d)

Caller 1: Good morning, Washington Grade School, this is Chris. How may I help you? Caller 2: Good morning, this is Alice Smith, I'm calling for my daughter, Judy. She's not feeling well today. Caller 1______________________________________________________(1) Caller 2: No, no she has a little fever and a cough. Nothing too serious. Caller 1:__________________________________________(2) Caller 2: Thank you. Do you think I could get her homework for today? Caller 1: ___________________________________________(3) Caller 2: I'm especially concerned about math and science. Caller 1: ___________________________________________________________(4) They can then send the homework along later today. Caller 2: That would be great. Do you have my e-mail on file? Caller 1: Just a moment, ... ___________________________________________(5) Caller 2: Yes, that is correct. Caller 1: OK, I'll make sure Mr Brown and Ms White get your message and e-mail. Caller 2:____________________________________.(6) Caller 1: I hope Judy feels well soon. Caller 2: ___________________________________________________(7) Caller 1: My pleasure, have a nice day. Caller 2: Thank you. Good bye. Caller 1: Good bye.
4. Choose only 4 of the following situations. Write what you would say in or about each one. Use between 6 and 20 words for each. (2 points) 1.- Your cat is sick. Explain its symptoms to the Vet. 2.- Your sister wants to use your car but she hasnt got a driving license. 3. Your roommate is playing the guitar and you need to study. 4. Your best friend tells you she is getting married. 5. You want to go to the cinema but your friends prefer the disco. Persuade them. 6. Your sister has bought a white dress to go to a wedding. Give her your opinion.

5.- Write a composition of about 100 words on ONE of the following topics. (3points) A. Write a letter to your parents telling them all about a wedding youve been to /watched recently. B. Advantages and disadvantages of getting married.

1.- Say whether the following sentences are TRUE or FALSE according to the text. Copy the evidence from the text. No marks will be given without the evidence. (1.5 points)

a) In April the United States news paid more attention to war and natural disasters than to the Royal Wedding. False (lines 8-9, title)
And yet U.S. national networks such as NBC focused on what kind of hats appeared at the royal wedding


American media mainly focus on relevant issues. False (lines 11-12) This shows national TV networks care more about what sells than what matters.

c) The news should give priority to serious topics. True (lines 24-25)
. Real journalists must report not just the issues that people want to hear, but also the issues that people need to hear. 2.- Choose ONLY THREE of the following words and write a synonym (=), an opposite (), a definition or a sentence to show that you understand their meaning in the text. Use your own words. (1.5 points) a) surpassed (line 3) : exceeded , to be more than

b) care (line 11) :worry, mind. c) excessive (line 16): unreasonable, too much

d) extent (line 19):amount e) entertaining (line 23):fun f) issues (line 24):topics, problems 3.- Read this conversation between two people. Complete their conversation. Write the numbers (1-8) and each complete sentence on your exam paper. (2 points)

Caller 1: Good morning, Washington Grade School, this is Chris. How may I help you? Caller 2: Good morning, this is Alice Smith, I'm calling for my daughter, Judy. She's not feeling well today. Caller 1: I'M SORRY TO HEAR THAT. I HOPE IT'S NOT TOO BAD.(1) Caller 2: No, no she has a little fever and a cough. Nothing too serious. Caller 1: WELL, I HOPE SHE FEELS WELL SOON.(2) Caller 2: Thank you. Do you think I could get her homework for today? Caller 1: IS THERE ANY SPECIFIC CLASS?(3) Caller 2: I'm especially concerned about math and science. Caller 1: OK, IS IT ALRIGHT FOR ME TO GIVE YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS TO THE TEACHERS?(4) They can then send the homework along later today. Caller 2: That would be great. Do you have my e-mail on file? Caller 1: Just a moment, ... WE HAVE CHRISP AT GMAIL DOT COME. IS THAT CORRECT? (5) Caller 2: Yes, that is correct. Caller 1: OK, I'll make sure Mr Brown and Ms White get your message and e-mail. Caller 2: THANK YOU VERY MUCH.(6) Caller 1: I hope Judy feels well soon. Caller 2: SHE SHOULD BE FINE BY TOMORROW. THANKS FOR YOUR HELP. (7) Caller 1: My pleasure, have a nice day. Caller 2: Thank you. Good bye. Caller 1: Good bye.

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