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Republic of the Philippines

University of Southeastern Philippines


Tagum-Mabini Campus

LE 1– Case Study

Globalization and the Identity as a Filipino: A Case Analysis

Presented by:

Hanna Bless A. Pansoy

Presented to:


GE-319 Instructor

May 26, 2023

Globalization and the Identity as a Filipino: A Case Analysis
The Philippines is one of many countries whose society have been severely touched by
globalization. This case study examines the interaction between globalization and the Filipino identity
while taking into account different theoretical viewpoints. The World Systems Paradigm, Global
Capitalism Paradigm, Network Society School of Thought, Space, Time, and Globalization,
Transnationality and Transnationalism, and the Global Culture Paradigm are all examined in the
analysis. We hope to obtain a thorough knowledge of how globalization affects the Filipino identity by
looking at different viewpoints.

World Systems Paradigm:

Immanuel Wallerstein's World Systems Paradigm places an emphasis on the global capitalism
system and how it affects societies. In the instance of the Philippines, this paradigm demonstrates how
globalization has integrated the nation as a peripheral nation into the global economic network
(Wallerstein, 1976). As a result of this economic dependency on more powerful nations, uneven
development, and an ongoing fight for socioeconomic fairness, the Filipino identity has been shaped.

Global Capitalism Paradigm:

The Global Capitalism Paradigm examines how globalization and the capitalist system of
production are related. This paradigm emphasizes how globalization contributed to the establishment
of capitalist practices in the nation, such as the spread of multinational firms and neoliberal policies, in
the framework of the Filipino identity (Woodley, n.d.). By encouraging materialism, individualism,
and a move away from traditional values and social relationships, these influences have altered the
Filipino identity.

The Network Society School of Thought:

Manuel Castells' Network Society School of Thought studies how information and
communication technology affect societies. In the case of the Philippines, globalization has made it
easier for Filipinos to become a part of international networks, in part because social media and online
platforms are so widely used (Castells & Cardoso, 2005).. This has led to the development of online
communities, linkages across borders, and the introduction of fresh ways for Filipinos to define their

Space, Time, and Globalization:

David Harvey's perspective on space, time, and globalization examines the spatial and
temporal facets of this phenomenon. Globalization has caused the spatial reorganization of cities, the
growth of metropolitan regions, and the creation of economic zones in the Filipino environment
(Sheppard, 2002). These changes have impacted Filipino identity by restructuring cultural landscapes,
establishing new social structures, and changing how time and place are seen.

Transnationality and Transnationalism:

The theories of transnationality and transnationalism examine how capital, ideas, and people
travel freely across international boundaries. Globalization has encouraged both temporary and
longterm labor migration to the Philippines, which has shaped the Filipino diaspora (Miralao
By encouraging cultural hybridity, a sense of exile, and numerous places of belonging among Filipinos
living abroad, this transnational movement has had an impact on the Filipino identity.
Global Culture Paradigm:
The Global Culture Paradigm examines how globalization has caused cultural practices to
expand and become more uniform. Globalization has altered Filipino identity in the setting of the
Philippines by bringing Western cultural elements including media, fashion, and consumer trends
(Storti & Hassi, 2012). The Filipino identity, albeit tenacious, continues to preserve its unique cultural
practices, languages, and customs while embracing these global influences.
As numerous theoretical stances have shown, globalization has had a significant impact on
Filipino identity. While the Global Capitalism Paradigm highlights the influence of capitalist practices,
the World Systems Paradigm underlines the Philippines' marginal place in the global economic
system. The Space, Time, and Globalization approach stresses spatial and temporal alterations, while
the Network Society School of Thought highlights the significance of technology in defining identity.
The theories of transnationality and transnationalism illuminate the diasporic origins of the Filipino
identity, and the global culture paradigm emphasizes the interaction of regional and global cultural
influences. Being aware of these viewpoints offers useful


Wallerstein, I., (1976). The Modern World-System. Retrieve from:
Castells, M., & Cardoso, G., (2005). The Network Society From: Knowledge to Policy. Retrieve from:
Sheppard, E., (2002). The Spaces and Times of Globalization: Place, Scale, Networks, and
Positionality. Retrieve from:

Miralao, V., & Makil, L., (2007). Exploring Tr ansnational Communitiesin the Philippines. Retrieve

Storti, G., & Hassi, A., (2012). Globalization and Culture: The Three H Scenarios. Retrieve from:
University of Southeastern Philippines
College of Teacher Education and Technology
Bachelor of Technical Vocational and Techer Education

Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in Technology and Livelihood Education

April 05, 2023

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
A. Define what is welding carbon steel pipe;
B. Identify the common positions for pipe welding; and
C. Perform the different positions for pipe welding

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Weld Carbon Steel Pipe in 5g Position

Intructional Materials: Powerpoint presentation, Handouts with pictures
III. Strategies
Preliminary Activities:
Classroom Management
Checking Attendance
Review on the previous lesson
Motivation:(Know Me!)
The teacher will present a picture and the students will guest its name.

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