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Today, I would like to talk about early life of Hò chí minh

Ho Chi Minh was born into a family of scholars and revolutionaries. His father, Nguyen
Sinh Sac, was a Confucian scholar and a teacher, while his mother, Hoang Thi Loan, was
the daughter of a wealthy landowner.
As a child, Ho Chi Minh received a traditional Confucian education, learning Chinese
classics and the works of Vietnamese poets and scholars. Ho Chi Minh's upbringing in a
family of intellectuals and revolutionaries instilled in him a love of learning and a sense
of duty to his country.
Growing up, Ho Chi Minh was exposed to his father's political views, which included a
deep-seated resentment of French colonial rule in Vietnam. His father had been involved
in several anti-French movements and had even spent time in prison for his political
activities. Ho Chi Minh's older brother, Nguyen Sinh Khiem, was also involved in the
independence movement and later became a high-ranking official in the nationalist
government. Khiem played an important role in shaping Ho Chi Minh's political beliefs,
teaching him about the struggles of other colonized peoples and the importance of
international solidarity.
Now let's talk about when Ho Chi Minh was a young man
As a young man, Ho Chi Minh became increasingly aware of the injustices of
colonialism and the need for Vietnamese independence. He witnessed the harsh treatment
of Vietnamese workers by French colonial officials and the devastating effects of French
economic policies on Vietnamese farmers. . He saw how the French exploited and
oppressed the Vietnamese people. These experiences fueled his passion for nationalism
and his desire to fight for Vietnamese independence. As a student in Hanoi, he became
involved in anti-colonial protests and joined the Revolutionary Youth League, a group
that aimed to promote Vietnamese independence and fight against French colonial rule.
Overall, Ho Chi Minh's early life experiences, education, and exposure to anti-colonial
and socialist ideas were instrumental in shaping his political beliefs and activism. They
laid the groundwork for his later leadership in the struggle for Vietnamese independence
and his commitment to socialism and nationalism.
To continue the group’s presentation, please Phượng.

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