3.2 Roles of Species

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3.2 Roles of species

María Jose Burciaga Encinas
Critical Thinking
1. What might happen to humans and several other species if most or all amphibian species
(Core Case Study) were to go extinct?
The environment (and all lives in it) would be in deadly danger without any warning.
2. How might a reduction in species diversity affect the other three components of
By reducing genetic info and the specific traits of organisms.
3. Is the human species a keystone species? Explain.
Human beings as a higher-order or 'hyperkeystone' species
4. If humans become extinct, what are three species that might also become extinct and
what are three species whose populations might grow?

a) Pandas: Note that humans were the ones responsible for this species'
b) Pediculus: humans or human head lice. This species is an obligate human
c) Antelopes: zeteki or the Panamian golden frog.

5. Why should we care about saving the monarch butterfly from extinction caused by human
As pollinators, the monarch butterfly migration across the continent provides an invaluable
service, essential for many ecosystems to thrive.
6. Do you care? Why or why not?
Yes, I care since butterflies are a very important element for our ecosystem.
7. How would you respond to someone who tells you:
a. We should not believe in biological evolution because it is "just a theory."
I would think that the person who thinks that is a person who really doesn't know.
b. We should not worry about air pollution because natural selection will enable
humans to develop lungs that can detoxify pollutants.
I would think that the person who thinks that is a person who really doesn't know.
8. How would you respond to someone who says that because extinction is a natural
process, we should not worry about the loss of biodiversity when species become extinct
largely because of our activities?
I would think that the person who thinks that is a person who really doesn't know.
Critical Thinking
1. Fill in the fourth column by calculating the percentage of amphibian species that are
endemic to each area. (Percentage endemic = number of species divided by number of
endemic species.)
Area Number of Species Number of Endemic Percentage Endemic
Pacific/Cascades/Sierra 52 43 9
Nevada Mountains of
North America
Southern Appalachian 101 37 64
Mountains of the United
Southern Coastal Plain 68 27 41
of the United States
Southern Sierra Madre 118 74 44
of Mexico
Highlands of Western 126 70 56
Central America
Highlands of Costa Rica 133 68 65
as Western Panama
Tropical Southern 132 101 31
Andes Mountains of
Bolivia and Peru
Upper Amazon Basin of 102 22 80
Southern Peru

2. Which two areas have the highest numbers of endemic species? Name the two areas with
the highest percentages of endemic species.
Highlands of Costa Rica as Western Panama and Upper Amazon Basin of Southern Peru

3. Which two areas have the lowest numbers of endemic species?

Pacific/Cascades/Sierra Nevada Mountains of North America and Tropical Southern Andes Mountains of
Bolivia and Peru

4. Which two areas have the highest percentages of non-endemic species?

Tropical Southern Andes Mountains of Bolivia and Peru

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