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Devan Narindra 


SMP Nasional Tiga Bahasa Mitra Harapan

Assalamualaikum, Wr, Wb,

The honorable judges of this speech contest are the committee, other participants, and the
audience. First of all, let me introduce myself. My name is Devan Narindra Abhinaya, and I am
in grade 7 at Mitra Harapan Trilingual National School.

Talking about bullying, maybe one of you has been bullied, or you may have just accidentally
bullied someone (well, I hope you haven’t). Yes, "bullying" is becoming a serious issue
because of its harmful effects, and in recent years, the topic of bullying has received increased
attention from the media, schools, and other organizations, which has helped to raise
awareness about the issue and its impacts.

Bullying can be defined as the repeated use of aggressive behavior intended to cause harm,
intimidation, or distress to another person, who may have difficulty defending themselves.
Bullying can take many forms, including physical, verbal, social, or cyberbullying, and it can
occur in various settings, such as at school, in the workplace, or online.

Bullying can have significant negative impacts on a child's development in multiple ways. It
can lead to decreased self-esteem and confidence, increased anxiety and depression, and
decreased social and academic functioning. Children who are bullied may become isolated and
withdrawn and may struggle to form healthy relationships with peers. Bullying can also
interfere with cognitive development by disrupting a child's ability to concentrate and learn in
school. Furthermore, bullying can impact a child's emotional development by creating feelings
of fear, helplessness, and anger. Children who are bullied may develop negative self-
perceptions and beliefs, which can contribute to long-term emotional and psychological issues.

Bullying can occur among children, and it is unfortunately a common problem in schools and
other settings where children interact. Children may bully others for various reasons, such as
seeking attention, feeling insecure, or trying to assert power over others. Bullying can take
many forms among children, including physical aggression (such as hitting or pushing), verbal
aggression (such as name-calling or teasing), social exclusion, and cyberbullying (using
electronic communication to harm or harass others).

If we take a look at the causes of bullying—a lack of attention, feeling insecure, or trying to
assert power over others—then we can conclude the formula to stop bullying.

Firstly, by giving more attention to our kids, we will prevent them from bullying. Showing our
affectionate and caring attitude will help them to learn and develop positive relationships with
their peers and provide opportunities for them to engage in positive interactions and activities

Creating a positive environment that values respect and kindness will lead to feelings of
comfort and security in the children.This can include family or school discussions about
bullying, positive reinforcement for positive behavior, and modeling positive behavior.
Many bullying cases happened due to the children’s character, which tried to assert power
over others. For this reason, teaching empathy and respect is significant. It will lead them to
understand the importance of treating others with kindness and consideration.

As we wrap up, I want to leave you with this final thought. Let’s give more attention to others
—our children or friends, Create a positive environment and teach them empathy and respect
to prevent bullying. I encourage you to take what you have learned here today and put it into
practice, whether it's in your personal relationships or in your communities. Start caring and
stop bullying!

Thank you for your attention and for the opportunity to speak. I am honored to have been
here today and to have shared this message with all of you."

Wassalamualaikum Wr,Wb.

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