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Text for number 1-5

Michael had been saving up for a new bicycle for months. He had finally saved enough money to buy it and was
eager to pick it up from the bike store. When he arrived, he was greeted by the salesperson who showed him the bike
he had been eyeing for weeks. Michael took it for a test ride and was impressed with how smoothly it rode. He decided
to buy it and paid the salesperson with his hard-earned cash.
As Michael was riding his new bike home, he couldn't help but feel a little uneasy. He had never spent so much
money on a single purchase before and was worried he might have made a mistake. When he got home, he showed his
new bike to his friends who were all impressed. They asked if he wanted to go for a ride, and Michael agreed. As he rode
with his friends, he felt a sense of freedom and joy that he had never experienced before. He knew he had made the
right choice.

1. What had Michael been saving up for?

a. A new phone
b. A new bicycle
c. A new car
d. A new computer

2. How did Michael feel when he arrived at the bike store?

a. Anxious
b. Excited
c. Nervous
d. Disappointed

3. What did Michael do before he bought the bike?

a. Took it for a test ride
b. Paid for it
c. Left the store
d. Looked at other bikes

4. How did Michael feel while riding his new bike home?
a. Confused
b. Happy
c. Sad
d. Angry

5. What did Michael's friends think of his new bike?

a. They were unimpressed
b. They were impressed
c. They didn't care
d. They thought it was too expensive

Text for number 6-15

John was a successful businessman who had worked hard to build his empire. He had a beautiful wife, a big
house, and a luxurious lifestyle. But despite all his wealth and success, John was unhappy. He had lost touch with his
family and friends and had no real hobbies or passions outside of work.
One day, John decided to take a break from his busy life and go on a solo backpacking trip through Europe. He
wanted to see new places, meet new people, and reconnect with himself. He packed his bags and headed off on his
During his trip, John met people from all walks of life. He stayed in hostels, ate street food, and visited famous
landmarks. He also discovered his love for photography and spent hours taking pictures of the stunning scenery. As he
traveled, John realized that he had been missing out on the simple pleasures in life. He didn't need all the fancy cars and
expensive gadgets to be happy. He just needed to appreciate the world around him and connect with the people he
When John returned home, he felt like a new person. He started spending more time with his family and friends
and even took up photography as a hobby. He realized that true happiness comes from within and that he didn't need to
work himself to the bone to be successful.

6. What was John's occupation?

a. Businessman
b. Lawyer
c. Doctor
d. Teacher
7. Why was John unhappy despite his success?
a. He had no hobbies or passions outside of work
b. He had no family or friends
c. He had no money
d. He had no house

8. What did John do to take a break from his busy life?

a. He went on a solo backpacking trip through Europe
b. He bought a new car
c. He started a new business
d. He went on a luxury cruise

9. What did John discover during his backpacking trip?

a. His love for expensive gadgets
b. His love for street food
c. His love for photography
d. His love for luxury hotels

10. What did John realize when he returned home from his trip?
a. True happiness comes from within
b. He needed to work even harder to be successful
c. He didn't need to spend time with his family and friends
d. He didn't enjoy traveling

11. What did John discover about himself during his backpacking trip?
a. He wanted to quit his job and become a full-time traveler
b. He had been missing out on the simple pleasures in life
c. He wanted to start a new business in Europe
d. He didn't like meeting new people

12. What did John do after he returned from his trip?

a. He continued his busy life without making any changes
b. He started spending more time with his family and friends
c. He decided to travel more and quit his job
d. He became more obsessed with his work

13. What did John realize about his previous lifestyle?

a. He was happy with his luxurious lifestyle
b. He had missed out on the important things in life
c. He needed to work harder to be successful
d. He didn't need anyone else in his life

14. What did John do after he discovered his love for photography?
a. He started a new business as a photographer
b. He took more pictures and made photo albums
c. He quit his job and became a professional photographer
d. He stopped taking pictures altogether

15. What lesson did John learn from his backpacking trip?
a. True happiness comes from success and wealth
b. The world is a dangerous place and should be avoided
c. Simple pleasures in life can bring the most happiness
d. Traveling alone is boring and not worth it

16. We _______ (drive) to the beach last weekend.

a. drove
b. drive
c. driven
d. driving
17. She _______ (drink) a cup of coffee an hour ago.
a. drinks
b. drank
c. drink
d. drinking

18. The dog _______ (sleep) on the couch all day.

a. slept
b. sleep
c. sleeps
d. sleeping

19. They _______ (have) dinner at the restaurant last night.

a. had
b. have
c. has
d. having
20 . The teachers _______ (give) the students a challenging questions in the last science class.
a. gave
b. giving
c. gives
d. give

Text for number 21 - 25

John had always been fascinated by the ocean. As a child, he loved reading about sea creatures and exploring
the tidal pools at the beach. As he grew older, his fascination turned into a passion for scuba diving. He loved the
feeling of weightlessness and the sense of being part of a completely different world. After years of diving, John
decided to pursue a career in marine biology. He wanted to study the ocean and its inhabitants, and maybe even
make a difference in preserving this amazing ecosystem for future generations.
21. What did John love doing as a child?
a. Playing video games
b. Reading about sea creatures
c. Playing sports
d. Watching movies

22. What did John's fascination with the ocean turn into?
a. A love for cooking
b. A passion for gardening
c. A passion for scuba diving
d. A passion for mountain climbing

23 . What did John decide to do after years of diving?

a. Pursue a career in marine biology
b. Become a professional athlete
c. Start his own business
d. Travel the world

24. What did John hope to achieve through his career?

a. Make money
b. Save the planet
c. Become famous
d. Start a new business

25. What is the main topic of the passage?

a. John's childhood
b. John's love for scuba diving
c. John's career in marine biology
d. John's favorite hobbies
Text for number 21 - 25
Making food is a great way to express creativity and nourish your body. Whether you're an experienced chef or
a beginner, there are endless possibilities when it comes to cooking. Start by choosing fresh ingredients that are in
season, such as ripe tomatoes, fragrant basil, or crisp lettuce. Then, decide on a dish that you want to make, such as a
salad, soup, or pasta dish. Follow the recipe carefully, measuring ingredients precisely and cooking for the
recommended amount of time. Don't be afraid to experiment with different flavors and spices to make the dish your
own. And, of course, don't forget to enjoy the finished product!

26. What is a great way to express creativity and nourish your body?
a. Making art
b. Making food
c. Playing sports
d. Watching TV

27. What should you choose when making food?

a. Stale ingredients
b. Fresh ingredients that are in season
c. Processed foods
d. Canned vegetables

28. What are some dishes that you can make?

a. Salad, soup, or pasta dish
b. Chicken, steak, or fish
c. Pizza, burgers, or tacos
d. Sandwiches, omelets, or pancakes

30. What should you do when following a recipe?

a. Make up your own measurements
b. Cook for however long you want
c. Follow the recipe carefully, measuring ingredients precisely and cooking for the recommended amount of
d. Only use half of the ingredients listed

31. What can you do to make the dish your own?

a. Only use the exact ingredients listed in the recipe
b. Experiment with different flavors and spices
c. Follow the recipe exactly
d. Don't make any changes to the recipe

Sure, here are 10 fill in the blank questions (with multiple choice) related to the be going to future tense:

1. John _____ to the gym tomorrow.

a. goes
b. is going
c. went
d. go

Answer: b. is going

2. She _____ a cake for her friend's birthday party.

a. makes
b. made
c. is making
d. make

Answer: c. is making

3. They _____ on vacation next month.

a. go
b. went
c. are going
d. will go
Answer: c. are going

4. We _____ a new house in the suburbs next year.

a. buy
b. bought
c. are buying
d. will buy

Answer: c. are buying

5. I _____ my doctor's appointment at 10 am tomorrow.

a. have
b. had
c. am having
d. will have

Answer: c. am having

6. She _____ her graduation ceremony next week.

a. attends
b. attended
c. is attending
d. will attend

Answer: c. is attending

7. They _____ a movie tonight.

a. watch
b. watched
c. are watching
d. will watch

Answer: c. are watching

8. He _____ a new job next month.

a. gets
b. got
c. is getting
d. will get

Answer: c. is getting

9. Sarah _____ to Paris next summer.

a. travels
b. traveled
c. is traveling
d. will travel

Answer: d. will travel

10. We _____ dinner at that new restaurant tonight.

a. have
b. had
c. are having
d. will have

Answer: c. are having

Once upon a time, in a faraway land, there lived a silly little rabbit named Ricky. Ricky loved to play pranks on his
friends and family, but one day he decided to play a prank on the wise old owl who lived in the forest.
Ricky hopped over to the owl's tree and asked, "Hey, Mr. Owl, how many licks does it take to get to the center of
a Tootsie Pop?"
The owl looked down at Ricky and replied, "Well, my dear rabbit, the world may never know."
Ricky giggled to himself and hopped away. But little did he know, the owl was wise to his game and had a trick of
his own up his feathers.
The next day, Ricky returned to the owl's tree and asked, "Hey, Mr. Owl, why did the chicken cross the road?"
The owl looked down at Ricky and replied, "To get to the other side, of course."
Ricky laughed and thought he had bested the wise old owl, but little did he know, the owl had one more trick up
his wing.
The following day, Ricky returned once more to the owl's tree and asked, "Hey, Mr. Owl, why did the cookie go
to the doctor?"
The owl looked down at Ricky and replied, "Because it felt crumbly."
Ricky burst out laughing, but suddenly realized he had fallen for the owl's trick. The silly little rabbit had been
pranked by the wise old owl.
From that day forward, Ricky learned to appreciate the humor in being the one who was tricked, and he and the
owl became the best of friends.

1. What was the name of the silly little rabbit in the story?
2. Who did Ricky decide to play a prank on?
3. What question did Ricky ask the wise old owl about the Tootsie Pop?
4. What was the owl's response to Ricky's question about the Tootsie Pop?
5. What did the wise old owl say when Ricky asked why the chicken crossed the road?
6. What did the silly little rabbit think when he heard the owl's response?
7. What question did Ricky ask the owl about the cookie?
8. What was the owl's punny response to Ricky's question about the cookie?
9. How did Ricky feel when he realized he had been pranked by the owl?
10. What happened to Ricky and the wise old owl after their prank war?

Key answers

1. What was the name of the silly little rabbit in the story?
- The name of the silly little rabbit in the story was Ricky.
2. Who did Ricky decide to play a prank on?
- Ricky decided to play a prank on the wise old owl who lived in the forest.
3. What question did Ricky ask the wise old owl about the Tootsie Pop?
- Ricky asked the wise old owl, "Hey, Mr. Owl, how many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop?"
4. What was the owl's response to Ricky's question about the Tootsie Pop?
- The owl's response to Ricky's question about the Tootsie Pop was, "Well, my dear rabbit, the world may never know."
5. What did the wise old owl say when Ricky asked why the chicken crossed the road?
- The wise old owl said, "To get to the other side, of course."
6. What did the silly little rabbit think when he heard the owl's response?
- The silly little rabbit, Ricky, laughed when he heard the owl's response.
7. What question did Ricky ask the owl about the cookie?
- Ricky asked the owl, "Hey, Mr. Owl, why did the cookie go to the doctor?"
8. What was the owl's punny response to Ricky's question about the cookie?
- The owl's punny response to Ricky's question about the cookie was, "Because it felt crumbly."
9. How did Ricky feel when he realized he had been pranked by the owl?
- Ricky felt amused and learned to appreciate the humor in being the one who was tricked.
10. What happened to Ricky and the wise old owl after their prank war?
- Ricky and the wise old owl became the best of friends after their prank war.

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