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Lesson Plans for week beginning March 14th-18th, 2022

Lesson #1

Subject: Science 
Grade: 5 
Topic: Nutritional Facts
Focus Question: What are food nutrients and why are they important to us?  

Attainment Target: 

• Gain an understanding of some life processes in plants and animals, and how lifestyle
processes impact health and well-being in humans.

• Recognise a variety of living things, their interdependence and their inter-relationship

with the environment.

• Gain an understanding of and apply the engineering design process

Bench mark (s): 

• Begin to understand the interdependence of living things in the environment.
• Be aware of foods nutrients and their importance to human being.
Key Skills: observe, infer, communicate, collaborate, think critically, analyse, investigate,
communicate, manipulate, define operationally.
Key Vocabulary: nutrient, protein, carbohydrate, protein, vitamins, minerals balanced diet, fats,
iodine, starch, food, essential, label, facts
Material/Resources: Mission Science Student’s Book (NSC), Carlong First Steps in
Science Year 5.
Objectives: Students who demonstrate understanding should be able to:
• Develop an understanding of at least two (2) nutrition facts on food packages.
• Discuss at least three (3) guidelines to bear in mind when shopping for food.
• Infer from at least two (2) nutrition facts on labels which foods are rich in specific
Content Outline: 
Food can be different shapes and sizes. They can be liquids, solids or a mixture. In order to carry
out a fair comparison of the nutrients foods contain scientists always compare 100grams (g) of
each food. Normally this is shown as the number of grams of a certain nutrient per 100 grams of
food. With minerals and vitamins, the unit is milligram (mg). There are a thousand of milligrams
in a gram.
Primary Science for the National Standards Curriculum, Mission Science Student’s Book 5.
Page 90.
Engage: Students will look at the picture of below in their textbook, then attempt to answer the
questions: Carlong First Steps in Science Year 5. Page 146.

a. Do you think Ronnie is correct in saying that the writing printed on food labels serves a
b. Can you think of any purpose food labels serve on foods

Explore: Students will watch video on Nutrition Facts Labels, then answer the following
question. (1st video)
In addition see video:
a. i.Where do you think nutrition facts or labels on food are food?
ii. Do you think you can attempt to describe theses labels?
b. What do you think nutrition facts or labels do?
c. Which organ do you think too much cholesterol in the body will affect?
 Create a nutritious and balance diet in tin with nutrition facts or label for Mary, an
obese student in Grade 5.
Nutrition facts help consumers to make wiser choices amount the foods they buy, because the
1. tell the names of nutrients and their amounts in a serving size.
2. tell the energy value in cal, kcal or kj, in one serving
3. tell the names of ingredients and any substances added which they might be allergic such
as peanuts oil or cow’s milk and shell fish
4. tell if the food items has a lot of sugar, salt, fat and other non-nutritious additives
5. tell if the food or ingredients are organically grown.
Extended Learning:
The foods containing the most protein are peanuts, cheese, beef and fish. Those containing the
most carbohydrates are bread and sweet potatoes. The foods with the highest mineral content are
cheese and peanuts.
What guidelines do people use when shopping for food?
Have you ever seen your parent or family members reading labels and comparing two
similar food items while shopping?
Why do you think they do so?
Can you think of any other things that your family member considers when buying food?

Some guidelines for selecting foods to buy

 Always select foods based on nutrients they contain.
 Buy fresh fruits, vegetables and meats.
 Prevents waste, only buy what you need.
 Compare the cost of similar food items
 Get information from the nutrition facts on packages of foods.
Nutrition Facts on two food labels

Use the Nutrition Facts labels above to answer the following questions in your notebooks.
a. i. Are the serving sizes of the two foods the same?
ii.Which is bigger?
b. i.If you need vitamins and minerals, which would you drink?
ii. Explain_______________________________
c. Which gives more protein according to the serving size?
d. Which gives more fats for serving?
e. Which one seems to contain more natural substance?
f. What is the total carbohydrate on the two (2) labels?

Evaluation (Teacher):


Effectiveness of Strategies 1 2 3
Students participation 1 2 3
Effectiveness of Instructional Materials 1 2 3
Objectives were met 1 2 3
Late start Started On Time Ended Early Went Over Time
Plan of Action:
Re-teach Reinforce Concepts Advance to next topic
Lesson #2
Topic: Identifying nutrients in foods

Objectives: Students who demonstrate understanding should be able to: 

• Perform at least one (1) simple food test.
• Identify at least two (2) nutrients in foods. (starch and fat)
• Write at least two (2) paragraphs about the investigation
Content Outline: 
Scientist have developed tests to find out what nutrients are in certain foods. When food test is
done, you use special chemicals. As the chemicals interact, either the chemical or the food might
change colour. The expected colour change gives a positive result for a specific nutrient.
Starches are complex carbohydrates found in foods such as cakes, breads, rice, potatoes,
breakfast, cereals, and gains.

Like carbohydrates, fats are made up of the elements carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. Fats not
only supply energy and warmth for the body cells, but also surround and protect the skeleton and
vital body organs such as the kidneys, and glands.
Too much fatty foods in the diet, especially animals’ fats, can raise the level of cholesterol in the
blood, block the arteries which take blood away from the heart, and lead to diseases such as heart
attack, stroke and brain damage.
Engage: Students will be asked to observe the following diagram in Carlong First Steps in
Science Year 5. Page 153

a. Have you ever dropped oily food on your clothes?

b. Do you think you can use water to wash away an oily spots?
Students will be shown video on starch test, then attempt to answer the following questions:
(1st video)
In addition see:
• What is the colour of the iodine when placed on the starchy food?
• How do you know that food contain starch?
 Carry out investigation to see if starch is present.
 Carry out investigation to see if fat is present.

 The form of carbohydrate found in potatoes is starch. The test for starch is that it
turns purple when iodine solution is added.
 Greasy and translucent spot that you cannot wash away with water confirms that the
food contains fats or oil.
Extended Learning:
Seaweed has a particularly high content. Iodine is used as an antiseptic and is also needed in tiny
amounts by the human body.
Test these foods samples for starch and fats.
Foods Prediction Starch Present Fats Present
Write at least two (two) paragraphs about the testing for fats and starch investigations you have
done in class.
 Be sure to include the items test
 Your predictions
 The chemicals used.
 How you felt while carry out the infestations.

Evaluation (Teacher):


Effectiveness of Strategies 1 2 3
Students participation 1 2 3
Effectiveness of Instructional Materials 1 2 3
Objectives were met 1 2 3
Late start Started On Time Ended Early Went Over Time
Plan of Action:
Re-teach Reinforce Concepts Advance to next topic

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