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COMPETENCE: Write different types of texts in English as foreign Healthy food Junk food

1.- Healthy food keeps you physically and mentally 1.- But junk food reduces your health and keeps you weak
PERFORMANCES:-Organize your ideas to create a graphic
healthy. and sick too.
organizer about healthy food and junk food with sense and creativity.
- Write some notes o short description comparing to healthy and junk food
2.- Fruits gives you a lot of vitamins, proteins and 2.- However Junk food don´t gives you proteins, vitamins
in a graphic organizer with coherence and cohesion.
minerals too. and minerals that’s why Junk food keeps you weak.

Healthy food VS junk food 3.- Milk or a similar product like cheese have a lot of
3.- While Junk food don´t have a lot of proteins,
vitamins and minerals for that if you only eat Junk food
proteins and vitamins.
you can feel weak, sick and tired too.
4.- Healthy food increase the endurance of your 4.- Rather than Junk food don´t have the vitamins and
immunology system because that food have vitamins and minerals necessary to keeps strong your immunology
minerals that’s why healthy food keeps you healthy, strong system that’s why Junk food increase the weakness of
and with a lot of energy too. your immunology system.
5.- But Junk food makes you get older soon.
5.- Healthy food helps you live a long time.
6.- However Junk food keeps you in a unhealthy weight
6.- Healthy food keeps you in a healthy weight because it
because Junk food have a lot of carbohydrates, saturated
don´t have a lot of carbohydrates or saturated fats.
facts, etc.
7.- Healthy food keeps you in a healthy weight because it 7.- While Junk food keeps you unhealthy that’s why you
have vitamins, proteins, etc. can get Nick easier tan other people.
"Your body is your
Recommendations: Opinions:
temple, feed it properly" If you want to have a healthy live you must be an active
person the thing that we are saying is that you need to
1.- In our opinión people needs to at healthy food
do exercises like sports for example soccer or swimming
because it has a lot of benefits for example
that sports are Good for people who wants to have a
healthy food improves your mood, improves your
healthy live or minimally you must walk more than other
cognitive function, etc.
people who don´t want to have a healthy live, if you do
other type of exercises is excellent we only want that you
move your body because that keeps you healthier than 2.- In our opinion you must at healthy food
people who only have a sedentary life. because is healthier than the junk food and we
gives you a lot of reasons of this for example
healthy food increase your energy, keeps you
strong, etc.


1.- In conclusión Junk food is dangerous to people

´s health because it has a lot of carbohydrates,
grasses and it can gives problems like chronic
diseases, nutrional deficiencies, etc.

2.- Finally healthy food has a lot of benefits for

our health like strengthens the immune system,
improve your modo, increase your energy,
improves your cognitive function, etc.

Integrantes: Alberto Sotelo Fabricio Acuña

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