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Lipa City College

Graduate Studies
School Year 2023-2024
Course tittle: MAED
Professor: Dr. FELY V. AMINOSO

April 23, 2023



React by giving your personal views and observation on the following statements:
1. Education is no longer about teaching students something alone; it is more important to
be teaching them to develop a reliable compass and the navigation tools to find their own
way in this world.
Answer: Education has been evolving over the centuries and its purpose has been constantly
repurposed and refined. In today's world, the focus of education has shifted from the narrow scope
of simply teaching knowledge, to a far broader scope of teaching students to develop their own
sense of direction and the ability to navigate the complexities of the world.
Education is no longer about simply teaching students something. It is more important to be
equipping them with the ability to develop a reliable compass and the navigation tools to find their
own way in this world. This means education should be focused on developing practical skills and
knowledge, rather than simply parroting facts. Students should be given the opportunity to explore
their own interests and passions, and be encouraged to think critically and make connections. It’s
not just about memorizing information; it’s about understanding it and learning how to apply it. In
order to develop a reliable compass, students need to be taught to think independently and be
able to trust their own judgement. They should be encouraged to question what they’re taught and
form their own opinions. They should be given the opportunity to take risks and make mistakes,
and be supported in learning from them. Moreover, students need to be taught how to navigate the
world. This involves teaching them how to research and how to find reliable sources. It also
involves teaching them how to assess information, how to collaborate with others, how to problem
solve, and how to communicate effectively. These are all important skills that will help them in their
future endeavors. Ultimately, education should equip students with the ability to think for
themselves and navigate the complexity of the world. It should empower them to take ownership
of their learning, and develop the confidence and resilience to make their own decisions. With the
right tools and guidance, students can develop their own reliable compass and navigate their own
way in this world.
In addition, Education is no longer just about teaching students’ information and facts. As the
world continues to evolve and change, the priority in education should be teaching students how to
navigate the ever-changing environment around them. Education should be teaching students to
develop a reliable compass and the necessary navigation tools to find their own way in the world.
By equipping students with analytical, critical thinking skills through innovative curriculums, they
can be given the confidence to assess problems, develop solutions and consider the
consequences. This can range from policy decisions to technology usage, from understanding
global warming to managing individual finances, etc. In essence, students should be taught the
overall principles so that it can apply to any given circumstances and settings. The current trends
in education reform have been to focus on technology improvement and research work.
This does not necessarily lead to improvements in the learning outcomes. The important thing for
educators to remember is that information and technology are just resources and not a substitute
for teaching students the necessary problem-solving skills to resolve real-world issues.
Technology should be used as a tool to facilitate an understanding of more complex concepts and
to provide access to more exemplars to draw from. Students should also be taught the importance
of staying connected to the external world, be it local and global. They should be able to draw
upon these connections to access both independent and collaborative resources. In this way,
students develop a respect for the community and diversity of ideas and perspectives, and are
able to do more than just memorize facts. Having a reliable compass and the necessary
navigation tools to find their own way in the world are essential life skills that students should learn
from an early age. By equipping them with the right thought processes and understanding of the
environment, they can become more independent learners who can think outside the box. The
ultimate goal of this new approach to education is to develop students into resilient and adaptive
learners who can continue to seek information and derive knowledge in spite of the myriad of
changes and complexity that they may face in life.
On top of that, education should also focus on teaching students the importance of social and
moral values. This would help in instilling in them a sense of purpose and responsibility to the
world, which will help shape their direction in life. It is important to understand that education is not
simply about teaching students something; it is about teaching them how to think, how to be
successful, and how to make a positive impact on the world. Education is no longer only about
teaching information and facts. Instead, it should be about guiding students to think critically and
equipping them with the navigation tools they need to find their own way in this world. With these
skills, they will be able to responsibly interpret the information they receive, make wise choices
and create a positive impact in their community.
In conclusion, education is no longer about teaching students something alone, but it is now more
important to be teaching them to develop a reliable compass and the navigation tools to find their
own way in this world. By doing so, we can ensure that our students are equipped with the
necessary skills to be successful and make a positive impact in the world.

2. Leaders in this new era will need to be critical thinkers, problem solvers, and be able to
interact across the globe and so they need to be liberally educated.
Answer: In the ever-changing global economy, having a traditional education is no longer enough.
Leaders of the new era must be able to think critically, solve complex problems, and interact with
people from around the world. This requires a more holistic approach to education, one that is
liberal in nature. Liberal education is the type of education that focuses on developing the
student’s knowledge, skills, and abilities in multiple disciplines. It is a comprehensive approach to
learning that combines traditional courses with courses in the humanities, social sciences, and
natural sciences. This type of education develops the students’ ability to think critically and solve
complex problems by engaging them in an exploration of the world around them. It also
encourages students to think outside of the box and to develop their own ideas and solutions.
Liberal education can also help leaders of the new era to become more culturally aware. By taking
courses in the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences, students gain a better
understanding of different cultures and their values. This knowledge can help leaders understand
how to work with people from different backgrounds and cultures. In addition to knowledge and
skills, liberal education also encourages the development of values. By taking courses in the
humanities and social sciences, students learn to appreciate the views of others and to think
critically about the world. This helps leaders become more open-minded and tolerant of different
opinions. It also encourages them to develop their own values and principles to guide their
decisions and actions. Overall, having a liberal education is essential for leaders of the new era.
By developing their knowledge, skills, and values, these leaders will be better prepared to think
critically, solve complex problems, and interact with people from around the world. This type of
education will also help them become more aware of different cultures and their values, allowing
them to make decisions that benefit everyone. With a liberal education, leaders of the new era will
be well-equipped to lead in this ever-changing global economy.
In today’s globalized world, leaders must be able to communicate and interact with people from
different cultures and backgrounds. This requires an open-minded and welcoming approach to
different values and beliefs, as well as an understanding of the history and language of each
culture. Therefore, an international education is key to being an effective leader in this new era.
3. As leaders, if you don’t transform and use technology differently, if you don’t reinvent
yourself, if you don’t talk about speed of innovation and change your organization’s
structure, you’re going to get disrupted and it will be a brutal disruption.
Answer: In today’s world, technology has become an integral part of our lives. It has revolutionized
the way we communicate, work, and live. As leaders, it is essential to stay ahead of the
competition and be able to adapt to the ever-changing technological landscape. In this day and
age of rapid technological advancement, it is vital for leaders to step up and accept the challenge
of staying relevant with their skills and expertise. The world has become a much more connected
place where information is at our fingertips, our devices are always connected to the internet, and
individuals and organizations can make decisions more quickly and efficiently than ever before.
Thus, leaders must recognize the pivotal role that technology can play in advancing their
organizations and must shift away from traditional management approaches in order to remain
competitive. Leaders must understand that our world has changed drastically since the days of
unending growth and linear, predictable success.
Today, only those who stay agile, flexible, and innovate successfully will survive. Leaders must
embrace technology as a critical platform to drive greater productivity, process optimization, and
innovation. They must be able to anticipate the wave of changes that come with technological
advancements in order to understand the implications and devise effective strategies to capitalize
on new opportunities. At the same time, leaders must recognize that speed and flexibility are
absolutely essential to their success. Gone are the days of hierarchical organizational structure
where decisions are made slowly and output is often disappointingly low. Organizations need to be
agile, employ technology as a strategic enabler, and keep an eye on different industry trends in
order to stay ahead of the game. New approaches to staffing and organizational structure may be
needed to ensure the team is well adapted for a fast-changing technological landscape. Ultimately,
it is the responsibility of leaders to make sure their organization is well equipped to adapt to
technological advances and are nimble enough to make quick decisions in order to stay ahead of
the competition. If they fail to do so, they run a substantial risk of being disrupted and being left
behind in an increasingly competitive market.
The future of business is rapidly changing and it is important to be able to keep up with the latest
trends and technologies. Leaders must be prepared to make decisions quickly and accurately in
order to remain competitive. In addition, they must be able to recognize opportunities for growth
and innovation that will benefit their organization in the long run.
Leaders must also be willing to take risks and be prepared for failure. While it is important to have
an understanding of the current technologies, it is also important to be able to think outside the
box and be open to trying new things. Leaders must be able to recognize opportunities for
transformation and use technology differently in order to stay ahead of the competition.
If a leader fails to recognize the need to transform and use technology differently within an
organization, they are more likely to be at risk of disruption.
When organizations fail to remain up-to-date with technological capabilities, customer needs, and
the needs of their organization, they become less competitive in their respective market. Without
the ability to innovate quickly and adjust to changes in customer demands or their own structure,
the organization is likely to become outdated and left behind by their competition. This could be
potentially devastating for a business, as customers may start to move away from their brand for
better services, products or cost effectiveness elsewhere.
Failure to introduce speed of innovation to an organization can not only cause them to be left
behind in a market, it can also mean they won’t be able to keep up with regulatory requirements,
develop a stronger market presence, or achieve their desired goals. Additionally, failure to reinvent
oneself as a leader can mean sacrificing potential advantages such as an organization’s ability to
develop innovative new products and services at a much faster rate than their competition.
Without a leader that can recognize the need for change and transformation, an organization is
likely to end up stuck in a cycle of the same old business practices that no longer meet the
demands of their customers or the needs of the organization.
Ultimately, if a leader fails to transform, use technology differently, and reinvent themselves they
are in danger of facing a brutal disruption that could seriously damage their organization. This
disruption could be potentially devastating, as failure to adapt to changes in the market could
mean the end of an organization’s ability to remain a profitable and viable business.
Leaders must also develop a culture and climate conducive to innovation, encouraging creative
problem solving and collaboration. This means allowing time and space for employees to
experiment and try new things. Leaders must talk about the speed of innovation and create a work
environment where it is accepted and encouraged. It is clear that technology is changing the way
business and organizations operate, and those in charge must lead the way in adapting. As such,
they must become familiar with the technology available and transform their business model
accordingly to stay competitive. If leaders don’t invest the time and resources into staying on top of
technological advances, they risk getting disrupted, which can be a brutal and costly experience.
In addition, leaders must be willing to reinvent themselves in order to remain relevant. This
includes staying up to date on the latest trends and technologies, as well as revisiting and possibly
revising the structure of their organization. Leaders must also be able to talk about the speed of
innovation and how it affects their organization.
Finally, leaders must also be prepared to face disruption. As technology evolves, so too do the
ways in which businesses must operate in order to remain successful. It is important to be aware
of the potential risks and be prepared to make the necessary changes in order to remain
In conclusion, it is essential for leaders to stay ahead of the competition and be prepared for
disruption. In order to do this, they must be willing to transform and use technology differently,
reinvent themselves, talk about speed of innovation, and change the structure of their
organization. Doing so will ensure that their organization will remain competitive and successful in
the long run.

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