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Module 2 

comprehensive assignment (12 marks)

Please write out your answers either via hand or via word processor. These questions are based on
what we have learned in this module and in previous grades. When you finish, make sure to submit
both the audio journal and the comprehensive assignment into the dropbox.

Part I: Parts of the sentence is given to you. Using these parts, make an informal question sentence as
well as an answer in the past tense negative form.
Example: きのう、友達に会う
Q: きのう、友達に会った?   
A: ううん、あわなかった。
Q: きのう、試験がなあった?           
A: ううん、なかった
Q: 先週の週末、運動した?             
A: ううん、しなかった
Q: 先月、スキーした?            
A: 先月、しなかった
Q: 子供の時、意地悪だった?              
A: 子供の時、意地悪じゃなかった
Part II: Make 3 questions you want to ask your friend about their childhood using #4 in the previous
question as an example.
Part III: Translate the following sentences by using the ending と思います or なかったと思いま
1. I think John was a good child when he was a child
2. I don't think Tom was good at skiing when he was a child.
3. I don't think Hana was mean spirited when she was a child.
4. I think Mayu was sick yesterday.
Part IV: Translate the following sentences
1. Q: Have you eaten dinner yet?
    A: Yes, I have eaten already.
2. Q: Have you talked to professor Yamaguchi yet?
    A: No, I haven't talked (to him) yet.
3. Q: Have you bought the textbook yet?
    A: Yes, I have already bought it.
Part V: Translate the following sentences
1. I am going to a concert because I received a ticket.
2. I am not going to buy lunch because I brought a boxed lunch.
3. I won't go skiing because I am sick today.
Part VI: Listening section
1. Listen to the following audio clip of the dialogue between Ken and Michiko and
answer the following questions in English:
a. How long did Michiko wait for Ken?
She waited for 10 minutes.
b. Did she eat dinner yet?
She has not eaten yet.
c. What are the choices that Ken provides to Michiko in terms of the type of food?
He said French, Italian, or Chinese food.
d. What does Michiko say she would like to eat?
She wants to eat spaghetti.
2. Listen to the following audio clip of the dialogue between the shopkeeper and
the buyer. There are 5 items that the shopkeeper sells. Fill in the chart below in
Japanese. The first one is filled in as an example.

Item Quantity amount
in yen

コー ろっぴゃ
a. いつつ
ヒー くえん

b. オレンジ 三つ 百八十えん 

c. おにぎり   ここのつ 千八十円

d. おちゃ ひとつ 百二十円

e. おべんと ひとつ 千二百円

Part VII: Kanji section
Using the kanji you have learned so far and using the example on p.296-C, write a
thank you letter to someone comprising of at least 5 sentences. You will be
assessed on your correct use of kanji and grammatical correctness.
五月二十日         ジェイコブ

Assignment reflection (2 marks)

1. What did you find challenging about this assignment?
The first listening quizzes I found challenging, I had a hard time remembering
everyone’s names.
2. What can you do to overcome these challenges?
Just need to practice more listening drills.
3. Provide examples of three things you learned in this module. Please provide 3
sample sentences using these three things.
Using から to give a reason for an action
Saying that I have not done something yet.
Saying that I have done something already.
うん、もう 食べました

4. What did you learn from feedback provided in the previous assignment?
5. What was your score on your self-marked quiz? (Paste your tally sheet here).

a. Listening:

Have You Eaten Already? ( 8.33%)

Party ( 0%), but got 5/8 people right

b. Vocabulary: Noun (17 /18)

c. Vocabulary: い-adjectives and な-adjectives  ( 7/7)

d. Vocabulary: U-verbs, Ru-verbs, and Irregular verbs  ( 10 /10)

e. Vocabulary: Adverbs and Other Expressions  ( 5 /5)

f. Vocabulary: Numbers (to count small items)  ( 10/10)

g. Review: Short Form Conjugation rules (Past tense) ( 13 /15)

h. Practice: Short Form Conjugation (Past tense verbs) ( 30/34)

i. Practice: Short form conjugation (Past tense adjectives/Nouns) ( 28/30)

j. Practice: Informal Speech (Past tense verbs) ( 27/30)

k. Practice: Informal Speech (Past tense adjectives/Nouns) (  24/26)

l. Practice: Quotations (~と思います) (  10/11)

m. Practice: ~から (  4/6)

n. Kanji (  /21) – I could not find this quiz, if it was the flash cards I got 25/25 and if it was the matching on
I got 8/8

Congratulations! You have reached the end of this assignment.

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