Characterization and Comminution Studies of Low-Grade Indian Iron Ores

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Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration

Characterization and Comminution Studies of Low-Grade Indian

Iron Ores
T. Santosh 1 & S. I. Angadi 1 & Nilima Dash 1 & C. Eswaraiah 1 & Sunil Kumar Tripathy 2

Received: 7 December 2018 / Accepted: 14 January 2019

# Society for Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration Inc. 2019

Banded hematite quartzite (BHQ) and banded hematite jasper (BHJ) ores represent a promising potential iron ore resource in the
near future. The hematite and quartz in BHQ and the hematite and jasper in BHJ are closely related and require fine grinding for
the liberation of hematite phases. The present study investigates the mineralogical features and comminution properties of BHQ
and BHJ ores. In the BHQ ore, it is observed that thick bands of hematite have fine inclusions of silicate minerals, whereas silica
bands have few grains of iron-bearing minerals. The hematite and quartz minerals in the iron and silicate bands of the BHJ ore
appear to be more intricately associated and complex in nature, presenting difficulties for liberation. Bond work index studies
were carried out for the BHQ and BHJ ores with different product fineness in order to evaluate the energy requirements in fine
grinding. A higher Bond work index value was found for the BHJ ore (15.4 kWh/ton) than for the BHQ ore (12.4 kWh/ton). A
decrease in the product particle size was associated with an increase in the work index value. Single-particle breakage experi-
ments were designed by varying feed particle size and input energy. The specific energy consumption for the BHJ ore was higher
than that for the BHQ ore. The comminution parameters showed that the BHJ ore is harder to grind than the BHQ ore, which may
be due to the mineral composition and association of hematite phases with the silicates.

Keywords Characterization studies . Comminution . Bond work index . Test mesh size . Specific comminution energy . Product

1 Introduction that is greater than that in low-grade ores typically poses seri-
ous operational problems during sintering and subsequent
Banded hematite quartzite (BHQ) and banded hematite jasper steelmaking processes. The problem in processing low-grade
(BHJ) ores are low-grade iron ores with high silica and alu- iron ores is the association of alumina and silicate minerals
mina content, found in the Indian subcontinent. BHQ ores along with the iron-bearing phases. Therefore, characteriza-
generally contain 35–38% Fe, 42–45% SiO2, and 0.5–2.5% tion studies play an important role in the recovery of minerals
Al2O3, while BHJ ores contain 40–45% Fe, 38–40% SiO2, from low-grade iron ores. These low-grade ores require com-
and 1–1.5% Al2O3 [1–3]. These low-grade iron ores require plex beneficiation flow sheets, as the iron phases are associat-
beneficiation before they can be used in a blast furnace. The ed with fine gangue minerals. Many researchers [4–11] have
overall productivity and profitability of steel plants depends reported that the mineral composition and liberation properties
on the quality of iron ores fed into the blast furnace. The dictate the processing methods and subsequent utilization of
alumina/silica ratio in the feed ore should be less than 1% the iron ore concentrates.
for efficient blast furnace operation. An alumina-to-silica ratio Comminution is needed for the beneficiation of many ores,
as liberation of valuable and gangue minerals occurs at fine
and ultrafine particle sizes. Size reduction of ore is an extreme-
* S. I. Angadi ly energy-intensive process [12–17], where energy is inverse- ly related to the required particle size. Parameters such as
Bond work index and single-particle breakage are widely used
Mineral Processing Department, CSIR-Institute of Minerals and to measure the energy requirements for size reduction in the
Materials Technology, Bhubaneswar 751013, India analysis of ore properties.
Research and Development Division, Tata Steel Ltd., The Bond work index test is a standard method of ore
Jamshedpur, India characterization used to assess the energy required for size
Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration

reduction, and finds wide application in the design of commi- Table 1 Analysis results for BHQ and BHJ ores
nution circuits [18–20]. The work index indicates the resis- Sample % Fe % SiO2 % Al2O3 Bulk density, g/cm
tance of the material to grinding. This method was devel-
oped by Fred Bond in 1952, and a number of correction BHQ 38.0 42.5 2.5 3.39
factors were subsequently added to accurately predict the BHJ 41.0 38.0 1.5 3.26
energy requirement. Bond’s ball mill grindability test has
been widely used for evaluating the energy requirements in
a ball and rod mill and for the selection of suitable plant- features of these ores are different. The characterization stud-
scale comminution equipment. The Bond grindability test ies were carried out by optical microscopy, X-ray diffraction,
is currently used in the minerals industry to provide funda- and scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive
mental data for designing commercial milling installations spectroscopy. Optical microscopy studies were carried out
[21–24]. This index is commonly used for comparing the on the polished sections prepared according to the convention-
hardness of different materials and estimating the energy al procedure using the Leica Orthoplan microscope with a
required for grinding. DFC420 C digital camera attachment. Scanning electron micros-
The drop-weight test is one of the simplest methods for copy was carried out using a ZEISS (model no. EVO18) operated
investigating the breakage characteristics of materials at 20 kV with a working distance of 8.5 to 9.0 mm. The X-ray
[25–28]. In this test, a single particle is subjected to breakage diffraction studies were carried out using a PANalytical X’Pert
between two solid surfaces, where the drop-weight can be a PRO with a cobalt target unit operated at 30 mA and 40 kV.
steel ball or plate. In these investigations, the input energy is
correlated with the new surface area produced or the product
particle size. A fundamental understanding of the relationship 2.1 Bond Work Index
between input energy and size reduction is still is still lacking,
due the complexity of the energy utilization patterns, in that A standard 12″ × 12″ laboratory Bond ball mill was used to
about 1% of the input energy is used in the breakage. Herbst conduct the work-index experiments. About 50 kg of each of
and Fuerstenau [29] used a standard number of impacts to the the BHQ and BHJ samples was prepared in −3.35 mm size by
single particle or to a bed of particles. The drop-weight test a jaw crusher followed by a roll crusher. Size analysis results
can be used for estimating product size distribution for a spec- for the crushed products of the BHQ and BHJ samples are
ified input energy resulting from an impact event in the mill- shown in Fig. 1. It can be observed from the figure that the
ing device [30]. A few articles have addressed the particle size size distribution of the BHQ ore is coarser (F80-2560 μm) than
reduction property along with mineral particle characteristics, that of the BHJ ore (F80-2211 μm).
texture, and morphology [1, 3, 31–33]. Work index experiments were conducted according to the
In the present work, investigations were carried out on procedure described in the literature [34]. In the first cycle,
banded hematite quartzite (BHQ) and banded hematite jasper 700 cc of −3.35 mm dry material was taken in the ball mill and
(BHJ) ores in order to determine the effects of the ore proper- operated for 100 revolutions. After grinding, material from the
ties on the comminution parameters. Characterization studies mill was removed and screened on a test sieve (Pi), and the
were conducted using optical microscopy, X-ray diffraction, undersize fraction was weighed. A fresh feed weighing equiv-
and scanning electron microscopy to understand the mineral alent to the undersize fraction was added to the oversize
composition and textural association of the ores. The commi-
nution parameters were investigated using the Bond ball mill
work index and single-particle breakage tests.

Cum. Wt.% Finer

2 Materials and Methods 60

Experiments were carried out on banded hematite quartzite
(BHQ) and banded hematite jasper (BHJ) ores collected from
different mines of Odisha, India. As-received samples were
subjected to physical and chemical characterization, and the 20
results are presented in Table 1. 10 F80-2211µm
It can be observed from the table that the chemical constit- 0
uents and bulk density of BHQ and BHJ ores indicate that 10 100 1000 10000
both samples have quite comparable chemical and physical Particle size, µm
properties. However, megascopic appearance and textural Fig. 1 Size analysis of BHQ and BHJ samples
Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration

material to bring its weight back to the original charge. The A total of 34 experiments were performed by varying the feed
reconstituted feed was returned to the mill for a second revo- particle size and input energy.
lution cycle calculated to produce 250% of the circulating
load. The procedure was continued until the grindability
(Gbp) attained a constant value in the last three cycles, typi- 3 Results and Discussion
cally over four to six cycles. The final grinding cycle product
was subjected to a complete sieve analysis to evaluate the P80 3.1 Characterization Studies
particle size. The work index was calculated using the follow-
ing equation: Characterization studies play an important role in the process-
ing of ores. These studies help to identify the major and
minor minerals, textural association, grain size, grain bound-
Wi ¼   ð1Þ ary relationship, and intergrowths. This is vital information
10 10
Pi 0:23
 Gbp 0:82
 pffiffiffi − pffiffiffiffi for determining the liberation size and subsequent comminu-
P F tion and concentration stages. In the present paper, mineral-
where F is the 80% passing size (μm) of the fresh feed, P is ogical studies were carried out in detail using optical micros-
80% passing size (μm) of the product of the final grinding copy, scanning electron microscopy with EDS, and X-ray
cycle, Pi is the test mesh size, and Gpb is the grindability diffraction analysis. Representative samples collected from
expressed as the quantity of undersize product generated per both BHQ and BHJ ores were prepared by polishing sections
mill revolution (g/rev). Work index experiments were also for optical and scanning electron microscopic studies, while a
conducted at different test mesh sizes, namely, 150, 106, 75, feed sample was ground to 75 μm for the X-ray diffraction
and 45 μm, where the product size separation below the test analysis.
sieve of 106 μm was prepared by wet sieving, drying, and
weighing. 3.1.1 Optical Microscopy

Microscopy studies of the BHQ sample shows that hematite,

2.2 Single-Particle Breakage Tests martite, and magnetite are the major iron minerals. Figure 2a
shows the presence of skeletal martite and euhedral hematite
The single-particle breakage experiments were conducted on a grains in silicate matrix, whereas martite and magnetite are
drop-weight test apparatus using different size fractions. also observed in the silicate ground mass shown in Fig. 2b.
About 100 kg of each BHQ and BHJ sample were prepared In addition, fine specularite is marked in a silicate matrix
for the experimental work. The samples were crushed in a along with clay in the BHQ sample are also observed.
laboratory jaw crusher, and the products were subjected to Characterization of the BHQ sample from the same region
sieving to generate different size fractions. A description of reported earlier by Panda et al. [36] shows the presence of
the drop-weight test apparatus used in the present study is hematite and quartz as the major iron mineral phases, and
presented elsewhere [35]. Briefly, the drop-weight test setup magnetite, goethite, limonite and kaolinite were also present
consists of a hemispherical-shaped steel anvil, a drop ball in minor quantity. The hematite grains present in the BHQ ore
60 mm in diameter made of a manganese-steel alloy, and an are of various sizes. Fine hematite grains occupy the inter-
adjustable height arrangement to hold the ball. The drop ball granular space of the silicates minerals. Many fine particles
weighs 893 g, which is facilitated to maintain a drop height of of hematite and silicates are interlocked posing difficulties in
a maximum of 1.5 m and minimum of 0.25 m. Particles are the liberation.
placed on top of the steel anvil, and the ball is lifted to a certain Reflected light microscopy studies on the BHJ sample re-
height and then released to fall on the ore particle to generate veal that the ore consists mainly of different iron oxide min-
the fragments. The steel anvil is enclosed in a stainless steel erals along with varying amounts of silicate minerals includ-
basket that prevents scattering of the material. The assembly ing quartz and clay. Hematite is the major iron-bearing min-
design is similar to the ball-ball contact features of the ball mill eral. The ore shows the presence of alternating bands of iron-
environment. The broken fragments are collected and ana- rich and silica-rich minerals, shown in Fig. 2c. In Fig. 2d, the
lyzed for the particle size distribution. Single-particle break- iron minerals are intricately associated with the silica min-
age experiments were carried out with different input energy erals. The banded iron formation is due to the presence of
levels and particle sizes. About 100 g of each size fraction was alternating iron-rich and silica-rich bands. Generally, the
subjected to the breakage test. Daughter fragments of all ex- bands are parallel, and the concentration of iron-bearing min-
periments were collected and analyzed for the particle size, erals is largely uniform in the iron-rich bands, while the con-
and corresponding specific comminution energy (Ecs) values centration is erratic in the silica-rich bands. Some silica grains
were calculated as a function of drop height and particle mass. are also found to be intermixed with hematite bands. Goethite
Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration

a b



c d


Fig. 2 (a, b) Optical micrographs of BHQ showing distribution of euhedral hematite and martite in silicate matrix. (c, d) Optical micrographs of BHJ
showing alternating iron-rich and silica-rich bands. S: silica-rich, H: hematite, M: martite

and specular hematite are the secondary iron-bearing minerals 3.1.3 X-Ray Diffraction
present in the low-grade ores of Odisha, India.
X-ray diffraction (XRD) studies are widely used in mineral pro-
3.1.2 Scanning Electron Microscopy cessing to identify the mineral phases of an ore [1, 3]. The repre-
sentative samples of BHQ and BHJ were ground finer than
Scanning electron microscopic studies were used to de- 75 μm and subjected to X-ray diffraction studies for the identifi-
termine the mineral and textural differences between the cation of major and minor minerals. The analysis results shown in
BHJ and BHQ ores. According to [37] and [38], the Fig. 5 indicate the presence of iron-bearing minerals hematite and
hematite band of BHJ shows the presence of acicular magnetite in the BHQ ore, with a minor amount of goethite, and a
hematite with interstitial spaces occupied by the quartz major peak is observed for quartz. The XRD pattern of the BHJ
minerals, whereas, in the quartz band, fine inclusions of sample shows that the major minerals present in the ore are he-
hematite grains are evident. The presence of irregularly matite and quartz, with a minor amount of goethite and kaolinite.
shaped quartz minerals is common in the hematite ma-
trix. Mosaic textural growth was observed between the 3.2 Comminution Studies
hematite and quartz minerals, indicating the complexity
in the liberation. There are several ways to evaluate the comminution properties
Scanning electron microscopy studies of BHQ and BHJ of the minerals. Properties such as Bond work index,
samples are presented in Fig. 3. In BHQ, the euhedral grains Hardgrove index, and shutter index, are widely used to eval-
of hematite are disseminated within the silicate matrix, and uate the hardness of various minerals. The Bond work index is
energy-dispersive spectroscopy ( EDS) results depict the pres- used to evaluate the energy requirements in dry and wet grind-
ence of Fe (36%) and Si (29%) in the form of oxides (Fig. 4a). ing for different types of ores. In the present study, comminu-
The thick jasper bands with very fine dispersion of hematite tion properties of BHQ and BHJ ores were investigates out
grains are shown in Fig. 4b. The EDS results confirm the using Bond ball mill work index and simple drop-weight test
presence of Fe (39%) along with Si (28%), constituting two experiments. Results of the comminution properties are
different phases in BHJ ore. discussed in the subsequent paragraphs.
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a b

c d

Fig. 3 (a, b) Scanning electron micrographs of BHQ showing disseminated euhedral hematite grains (bright) within the silica matrix (gray). (c, d)
Scanning electron micrographs of BHJ showing alternating iron-rich (bright) and silica-rich bands (gray)

3.2.1 Bond Work Index Figure 7 shows the influence of product fineness (P80) on the
work index. It can be observed that the P80 of BHQ and BHJ
Liberation of iron-bearing phases from gangue minerals in the ores exhibit a similar trend, that is, decreased product fineness
low-grade (BHQ and BHJ) ores can be achieved at -45 μm fine (P80) increases the work index values. This may be because
particle size. The work index values calculated by the standard decreased product particle size increases the specific surface area
procedure using the test mesh sizes of 150 or 106 μm would of the particles, which is directly proportional to the comminu-
mislead the mill selection. In order to calculate the energy require- tion energy [18, 21, 40, 41]. Grindability (Gbp) is an important
ment for fine grinding, many authors [18, 39] have calculated the comminution property, which is expressed as the amount of fines
work index values at different test mesh screens. In the present generated per mill revolution. The amount of fines is directly
investigation, Bond work index values were calculated at 45, 75, related to the hardness of the material. The Gbp values are higher
106 and 150 μm test mesh screens. The mill circulating load of for the BHJ ore than the BHQ ore at all product particle sizes,
250% was kept constant in all the experiments. The mill products indicating that the BHJ ore is harder than the BHQ ore.
obtained at different test screens were subjected to particle size
analysis, and the results are presented in Fig. 6. It can be observed 3.2.2 Single-Particle Breakage Test/Breakage Properties
from the figures that a decrease in test screen size decreases the
product particle sizes. For a given test screen size, the BHQ prod- The single drop-weight test apparatus was used in the present in-
uct size distribution P80 is higher than that for the BHJ ore, which vestigations to study the breakage properties of BHQ and BHJ ores.
indicates that the BHQ ore generates more fines than the BHJ ore. Single-particle breakage tests were conducted with four input ener-
The ball mill work index experiments were carried out by gies and different particle sizes. An approximately 100-g sample
varying the test mesh size so as to vary the product particle size. was used in each experiment, which was prepared by wet sieving
Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration

a Element Weight %

OK 34.56

SiK 29.0

FeK 36.44

b Element Weight %

OK 32.13

SiK 28.13

FeK 39.74

Fig. 4 (a) Area analysis of discrete hematite grains within silica in BHQ and (b) jasper band with fine dispersion of hematite in BHJ, along with their
EDS revealing the compositional distribution of Si, Fe, and O

and drying into different size classes. In these tests, the specific It can be observed from the figures that the single-particle
comminution energy (Ecs) was calculated and analyzed as a func- breakage test results for different particle sizes of BHQ and
tion of the input energy and particle mass. The term Bspecific BHJ ores exhibit similar variations in specific comminution
comminution energy^ is defined as the comminution energy per energy. Increased input energy increases the quantum of ener-
unit mass that is transmitted to the particle during breakage and is gy available for size reduction, and as a result, specific com-
expressed as kWh/ton. Figure 8a and b shows the effect of input minution energy increases [14, 25, 27]. It was also observed
energy on specific comminution energy for BHQ and BHJ ores. from the experimental data that as particle size decreased from
Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration

Fig. 5 XRD pattern of different

mineral phases in BHQ (1) and H
BHJ (2) samples. H: hematite, Q:
quartz, G: goethite, K: kaolinite, G
M: magnetite H K



10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Position 2

−40 + 20 mm to −3 + 2 mm, the specific comminution energy fineness. The product size distribution from the breakage of par-
increased. This indicates that the coarser particles −40 + 20 ticles is plotted by the particle size against the cumulative weight
and −20 + 10 mm consume less input energy than the fine percentage passing to lower sieves. In such plots, a curve with a
particles −10 + 5, −5 + 3, and −3 + 2 mm, as shown in Fig. steep slope is observed over coarser fractions, and a smooth
8a and b. The Ecs values are linearly related to the input transition to a straight line of lesser slope is observed for the finer
energy. It can be seen from the figures that for a given particle sizes. Figure 9a and b shows the effect of input energy on product
size and input energy, the Ecs values for BHJ are higher than fineness. The experimental results presented in the figures show
for BHQ ore. For example, the particle size −3 + 2 mm ex- that the BHQ and BHJ ores display a similar trend in product
hibits an Ecs value of 5.064 kWh/ton at 10.95J (1.25 m height) fineness relative to input energy, with increased input energy
for the BHJ ore, whereas the BHQ ore shows 3.798 kWh/ton. associated with decreased product fineness. Similar observations
This indicates that high specific comminution energy is need- were reported by [28]. Further, it has been observed that the
ed for size reduction of the BHJ ore compared to the BHQ ore. product particle size varies in a systematic pattern with input
Single-particle breakage experiments were carried out on four energy [25, 27]. Finer feed particles −10 + 5, −5 + 3, and −3 +
input energies at different particle sizes to study the effect of input 2 mm generate finer products compared to the coarser feed
energy on product fineness. A total of 34 tests were conducted −40 + 20 and −20 + 10 mm, as shown in Fig. 9a and b. These
for both ores. Daughter fragments for each experiment were dry- figures reveal that for a given input energy and particle size BHQ
sieved for 20 min using a set of sieves to determine the product ore generates finer products compared to BHJ ore.

100 100

90 90
80 Test mesh size, microns 80 Test mesh size, microns

150 150
70 70
Cum. Wt., % Finer

Cum. Wt., % Finer

106 106
60 60
75 75
50 45 50 45

40 40
P80-113µm P80-109µm
30 30
P80-78µm P80-73µm
P80-57µm P80-53µm
10 100 1000
10 100 1000
Size in microns
Size in microns

Fig. 6 Size analysis of mill products at different test mesh screens

Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration

20 20

19 19
18 18

Work-index (BWi), kWh/t

Work-index (BWi), kWh/t
17 17 BHQ

16 16 BHJ

15 15

14 14

13 13

12 12

11 11

10 10
10 30 50 70 90 110 130 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
P80, µm Gbp, g/rev
Fig. 7 Relation between the product particle size and grindability with the work index

Fig. 8 Effect of input energy on 4.0 5.5

Particle size, mm Particle size, mm (b)
specific comminution energy for 5.0
3.5 -40+20
(a) BHQ and (b) BHJ ores -20+10
-20+10 4.5
3.0 -10+5 -10+5
-5+3 4.0
Ene rgy, kWh/t

Energy, kwh/t
2.5 -3+2 3.5 -3+2
1.5 2.0
1.0 1.5
0.0 0.0
2 4 6 8 10 12 2 4 6 8 10 12
Input energy, J Input energy, J

Fig. 9 Effect of input energy on 35 20

Parcle size, mm
product fineness for BHQ and
30 -20+10
BHJ ores
25 -40+20 -5+3
d80, mm

-20+10 -3+2
d80, mm

15 -5+3
2 4 6 8 10 12
2 4 6 8 10 12
Input energy, J
Input energy, J
Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration

4 Conclusions Compliance with Ethical Standards

Characterization and comminution studies were carried out on Conflict of Interest The authors declare that they have no conflict of
low-grade iron ores BHQ and BHJ. Optical microscopy, X-
ray diffraction, and scanning electron microscopy with EDS
Publisher’s Note Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to juris-
were performed to ascertain the ore composition and textural dictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.
association of different minerals. The comminution behavior
was studied using the Bond ball mill work index and single-
particle breakage tests.
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