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Geography Short answers and Extended Responses:

With references to the source ‘international migrants as at mid-year 2019’ and your own
knowledge describe 2 types and directions of population movements.

Describe Australia’s migration patterns in reference to the diagram below.

What are the spatial patterns of world population density?

Describe the world population distribution.

With reference to the growth in megacities map, describe the spatial distribution of

Describe the spatial trends you observe.

Describe the world population over throughout the 1900s to 2100s across the world, in
reference to the cumulative graph below.

With reference to the table above outline the spatial patterns of fertility rates.

With reference to the Source: Regional Trends in Childbearing describe the global change in
the average number of children per women from 1965-1970 to 1995-2000.
How is the population structure predicted to change by 2100?

Describe the differing patterns of population using the source below. Refer to shape and age
demographic in your answer.

i. Describe the spatial patterns of brain drain globally.

ii. With reference to examples explain the high skilled migration corridors of 2000
Outline the patterns of change to the high skilled LDC emigrants from 1990 to 2000.

Account for the change in skilled emigrants from LDC (less developed countries) from 1990
to 2000.
Describe the patterns of emigration from LDCs in 2000.

Explain what brain drain is.

According to this graph which regions are most impacted by brain drain?
Research which countries are most impacted by brain drain and the cost of this brain drain.
Two extended responses:

1. What are the social, economic, and environmental impacts of forced migration?

2. Describe the changing nature, rate, and distribution of the world’s population.

Medium responses – could be extended if you wanted to:

3. Analyse the spatial patterns of fertility and mortality

4. Describe the types, volumes, and directions of population movements like rural
urban migration, labour migration and refugee migration

5. Analyse issues arising from the changing size and distribution of population including
environmental, economic and social impacts

Cultural integration questions

1. Explain the diffusion, adoption and adaptation of mass consumer culture reflected in
media, fashion, brand images, sport, music, and religion

2. Describe the factors affecting cultural integration such as technological change,

transnational corporations, global media networks, cultural imperialism and actions
of governments

3. Analyse the effects of cultural integration such as homogenised landscapes,

economic dominance and dependence, threats to cultural diversity and sovereignty
and shrinking time/space

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